Locally-hosted copy of all posts, sans responses and media enclosures

Roy Schestowitz

Social Control Media Posts

Updated in real time for the given day

  • #OpenHardware : #PySpectrometer on #RaspberryPi and Intel Trying to Tame #RISCV • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161206 #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:34:08

  • January #GNU Spotlight with Mike Gerwitz: Twenty-two new releases https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/january-gnu-spotlight-with-mike-gerwitz-twenty-two-new-releases #fsf #freesw    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:37:40

  • "We want to see a world where users are liberated -- not restricted -- by the software they use. Our annual LibrePlanet conference is a reflection of the community that formed itself over the years around this idea. It is coming up soon, March 19 & 20, and we need your help!" https://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/libreplanets-almost-here-come-and-be-a-volunteer    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:38:41

  • "I recently wrote that managing an external display on Linux shouldn’t be this hard. I went down a path of trying out some different options before finally landing at an unexpected place: #KDE . I say “unexpected” because I find #tilingwindowmanagers are just about a necessity." https://changelog.complete.org/archives/10338-kde-a-nice-tiling-envieonment-and-a-surprisingly-awesome-de    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:40:39

  • About Face: #IRS Backtracks on Biometrics After Backlash ⚓ https://puri.sm/posts/about-face-irs-backtracks-on-biometrics-after-backlash/ ䷉ #purism #Privacy/#Surveillance    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:41:47

  • A spyphone is a camera like a fork is "also a sort of spoon"    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:42:33

  • "Nothing irritates me more than when I forget to git add files in my Git repository" https://opensource.com/article/22/2/customize-prompt-starship    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:45:04

  • Stuart Langridge: Contact the CMA about the #webbrowser ecosystem [soic] https://www.kryogenix.org/days/2022/02/07/contact-the-cma-about-the-browser-ecosystem/ #www is a lost cause already; #w3c got hijacked by military-connected drecks. Move to #geminiProtocol    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:46:37

  • "Consumers today face many barriers that prevent them from accessing and using a variety of software options on their devices. We welcome efforts by the UK Competition and Market Authority (CMA) to better understand the situations faced by mobile device users and to address them." https://blog.mozilla.org/netpolicy/2022/02/07/uk-cmas-mobile-ecosystems-report-is-a-step-toward-improving-choice-for-consumers-swift-independent-enforcement-is-still-necessary/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:47:32

  • Fluke DMM Hack Adds One Digit To Model Number | Hackaday ⚓ https://hackaday.com/2022/02/07/fluke-dmm-hack-adds-one-digit-to-model-number/ ䷉ #hackaday | more in http://schestowitz.com/2022/02/08/#latest    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:48:56

  • Mapping the Earth with a homemade magnetometer | Arduino Blog ⚓ https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/02/08/mapping-the-earth-with-a-diy-magnetometer-device/ ䷉ #Arduino #Hardware #OpenHardware #Hacking    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:49:48

  • #Arduino Nano Adds USB Interface To The Psion Organiser II | Hackaday ⚓ https://hackaday.com/2022/02/07/arduino-nano-adds-usb-interface-to-the-psion-organiser-ii/ ䷉ #hackaday | more in http://schestowitz.com/2022/02/08/#latest    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:50:40

  • #PlottyBot : A #DrawBot That Plots A Lot | Hackaday ⚓ https://hackaday.com/2022/02/07/plottybot-a-drawbot-that-plots-a-lot/ ䷉ #hackaday #RaspberryPi    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:52:00

  • 2022.06 BASICly - #Rakudo Weekly News ⚓ https://rakudoweekly.blog/2022/02/07/2022-06-basicly/ ䷉ #rakudoweekly #rakulang #programming    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:52:42

  • 1990: 20 years from now most cameras will come with an Internet-connected microphone attached to them. (So-called 'phones'). 2010: 20 years from now most cameras will come with an always-connected always-on "digital assistant" that's a #listeningDevice    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:55:21

  • #microsoft truly cares about your security. It worries and cares that you might actually have privacy and computer security, and then it won't be able to report you to authorities.    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 03:57:00

  • #GNUpoke 2.1 released • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161207 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 04:00:33

  • #Crimping Tools And The Cost Of Being Cheap | Hackaday ⚓ https://hackaday.com/2022/02/07/crimping-tools-and-the-cost-of-being-cheap/ ䷉ #hackaday | more in http://schestowitz.com/2022/02/08/#latest    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 04:01:34

  • "Instead off marking the disk showing the read errors as bad, the RAID stack (device mapper?) somehow concluded the "good" disk of the RAID 1 array wasn't synched and kicked it out..." http://grmontesino.blogspot.com/2008/06/hardware-failures.html    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 04:02:40

  • "Chemical engineers at MIT have pulled off something that was once thought impossible." https://hackaday.com/2022/02/07/as-light-as-plastic-as-strong-as-steel/ the same #mit that took bribes from child sex traffickers. http://techrights.org/2020/01/10/gates-sponsored-mit/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 04:04:00

  • #Techrights Bulletin for Monday, February 07, 2022 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintext    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 04:09:22

  • #Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt #dweb #sharing    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 04:09:32

  • ● NEWS ● #Teleport ☞ How To Set Up SSH Keys https://goteleport.com/blog/how-to-set-up-ssh-keys/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 08:52:27

  • ● NEWS ● #RubenSchade ☞ Change git repo to use SSH not HTTPS https://rubenerd.com/change-git-repo-to-use-ssh-not-https/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 08:52:41

  • ● NEWS ● #JussiPakkanen #Games ☞ Converting Godot game engine to #Meson , how you can help https://nibblestew.blogspot.com/2022/02/converting-godot-game-engine-to-meson.html    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 08:53:38

  • ● NEWS ● #JeffGeerling #Debian ☞ It's official: #RaspberryPi OS goes 64-bit https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2022/its-official-raspberry-pi-os-goes-64-bit    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 08:54:08

  • ● NEWS ● #KenShirriff #OpenHardware ☞ Yamaha DX7 chip reverse-engineering, part V: the output circuitry http://www.righto.com/2022/02/yamaha-dx7-chip-reverse-engineering.html    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 08:55:29

  • ● NEWS ● #SteveKemp #OpenHardware ☞ Removing my last server? https://blog.steve.fi/removing_my_last_server_.html    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 08:55:40

  • ● NEWS ● #JeffGeerling #OpenHardware ☞ Enable the external antenna connector on the #RaspberryPi Compute Module 4 https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog/2022/enable-external-antenna-connector-on-raspberry-pi-compute-module-4    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 08:55:50

  • ● NEWS ● #JamesG #WebBrowsers ☞ What could a browser be? https://jamesg.blog/2022/02/03/what-could-a-browser-be/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 08:56:23

  • ● NEWS ● #Earthly #Databases #Database ☞ #Golang SQLite database/sql https://earthly.dev/blog/golang-sqlite/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 08:58:20

  • ● NEWS ● #MichelAlexandreSalim #ibm #redhat ☞ #CentOS Dojo is over, hello FOSDEM! https://michel-slm.name/posts/2022-02-04-centos-dojo-and-fosdem/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 08:59:08

  • ● NEWS ● #DrewDeVault #freesw ☞ Free software licenses explained: MIT https://drewdevault.com/2022/02/07/Free-software-licenses-MIT.html    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 08:59:53

  • ● NEWS ● #RohanKumar #Programming ☞ The right thing for the wrong reasons: FLOSS doesn't imply security https://seirdy.one/2022/02/02/floss-security.html Programming in the open though does encourage better coding though    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:00:45

  • ● NEWS ● #TomMacWright #Placemark ☞ Development notes https://macwright.com/2022/02/04/development-notes.html    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:01:11

  • ● NEWS ● #NewYorkTimes ☞ A Sinking Boat Caught Her Eye During a Zoom Call https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/04/us/fishermen-rescue-scituate-massachusetts.html "surely others must have seen the overturned vessel and had already contacted emergency responders"    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:02:20

  • ● NEWS ● #MarkDominus #Science ☞ Factoring composite numbers into nearly equal factors https://blog.plover.com/2022/02/05/#finding-factors    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:02:51

  • ● NEWS ● #BrianCallahan #Education ☞ I took the CompTIA Project+ PK1-005 beta exam for fun https://briancallahan.net/blog/20220205.html "there is no professional benefit for me getting certified." See http://techrights.org/2009/05/29/idg-boosts-act-comptia/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:04:12

  • ● NEWS ● #BjoernBrembs #Education ☞ Replacing The Prestige Signal http://bjoern.brembs.net/2022/02/replacing-the-prestige-signal/ "Evidence suggests that the prestige signal in our current journals is noisy, expensive and flags unreliable science."    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:04:32

  • ● NEWS ● #NewYorkTimes #Health ☞ Why Can’t We Pay Attention Anymore? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/03/books/review/stolen-focus-johann-hari-the-loop-jacob-ward.html    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:07:16

  • ● NEWS ● #teleSUR #Health ☞ #Ottawa Declares State of Emergency Amid Truckers' Protest https://www.telesurenglish.net/news/Ottawa-Declares-State-of-Emergency-Amid-Truckers-Protest-20220207-0003.html    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:07:40

  • ● NEWS ● #DeutscheWelle #Health #pk ☞ #Pakistan : Cousin marriages create high risk of genetic disorders https://www.dw.com/en/pakistan-cousin-marriages-create-high-risk-of-genetic-disorders/a-60687452?maca=en-rss-en-all-1573-xml-atom    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:09:20

  • ● NEWS ● #DavidRosenthal #Health ☞ USA Number 1! https://blog.dshr.org/2022/02/usa-number-1.html "The Economist now estimates around 350 per 100K, so in 5 months another roughly 334K have died, or about 2.2K/day"    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:09:39

  • #nhs #uk numbers are apples versus oranges now. They've changed #covid19 -related reporting, so the numbers are made to LOOK better and help #tories cover up the mess.    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:12:57

  • ● NEWS ● #ThreatPost #ProprietarySoftware ☞ Unpatched #Security Bugs in Medical Wearables Allow Patient Tracking, Data Theft https://threatpost.com/unpatched-security-bugs-medical-wearables-patient-tracking-data-theft/178150/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:13:39

  • ● NEWS ● #ThreatPost #ProprietarySoftware ☞ #PowerPoint Files Abused to Take Over Computers https://threatpost.com/powerpoint-abused-take-over-computers/178182/ http://techrights.org/2020/06/09/windows-disaster-zones/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:14:04

  • ● NEWS ● #ThreatPost #ProprietarySoftware ☞ Charming Kitten Sharpens Its Claws with #PowerShell Backdoor https://threatpost.com/charming-kitten-powershell-backdoor/178158/ http://techrights.org/2021/10/29/microsoft-national-security-threat/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:15:03

  • ● NEWS ● #PatrickBreyer #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ Shutting down #Facebook and #Instagram in Europe? MEP Patrick Breyer fears the EU Commission could buckle https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/shutting-down-facebook-and-instagram-in-europe-mep-patrick-breyer-fears-the-eu-commission-could-buckle/ would be weeeeellll overdue. Do #microsoft also: http://techrights.org/2021/03/22/epoleaks-report-march-2021-finale/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:17:29

  • ● NEWS ● #AralBalkan #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ Everyone Hates #Facebook (but this is more than just about Facebook) https://ar.al/2022/02/07/everyone-hates-facebook-but-this-is-more-than-just-about-facebook/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:17:54

  • ● NEWS ● #ThreatPost #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ #FBI : Use a Burner Phone at the #Olympics https://threatpost.com/fbi-burner-phone-olympics-beijing/178153/ how about just don't use one at all?    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:18:19

  • iophk: Towards the end it shows politicians dogmatically bleating #microsdoft talking points. Most of the politicians know less than nothing about IT and treat it as a holy mandate to ensure that /only/ Microsoft products are ever deployed anywhere. https://youtu.be/duaYLW7LQvg    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:20:54

  • ● NEWS ● #Diziet #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ EUDCC QR codes vs NHS “Travel” barcodes vs TAC Verify https://diziet.dreamwidth.org/10886.html    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:21:13

  • ● NEWS ● #BruceSchneier #Surveillance #Privacy ☞ The EARN IT Act Is Back https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/02/the-earn-it-act-is-back.html    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:21:33

  • ● NEWS ● #TheStrategist ☞ Even with its head severed, Islamic State may continue to bite https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/even-with-its-head-severed-islamic-state-may-continue-to-bite/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:21:53

  • ● NEWS ● #Zimbabwe #Facebook #Zimbabwe ☞ Zim partners foreign firm to collect taxes from companies like Facebook. Who is this partner? https://www.techzim.co.zw/2022/02/zim-partners-foreigner-to-collect-taxes-from-facebook-etc-who-is-this-partner/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:23:25

  • Oh, FFS! #dontextraditeassange ... do not legitimise SCAMS. #NFT is worse than a joke; associating #assange and #wikileaks with a scam would help neither. https://dontextraditeassange.com/post/assange-pak-nft-raises-us-39-million-ahead-of-auction-today/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:25:34

  • ● NEWS ● #CreativeCommons ☞ Episode 3: Open Culture VOICES - Temitope Odumosu https://creativecommons.org/2022/02/07/episode-3-open-culture-voices-temitope-odumosu/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:27:43

  • ● NEWS ● #Medforth #france #fr #religion #blasphemy ☞ French politician indicted after criticising Islamism https://medforth.biz/french-politician-indicted-after-criticising-islamism/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:29:14

  • ● NEWS ● #MichaelWest #bribery #corruption #au ☞ Big 4 firms share record loot from government after another round of #bribes (donations) https://www.michaelwest.com.au/big-4-firms-share-record-loot-from-government-after-another-round-of-bribes-donations/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:29:27

  • ● NEWS ● #MichaelWest #Misinformation ☞ Information wars: are we getting a fair view of China’s treatment of Uyghurs? https://www.michaelwest.com.au/information-wars-are-we-getting-a-fair-view-of-chinas-treatment-of-uyghurs/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:31:21

  • ● NEWS ● #RFERL #Stalin #Censorship ☞ #Russia Teacher 'Forced To Quit Job' For Reading Poems By Authors Persecuted Under Stalin https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-teacher-kharms-vvedensky-stalin/31691331.html    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:31:53

  • ● NEWS ● #Cointelegraph ☞ #AssangeDAO raises $38M in donations to help free WikiLeaks founder https://cointelegraph.com/news/assangedao-raises-38m-in-donations-to-help-free-wikileaks-founder pushing BS like #freenode https://freenode.net/n/freenode/80/freenode-belongs-to-you    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:34:10

  • ● NEWS ● #YLE #finland ☞ Editors to protesters: Let reporters do their job https://yle.fi/news/3-12305660    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:34:28

  • ● NEWS ● #TheExpressTribune ☞ Slut shaming: Model Sabeeka Imam threatened with acid attack, death https://tribune.com.pk/story/2341430/slut-shaming-model-sabeeka-imam-threatened-with-acid-attack-death    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:37:58

  • ● NEWS ● #France24 ☞ 'Girls know their rights now’: Fighting female genital mutilation in Kenya https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20220207-chinese-tennis-star-peng-shuai-repeats-sexual-assault-denial-in-interview    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:38:09

  • ● NEWS ● #ANFNews #fgm ☞ Rate of #femalegenitalmutilation is 11 percent in #Hewler and 4.9 percent in #Raperîn https://anfenglishmobile.com/women/rate-of-female-genital-mutilation-is-11-percent-in-hewler-and-4-9-percent-in-raperin-57973    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:49:41

  • ● NEWS ● #DigitalMusicNews #DRM ☞ Middle Eastern #Streaming Giant Anghami Makes NASDAQ Debut Following SPAC Merger https://www.digitalmusicnews.com/2022/02/04/anghami-nasdaq-debut-official/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:50:00

  • ● NEWS ● #Site36 ☞ Access through #Europol and databases: #EU decides against control of #Interpol https://digit.site36.net/2022/02/07/access-through-europol-and-databases-eu-decides-against-control-of-interpol/ just like EU lets #EPO get away with crimes: http://techrights.org/2020/12/01/the-breton-coverup/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:57:32

  • ● NEWS ● #TheRevelator #Wolverines #Nature #Wildlife ☞ What’s Needed to Save Wolverines? A New Study Has Answers https://therevelator.org/wolverines-study/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:58:00

  • ● NEWS ● #Orac #disinformation ☞ “Debate me” bros in the age of #COVID19 disinformation https://respectfulinsolence.com/2022/02/07/debate-me-bros-in-the-age-of-covid-19-disinformation/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 09:59:36

  • ● NEWS ● #meduza #ru #russia #domesticviolence ☞ Not talked about on TV Five years after Russia decriminalized domestic violence, women’s aid groups are busier than ever. Officials continue to sweep the problem under the rug. https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/02/08/not-talked-about-on-tv    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:09:53

  • "In January 2020, just days before the first case of Covid-19 was identified in the United States, Bryan Alexander, a scholar at Georgetown University known as a “futurist,” published a new book, Academia Next: The Futures of Higher Education" https://www.thenation.com/article/society/american-universities-crisis/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:10:22

  • ● NEWS ● #TruthOut #Medicare ☞ Medicare for All Bill Introduced by Pramila #Jayapal Gets Record 120 Cosponsors https://truthout.org/articles/medicare-for-all-bill-introduced-by-pramila-jayapal-gets-record-120-cosponsors/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:11:11

  • ● NEWS ● #TruthOut #Oregon ☞ Drug #Decriminalization Is Working in Oregon. Other States Should Follow. https://truthout.org/articles/drug-decriminalization-is-working-in-oregon-other-states-should-follow/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:30:27

  • ● NEWS ● #TheNation ☞ It’s Time for Black Experts to Be Heard https://www.thenation.com/article/society/black-experts/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:30:52

  • ● NEWS ● #TruthOut ☞ At Least 80 Pro-Trump "Big Lie" Believers Are Running for State Offices https://truthout.org/articles/more-than-80-pro-trump-election-deniers-are-seeking-key-state-offices/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:31:03

  • ● NEWS ● #TruthOut ☞ Migrants Have Right to Truth Commission and Reparations for Abuses at US Border https://truthout.org/articles/migrants-have-right-to-truth-commission-and-reparations-for-abuses-at-us-border/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:32:06

  • ● NEWS ● #TheNation ☞ Why We Intend to Pass a New #Yemen #War Powers Resolution https://www.thenation.com/article/world/yemen-wars-power-resoultion/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:34:01

  • ● NEWS ● #TruthOut ☞ Momentum Is Growing to Ban Congress Members From Trading Stocks https://truthout.org/articles/momentum-is-growing-to-ban-congress-members-from-trading-stocks/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:34:49

  • ● NEWS ● #CraigMurray ☞ Calling a Spad a Spad https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2022/02/calling-a-spad-a-spad/ "Last week the mainstream media was full of stories of “top aides” quitting Downing Street. But typically the real scandal was entirely missed – the fact that ever-increasing numbers of unqualified and unelected political hacks are given positions of real power, and large salaries"    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:36:09

  • ● NEWS ● #Tor #torproject ☞ New Release: #TorBrowser 11.0.5 (Android) https://blog.torproject.org/new-release-tor-browser-1105/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:37:00

  • 𝘛𝘦𝘤𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 #IRC Proceedings: Monday, February 07, 2022 • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/02/08/irc-log-070222/ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/02/08/irc-log-070222/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:38:20

  • ● NEWS ● #RaspberryPi #RasPi #GNU #Linux #freesw ☞ Calling all Computing and ICT teachers in the UK and Ireland: Have your say https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/computing-ict-teacher-survey-uk-ireland-ukicts-call-for-responses/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:43:12

  • ● NEWS ● #FOSSForce #elreg ☞ ‘The Register’ Lays an Egg: #SUSE Liberty Linux is NOT a Distro https://fossforce.com/2022/02/the-register-lays-an-egg-suse-liberty-linux-is-not-a-distro/ they recently hired good writers like Liam, but can they make up for #microsoft infiltrators? http://techrights.org/2021/02/28/the-register-microsoft-pr/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:44:25

  • DO IT DO IT DO IT!!!! "Mark #Zuckerberg and team consider shutting down #Facebook and #Instagram in Europe if Meta can not process Europeans’ data on US servers" https://mastodon.ar.al/@aral/107750532674141702    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:45:51

  • "I just read a thread from someone who _needs_ captions on images. They're very tired of having to ask. They're criticized, close to bullied for even asking for it." Go to #geminispace https://icosahedron.website/@Truck/107753188409337282    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:46:50

  • Deepening crisis of American capitalism as national debt hits $30 trillion https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/02/03/pers-f03.html it's even higher when you also count local/state govs. Where does all this money go? #microsoft and friends... http://techrights.org/2022/02/04/the-united-states-government-should-quit-bailing-out-microsoft-at-taxpayers-expense/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:48:37

  • Fifty years since Bloody Sunday - neritam ⚓ https://neritam.wordpress.com/2022/02/07/fifty-years-since-bloody-sunday/ ䷉ #neritam    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:49:04

  • #china #coverup https://www.france24.com/en/asia-pacific/20220207-chinese-tennis-star-peng-shuai-repeats-sexual-assault-denial-in-interview    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:49:53

  • #GDPR mystery ⚓ https://idiomdrottning.org/gdpr ䷉ #idiomdrottning | more in http://techrights.org/2021/03/22/epoleaks-report-march-2021-finale/ #epo #microsoft    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:50:41

  • #ksa #saudiBarbaria #raifbadawi https://www.thedailybeast.com/600-lashes-for-raif-badawi-saudi-arabias-latest-savagery my sympathies to #nufc fans whose club got taken over by monsters and mobsters    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:51:26

  • Political partisanship makes its way to #RightTRepair . What a fail :( ⚓ https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/political-partisanship-makes-its-way-to:e ䷉ #rossmanngroup    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:52:00

  • #rakulang at #fosdem https://fosdem.org/2022/schedule/track/raku/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:52:21

  • ● NEWS ● #TheNation #QAnon ☞ The Town That QAnon Nearly Swallowed https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/sequim-qanon/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:52:39

  • ● NEWS ● #TheNation #israel #palestine ☞ Is This Israel’s #SouthAfrica Moment? https://www.thenation.com/article/world/israel-apartheid-amnesty-report/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 11:57:49

  • ● NEWS ● #TruthOut ☞ Is #Russia - #NATO Brinksmanship Over #Ukraine Thwarting Diplomatic Resolution? https://truthout.org/video/is-russia-nato-brinksmanship-over-ukraine-thwarting-diplomatic-resolution/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:00:37

  • I certainly hope #trumpland will not walk into a desperate major war like it did before (but this time Russia, China, or both; see Germany/Japan after Great Depression) just to distract the population from the country's own collapse. It got looted by the 1% who now plunder the savings of the middle class by funnelling all that capital into Wall Street. shoring up BS net-negative companies with fictional "market caps".    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:03:20

  • ● NEWS ● #TheNation #GOPKKK #insurrection #evangelistNuts ☞ Is #MikePence Really the Future of the Republican Party? https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/mike-pence-2020-election/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:03:56

  • ● NEWS ● #TheNation #Baseball ☞ Baseball Players Can’t Live on “a Cup of Coffee” https://www.thenation.com/article/society/baseball-players-union-lockout/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:06:10

  • ● NEWS ● #TheNation #politics ☞ Big Enough https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/big-enough/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:06:57

  • ● NEWS ● #TruthOut ☞ #WhiteHouse Plans to Implement New Guidelines Making It Easier to Unionize https://truthout.org/articles/white-house-plans-to-implement-new-guidelines-making-it-easier-to-unionize/ that would be good...    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:07:19

  • ● NEWS ● #TruthOut #AngelaDavis ☞ Angela Davis, Gina Dent, Erica Meiners and Beth Richie Talk #Abolition #Feminism https://truthout.org/articles/angela-davis-gina-dent-erica-meiners-and-beth-richie-talk-abolition-feminism/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:08:10

  • ● NEWS ● #TruthOut ☞ #Trump Took Letters From Kim Jong Un, Other Official Correspondence to Mar-a-Lago https://truthout.org/articles/trump-took-letters-from-kim-jong-un-other-official-correspondence-to-mar-a-lago/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:08:37

  • ● NEWS ● #TheNation ☞ The NFL’s Shift on the Flores Lawsuit Betrays Its Vulnerability https://www.thenation.com/article/society/nfl-flores-lawsuit/ "issuing a statement that Brian Flores’s racial discrimination suit was “without merit”"    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:09:35

  • #Mozilla Firefox 97 Is Now Available for Download, This Is What’s New • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161208 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:10:52

  • ● NEWS ● #TheNation ☞ A Manifesto for Dignity in a Digital Age https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/silicon-valley-ro-khanna/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:11:14

  • ● NEWS ● #ProPublica ☞ A Push to Remove LGBTQ Books in One County Could Signal Rising Partisanship on School Boards https://www.propublica.org/article/a-push-to-remove-lgbtq-books-in-one-county-could-signal-rising-partisanship-on-school-boards    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:12:35

  • ● NEWS ● #DeSmog #Energy ☞ An #FTIConsulting Presentation Pulls Back the Veil on Fossil Fuel PR https://www.desmog.com/2022/02/07/fti-consulting-fossil-fuels-pr-energy-in-depth/ criminals from the #epo paid millions to this malicious firm to help cover up #corruption http://techrights.org/2016/06/15/battistelli-broadening-fti-consulting-deal/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:14:01

  • ● NEWS ● #DeSmog ☞ Total’s #EastAfrica Crude #Oil Pipeline ‘Struggling’ To Find Financiers, Say Campaigners https://www.desmog.com/2022/02/07/totals-east-african-crude-oil-pipeline-struggling-to-find-financiers-say-campaigners/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:14:28

  • ● NEWS ● #TorrentFreak #copyright #copyrights ☞ #SearchEngines Will Deindex All Domains That Have 100+ Links to Replicated Content https://torrentfreak.com/search-engines-will-deindex-all-domains-that-have-100-links-to-pirated-content-220208/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:15:56

  • ● NEWS ● #TorrentFreak #copyright #copyrights ☞ #SPARKS Gets 22-Month Prison Sentence https://torrentfreak.com/member-of-scene-piracy-group-sparks-gets-22-month-prison-sentence-220207/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:16:31

  • ● NEWS ● #TorrentFreak #copyright #copyrights #dk #denmark ☞ Danish Torrent Tracker Admin Gets Conditional Prison Sentence https://torrentfreak.com/danish-torrent-tracker-admin-gets-conditional-prison-sentence-220207/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:16:47

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #fakeeconomy #fakejobs #latestagecapitalism ☞ MEGATRON Led to Cuts in Hours Not Jobs https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/08/omicron-led-to-cuts-in-hours-not-jobs/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:17:21

  • ● NEWS ● #ProPublica ☞ When Private Equity Becomes Your Landlord https://www.propublica.org/article/when-private-equity-becomes-your-landlord    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:22:47

  • ● NEWS ● #ProPublica ☞ School District Where Toxic Chemicals Lingered for Years Offers $34 Million Settlement to Families https://www.propublica.org/article/school-district-where-toxic-chemicals-lingered-for-years-offers-34-million-settlement-to-families    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:24:40

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #Journalism ☞ New Forms of Advertising Raise Questions About Journalistic Integrity https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/new-forms-of-advertising-raise-questions-about-journalistic-integrity/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:25:14

  • ● NEWS ● #ProPublica #Finance ☞ Senators Ask #JPMorgan Chase to Explain Its Lawsuit Blitz Against Credit Card Customers https://www.propublica.org/article/senators-ask-jpmorgan-chase-to-explain-its-lawsuit-blitz-against-credit-card-customers    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:25:34

  • ● NEWS ● #TheNation ☞ As Child Tax Payments Expire, Struggling Families Are Desperate https://www.thenation.com/article/society/child-tax-payments-biden/ a rotting economy, where all the remaining capital (savers') is now funneled into #WallStreet #gambling where only inside(rs) traders can escape imminent collapse    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:27:25

  • #wallstreet is like that street game, where actors are meant to give you confidence you can beat the odds. But once you put your money down, eventually, you realise the odds are stacked against you. They just wanted to entice you to give your money AWAY.    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:28:55

  • ● NEWS ● #TheNation ☞ Democrats [sic] Are Facing an Uphill Battle https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/democrats-midterms/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:29:22

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #Afghanistan ☞ US Sanctions on Afghanistan May Kill More Than 20 Years of #War https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/us-sanctions-on-afghanistan-may-kill-more-than-20-years-of-war/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:30:19

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #Spotify #DRM ☞ Spotify’s Business Model Is Screwing Over Musicians and Ruining Music https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/spotifys-business-model-is-screwing-over-musicians-and-ruining-music/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:30:45

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #Cuba ☞ The Blockade Against Cuba Turns 60 https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/the-blockade-against-cuba-turns-60/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:31:04

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #War ☞ Opinion | The #Antiwar Movement That Could Not End a War https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/02/07/antiwar-movement-could-not-end-war    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:32:03

  • #Ottawa 'Siege' https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/far-right-anti-vax-factions-us-and-beyond-rally-around-ottawa-siege there's a problem here; seemingly "leftist" sites play into the bogus framing/narrative wherein ALL who are sceptical of this particular vaccine (months of testing) are "antivaxxers" and/or racist, violent, nationalists    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:33:46

  • ● NEWS ● #CourageFound ☞ Assange-Pak NFT raises over $40 million ahead of auction today https://couragefound.org/2022/02/assange-pak-nft-raises-us-40-million-ahead-of-auction-today/ associating #wikileaks and #assange with this scam (NFS) is counterproductive    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:34:36

  • "Barragan’s canvas mural is a plea to all those involved in the creation of communities, in the deconstruction of alternative humane ways of living and being  to stop, reflect and catch up with our deepest desire to build healthy environments and find respectful means of understanding ourselves as a community." https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/the-chicano-guernica/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:35:57

  • Use ’TextSnatcher’ to Copy Text from Images to Your Clipboard on Linux • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161209 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:39:58

  • #KDE : A Nice Tiling Environment and a Surprisingly Awesome DE • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161210 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:40:59

  • I took #ManjaroLinux for a spin and it was absolutely delightful... • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161211 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:41:28

  • Improved #PDF export options in the command-line and in Online • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161212 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:46:18

  • CLEAR is an open-source FPGA ASIC provided by efabless’ chipIgnite • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161213 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:46:34

  • 10 Best #FreeSW Tools for Novelists • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161214 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:47:23

  • #KDE Plasma 5.24 Desktop Environment Officially Released as the Next LTS Series • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161215 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:48:10

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch ☞ Biden's Brinksmanship https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/bidens-brinksmanship/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:50:50

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #NATO ☞ #Putin is Playing a Strong Hand on #Ukraine ...as Long as He Doesn't Invade https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/putin-is-playing-a-strong-hand-on-ukraine-as-long-as-he-doesnt-invade/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:51:28

  • #Plasma 5.24 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161216 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:51:52

  • ● NEWS ● #KrebsOnSecurity #BacklashWorks #Privacy #Surveillance ☞ #IRS To Ditch Biometric Requirement for Online Access https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/02/irs-to-ditch-biometric-requirement-for-online-access/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:52:57

  • ● NEWS ● #DemocracyNow #Putin #Ukraine #Russia ☞ Is a Peaceful Resolution Still Possible? Masha Gessen & Anatol Lieven on Ukraine, Putin & #NATO https://www.democracynow.org/2022/2/7/ukraine_years_of_conflict_with_russia    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:53:34

  • ● NEWS ● #DemocracyNow ☞ At Beijing Olympics, #China & #IOC Accused of “Sportswashing” Amid #Uyghur Abuses, #PengShuai #Censorship https://www.democracynow.org/2022/2/7/protests_of_china_hosting_2022_olympics    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:54:01

  • ● NEWS ● #DemocracyNow #Racism ☞ Is the #NFL Run Like a Plantation? Ex-Player Donté Stallworth Responds to Bombshell Racism Lawsuit https://www.democracynow.org/2022/2/7/racism_and_anti_blackness_in_nfl    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:54:46

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #Climate ☞ #Montana Plaintiffs Announce First Children's Climate Trial in US History https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/montana-plaintiffs-announce-first-childrens-climate-trial-us-history    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:55:14

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #ElonMusk #Bezos #billgates ☞ Opinion | The Dynastic Wealth of US Oligarchs Is a Threat to Democracy https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/02/07/dynastic-wealth-us-oligarchs-threat-democracy https://www.thenation.com/article/economy/bill-gates-investments-covid/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:56:34

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams ☞ 'Fighting Back Works!' #IRS Ditches Pilloried Facial Recognition Plan https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/fighting-back-works-irs-ditches-pilloried-facial-recognition-plan    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:56:57

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams ☞ Economists Warn Against the Fed Raising Rates at Worst Possible Time https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/economists-warn-against-fed-raising-rates-worst-possible-time    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:57:32

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #Education ☞ Despite 2020 Promise, #JillBiden Confirms Free Community College Plan Is Dead https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/despite-2020-promise-jill-biden-confirms-free-community-college-plan-dead    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:58:20

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #Trump ☞ Opinion | Now Every Day Is January 6: Trump Targets the 'Vote Counters' https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/02/07/now-every-day-january-6-trump-targets-vote-counters    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 12:59:09

  • I guess I'm not "supposed" to state this fact online, but my wife's friend (her age, her year) got a "booster" and now unable to move her left leg. Last summer my best friend, a university professor (medical/biologist) was unable to walk after the jab due to massively swollen knee. The knee specialist then told him this was a commonly observed side effect. Twitter, #DontBanForFacts http://techrights.org/2022/01/06/twitter-boycott/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:03:55

  • ● NEWS ● #Techdirt #Nintendo ☞ Consolidation Strategies Emerge For The Big 3 In Gaming: Nintendo Looks Like It Doesn't Want To Play https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20220204/08144948413/consolidation-strategies-emerge-big-3-gaming-nintendo-looks-like-it-doesnt-want-to-play.shtml    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:05:34

  • ● NEWS ● #Techdirt #copyright #copyrights ☞ Australia Pays $20 Million To Buy The Copyright Of Aboriginal Flag, But It's Still Not #PublicDomain https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20220127/11095248368/australia-pays-20-million-to-buy-copyright-aboriginal-flag-still-not-public-domain.shtml    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:06:29

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #Biden ☞ House Dems Vow to Introduce #War Powers Resolution for #Yemen https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/house-dems-vow-introduce-war-powers-resolution-yemen    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:08:00

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #California ☞ Opinion | Is California Backsliding on Its Plan to Reach Zero Carbon Emissions by Mid-Century? https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/02/07/california-backsliding-its-plan-reach-zero-carbon-emissions-mid-century    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:08:43

  • ● NEWS ● #Techdirt ☞ Hypocrisy Rules As Companies Try To Smear New #FTC Nomination Alvaro Bedoya https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20220204/08533848415/hypocrisy-rules-as-companies-try-to-smear-new-ftc-nomination-alvaro-bedoya.shtml    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:09:15

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #Climate ☞ Study Exposes How World's Biggest Corporations Embellish Climate Progress https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/study-exposes-how-worlds-biggest-corporations-embellish-climate-progress    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:10:00

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #Ukraine #Russia ☞ Opinion | What the Cuban Missile Crisis Can Teach Us About Ending Hostility in Ukraine https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/02/07/what-cuban-missile-crisis-can-teach-us-about-ending-hostility-ukraine    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:10:36

  • #Google #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161217 #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:11:00

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #Biden ☞ Biden #WhiteHouse Unveils Plan to Bolster Unions as Membership Falls https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/biden-white-house-unveils-plan-bolster-unions-membership-falls    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:12:11

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams ☞ #FirstNations Land Defenders File Submission to #UN Human Rights Council https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/first-nations-land-defenders-file-submission-un-human-rights-council    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:12:47

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #Wilderness ☞ Preparing for a Season in the Political Wilderness https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/preparing-for-a-season-in-the-political-wilderness/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:13:26

  • "In the abstract, toxicity and leadership are antithetical, oxymoronic." https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/toxic-leadership-the-other-pandemic-that-afflicts-us/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:14:05

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch ☞ Can School Board Meetings Bring Us Together Rather Than Pull us Apart? https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/can-school-board-meetings-bring-us-together-rather-than-pull-us-apart/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:15:43

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #Genocide ☞ Genocide Denier? Not Me, Pal. Try the White House Instead https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/genocide-denier-not-me-pal-try-the-white-house-instead/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:16:42

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch ☞ Ways to End a Race https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/ways-to-end-a-race/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:17:47

  • ● NEWS ● #Techdirt ☞ #Kia , #Subaru Disable Useful Car Features, Blames Mass. #RightToRepair Law https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20220204/07321748412/kia-subaru-disable-useful-car-features-blames-mass-right-to-repair-law.shtml    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:18:25

  • ● NEWS ● #Techdirt #Facebook ☞ Court Grants #QualifiedImmunity To Officer Who Told Couple To Take Down Facebook Post About Off-Duty Cop Who Shot Their Dog https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20220130/10185548383/court-grants-qualified-immunity-to-officer-who-told-couple-to-take-down-facebook-post-about-off-duty-cop-who-shot-their-dog.shtml    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:19:07

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #SCOTUS ☞ With #Alabama Ruling, SCOTUS Delivers 'Another Major Blow' to #Voting Rights Act https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/alabama-ruling-scotus-delivers-another-major-blow-voting-rights-act    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:19:57

  • ● NEWS ● #Techdirt #IRS ☞ IRS Says It Will Move Away From Requiring ID.me #FacialRecognition https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20220207/11575148432/irs-says-it-will-move-away-requiring-idme-facial-recognition.shtml    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:20:47

  • ● NEWS ● #Techdirt #GDPR ☞ #Germany Court Fines Site Owner For Sharing User Data With #Gulag To Access Web Fonts https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20220206/10180248422/german-court-fines-site-owner-sharing-user-data-with-google-to-access-web-fonts.shtml    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:21:49

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams ☞ 'Time for Him to Go': #RonJohnson Says He Won't Fight for #Wisconsin Jobs https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/time-him-go-ron-johnson-says-he-wont-fight-wisconsin-jobs    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:22:57

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #COVID19 ☞ Opinion | Across-the-Board Rate Hike by the Fed Is a Cure Worse Than the Disease https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/02/07/across-board-rate-hike-fed-cure-worse-disease    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:24:24

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #Finance ☞ 'Keep Pushing': Momentum Grows Behind Effort to Ban #StockTrading https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/keep-pushing-momentum-grows-behind-effort-ban-stock-trading    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:26:14

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch #Yellowstone ☞ A Big Disappointment on the Custer-Gallatin https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/a-big-disappointment-on-the-custer-gallatin/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:26:53

  • ● NEWS ● #CommonDreams #China ☞ America COMPETES Act Ignores Social Needs, Feeds Tensions With China: Analysis https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/02/07/america-competes-act-ignores-social-needs-feeds-tensions-china-analysis    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:27:40

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch ☞ You Can't Have the State Highway Your Way https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/you-cant-have-the-state-highway-your-way/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:28:26

  • ● NEWS ● #CounterPunch ☞ Judy Gumbo’s Cultural Revolution https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/07/judy-gumbos-cultural-revolution/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:28:50

  • #GeminiSpace Growing Tenfold in 2 Years Seems Possible and That’s Good News for the Planet and for Mental Health • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/02/08/gemini-still-growing/ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/02/08/gemini-still-growing/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 13:53:05

  • Pawsome https://i.redd.it/myn0cxs8hxe81.jpg    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 14:14:42

  • #ProprietarySoftware Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161218 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 14:47:24

  • #Programming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161219 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 14:47:35

  • #WebBrowsers: Tor Browser, Firefox, and More • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161220 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 14:47:54

  • #OpenHardware /Modding: RPi, Compute Module 4, Arduino, and More • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161221 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 14:48:04

  • Videos: #elementaryOS 6.1 and #AleixPol (KDE) • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161223 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 14:48:18

  • Links 8/2/2022: #Plasma 5.24 and Maui 2.1.1 • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/02/08/plasma-5-24/ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux #FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/02/08/plasma-5-24/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 14:51:17

  • Today’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161224 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 14:53:45

  • #Kdenlive 21.12.2 released • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161225 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 16:59:28

  • #Firefox ’97 Released with a Modest Collection of Changes • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161226 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 16:59:41

  • #KDE Plasma 5.24 Released, This is What’s New http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161216#comment-32758    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:01:37

  • Now nobody will try to sell theis as BS-NFT https://full.pr0gramm.com/2021/04/25/666d44bb3e5d6519.jpg   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:06:26

  • When you know #covid19 scams have reached their peak https://www.maketecheasier.com/smartphone-covid-test/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:08:20

  • #microsoft has already assigned Microsoft Linus to trash-talk #archlinux + #kde console a week or two before launch? https://yewtu.be/watch?v=CwaxwDhNMl4    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:09:32

  • #KDE Plasma 5.24: PUT SOME GNOME in your KDE! - Invidious ⚓ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=FVpxiFh6oaY ䷉ #video #invidious #gnu #linux    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:10:19

  • Judith Sargent Murray’s *On the Equality of the Sexes* (1790) – The Public Domain Review ⚓ https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/equality-of-the-sexes/ ䷉ #publicdomainreview #publicdomain    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:14:07

  • Does #LexPanLaw realise that half of the #OSI 's money goes to Microsoft stuff? https://opensource.org/lex-pan-law-why-we-support-osi see http://techrights.org/2021/12/30/osi-budget-for-proprietary-software-monopoly/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:15:53

  • #EpicGames CEO says a clear No to #Fortnite on #SteamDeck | GamingOnLinux ⚓ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/02/epic-games-ceo-says-a-clear-no-to-fortnite-on-steam-deck because that it a competitor to him    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:17:13

  • " #fheroes2 is a constantly improving #gameengine reimplementation of Heroes of Might and Magic II. A new version was just released recently and it's become the absolute best way to play this classic." #games https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/02/heroes-of-might-and-magic-ii-recreation-fheroes2-adds-more-content-support    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:17:52

  • Future sci-fi indie #RPG Beyond Mankind: The Awakening now on Linux | GamingOnLinux ⚓ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/02/future-sci-fi-indie-rpg-beyond-mankind-the-awakening-now-on-linux ䷉ #GamingOnLinux #GNU #Linux #Games    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:18:29

  • In ZDNet, 5 days ago means "just" http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161078#comment-32760   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:23:41

  • "As we’re getting closer to the shipment of the #SteamDeck to the general public’s hands, and as Valve gradually lifts the various embargoes attached to the device, today we’ve learned even more about it, thanks to the explosion of new videos that have come out." https://boilingsteam.com/steam-deck-benchmarks-battery-life-and-more/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:26:47

  • "Between 2022-02-01 and 2022-02-08 there were 23 new native Linux Steam games released. For reference, during the same time, there were 136 games released for Windows on Steam, so the Linux versions represent about 16.9 % of total released titles." https://boilingsteam.com/new-steam-games-with-native-linux-clients-2022-02-08-edition/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:27:32

  • #Microsoft -connected site uses "tweets" as sources to make Linux seem bad and see the choice of image, too https://www.theverge.com/2022/2/8/22923163/fortnite-steam-deck-update-epic-tim-sweeney #theverge = #billgates http://techrights.org/2020/07/16/gates-press-sunset/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:29:24

  • How many decades did it take #Microsoft to accept it was a bad idea all along? https://therecord.media/microsoft-blocks-internet-macros-by-default-in-five-office-applications/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:31:38

  • Stop the #misinformation experience: #Spotify must intervene - Access Now ⚓ https://www.accessnow.org/stop-misinformation-spotify/ ䷉ #accessnow    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:34:05

  • Nobara Project Aims to Offer an Unofficial Fedora Linux 35 Spin Tailored for Gaming - It's FOSS News ⚓ https://news.itsfoss.com/fedora-nobara-gaming/ ䷉ #news | more in http://schestowitz.com/2022/02/08/#latest    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:35:29

  • #archlinux On the toolchain current status https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-dev-public/2022-February/030729.html #gnu #linux    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:37:04

  • Rust API for the Firefox Profiler – Mozilla Performance ⚓ https://blog.mozilla.org/performance/2022/02/08/rust-api-for-the-firefox-profiler/ ䷉ #Mozilla #WWW #FreeSW #Firefox #Internet    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:39:30

  • "Discovered that thumbnails generation in Nautilus (GNOME “Files”) is extremely slow compared to other file and image managers, and reported the performance issue with my initial observations." https://fortintam.com/blog/2019-retrospective/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:40:49

  • Oh, hello there, little creature https://full.pr0gramm.com/2016/01/02/130b96371db24730.jpg    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:43:18

  • I trust #intel with #riscv like I trust #microsoft with #linux or #billgates around children    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:48:12

  • "What’s interesting is that it does not only cover x86 architecture but also Arm and RISC-V, with a focus on the latter, as Intel has just become a Premier member of RISC-V International" http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161206#comment-32761   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:49:32

  • #Postfix 3.7 MTA Released with #OpenSSL 3.0 Support • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161227 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:49:58

  • #Tails 4.27 is out • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161228 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines #Debian    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:50:18

  • #Inkscape 1.1.2 and Inkscape 1.2-alpha http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161147#comment-32762    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 17:53:34

  • #gulagdeutschland : support "the children" because money from #gulag has not been enough for our big salaries https://k7r.eu/donate-book-on-software-freedom-to-your-library-by-14-february/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:00:08

  • The whole world’s watching: resist #Myanmar ’s digital coup - Access Now ⚓ https://www.accessnow.org/resist-myanmars-digital-coup/ ䷉ #accessnow #burma #asia    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:04:10

  • #Games: Steam Deck, fheroes2, Nobara Project, and More • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161229 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:04:25

  • The 7 Best Lightweight Web Browsers for Linux • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161230 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:04:38

  • 5 technical debt lessons the pandemic taught IT leaders | The Enterprisers Project ⚓ https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2022/2/5-technical-debt-lessons-pandemic-taught-us ䷉ in #enterprisersproject #ibm #redhat pushes buzzwords like "Transformation" to sell their crap    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:09:51

  • What can video games teach us about edge computing? ⚓ https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/what-can-video-games-teach-us-about-edge-computing ䷉ #RedHat #IBM #GNU #Linux    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:10:32

  • #Fedora #Linux 37 development schedule ⚓ https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-linux-37-schedule/ ䷉ #communityfedoraproject    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:11:12

  • My tips for maintaining dotfiles in source control | ⚓ https://opensource.com/article/22/2/dotfiles-source-control ䷉ #FreeSW #RedHat #IBM #GNU #Linux    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:12:08

  • 5 steps to migrate your application to #containers | ⚓ https://opensource.com/article/22/2/migrate-application-containers ䷉ #FreeSW #RedHat #IBM    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:12:41

  • #Nyxt, an Emacs-style browser made with Common Lisp • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161231 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:12:53

  • #HowTo Upgrade to #KDE Plasma 5.24 from 5.23 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161232 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:18:14

  • #IBM / #RedHat /Fedora Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161233 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:18:23

  • Today’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161234 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:20:22

  • The EPO’s Overseer/Overseen #Collusion — Part XXXXV: In the Shadow of “Waite and Kennedy” • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/02/08/waite-and-kennedy/ ䷉ #Techrights #Corruption #Europe #ECHR | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/02/08/waite-and-kennedy/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:22:33

  • [Meme] #EPO Immune System: Nothing Can Touch Us! • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/02/08/epo-immunity-meme/ ䷉ #Techrights #Europe #Corruption #Immunity | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/02/08/epo-immunity-meme/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:40:53

  • Landscape https://img.pr0gramm.com/2019/04/13/7615c07e2338d860.jpg   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:42:56

  • Comparing #LibreOffice and #OpenOffice • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161235 #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:46:31

  • #IPFire 2.27 - Core Update 163 released • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161236 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines #Security    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 18:47:33

  • The 7 Best Lightweight Web Browsers for Linux • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161237 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 19:08:09

  • Should You Install #ArchLinux as a Server? • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161238 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 19:08:22

  • #Google #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161239 #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 19:08:50

  • #Drone controller board runs Linux on #Zynq UltraScale+ • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161240 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 19:09:05

  • #EPO Staff Goes on Strike, Plans Partial Work Stoppage/Slowdown to Condemn Unlawful Meddling Designed to Lower #Patent Quality and Patent Legitimacy (No #EPC Compliance) • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/02/08/epo-staff-goes-on-strike/ ䷉ #Techrights #Europe | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/02/08/epo-staff-goes-on-strike/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 19:25:12

  • KDE Plasma 5.24 Released, Adds a Touch of GNOME-ish Feel http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161216#comment-32763   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 21:30:33

  • American Spy Agencies Are Struggling in the Age of Data https://www.wired.com/story/spies-algorithms-artificial-intelligence-cybersecurity-data/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 21:39:49

  • What Is Doom #Emacs and #HowTo Install It • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161241 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 21:40:14

  • #Audacious 4.2 Beta Adds Dark Mode & New Icons for Qt Interface • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161242 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 21:40:24

  • Known Gemini capsules in #geminispace now (which are also currently active) now 9 short of 1,700. 1,691... that's an increase of 91 in 3 weeks: http://techrights.org/2022/01/16/1600-working-gemini-capsules/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 21:45:09

  • Some of the lessons we’ve learned this past year and the status quo in #GeminiSpace , which lowers the entry barriers for authors online ( #GemText is far easier and more approachable than HTML) and encourages #selfhosting , #selfsigning etc. http://techrights.org/2022/02/08/gemini-still-growing/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 21:47:42

  • The #EPO ‘s #immunity is troublesome for a plethora of reasons; this sort of problem has long been recognised in a broader context • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/02/08/waite-and-kennedy/ ䷉ #Techrights #europe #iloat | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/02/08/waite-and-kennedy/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 21:48:31

  • The #EPO ‘s regime of unbridled #impunity was taken to extreme heights in the heist era of #BenoîtBattistelli and #AntónioCampinos • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/02/08/epo-immunity-meme/ ䷉ #Techrights | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/02/08/epo-immunity-meme/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 21:49:20

  • #SUEPO Central’s “Call for Action” will lead to a deliberate reduction in so-called (faked) “production”, which ought to signal to the stakeholders that nothing is rosy at the #EPO http://techrights.org/2022/02/08/epo-staff-goes-on-strike/ #europe #corruption #patents    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 21:50:04

  • Winter https://full.pr0gramm.com/2022/01/02/f2086394e8dcb318.jpg   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:06:19

  • #moilla says "Advertising provides critical support for the Web." No, it does not. It's typically malicious and ruinous for many reasons. https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/privacy-preserving-attribution-for-advertising/ see http://techrights.org/2019/11/03/the-privacy-scam/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:11:53

  • Does not go far enough: "With State Partitioning, third parties can’t access the same cookie jar when they’re embedded in different sites. Instead, they get a fresh cookie jar for each site they’re embedded in." https://hacks.mozilla.org/2022/02/improving-the-storage-access-api-in-firefox/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:13:13

  • #mozilla #firefox has shifted from revolutionary force on #www into a bunch of #marketing and a#advertising people http://techrights.org/wiki/Mozilla    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:14:07

  • "Mozilla has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in Firefox and Firefox ESR. An attacker could exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system." #webbrowsers gives FAR too much power/controlled to any random Web site (Microsoft/Windows mentality) https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2022/02/08/mozilla-releases-security-updates-firefox-and-firefox-esr    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:15:03

  • #LinuxMint 20.3 | The Best Linux Distro of 2022 (NEW!) - Invidious ⚓ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=KwaBaV1QXDw ䷉ #video #invidious #gnu #linux    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:19:57

  • #Security Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161244 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:20:28

  • In recent years #www became little but #xxx and #kkk    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:20:58

  • #Mozilla : Advertising (Surveillance), Rust, Storage Access API, and Security • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161243 #Firefox #www #TuxMachines    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:21:09

  • #StackOverflow Goes Down, Developers Panic!! - Invidious ⚓ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Adt70hnakuU ䷉ #video #invidious #freesw    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:21:51

  • Awesome Linux Tools - Cockpit - Invidious ⚓ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=h_LCEj0vD0M ䷉ #video #invidious #gnu #linux    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:22:36

  • #PeppermintOS 2022-02-02 overview | A lightning fast, lightweight Linux based OS - Invidious ⚓ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=vXS7aNJiQko ䷉ #video #invidious #multimedia #gnu #linux    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:23:19

  • Stable Kernels: 5.16.8, 5.15.22, 5.10.99, 5.4.178, 4.19.228, 4.14.265, and 4.9.300 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161245 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:27:06

  • Google #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161246 #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:30:50

  • Videos: Peppermint OS, Cockpit, and More • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161247 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:33:38

  • Links 8/2/2022: New #Tails Release and #Kdenlive 21.12.2 • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/02/08/kdenlive-21-12-2/ ䷉ #Techrights #GNU #Linux | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/02/08/kdenlive-21-12-2/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:52:35

  • Today’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161248 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 22:52:54

  • Today in #Techrights • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161249 #GNU #Linux #TuxMachines   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 23:06:00

  • New: "Breaking the Boundaries of the Hardware Industry by Leveraging Highly Innovative Open Source Firmware." https://osfw.foundation/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 23:11:48

  • Plasma 5.24 released http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/161216#comment-32764   

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 23:13:23

  • Epic wants #rootkits in #linux https://amp.hothardware.com/news/epic-no-fortnite-on-steam-deck-until-linux-beats-cheaters    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 23:14:13

  • #Apple + #Microsoft = character confusion https://www.datafix.com.au/BASHing/2022-02-09.html    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 23:18:11

  • #microsoft : your latest #nsa #backdoors now available for download and we'll forcibly install these anyway https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2022/02/08/microsoft-releases-february-2022-security-updates see http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Microsoft_and_the_NSA    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 23:19:12

  • #ProprietarySoftware a lot more expensive than the price tags https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2022/02/08/critical-vulnerabilities-affecting-sap-applications-employing    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 23:19:54

  • #ibm #vapourware (all it has left at this point?) https://hackaday.com/2022/02/08/ibm-eagle-has-a-lot-of-qubits/    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 23:20:40

  • #ibm clown clown clown... #buzzwords #clowncomputing ... hybrid buzzwords .. https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/hybrid-cloud-strategy-increasingly-popular-among-digital-transformation-leaders #redhat    

posted Tuesday, February 08, 2022 at 23:22:25

Updated in real time for the given day Maintained by Roy Schestowitz