Locally-hosted copy of all posts, sans responses and media enclosures

Roy Schestowitz

Social Control Media Posts

Updated in real time for the given day

  • Once again 'FOSS'life Team promotes proprietary software, vendor lockin, and worse things for Microsoft's criminals. This isn't FOSS. It's spitting on FOSS and on dignity. https://www.fosslife.org/load-testing-github-actions    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 00:47:44

  • Notice how they never arrest CEOs for the same; they do not even prosecute them (e.g. Intel CEO, Microsoft executives...) https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/29/twilio_insider_trading/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 00:53:13

  • GNU Poke Release and Video • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163127    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 00:54:18

  • Fixes? It's a bug. Remove the bug. Remove Windows. https://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/fixes-for-slow-context-menu-on-windows-11/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 01:08:30

  • Gulag resumes shoveling stuff into its 'Privacy Sandbox' - El Reg ⚓ https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/29/google_privacy_sandbox/ ䷉ Source: theregister    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 01:11:08

  • Take the next step in "living liberation": watch the LibrePlanet 2022 videos today! • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163128    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 01:11:36

  • #Techrights Bulletin for Tuesday, March 29, 2022 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintext    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 07:20:33

  • #Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt #dweb #sharing    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 07:20:38

  • Did they forget the biggest criminals, from Microsoft, who likely bribed politicians to go after Microsoft's rivals? https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/29/doj_to_congress_thumbs_up/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 07:37:19

  • "The RcppBDT package is an early adopter of Rcpp and was one of the first packages utilizing Boost and its Date_Time library. The now more widely-used package anytime is a direct descentant of RcppBDT. Thanks again for the heads-up!" http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/blog/2022/03/29#rcppbdt_0.2.5    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 07:37:58

  • Microsoft is a company built on crime. Technology is just a side activity.    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 07:40:42

  • Chrome 100 is out. The version inflation will break lots of code now, assuming an expectation of single- or two-digit version # https://chromestatus.com/features#milestone%3D100    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 07:43:42

  • Fedora Linux 36 Beta now available for download with GNOME 42 http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163107#comment-33232   

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 07:46:27

  • Fedora downtime (they outsourced to Amazon, ICBS Clown not good enough): "Serveral virthosts (including the one running pagure.io) are not responding. We are working with datacenter staff to evaluate the issue and bring it back on line. There is no ETA at the moment."    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 07:50:11

  • Linux in the Ham Shack Episode #460: Winds of Change https://lhspodcast.info/2022/03/lhs-episode-460-winds-of-change-2/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 07:50:59

  • it is correct to refer to GNU/Linux as GNU/Linux • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163129    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 07:54:57

  • "The only problem is that this internal drive has just 667.2GB of usable space, which is limited for people who want to install more than a few titles." https://www.addictivetips.com/gaming/how-to-increase-your-ps5-storage-space/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:06:10

  • Those are terrible. Get a real mousing device. https://www.maketecheasier.com/best-fixes-chromebook-touchpad-not-working/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:15:05

  • Today’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163130    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:15:16

  • Don’t help Putin and Lukashenko silence anti-war voices - Access Now ⚓ https://www.accessnow.org/putin-lukashenko/ ䷉ Source: accessnow    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:16:41

  • Wait, WHAT? "Face ID with Masks" is a FEATURE?? https://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/what-new-features-are-available-in-ios-15-4/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:17:23

  • "This extension revolutionizes how PSOs can be managed by the application, and it’s the first step towards solving the dreaded stuttering that zink suffers from when attempting to play any sort of game." https://www.supergoodcode.com/release-the-kraken/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:20:10

  • "Yes, it was 'robwoj44' who internationalized gpptp, but that was version 0.2. Much later, 'jafadmin' created version 2.0, without the internationalization. I have been using 2.0 in EasyOS." https://bkhome.org/news/202203/gpptp-internationalized-now-version-21.html    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:21:10

  • "It's been hard to write in this space lately because I've been incredibly worn down, depressed, and feeling like I need to quit working for the non-profit I'm running." gemini://inconsistentuniverse.space/gemlog/2022-03-29-depressed.gmi    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:23:29

  • "I’ve been busy since I became unemployed. Not strictly hour by hour, but most days have been rather active. And mostly in pleasant ways." gemini://warmedal.se/~bjorn/posts/2022-03-29-a-tranquil-exhaustion.gmi    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:24:57

  • "Bacardi55 pointed out to me the Usenet. I was touched by the second illiteracy. I used Usenet in the '90s. And now I haven't even know how to go about it. Ancient knowledge, what are the NNTP server addresses now?!" gemini://szczezuja.space/tinylog.gmi    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:25:55

  • Programming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163131    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:39:02

  • Videos/Audiocasts/Shows: Linux in the Ham Shack and More • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163132    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:39:10

  • Today’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163133    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 08:39:17

  • "Now is a great time for the web! I've seen more interesting projects turn up in the last year than I can count, and I feel like we're just getting started." http://www.powazek.com/zoom/log/archive/00000362.shtml    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:16:37

  • "Carrey said Smith “should’ve been” escorted out of the Oscars ceremony after he slapped Rock." https://variety.com/2022/film/news/jim-carrey-slams-hollywood-will-smith-standing-ovation-slap-1235217924/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:17:35

  • Doctor fired from ER warns about effect of for-profit firms on U.S. health care https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-care/doctor-fired-er-warns-effect-profit-firms-us-health-care-rcna19975    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:21:50

  • "Roughly $625 million worth of cryptocurrency has been stolen from Ronin, the blockchain underlying popular crypto game Axie Infinity." https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/29/23001620/sky-mavis-axie-infinity-ronin-blockchain-validation-defi-hack-nft    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:25:31

  • "The FTC is also asking a federal court to immediately halt "deceptive advertising" immediately, the agency said in a statement." https://thehill.com/policy/technology/600252-ftc-sues-intuit-over-turbotax-free-filing-ad-campaign    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:25:58

  • "Ubiquiti, a maker of wireless LAN and WiFi routers and access points, has filed a case against former Washington Post employee Brian Krebs" https://itwire.com/business-it-news/security/ubiquiti-files-case-against-security-blogger-krebs-over-false-accusations.html    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:26:46

  • "The Mandiant report was leaked to American website TechCrunch by Demirkapi earlier and the site carried a report based on it" https://itwire.com/business-it-news/security/zoom-sacks-sec-researcher-for-posting-okta-breach-report-on-twitter.html    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:27:13

  • "I am pleased that we found an agreement in principle on a new framework for transatlantic data flows." https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-us-strike-preliminary-deal-to-unlock-transatlantic-data-flows/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:35:32

  • GOOD!! "Facebook owner Meta said on Tuesday it was suspending plans to build a giant data centre in the Netherlands" https://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/data-center/facebook-owner-meta-puts-plans-to-build-dutch-data-centre-on-ice/90531729    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:35:57

  • Wars can 'last' 100 years. Land mines longer. With nukes, ....... ooooof. https://today.rtl.lu/news/luxembourg/a/1889995.html    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:39:08

  • US has the death penalty; it would never be used on Trump https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/jan-panel-missing-roughly-hours-trumps-phone-calls-83739908 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-calls-seven-hour-gap-january-6/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:40:08

  • "discovery of numerous effects that are used to make bombs and the men’s movements on social media and the internet" https://cphpost.dk/?p=132761    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:40:58

  • "Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin told reporters Tuesday that Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will also attend the two-day meeting." https://www.voanews.com/a/china-to-host-multilateral-talks-on-taliban-ruled-afghanistan-/6507305.html    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:41:52

  • "Fifty countries get more than a tenth of their power from wind and solar sources" https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-60917445 that's VERY little and probably does not include vehicles, industry etc.    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:46:00

  • Environmentism is good. I'm all for "green" energy, but if we keep marching towards 10 billion human beings there's no way we can achieve anything, overall... except famine and war    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:46:58

  • "Controversial legislation on free speech on English campuses" https://www.timeshighereducation.com/news/english-free-speech-bill-stalls-ministers-remain-committed    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:48:09

  • "Emmy-nominated show I hosted for six years for RT America and RT International, has been disappeared from YouTube." https://scheerpost.com/2022/03/28/hedges-on-being-disappeared/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:48:42

  • Lesson of the story: DO NOT OUTSOURCE to 'free' video hosting. Final lesson: Gulagtube is IMPERIALISM. Repeat that. Gulagtube is IMPERIALISM. https://scheerpost.com/2022/03/28/hedges-on-being-disappeared/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:51:00

  • [Old] "Perhaps at this moment you are saying to yourself what the hell has all this got to do with the Academy Awards?" https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/packages/html/movies/bestpictures/godfather-ar3.html    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:52:13

  • "When it came to picking what nationwide organization to join, the leaders of what is now the [SweatshopZone] Labor Union" https://thehill.com/policy/technology/600279-staten-island-amazon-workers-chart-their-own-path-in-union-drive    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:53:11

  • euractiv, bribed by famous criminal bill gates, on "rightsholders" [sic] [sic] and "the ‘gatekeepers’ designated under the DMA" https://www.euractiv.com/section/digital/news/dma-eu-negotiators-split-on-whether-text-covers-access-conditions-for-rightsholders/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 09:54:52

  • "Solar lights are a popular garden decoration." https://hackaday.com/2022/03/29/you-can-turn-soft-drink-bottles-into-handy-solar-lamps/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:09:57

  • Eugenics in USA: let's kill off the poor https://www.thenation.com/article/society/covid-uninsured/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:11:37

  • Props to ASUS for marketing repairability as a selling point of their product! ⚓ https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/props-to-asus-for-marketing:8 ䷉ Source: rossmanngroup    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:12:36

  • Attorney General says Right to Repair IS CONSTITUTIONAL: John Deere lie justifies bill 🤣 ⚓ https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/attorney-general-says-right-to-repair-is:c ䷉ Source: rossmanngroupral-says-right-to-repair-is:c    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:13:16

  • We’re Being Screwed by Mobile Carriers...because of 5G! ⚓ https://odysee.com/@RobBraxmanTech:6/carrier-service:9 ䷉ Source: RobBraxmanTech    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:13:55

  • US culture sinking to new lows https://boingboing.net/2022/03/29/watch-sickened-jim-carrey-has-strong-reaction-to-will-smiths-slap-at-the-oscars.html    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:14:13

  • Imagine GOPKKK still deems him a 2024 candidate https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-asks-putin-provide-dirt-hunter-biden-1329356/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:15:20

  • The Ukrainian woman shot by Russian soldiers on the front line - BBC News ⚓ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60922393 ䷉ Source: billbc    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:15:42

  • Capitalism's endgame https://robertreich.org/post/680086256324165632    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:23:20

  • Die, poor people https://www.thenation.com/article/society/covid-uninsured/ see https://www.thenation.com/article/economy/bill-gates-investments-covid/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:24:09

  • And it's not inflation. It's just theft. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/03/29/us-oil-companies-set-reap-126-billion-extra-profits-amid-war-ukraine    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:29:23

  • USSA https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/03/29/biden-wants-give-163-times-more-us-military-global-pandemic-response    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:31:03

  • ‘Refusing to kill people isn’t a crime’ https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/03/30/refusing-to-kill-people-isn-t-a-crime    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:49:12

  • Brave Journalists... https://meduza.io/en/slides/ukraine-s-10-point-plan    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:49:34

  • They should also go after Microsoft executives for their massive crimes (much worse) https://www.propublica.org/article/ftc-sues-to-stop-deceptive-turbotax-free-ad-campaign    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:51:01

  • proprietary garbage: How Your Shadow Credit Score Could Decide Whether You Get an Apartment https://www.propublica.org/article/how-your-shadow-credit-score-could-decide-whether-you-get-an-apartment ䷉ Source: propublica    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:52:57

  • "One of the central “justifications” for copyright is that it is indispensable if creativity is to be viable. Without it, we are assured, artists would starve." https://www.techdirt.com/2022/03/29/copyright-is-indispensable-for-artists-they-say-but-for-all-artists-or-just-certain-kinds    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 10:56:28

  • 𝘛𝘦𝘤𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 • Techrights ⚓ http://techrights.org/2022/03/30/irc-log-290322/ ䷉ Source: Techrights | GNU | Linux | FreeSW | ♾ Gemini address: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/2022/03/30/irc-log-290322/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:00:00

  • "In Wisconsin, the state’s top court says [PDF] cops don’t need to worry too much about suppressed evidence" https://www.techdirt.com/2022/03/29/wisconsin-supreme-court-sees-nothing-wrong-with-cops-acquiring-evidence-a-court-had-already-suppressed/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:05:40

  • Grifters (thieves) https://www.techdirt.com/2022/03/29/elon-musks-starlink-gets-even-more-expensive/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:06:18

  • "The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued new interim rules today for the adjudication of asylum and other claims by a new class of “asylum officers” at US ports" https://papersplease.org/wp/2022/03/29/asylum-requires-traveling-to-a-border/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:07:39

  • “Plot to Overturn the Election” https://www.propublica.org/article/new-documentary-by-frontline-and-propublica-reveals-origins-of-the-stolen-election-myth    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:08:11

  • USSA https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/03/29/progressive-caucus-says-pay-concerns-evaporate-when-it-comes-pentagon    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:14:43

  • Boycottt Gulagtube https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/03/29/digitally-disappeared-youtube-has-deleted-six-years-my-show    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:15:46

  • Theft https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/03/29/consumers-pay-oil-ceos-refuse-testify-congress-about-soaring-prices    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:23:31

  • Quit calling fakecoins "crypto". Crypto has nothing to do with that scam. https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/03/29/climate-groups-say-planetary-impacts-crypto-mining-could-be-reduced-99    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:24:34

  • A guide for developers on #HowTo convert XML files to JSON • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163134    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:27:31

  • Ubuntu MATE 22.04 Release Notes • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163135    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:27:46

  • ’Extension Manager’ GNOME App Adds New Features, New Icon • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163136    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:27:55

  • An Early Look at New Features in Thunderbird 102 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163137    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:28:05

  • AlmaLinux vs Rocky Linux: Which One to Choose? • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163138    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:28:18

  • 33 Excellent KDE Plasma Widgets (Updated 2022) • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163139    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:28:31

  • This talk “is titled “Distributing freedom: How package managers empower software users,” and was presented at LibrePlanet 2022 by Sebastian Crane.” http://techrights.org/2022/03/30/sebastian-crane-distributed-freedom/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:29:22

  • Google #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163140    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:40:34

  • Thunderbird 102 is Getting Several Exciting New Features! Here Are 7 of Them http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163137#comment-33235    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 11:42:45

  • Clearview loves Putin's invasion. It helps distract from Clearview's crimes. https://www.techdirt.com/2022/03/29/ukraine-government-confirms-it-is-using-clearview-ai-to-identify-dead-russian-soldiers/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:03:36

  • Suppressed reporting, suppressed subject (not convenient to media owners) https://www.projectcensored.org/lack-of-research-on-rise-of-suicides-among-asian-american-youth/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:20:26

  • Crackers, not hackers https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/03/hackers-gaining-power-of-subpoena-via-fake-emergency-data-requests/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:21:03

  • Discord is terrible for many LEGITIMATE reasons https://www.techdirt.com/2022/03/29/the-latest-moral-panic-focuses-on-discord/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:22:06

  • "As the New York Times reported in 2015, Schrems was a 24-year-old student studying at the Santa Clara School of Law in California, when lawyers from Silicon Valley came to talk to students about their companies’ approach to privacy." https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/blog/how-a-few-thoughtless-words-about-privacy-led-to-huge-political-and-economic-headaches-for-the-us-and-eu/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:27:47

  • Condé Nast should just die already, along with its lying Microsoft rags and Reddit https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/03/29/prestige-doesnt-pay-bills-conde-nast-workers-announce-new-union    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:29:58

  • More bailout money for Microsoft https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/03/29/ukraine-war-cannot-justify-bidens-too-damn-high-pentagon-budget see http://techrights.org/2022/02/04/the-united-states-government-should-quit-bailing-out-microsoft-at-taxpayers-expense/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:30:56

  • "The first pirate site blocking order in Canada remains in place. Internet provider TekSavvy petitioned the Supreme Court to hear the case but this request was denied." https://torrentfreak.com/canadas-supreme-court-denies-teksavvys-site-blocking-appeal-220329/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:35:52

  • "Russia-based game developer Four Quarters is against the war in Ukraine but in common with other companies, still feels the effects of sanctions." https://torrentfreak.com/russian-loop-hero-dev-approves-piracy-after-sanctions-hobble-steam-220329/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:36:10

  • The other Ginni who supports the Orange Nazi (not the Ginni from ICBM, Rometty) https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/03/29/clarence-thomas-should-resign-and-ginni-thomas-should-be-prosecuted https://www.democracynow.org/2022/3/29/ginni_thomas_clarence_thomas_democratic_elections    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:41:05

  • The corporatisation of "science(TM)" https://www.thenation.com/article/environment/university-climate-research-fossil-fuels/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:42:59

  • "Was it all a dream? In the harsh light of 2022, the early years of my time working at BuzzFeed—the boozy launch parties of each new vertical, the iPads distributed as holiday swag, the taco Tuesdays" https://www.thenation.com/article/society/buzzfeed-news-layoffs-journalism/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:43:59

  • "Last week, the EU and the US announced something important that sounds pretty boring — a new “privacy shield” agreement" https://www.techdirt.com/2022/03/29/eu-us-say-theyve-agreed-to-a-new-privacy-shield-that-doesnt-seem-to-deal-with-any-of-the-problems-of-the-old-one/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:44:45

  • Maybe they just don't like people https://www.techdirt.com/2022/03/29/as-scrutiny-of-law-enforcement-increases-legislators-are-trying-to-criminalize-filming-of-police-officers/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:45:29

  • "Billionaires purposefully don't take incomes—they borrow against their wealth to fund their lifestyles (buy, borrow, and die.)" https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/03/29/manchin-blasted-opposing-bidens-plan-tax-us-billionaires    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:49:32

  • Paradox: security and buzzwords like IoShit https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/03/podcast-episode-securing-internet-things    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:50:44

  • Window Snyder is a Microsofter. Why does the EFF boost Microsofters as if they're security experts? https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/03/podcast-episode-securing-internet-things EFF increasingly a loss cause. Also a Microsoft booster. http://techrights.org/2021/04/16/eff-rogue/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:51:39

  • Tax on 95 Percent of Corporate Windfall Profits https://truthout.org/articles/bernie-sanders-wants-wwii-style-tax-on-95-percent-of-corporate-windfall-profits/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:57:07

  • SweatshopZome https://truthout.org/articles/alabama-amazon-workers-were-forced-to-work-as-mysterious-gas-filled-warehouse/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 12:58:14

  • SCOTUS: the questions OFF the table https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/03/29/no-corporate-law-and-power-questions-for-judge-ketanji-brown-jackson/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 13:06:53

  • Instead of protecting women, babies and embryos Texas now protects the travel industry. And the travel is a risk to life. This was never about protecting humans. Women will do what they want, one way or another...    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 13:09:52

  • Microsoft is neither web nor dev, it's a resource-hogging malware cult gemini://ivanodintsoff.smol.pub/motivation-to-learn-something-new-webdev    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 13:12:49

  • Proprietary Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163141    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 14:00:11

  • 10 Lightweight Linux Distributions for your Old Hardware in 2022 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163142    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 14:26:36

  • What’s new in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 Beta • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163143    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 14:44:44

  • Linux Mint Cinnamon vs MATE: Which One To Choose? • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163144    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 14:45:59

  • But Microsoft's OWN criminals have NOT been arrested. Nor have the Microsofters who left these holes open. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqLZOlN9xrE    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 14:57:45

  • Google #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163145    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:00:00

  • Antitrust abuses by Microsoft criminals https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/29/microsoft_browser_choice/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:00:45

  • They keep doing this. The criminals who keep doing this (also bribing officials) never get prosecuted and arrested. Instead they bribe the media, inc. The Verge. https://www.theverge.com/2022/3/29/23001277/microsoft-windows-11-default-browser-new-options    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:02:37

  • Do we have a cracker problem or a back doors problem? http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Microsoft_and_the_NSA    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:03:36

  • Rolling Rhino: A rolling-release remix of Ubuntu http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163034#comment-33236   

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:05:11

  • "former IBM data scientist, has sued Big Blue for gender discrimination and retaliation after he complained that he was not being offered the same family leave options available to his women colleagues." https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/28/ibm_equality_lawsuit/ see http://techrights.org/wiki/IBM#Ageism    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:27:30

  • Today’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163146    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:27:36

  • EmuDeck makes emulation on Steam Deck nice and simple | GamingOnLinux ⚓ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/03/emudeck-makes-emulation-on-steam-deck-nice-and-simple/ ䷉ Source: Gaming On Linux | GNU | Linux | Games    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:29:25

  • "RetroArch, the very popular application front-end for emulators and more has a new release out and it includes better support for the Steam Deck. The improvements benefit all Steam users of course but, for the Steam Deck especially, it's awesome." https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/03/retroarch-gets-big-steam-deck-improvements/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:30:10

  • The Netherlands needs drug reform (yes, really) gemini://drewdevault.com/2022/03/30/Marijuana-reform-in-NL.gmi    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:46:39

  • Today in #Techrights • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163147    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:49:45

  • This week Germany will have more confirmed COVID-19 cases than the UK. The survival rate is vastly higher there.    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:51:56

  • SPAMnil, who ruined LINUX.COM, seems to have broken a new record. 9 videos views in 8 days. I reckon those views are just SPAMnil and his "guest" checking that the video works. GulagTube says he has 22.2k subscribers. I LOL.    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:56:00

  • Richard Stallman's impending talk is not listed here https://stallman.org/talks.html    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 15:58:37

  • 4 very difficult matches in 11 days both for LFC and ManCity https://www.mancity.com/fixtures   

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:01:01

  • No More COVID-19 Testing Kits, But the Numbers Are Soaring, Plague Unresolved http://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/03/30/plague-unresolved/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:21:14

  • Wasting a Raspberry Pi to promote Microsoft's proprietary vendor lock-in that's in effect an attack on Free software and on Git https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/29/github_issue_printer/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:26:24

  • "The modern CIO role has morphed into one that is equal parts technologist, business strategist, and transformational change agent." Mostly buzzwords slinging, no real substance. https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2022/3/leadership-tips-cios-evolve-digital-strategy    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:27:44

  • More buzzwords salad: "But how do we as leaders cultivate these qualities in our teams and create a culture of resiliency?" https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2022/3/build-resilient-it-team    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:28:53

  • ICBM is promoting lots of mindless buzzwords https://opensource.com/article/22/3/aqua-security-devsecops    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:32:47

  • Seems like a bubble. You don't need a special company for this. HP trying to buy itself an identity https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/28/hp_buys_poly/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:34:29

  • GNUnet 0.16.3 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163148    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:41:27

  • ’App Icons Taskbar’ Puts Running Apps in GNOME Shell’s Top Bar • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163149    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:41:44

  • "While this experience is open for everyone, Igalia expressly invites women (both cis and trans), trans men, and genderqueer people to apply." Filling quotas. https://blogs.igalia.com/siglesias/2022/03/30/Igalia-Coding-Experience-GSOC-Outreachy-EVoC/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:45:23

  • Oracle adds autoML to its MySQL HeatWave service - El Reg ⚓ https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/29/oracle_automl_mysql/ ䷉ Source: theregister    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:53:08

  • Games: TFC: The Fertile Crescent, EmuDeck, RetroArch • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163150    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:56:10

  • “Dennis is a free software game developer in his spare time.” http://techrights.org/2022/03/30/freesw-game-restoration/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:56:47

  • IBM/Red Hat Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163151    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:57:35

  • Dude, only NSApple is allowed to do THAT https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/29/apple_watch_tracking_allegations/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 16:59:44

  • GParted Live 1.4.0-1 Stable Release • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163152    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 17:07:10

  • "Having downloaded the Steam Deck recovery image and written to a USB using 'Rufus', I was surprised that booting on various AMD mini PCs has so far been unsuccessful whereas after just a few tweaks it successfully booted on a couple of different Intel NUCs." https://linuxiumcomau.blogspot.com/2022/03/first-look-at-steamos-3.html    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 18:18:03

  • This isn't Linux news, Liam. You're posting marketing BS for Intel/x86, which undermines the planet, security, fair competition etc. https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/03/intel-arc-graphics-launches-for-laptops-desktop-gpus-later-this-year/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 18:19:55

  • Games: SteamOS 3, Ubisoft Connect, and Crowns And Pawns: Kingdom of Deceit • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163153    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 18:29:24

  • Free and open source level editor LDtk 1.0 is out now | GamingOnLinux ⚓ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/03/free-and-open-source-level-designer-ldtk-10-is-out-now/ ䷉ Source: Gaming On Linux | GNU | Linux | Games    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 18:35:04

  • How proprietary socialcontrolmedia shaping the future of Pepper&Carrot - David Revoy ⚓ https://www.davidrevoy.com/article904/how-proprietary-social-medias-are-shaping-the-future-of-peppercarrot ䷉ Source: davidrevoy    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 18:47:34

  • Proprietary Software Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163154    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 18:52:21

  • You cannot learn Qt. You can learn the APIs, but Qt is again proprietary software, so you cannot learn how it works. https://www.qt.io/blog/how-to-learn-qt    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 18:54:12

  • Today’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163155    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 18:55:38

  • "Smart" things https://www.maketecheasier.com/verizon-spam-texts-from-their-own-numbers/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 18:58:06

  • Godot Engine - Dev snapshot: Godot 3.5 beta 3 ⚓ https://godotengine.org/article/dev-snapshot-godot-3-5-beta-3 ䷉ Source: godotengine    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 18:58:48

  • systemd-sysupdate?????????????? https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=systemd-251-rc1    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 19:17:09

  • LoongArch in GCC https://gcc.gnu.org/git/?p=gcc.git&a=search&h=HEAD&st=commit&s=LoongArch    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 19:46:12

  • Mesa 22.0.1 Release Notes • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163156    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 19:46:20

  • Interesting. Will Intel ever move away from Microsoft GitHub and BACK to GitLab? https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=SVT-AV1-1.0-rc1    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 19:55:09

  • [GIT PULL for v5.18-rc1] media updates - Mauro Carvalho Chehab ⚓ https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20220322101406.459e2950@coco.lan/ ䷉ Source: linux | kernel    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 19:55:46

  • Microbell is posting marketing catalogues for Intel again https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel-arc-a3&num=1 Mobile with wattage like THAT?    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 19:56:43

  • [PATCH v2 0/4] Export PSP security attributes - Mario Limonciello ⚓ https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20220329164117.1449-1-mario.limonciello@amd.com/ amd should just remove this malware from ALL chips. It's NOT a security feature. it is the very opposite    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 19:57:49

  • Proprietary software is based on lies https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/29/ftc_tax_intuit/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 19:59:36

  • The Register should have clarified this is Microsoft Windows https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/29/verblecon_malware_cryptomining/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:01:03

  • " After 72 straight hours of researching this spork, taking only a small series of 15-minute naps amid my research, I’m back with my report: Here are all the weird combination utensils I could find." https://tedium.co/2022/03/30/weird-utensil-history/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:06:30

  • Debian selling Web site space (even for Microsoft... for several years in a row) https://bits.debian.org/2022/03/debconf22-lenovo-platinum.html    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:08:00

  • He shilled CLearLinux -- a distro nobody used and we hardly hear about anymore -- so why not marketing cruft for another Intel "PRODUCT"? https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2022/03/30/intel-arc-invades-the-dedicated-gpu-market-with-truly-exciting-features/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:09:21

  • Today’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163157    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:16:07

  • Tech skill planning for the greedy and lazy - Invidious ⚓ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=ofdo0fONe8A ䷉ Source: Video | Invidious | Multimedia    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:22:38

  • "A Quick overview of KDE neon 20220210." https://yewtu.be/watch?v=tc31p7DzS7I excellent distro of GNU/Linux    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:23:21

  • "We just watched Revolution OS before the show, so we reflect on the audacity of their vision and the new revolution we see brewing." https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/148057/revolution-in-review-coder-radio-459/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:24:03

  • "Taiwan-based research firm TrendForce" = marketing disguised as 'science'? https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/29/aws_arm_servers_datacenters/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:25:05

  • Grifting at taxpayers' expense (as if US taxpayers can pay back) https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/28/tsmc_samsung_chip_subsidies/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:26:02

  • "SciTE is an easy-to-use text editor that has many features for programming. Its footprint size and functionality make it perfect for installing on any system, even if you don’t have experience with Scintilla or GTK." https://lateweb.info/easy-way-to-install-scite-on-ubuntu-21-04-lts/?pk_campaign=feed&pk_kwd=easy-way-to-install-scite-on-ubuntu-21-04-lts    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:26:46

  • Spinning price hikes as "rebrand" https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/rosehosting-rebrand-new-website-pricing-structure/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:28:22

  • March 30, 2022: Fending off attacks on connectivity in Ukraine, and keeping anti-war voices in Russia and Belarus online https://www.accessnow.org/digital-rights-ukraine-russia-conflict/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:32:33

  • [Only NSApple is allowed to do it] Apple Watch in Tire Allegedly Used to Track Ex-Girlfriend ⚓ https://gizmodo.com/an-angry-stalker-used-an-apple-watch-wrapped-around-his-1848714771 ䷉ Source: gizmodo    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:33:16

  • No, Bruce Schneier, these are not "malicious uses"; these are the uses https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2022/03/stalking-with-an-apple-watch.html    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:34:36

  • Looming curbs on Tunisian civil society must be stopped - Access Now ⚓ https://www.accessnow.org/tunisia-civil-society/ ䷉ Source: accessnow    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:35:39

  • proprietary software Chrome has "vulnerabilities that an attacker could exploit to take control of an affected system" https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ncas/current-activity/2022/03/30/google-releases-security-updates-chrome    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:36:24

  • "They don't list authoritarianism as a protected attribute but it is clearly the primary one intended in the "not limited to" qualification." https://lwn.net/Articles/889692/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:39:31

  • "And yet the CoC's list of protected attributes includes a number of items one *does* have control over: education, immigration status, level of experience, personal appearance, religion, veteran status (unless conscripted), etc. Personally I do not see enough of a difference between "political affiliation" and "religion" to justify protecting one and not the other." https://lwn.net/Articles/889692/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:41:33

  • Ubuntu on the spyHome(TM) https://ubuntu.com//blog/future-iot-home-automation    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:43:48

  • #HowTo Turn Your Old Laptop Into a Plex Media Server • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163158    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:50:43

  • New malware. From Gulag. https://www.timesnownews.com/technology-science/chrome-browser-version-100-is-out-now-on-windows-mac-linux-android-and-ios-article-90544070    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:52:12

  • "linuxsecurity" likes linking to anti-Linux FUD from Microsoft-connected sites (bad optics) https://linuxsecurity.com/news/hackscracks/hive-ransomware-ports-its-linux-vmware-esxi-encryptor-to-rust    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:53:05

  • "I worked on AMO for almost 4 years and created various libraries like pino-mozlog, pino-devtools or an ESLint plugin to name a few. These libraries have been created either to improve our developer experience or to fulfill some production requirements." https://williamdurand.fr/2022/03/29/some-non-production-tools-i-wrote/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 20:54:13

  • Microsoft is faking it, just like Fakebookkk and other social control media (Twitter was also sued for it and lost) https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/28/ai_fake_linkedin_faces/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 21:06:53

  • MirageOS Announces Latest Release v4.0, dedicated to Lars Kurth • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163159    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 21:07:01

  • Arm says devs need better multi-architecture support - El Reg ⚓ https://www.theregister.com/2022/03/29/arm_heterogeneous_compute/ ䷉ Source: theregister    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 21:07:44

  • "deliberately misconfigured version of CosmosDB and ended up with complete unrestricted access to the accounts and the databases of thousands of Microsoft Azure customers." https://forallsecure.com/blog/the-hacker-mind-follow-the-rabbit http://techrights.org/2021/09/30/azure-brute-force/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 21:13:20

  • fabrics???? https://news.samsung.com/global/samsung-and-western-digital-begin-far-reaching-collaboration-to-drive-standardization-of-next-generation-storage-technologies-for-broader-ecosystem-support-and-customer-adoption    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 21:19:55

  • Redmonk itself is NOT "Vendor-Neutral"; it's s shilling operation disguised as "analysts"; they even name the paymasters. https://redmonk.com/kholterhoff/2022/03/24/vendor-vs-vendor-neutral-certifications/    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 21:21:49

  • Redmonk: "Disclosure: AWS, GitHub, Google (GKE), IBM, Microsoft (AKS), Salesforce, and VMware are RedMonk clients." That's MICROSOFT TWICE. How corrupt does Redmonk want to get? http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/162988#comment-33220    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 21:23:29

  • Using the openSUSE Build Service to build software for POWER | Random thoughts of Peter ’CzP’ Czanik ⚓ https://peter.czanik.hu/posts/power-opensuse-build-service/ ䷉ Source: peter czanik    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 21:57:41

  • New Linux kernel patch speeds up server shutdowns • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163160    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 21:58:08

  • Security Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163161    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 22:00:46

  • Today’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163162    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 22:04:01

  • Canonical/Ubuntu: ’Clown’ Computing, 'Smart' Homes, and 'IoT' Buzzwords • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163163    

posted Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 22:04:17

  • Red Hat Satellite 6.10.4 has been released • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163164    

posted Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 01:13:18

  • #HowTo Add Accent Colors in Ubuntu 22.04 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163165    

posted Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 01:13:48

  • Shotcut Video Editor Gets Multi-Threading for All Implicit Video Scaling and Some Video Filters • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163166    

posted Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 01:14:44

  • What’s KernelCare? • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163167    

posted Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 01:14:57

  • Google #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163168    

posted Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 01:15:08

  • #Techrights Bulletin for Wednesday, March 30, 2022 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintext    

posted Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 05:10:39

  • #Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt #dweb #sharing    

posted Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 05:10:44

Updated in real time for the given day Maintained by Roy Schestowitz