Locally-hosted copy of all posts, sans responses and media enclosures

Roy Schestowitz

Social Control Media Posts

Updated in real time for the given day

  • In this series which explores the relationship between the EPO and the Belarus High Technologies Park we now take a look at this so-called “Seoul in the centre of Pyongyang” http://techrights.org/2022/04/30/high-technologies-park-politics/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:09:44

  • Luka (Lukashenko) is battling his own people, who unlike himself are better informed; much like António Campinos, the EPO President who hardly understands patents http://techrights.org/2022/04/30/meme-clash-of-heads/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:09:57

  • Like his friend Benoît Battistelli, António Campinos glorifies illegal and unconstitutional activity right there in the front page of the EPO‘s Web site; it’s not the union that embarrasses the Office but the management, which is basically corrupt and does illegal things in broad daylight http://techrights.org/2022/04/30/upc-illegal/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:10:19

  • Even though we barely write about Gemini anymore the universe or cyberspace of Gemini Protocol continues to expand while Gemini capsules talk about all sorts of topics other than Gemini itself http://techrights.org/2022/04/30/gemini-1900/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:10:56

  • The dictator of EPOnia, António Campinos, has lost grasp of reality and he’s spinning Russia’s war against Ukraine to portray himself — along with the cronies he brought in-house (to help the cover-up) — as guardians of peace http://techrights.org/2022/04/30/shame-of-bavaria/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:11:25

  • kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git - Linux kernel source tree ⚓ https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=259b897e5a7958e06d1ac30ddd28dc8419e8f328 ䷉ Source: git    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:18:22

  • Common mistakes in BIMI early-adopter implementations ⚓ https://www.ctrl.blog/entry/bimi-adoption.html ䷉ Source: Daniel Aleksandersen    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:20:43

  • 196: Pop!_OS 22.04, GNOME, Ubuntu Gaming, LineageOS 19, Twitter Acquired and more Linux news! https://tuxdigital.com/podcasts/this-week-in-linux/twil-196/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:21:37

  • Linux App Summit 2022 - Day 1 - Kockatoo Tube ⚓ https://tube.kockatoo.org/w/4LEZcE7Yj2AmnXtcVoSyb8 ䷉ Source: tube    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:21:56

  • ICBM itself is a fraud, and it got caught many times https://www.theregister.com/2022/04/05/ibm_z16/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:27:20

  • It's a Windows issue, so Microsoft blames "CHINA!" https://www.theregister.com/2022/04/14/microsoft-tarrask-malware-in-windows/ see http://techrights.org/2021/03/03/microsoft-blame-shifting-tactics/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:31:26

  • "The camera has not been integrated with Windows at all" https://www.theregister.com/2022/04/15/huawei_matebook_x_pro_review/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:34:29

  • "Musk is no stranger to using Twitter as part of his fiscal engineering, and the Feds are no strangers to slapping him down as a result." https://www.theregister.com/2022/04/19/twitter_faces_existential_threat_from/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:35:14

  • Good for the planet, bad for spy agencies https://www.theregister.com/2022/04/19/smartphone_shipments_q1_2022/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:35:58

  • Microsoft Windows TCO https://www.theregister.com/2022/04/25/in_brief_security/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:38:10

  • India reveals RISC-V CPU roadmap, expects product by 2023 - El Reg ⚓ https://www.theregister.com/2022/04/29/india_risc_v_microprocessor_program/ ䷉ Source: theregister    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:42:03

  • Microsoft Windows TCO again https://www.theregister.com/2022/04/29/bumblee-malware-conti-malware/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:42:55

  • Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities April 2022 http://bonedaddy.net/pabs3/log/2022/05/01/floss-activities/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:53:07

  • Apple makes life harder, not earlier https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/invisible-files-and-apples-finder-tar-rsync-and-gnu-tar.2342670/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 01:59:36

  • SeaWorld is abusing animals. It now exploits this "Penguin World Day" (never a corporate stunt, right?) for PR BS https://www.marketscreener.com/quote/stock/SEAWORLD-ENTERTAINMENT-I-13027344/news/SeaWorld-Entertainment-Celebrating-World-Penguin-Day-with-Eight-Species-of-Penguin-40144920/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:01:03

  • "Netatalk is an AFP (short for Apple Filing Protocol) open-source implementation that allows systems running *NIX/*BSD to act as AppleShare file servers (AFP) for macOS clients (i.e., to access files stored on Synology NAS devices)." https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/synology-warns-of-critical-netatalk-bugs-in-multiple-products/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:02:32

  • Fauci: pandemic over. Saner people: No, it ain't. https://www.kitsapsun.com/story/news/2022/04/27/bremerton-high-school-returning-remote-learning-after-covid-19-outbreak/9555366002/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:03:15

  • States like to conflate computer security with national security, where the latter requires a SABOTAGE of the former (to dominate all people via their devices)    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:05:15

  • New page: gemini://gemini.techrights.org/latest-videos/2022/April/ in HTTP: http://techrights.org/videos/index-April-2022.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:07:08

  • Technical GulagTube used: Shit, Gulag is reducing my views by screwing with the algo!! Non-technical GulagTube used: My views are down, maybe I offended people, maybe I did something wrong, maybe I need to work harder or buy a newer or more expensive camera. Gulag tortures millions of people for billions of dollars. Get off this wagon. Same for Musk Social (Twitter). Stop being used!!    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:09:16

  • Spoiler: Techrights EPO series will show that EPO supports Lukashenko with funds    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:15:42

  • FCC Poised To Change Directional FM Tower Siting Rules. | Story | insideradio.com ⚓ https://www.insideradio.com/free/fcc-poised-to-change-directional-fm-tower-siting-rules/article_0ba65e54-c78b-11ec-864d-971188f0bf89.html ䷉ Source: insideradio    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:15:45

  • Musk’s Twitter deal stirs fears of abuse in Asia, Middle East | Al Arabiya English ⚓ https://english.alarabiya.net/features/2022/04/29/Musk-s-Twitter-deal-stirs-fears-of-abuse-in-Asia-Middle-East ䷉ "Elon Musk’s plan to acquire Twitter has alarmed human rights activists in Asia and the Middle East..."    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:16:44

  • Platform for violence http://techrights.org/2022/03/01/twitter-happier-during-wars/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:17:08

  • I'd like to know if there are good metric or measured by which to show that over the past week activity in Twitter has fallen    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:17:54

  • Tim Anderson is STILL doing Microsoft propaganda! To him, Apple stuff is "compelling" if it runs... WINDOWS https://devclass.com/2022/04/25/asahi-linux-better-vm-support-apple-silicon/ see http://techrights.org/2008/11/09/bribe-for-vista-7-review/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:19:31

  • LOL!!! Gulag removes GNU/Linux (Gentoo) feature, brings it back... INNOVATION!! "That's why we're so excited to see Google adding a nifty pinning feature to Chrome OS, bringing your most mundane multitasking desire to life: keeping a window on top." https://www.androidpolice.com/chromeos-always-on-top/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:21:41

  • But social control media as a concept, itself, is a problem https://thenewstack.io/challenges-of-creating-a-decentralized-open-source-twitter/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:22:50

  • Chainguard Enforce: Software Supply Chain Security for K8s - The New Stack ⚓ https://thenewstack.io/chainguard-enforce-software-supply-chain-security-for-k8s/ ䷉ Source: thenewstack    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:24:03

  • Windows booster sob as Windows is dying https://www.thurrott.com/windows/windows-11/266336/care-about-windows-do-not-watch-this-video    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:24:21

  • Apple only third https://www.gsmarena.com/canalys_honor_was_the_top_smartphone_maker_in_china_in_q1_this_year-news-54141.php    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:32:35

  • PentaGAFAM or Silicon Valley became a military (budget) dick-sucking competition. They don't even need to be profitable, it's just graft. Spy for the plutocrats, oppress the population, keep people down.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:34:07

  • Matt Asay is a corporate troll, now working (shilling) for Bezos https://www.infoworld.com/article/3658394/the-emerging-risks-of-open-source.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:35:34

  • Hey, SolarWinds is NOT open source! https://blogs.grammatech.com/software-supply-chain-security-terminology    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:37:38

  • The term "supply chain" is typically used as a FUD carrier for Microsoft and friends, to deamonise the victims when Microsoft transmits malware (e.g. ShitHub/NPM).    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:38:37

  • Proprietary software is dangerous and malicious. You don't know what you're getting and what may happen next. https://wptavern.com/memberpress-plugin-is-locking-users-out-after-support-license-expires    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:39:45

  • World Malaria Day 2022. Someone should hand over a CHILD to Bill Gates.... for photo ops. https://english.jagran.com/lifestyle/world-malaria-day-2022-check-out-history-significance-and-theme-of-this-day-10042477    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:41:53

  • German Volla Phone 22: No Google on Privacy-Focused Phone http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163909#comment-33507   

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:44:19

  • Greenwashing as a skill? You mean marketing? https://cleantechnica.com/2022/04/25/the-demand-for-green-skills-is-growing-globally/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:44:42

  • Proprietary piece of garbage https://www.techradar.com/news/macos-server-has-been-killed-off-at-last    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:45:25

  • Glyn Moody now records his poetry as audio https://glanglish.blogspot.com/2021/05/thoughts-for-your-pennies.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 02:55:28

  • #Techrights Bulletin for Saturday, April 30, 2022 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintext    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 04:06:50

  • #Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt #dweb #sharing    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 04:06:55

  • "Before computers had the hardware for 3D games, some games still managed a 3D view on a limited scale in dungeon crawlers." ☛ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/crawl-through-dungeons-hack-computers-or-explore-an-undersea-base-dungeon-crawler-jam/ | Source: GamingOnLinux    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 04:39:08

  • "Valve released another set of Steam Deck upgrades and it includes updates for both the Stable and Beta branches." ☛ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/04/steam-deck-updates-out-for-stable-and-beta-better-refresh-rate-switching/ | Source: GamingOnLinux    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 04:39:13

  • "Composer is a dependency manager tool for PHP especially designed to install and update project dependencies." https://www.linuxcloudvps.com/blog/how-to-install-and-use-php-composer-on-ubuntu-20-04/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 04:41:00

  • "The GW-01 protocol conversion gateway features the ARM Cortex-A8 (up to 1 GHz) CPU." ☛ https://linuxgizmos.com/novakon-new-din-rail-protocol-conversion-gateway-features-ti-sitara-arm-processor/ | Source: Linux Gizmos    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 04:41:21

  • So-called "IoT" ☛ https://staceyoniot.com/iot-news-of-the-week-for-april-29-2022/ | Source: Stacy on IoT    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 04:43:50

  • "I've received some comments from readers asking me about my distribution choices" ☛ https://rachelbythebay.com/w/2022/04/29/bsd/ | Source: Rachel    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 04:44:12

  • Mozilla as data collector or broker in charity ("foundation") clothing ☛ https://www.neowin.net/news/mozilla039s-open-source-speech-data-project-common-voice-now-has-20000-hours-of-content/ | Source: Neowin    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 04:44:56

  • FuguIta 7.1, based on OpenBSD, is out http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164352 http://fuguita.org/   

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:11:51

  • Google #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164349    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:12:13

  • myPalletizer 4 axis robot arm available in M5 Stack & Raspberry Pi 4 models • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164350    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:12:21

  • #HowTo Install Classic GNOME Flashback in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164351    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:12:31

  • FuguIta 7.1, based on OpenBSD, is out • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164352    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:12:39

  • "There’s a pattern that emerged in software some time ago" ☛ https://davmac.wordpress.com/2022/04/30/forgetting-about-the-problem-of-memory/ | Source: Software Is Crap    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:24:40

  • "Someone asked me what the byte sequence is for an infinite loop in x86 machine code" ☛ https://blog.didierstevens.com/2022/04/30/quickpost-machine-code-infinite-loop/ | Source: Didier Stevens    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:24:47

  • "You want to run a query over multiple tables in your database / warehouse and then process and visualise" ☛ https://www.r-bloggers.com/2022/04/iterating-over-multiple-database-tables-with-r/ | Source: Rlang    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:24:53

  • "About a decade ago, we wound up caught in a wiki trap" ☛ https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/web/SupportSiteHTMLExperience | Source: uni Toronto    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:26:32

  • "McElrea said she worried when the 800-pound shipment didn’t arrive in Atlanta in time to make the connecting flight" ☛ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/millions-alaska-bound-bees-die-flight-rerouted-rcna26799 | Source: NBC    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:27:31

  • "When Sarah McElrea arrived at the Anchorage airport last Friday to pick up the 800 pounds of honeybees" ☛ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/28/us/honeybees-died-atlanta-airport-alaska.html | Source: New York Times    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:27:57

  • "How many opportunities do we let go when we’re passively using our phones?" ☛ https://afhub.dev/2022/04/29/disconnecting-is-becoming-increasingly-difficult/ |    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:28:07

  • "CNN projected that the service would have two million subscribers by the end of the year" ☛ https://www.theverge.com/23043232/cnn-plus-axios-chat-shut-down-streaming-news | Source: The Verge    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:29:17

  • Fake privacy, like DDG as Microsoft proxy? "The data connection isn’t unlimited, either." ☛ https://www.pcworld.com/article/696030/microsoft-tests-a-limited-vpn-for-microsoft-edge.html | Source: PC World    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:29:37

  • Information & Data Protection Commissioner (IDPC) ☛ https://noyb.eu/en/political-data-breach-malta-c-planet-refuses-right-access-and-information | Source: NYOB    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:30:43

  • "admitted a data breach potentially affecting 345,000 individuals" ☛ https://portswigger.net/daily-swig/data-breach-at-us-healthcare-provider-arcare-impacts-345-000-individuals | Source: Port Swigger    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:30:50

  • "An article on the front page of the Iranian Kayhan newspaper, affiliated with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei" ☛ https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/article-705419 | Source: Jerusalem Post    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:31:28

  • "The second edition of the Global Land Outlook (GLO2), Land Restoration for Recovery and Resilience" ☛ https://www.unccd.int/resources/global-land-outlook/global-land-outlook-2nd-edition |    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:32:15

  • "Palm oil is the most consumed vegetable oil in the world, and Indonesia accounts for 35 percent of global exports" ☛ https://today.rtl.lu/news/business-and-tech/a/1906292.html | Source: RTL    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:32:25

  • "Palm oil has been and continues to be a major driver of deforestation of some of the world’s most biodiverse forests" ☛ https://www.wwf.org.uk/updates/8-things-know-about-palm-oil |    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:34:27

  • "Looking at these two Sentinel 2 [satellite] images taken on 20 February and 12 March" ☛ https://news.mongabay.com/2022/04/palm-oil-firm-that-cleared-papuan-forest-after-losing-its-permit-is-still-at-it/ | Source: Mongabay    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:34:35

  • "Russia and Ukraine are the world's biggest producers of sunflower oil" ☛ https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-russia-war-palm-oil-comeback-green-groups-worried/ | Source: Politico    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:35:17

  • "Few ingredients are as widespread or as notorious as palm oil." ☛ https://www.dw.com/en/investigating-palm-oil/av-61634310 | Source: Deutsche Welle    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:35:22

  • "For the safety component, Fotherby had to ensure that any potential fault" ☛ https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/04/29/this-arduino-based-ev-charger-packs-a-diy-solution-in-a-commercial-enclosure/ | Source: Arduino    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:36:28

  • Actual is going Free software http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164353 ☛ https://actualbudget.com/open-source |    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:39:15

  • Microsoft Windows TCO: "The war in Ukraine has pushed the United States to expedite its investment in cybersecurity amid constant" ☛ https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/3470296-ukraine-war-speeds-up-us-cyber-agenda/ | Source: The Hill    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:41:00

  • "The podcast episode that the meme is taken from runs for more than three hours" ☛ https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/elon-musk-twitter-meme-joe-rogan-vijaya-gadde-rcna26589 | Source: NBC    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:41:05

  • "Among them are billionaire GOP donor Peter Thiel and former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey" ☛ https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/elon-musk-twitter-takeover-free-speech-banned-accounts-1345233/ | Source: Rolling Stone    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:41:13

  • Identity politics. CIA is still a mobster org. ☛ https://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/government-policy/indian-american-entrepreneur-appointed-first-ever-cto-of-cia/91207343 | Source: India Times    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:41:44

  • "Twitter as it exists now fills a particular spot in the social media ecosystem." ☛ https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/why-twitter-is-unlikely-to-become-the-digital-town-square-elon-musk-envisions/ | Source: ABC    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:42:03

  • Actual is going open-source • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164353    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:42:31

  • Security Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164354    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:46:58

  • "That following has made it easier to afford increasingly aggressive and invasive cosmetic procedures" ☛ https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/followers-cheaper-lips-young-influencers-detail-allure-cosmetic-proced-rcna14463 | Source: NBC    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:47:51

  • "Friday night’s political agreement on the Digital Services Act (DSA) is a good first step" ☛ https://edri.org/our-work/eu-negotiators-approve-good-dsa-but-more-work-is-needed-to-build-a-better-internet/ | Source: EDRI    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:48:16

  • "College students have also faced arrests, physical attacks, and been stopped by federal immigration authorities" ☛ https://www.teenvogue.com/story/student-journalists-lawsuits | Source: Teen Vogue    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:48:40

  • Fraud celebrated? ☛ https://www.salon.com/2022/04/29/the-of-elon-musk-why-do-some-of-us-worship-billionaires/ | Source: Salon    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:49:55

  • "The Apple Store, located in Atlanta’s Cumberland Mall, is the first of the company’s 272 retail locations" ☛ https://www.theverge.com/2022/4/29/23048296/apple-retail-store-union-atlanta-cumberland-mall-open-letter | Source: The Verge    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:50:06

  • "U.S. resistance to celebrate International Labor Day — also called International Workers' Day" ☛ https://text.npr.org/1095729592 | Source: NPR    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:51:07

  • "Do you enjoy not having to work weekends? The 40-hour work week? Having sick days and paid time off?" ☛ https://www.freepressjournal.in/world/international-workers-day-on-may-1st-why-do-we-celebrate-this-occasion |    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:51:13

  • "Two of the most astute IP [sic] scholars I know also happen to be two of the best legal writers I know" ☛ https://capitalaspower.com/2022/04/duke-is-academias-meanest-trademark-bully/ |    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:51:56

  • "In its 10-Q filing with the SEC, Amazon detailed the components of the MGM deal, which closed March 17." ☛ https://variety.com/2022/digital/news/amazon-mgm-content-library-value-1235254458/ | Source: Variety    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:52:06

  • "When Ukrainian and Russian representatives meet to attempt to negotiate a way out of the crisis, the absence of women from those tables is glaring." ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/04/30/now-time-canada-and-world-adopt-feminist-foreign-policy | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:53:06

  • "Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine" ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/04/30/prosecute-russian-and-other-powerful-countries-war-crimes | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:53:18

  • "The Entertainment Software Association, an industry group representing Activision, EA, Epic, Nintendo and other major gaming companies" ☛ https://torrentfreak.com/major-persistent-video-game-pirates-investigated-by-esa-220430/ | Source: Torrent Freak    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:54:45

  • "profits" ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/un-chief-slams-fossil-fuel-industry-for-using-ukraine-war-to-boost-profits/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:56:49

  • Crazy!! ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/covid-vaccines-for-kids-under-5-could-be-available-in-june-fda-official-says/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 09:58:19

  • "United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres on Saturday slammed the fossil fuel industry for trying to use Russia's war on Ukraine" ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/30/un-chief-slams-fossil-fuel-sector-trying-use-ukraine-war-lock-high-carbon-future | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:00:06

  • Unions ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/sanders-warns-democrats-back-union-movement-now-or-face-defeat-this-fall/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:00:43

  • "Starbucks has this image of being a progressive company that takes care of its employees. But really that hasn't been the case" ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/04/30/after-amazon-and-starbucks-union-wins-whats-next-reenergized-us-labor-movement | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:00:57

  • "Midterms" ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/new-york-court-orders-district-maps-to-be-redrawn-for-midterms/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:03:04

  • "SEIU Members Are Voting to Strike" ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/seiu-members-are-voting-to-strike-in-los-angeles-heres-why/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:05:39

  • "[Jeshua Lacock] from 3DTOPO owns a large-format CNC (4’x8′, or 1.2×2.4 m), that he strongly feels is lacking laser-cutting capabilities." ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/30/giant-cnc-partners-with-powerful-laser-diode/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:05:53

  • Book censorship ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/childrens-book-authors-are-fighting-back-against-censorship-and-book-bans/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:06:13

  • Online shooter games ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/30/aimbot-does-it-in-hardware/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:07:02

  • "This is the first time that this mechanism has been launched in the history of the EU" ☛ https://insighthungary.444.hu/2022/04/30/ec-launches-conditionality-mechanism-against-government-mnb-raises-base-rate-again-government-extends-price-caps-warsaw-launches-hungarian-language-campaign-to-stop-russia | Source: Hungary    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:07:17

  • " six above-ground tanks project " ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/04/30/its-taking-nine-years-replace-underground-jet-fuel-tanks-washington-state-red-hill | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:07:58

  • "We had come to save our lives, not to risk them in such an awful way." ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/04/30/absolutely-tragic-doctors-tie-trumps-30-foot-border-wall-surge-injuries-and-deaths | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:08:32

  • May Day ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/on-may-day-lets-make-bold-demands-for-democracy-at-work-and-in-the-streets/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:09:09

  • "it helps to have a large data set to assist in validating it" ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/30/training-doppler-radar-with-smart-watch-imus-data-for-activity-recognition/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:09:26

  • "project that tickled my nostalgia bone" ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/30/new-tech-and-the-old-ways/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:09:32

  • "The origin story for many who’d call themselves a member of the hacker community usually starts with taking things apart as a child" ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/30/hacking-toy-rc-cars-with-the-hackrf-one/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:10:36

  • Biden and banks ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/biden-faces-mounting-pressure-to-commit-to-substantial-student-debt-cancellation/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:10:53

  • "[GreatScott!] was bummed to see his greenhouse be empty and lifeless in winter." ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/30/plant-growth-accelerated-tremendously-with-leds/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:11:55

  • "Stereophotography cameras are difficult to find" ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/04/30/clever-stereo-camera-uses-sony-wireless-camera-modules/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:12:13

  • Proprietary Software Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164355    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:12:40

  • Review of ad??? "I’d like to thank Ulenic for sending T10 for review. It can be purchased for $429 on Amazon" https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/05/01/ultenic-t10-review-a-self-emptying-2-in-1-smart-vacuum-robot-with-mopping-function/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:16:37

  • Best Free and Open Source Software – April 2022 Updates - LinuxLinks ⚓ https://www.linuxlinks.com/best-free-open-source-software-april-2022-updates/ ䷉ Source: LinuxLinks | GNU | Linux | FreeSW    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:18:25

  • "And best of all: everyone who contributes to LibreOffice in the next four weeks can claim a cool sticker pack" https://blog.documentfoundation.org/blog/2022/05/01/the-month-of-libreoffice-may-2022-starts-today-join-in-and-get-snazzy-merch/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:22:39

  • "Recent versions of Sailfish OS (currently use a socket that listens on port 22, and start sshd (to be precise, a per-connection sshd@.service) when someone knocks." https://dt.iki.fi/sailfish-os-sshd    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:23:23

  • Challenges of Creating a Decentralized, Open Source Twitter • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164356    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:23:30

  • Sculpt OS release 22.04 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164357    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:26:49

  • Today’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164358    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:26:56

  • As we enter the month of May it becomes more apparent that Windows goes nowhere but down, even months after a new release/version http://techrights.org/2022/04/30/month-check-statcounter/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:27:21

  • Programming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164359    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:50:19

  • Today’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164360    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:50:33

  • [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D218.jpg    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:51:45

  • [cat] gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D575.jpg    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:52:08

  • Musings on processing malformed Gemini (and web) requests gemini://gemini.conman.org/boston/2022/04/30.1    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:52:36

  • Free Speech "I hestiated to even write this, but it needs said. I did tone it down just a bit, in the interest of legitimate dialogue." gemini://ainent.xyz/gemlog/2022-04-30-free-speech.gmi    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:53:08

  • "It's interviews with tilde-verse people, mixed with short segments about science trivia, readings, and whatever. It's entertaining, and it's well produced too. I only listened to like one and a half of them so far, but I know I'll get back to it, because it's good." gemini://republic.circumlunar.space/users/joneworlds/tildewhirl.gmi    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:54:26

  • "I like working with microcontrollers and other small systems. They provide constraints and constraints make all creative endeavors better. They define the space that can be filled so you can find solutions to filling it." gemini://going-flying.com/~mernisse/28.gmi    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:55:07

  • Video Games and FOSS gemini://malinfreeborn.com/gen/game_licences.gmi    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:56:02

  • Returning to Games after a Decade gemini://malinfreeborn.com/gen/game_return.gmi    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 10:56:35

  • DRM in action https://gamerant.com/playstation-classic-games-not-working-ps3-ps-vita/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:12:59

  • DRM means that people with unauthorised copies get better value and better experience than those who pay https://www.nme.com/news/gaming-news/ps3-and-ps-vita-virtual-games-experiencing-unplayable-expired-error-3201648    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:13:52

  • Microsoft Windows kills https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/microsoft-exchange-servers-hacked-to-deploy-hive-ransomware/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:14:31

  • This is very good because it'll teach people to avoid DRM like the plague. Even some companies will avoid it. https://knowtechie.com/some-video-games-are-suddenly-expiring-on-ps3-and-vita-consoles/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:16:02

  • Hands-On with Arch Linux’s New Menu-Based Installer • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164361    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:17:01

  • Graft. Taking from taxpayers to subsidise (at a COLOSSAL loss) companies that in turn oppress the taxpayers. https://swarajyamag.com/analysis/the-role-of-state-funded-agency-darpa-in-growth-of-us-semiconductor-industry-and-lessons-for-india bankrupting a nation...    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:20:42

  • "Debian Escobar was missing for a long time, her parents found her everywhere, but she could not be found anywhere." Debian??? https://getindianews.com/debanhi-escobar-found-dead/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:34:53

  • What is "Debian Perl"? "Katie Longua is a self-published comic artist and co-creator of Debian Perl" https://www.crunchyroll.com/en-gb/anime-news/2022/04/25-1/exclusive-unico-awakening-kickstarter-reveals-special-reward-prints-from-renowned-artists    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:36:10

  • Maven, Gradle And More: #HowTo Choose Between Package Managers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164362    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:48:20

  • “Debian, I lend you my voice” https://www.bolnews.com/international/2022/04/students-death-stokes-anger-over-mexican-femicide-crisis/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:50:15

  • LOL! Enjoy. https://voonze.com/up-to-40-minutes-to-boot-windows-11/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:53:51

  • But why does EFF never promote GNU/Linux? https://www.eff.org/event/eff-scale-19x    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:57:46

  • As if Obama himself spoke truth to his people. Arrogance and Hubris. Heck, he was stonewalling for the Saudi regime, obstructing families of 9/11 casualties. https://www.rappler.com/technology/features/full-text-barack-obama-digital-disinformation-challenges-democracy/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 13:59:07

  • Samsung spam or puff piece? Government does PR for private sector: "Sponsored by the Ministry of Employment and Labor, SSAFY is a corporate social responsibility program launched by Samsung to expand the domestic" https://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/327896.html?gosh    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:00:28

  • Top 10 Websites to Learn Python for Free in 2022 https://www.analyticsinsight.net/top-10-websites-to-learn-python-for-free-in-2022/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:00:51

  • There has never been a better time to leave behind the medium which — even in its lesser-centralised forms — wastes time and impacts what people read and write (not for the better) http://techrights.org/2022/05/01/social-control-media-implosion/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:02:26

  • We continue to explore the affairs of the Belarusian ‘science park’ in Minsk, where EPO President Benoît Battistelli sent parts of the EPO (while António Campinos pretends that the EPO is cutting relations with Belarus) http://techrights.org/2022/05/01/htp-peaceful-coexistence/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:02:37

  • As revealed days ago, António Campinos ought not be known for manners (the quotes above are from him, the EPO‘s President who wants his term extended so he can carry on defacing the EPO's site with lies and incitement to break the law) http://techrights.org/2022/05/01/antonio-f-campinos/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:02:50

  • Gemini as an excuse to make toys again gemini://going-flying.com/~mernisse/18.gmi    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:04:01

  • "I had Kubuntu 21.10 installed with snaps disabled. Decided to run an update to Kubuntu 22.04. I'm on "normal" track, so this is for non-LTS version." gemini://akselmo.dev/posts/blog-2022-05-01-Fixing-DNS-issues-in-Kubuntu-22.04.gmi    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:04:56

  • Digital Restrictions (DRM) https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/24/cnn-plus-what-went-wrong-why-it-was-canceled.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:14:08

  • Example of webspam in 'article' clothing, spiced up with buzzwords https://www.analyticsinsight.net/improve-your-business-growth-with-these-top-big-data-companies/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:15:28

  • Thoughts and prayers https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/former-bremerton-football-coach-who-lost-job-postgame-prayers-takes-case-supreme-court/V7TBOKHOPNAVVMW4HNX32OU5FA/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:16:37

  • ICBM Red Hat speaks of "clown" and malarkey. Companies do this when they lack technical edge, so executives overcompensate with shallow marketing. https://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/22/04/b26785764/red-hat-expands-capabilities-to-provide-streamlined-application-development-and-delivery-in-the-cl    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:18:49

  • A 4-year degree isn’t the job requirement it used to be | The Seattle Times ⚓ https://www.seattletimes.com/explore/careers/a-4-year-degree-isnt-the-job-requirement-it-used-to-be/ ䷉ Source: seattletimes (NYTimes article reposted by Bill Gates-bribed outlet)    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:20:17

  • Salesforce webspam https://fundraising.co.uk/2022/04/25/salesforce-reaches-half-a-billion-dollars-in-all-time-giving/ Salesforce profits from crimes against humanity http://techrights.org/2020/09/27/salesforce-works-for-ice/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:22:11

  • "I’ve noticed that there are two types of students in this world when it comes to choosing courses: those who enroll for an easy A and those who take a class because it’s interesting. Both factors, easiness and interest, are subjective." https://emorywheel.com/emory-must-prioritize-undergraduate-teaching-instead-of-pure-research/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:24:08

  • "China exported surveillance tech to Serbia. Did it export authoritarianism too?" https://www.ft.com/content/ad8fa1ce-247b-48b7-a17a-87a368186c31 FT, did you take bribe from Bill Gates? (You did.) To help reputation laundering of Jeffrey Epstein's enabler?    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:25:45

  • They mean server. And it's not "now"; it has been like this for decades (predating dumb buzzwords) https://www.freepressjournal.in/business/cloud-is-now-fundamental-backbone-of-any-enterprise-says-hcl-tech-cto clown computing = lexicon of the misinformed or the dishonest marketeer    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:26:58

  • "Greener Purchasing"!!! GREEEEEEEN !!! CONSUMERISM is GOOD... for the planet! BUY MORE! Save the world. https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220427005600/en/Office-Depot-Celebrates-Organizations-for-Their-Leadership-in-Greener-Purchasing    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:28:32

  • Most households don't have "Macs" and other Apple stuff; this ought not be enabled by default https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/qnap-warns-users-to-disable-afp-until-it-fixes-critical-bugs/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:29:41

  • It's not up to you. Ask Monica Lewinsky https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crossroads-lab/article260177445.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:31:27

  • Trying to FORCE people to think of you positively is hallmark of autocracy, like Putin in Russia...    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:32:28

  • Putin: In Russia, only foreign agents oppose me. Or: In Russia, everyone who opposes Putin gets labeled "foreign agent".    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:33:46

  • Microsoft: people who call out our crimes are "Microsoft haters"    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:34:21

  • "Following a dolphin attack on a Miami Seaquarium trainer, the ethics of keeping animals captive at marine parks and aquariums comes into question" https://plantbasednews.org/opinion/opinion-piece/dolphin-attack-miami-animals-captivity/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:36:45

  • "The base has not been operational since 2020 because of the Covid-19 pandemic, but the museum has been left unlocked for curious individual visitors." https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/business/work/antarctic-post-office-job-ad-details-unique-working-conditions/news-story/bfe1b2634991db6d5ef46b43a2c6a7b9    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:37:45

  • There are more people still using Windows XP than users of Vista 11. They should migrate to GNU/Linux on the same hardware. https://www.trustedreviews.com/explainer/why-you-need-to-keep-your-operating-system-up-to-date-4227163    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:42:11

  • "GNU/Linux operating systems handle lifecycle in a variety of ways, from from “rolling release” distributions like Arch, which don’t have a formal release lifecycle but instead release small incremental updates, to “long-term support” (LTS) versions." https://www.trustedreviews.com/explainer/why-you-need-to-keep-your-operating-system-up-to-date-4227163    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:42:55

  • He should APOLOGISE to them, not just pardon them https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/3619191/sisi-pardons-more-3000-egyptian-inmates    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:43:54

  • "Ubuntu and other GNU/Linux distributions." https://liliputing.com/2022/04/chuwi-rzbox-2022-mini-pc-with-ryzen-7-5800h-coming-soon.html but does Chuwi still pre-install Microsoft's malware? If not, then this is progress.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:46:13

  • "Ubuntu and other GNU/Linux distributions." https://liliputing.com/2022/04/chuwi-rzbox-2022-mini-pc-with-ryzen-7-5800h-coming-soon.html but does Chuwi still pre-install Microsoft's malware? If not, then this is progress.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:46:26

  • This Privacy-Focused Phone Doesn’t Have Gulag Services http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/163909#comment-33509    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:49:27

  • ICBM and Microsoft will pass out seeing this job ad. Or not... they're just concern-trolling the communities they're attacking, by asserting "MASTER" is racist https://it-online.co.za/2022/04/26/developer-python-master-at-parvana-recruitment-7/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:50:52

  • "May 1995 Sun releases Java, a programming language intended to let programmers “write once, run everywhere.” It was originally developed by James Gosling and others at Sun to allow interactive applications to be downloaded to digital cable television boxes." https://www.forbes.com/sites/gilpress/2022/04/26/modern-computing-a-short-history-1945-2022/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:51:42

  • In the Battle Over the Right to Repair, Open-Source Tractors Offer an Alternative | Civil Eats ⚓ https://civileats.com/2022/04/27/right-to-repair-open-source-tractors-john-deere-oggun-farms-profitability-technology/ ䷉ Source: civileats    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 14:53:27

  • Fakecoins??? https://www.investing.com/news/cryptocurrency-news/what-major-sports-are-paying-athletes-in-crypto-2811919    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 15:56:14

  • Support for proprietary Apple file system https://thehackernews.com/2022/04/qnap-advises-to-mitigate-remote-hacking.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 15:57:06

  • "Sponsored Feature" and "Sponsored by Intel" so Timothy Prickett Morgan not only takes ICBM bribes for his ICBM (IBM) puff pieces. This is ongoing corruption of the media, turning the Web into webSPAM. https://www.nextplatform.com/2022/04/28/the-hyperscalers-point-the-way-to-integrated-ai-stacks/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 15:59:12

  • Most [number] best [something] 'articles' on the Web are paid-for SPAM.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 15:59:50

  • Most households don't have "Macs" and other Apple stuff; this ought not be enabled by default https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2022/04/29/nas-devices-vulnerabilities/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 16:00:31

  • MOST of what the "media" recently called "Linux" flaw was actually systemd. And the flaw was not severe. That helped distract from MANY Microsoft ZERO-DAY flaws that were CRITICAL and ACTIVELY exploited.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 16:01:41

  • Corrupt media shilling Windows stuff, employing Microsoft media operatives, too. "CEO Jimmy Tam spoke to B&F about his US-based company..." (yeah, puff piece in 'interview' clothing) https://blocksandfiles.com/2022/04/29/peer-software-replication-spawning-more-features/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 16:03:11

  • Job WEBSPAM disguised as "article" with misleading headline https://www.analyticsinsight.net/top-python-developer-jobs-coders-should-apply-for-in-may-2022/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 16:11:39

  • While the assertion here may be true, it's sad they quote a Microsoft proxy (Microsoft puts back doors in things and then uses this proxy to deflect/pass blame to "Open Source") Cybersecurity skills shortage not only continues to give C-level executives migraine but also links to many breaches, Fortinet’s recent report found.     

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 16:13:37

  • While the assertion here may be true, it's sad they quote a Microsoft proxy (Microsoft puts back doors in things and then uses this proxy to deflect/pass blame to "Open Source") https://www.sdxcentral.com/articles/news/fortinet-80-of-breaches-attributed-to-cybersecurity-skills-gap/2022/04/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 16:14:31

  • Microsoft Windows TCO https://www.helpnetsecurity.com/2022/04/26/quantum-ransomware/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 16:16:59

  • So-called "fitness tracker"... mass surveillance propr disguised as "health" and "safety" https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/apr/30/michael-horvath-strava-co-founder-profile    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 16:19:35

  • IBMer who died https://www.livemint.com/news/india/immigrant-from-india-headed-us-software-firms-11651296202674.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 16:20:19

  • "He signed on as employee No. 17 at what became the software giant Oracle Corp. He launched his own software company, Gupta Technologies Inc., in 1984. Initially successful, that business floundered in the mid-1990s as Oracle and Microsoft Corp. muscled into its niche." https://www.livemint.com/news/india/immigrant-from-india-headed-us-software-firms-11651296202674.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 16:21:02

  • According to statcounter, GNU/Linux has higher share than Apple in Poland, not even counting Android as "Linux"    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 16:26:16

  • Jim Zemlin defends Microsoft from actual users of GNU/Linux (not him!) instead of defending us from Microsoft and its crimes. To these people who speak of "Code of Conduct", crime is the thing to defend and people who oppose crimes should be punished.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:37:08

  • : The EPO has rebranded job titles/roles as if it is a private company and the EU agrees; what on Earth is going on here? Is the EPO an investment bank? http://techrights.org/2022/05/01/epo-corporation/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:43:25

  • Reminder that any time you tell developers and projects to delete GitHub (and use something free, instead) you are helping Software Freedom, even if users and development groups are hesistant and apprehensive, unwilling to leave, certainly at first (Stockholm Syndrome) http://techrights.org/2022/05/01/github-stockholm-syndrome/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:43:42

  • The management style in Europe’s second-largest institution (and largest patent office) has already resulted in a mass exodus or brain drain; at this point the EPO cannot recruit highly-skilled staff which meets the standards set by the EPC and patents are being granted in violation of the EPC http://techrights.org/2022/05/01/epo-cant-survive-like-this/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:44:00

  • Security Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164363    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:46:53

  • Kerala, so I assume this is Free/libre software https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/kozhikode/ults-to-update-kozhikode-corporations-suvega-software/article65353306.ece    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:48:35

  • Bitwarden Review: The Best Free Password Manager for 2022 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164364    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:49:10

  • Spotify Pays for Free Software 1,000 Less Than It Paid Rogan http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164273#comment-33510   

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:51:02

  • Bloomberg and Bezos: US has no people who are smart, so we need to import cheap labour https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/america-must-workharder-for-homegrown-talent/2022/05/01/75a6bcf2-c94f-11ec-b7ee-74f09d827ca6_story.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:51:47

  • It's easy to oppose war crime when you never hold yourself accountable (for example, see Jim Zemlin Syndrome) https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/3622241/us-condemns-tadamon-massacre-syria-demands-accountability    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:53:02

  • US demands accountability for war crimes ~= Linux Foundation subjects people to Code of Conduct while taking bribes from criminals to shield those criminals from their critics. http://techrights.org/2022/04/15/code-of-conduct-in-action/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:54:54

  • "Supposedly to protect the citizenry and the state from unscrupulous swindlers and outright fraudsters, this vast machinery of impediments makes doing business in India nothing short of a nightmare." https://www.livemint.com/opinion/online-views/we-need-freedom-from-the-grip-of-regulations-and-compliances-11650903529758.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:56:58

  • Ukraine has become a CATCH-ALL EXCUSE for all industries, not just the energy sector that now plunders BILLIONS of human beings every day https://www.fiercebiotech.com/biotech/roche-delays-dmd-drug-deadline-while-trying-prevent-ms-trials-becoming-casualty-ukraine-war    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:58:06

  • I saw people moving from Microsoft to other companies, so engaging in criminal activities does not prevent you from going into companies to carry on with the crimes https://www.star-telegram.com/news/local/crossroads-lab/article260177445.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 17:59:04

  • Today’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164365    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:11:47

  • Plamo 7.4 is out https://www.plamolinux.org/posts/2022-04-30-plamo-7.4-release/ Slackware derivative from Japan.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:12:39

  • FakeCoins https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaeldelcastillo/2022/04/27/edward-snowden-revealed-as-key-participant-in-mysterious-ceremony-creating-2-billion-anonymous-cryptocurrency/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:17:03

  • Two aggressive companies which infiltrated the board of the so-called "Linux" Foundation whilst attacking LINUX ITSELF https://www.ericsson.com/en/blog/2022/4/ericsson-and-vmware-expand-their-collaboration--curious-to-find-out-more    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:17:41

  • ExTiX Mini Build 220501 with LXQt and kernel 5.17.2 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164366    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:19:00

  • Proprietary software should not be permitted in medical devices https://www.benzinga.com/pressreleases/22/04/w26866488/blackberry-strengthens-medical-device-software-portfolio-with-qnx-hypervisor-2-2-for-safety    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:20:56

  • Brains On Code: EU funding in the millions for pioneering research on brain activity during program comprehension https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/950837    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:21:47

  • Education Budgets Begin Movement in Legislature (Michigan Education Association) https://mea.org/education-budgets-begin-movement-in-legislature/ "Governor recommended a $18.4 billion plan for PK-12 schools for the coming year" (a drop in the bucket compared to war budget)    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:26:28

  • Fake currency in fake privacy "App" (you are the product) https://www.protocol.com/bulletins/telegram-crypto-payments    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:27:31

  • Quit calling fakecoins "Crypto"; that has nothing to do with cryptology, it's just a cryptic scheme designed to entice fools to pump REAL money into it, based on FOMO tactics https://cointelegraph.com/news/crypto-advocate-mounts-challenge-to-longtime-silicon-valley-congresswoman    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:29:18

  • Nasdaq also helps promote schemes and scams on the WWW https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/crypto-may-be-coming-to-your-401k-heres-what-to-know-now    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:29:52

  • 2008: OK, the economic systems are collapsing. Are you SURE you want a pension? 2022: OK, those of you who survived COVID-19, how about if you get paid in speculative scheme money instead?    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:31:39

  • The rise of fakecoin seems to be a symptom or side effect of disinformation thriving on the WWW and social control media    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:33:59

  • LOL!! Companies comparing their performance now to LOCK-DOWNS. To fake "growth" or "recovery". It's like comparing deathbed in hospital to the same at home.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:36:17

  • The first paragraph is all lies. They just recovered from LOCK-DOWNS. They still do badly. This whole sector is like t he airline "industry" https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220426006317/en/Mercedes-Benz-Q1-Profit-Rises-as-Pricing-Power-and-Resilience-Offset-Headwinds    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:37:28

  • Microsoft proxy Black Duck puts its FUD in more and more site, including sponsored spam https://www.supplychainbrain.com/blogs/1-think-tank/post/34847-building-security-into-your-digital-supply-chain who are they? See http://techrights.org/wiki/Black_Duck    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:39:34

  • Avast isn't known for security but for spreading malware disguised or marketed as "security". Don't install proprietary software for 'security' https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/avast-one-avast-free-antivirus-and-avast-secure-browser-win-anti-phishing-tests-301533830.html see https://palant.info/2019/10/28/avast-online-security-and-avast-secure-browser-are-spying-on-you/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:41:30

  • "Cohen allowed KHN to review error reports after redacting information that identified the hospitals involved. Those reports revealed mix-ups of anesthetics, antibiotics, blood pressure medicine, hormones, muscle relaxers, and a drug used to reverse the effects of sedatives." https://www.physiciansweekly.com/at-us-hospitals-a-drug-mix-up-is-just-a-few-keystrokes-away/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:42:33

  • Gulag is still bleeding like a dragon there. MILLION IN LOSSES each and every quarter. https://www.protocol.com/enterprise/google-cloud-istio-cncf    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:43:20

  • Gulag keeps shutting down a lot more things (sometimes companies whose products it bought) than it keeps. It copied this attitude from Microsoft. Gulag Voice it the latest example and "modern experience" is code for WORSE/WORSE experience, cheaper for Gulag.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:45:30

  • Clown computing is for people with their head in the cloud. It's not a compliment. Those people never think far ahead; instant gratification before long-term tech famine.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:46:34

  • Giant spying devices 'for free' https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/gadgets/a39817148/microconsoles-history/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:46:52

  • HEY HI HEY HI HEY HI procurement https://www.auntminnieeurope.com/index.aspx?sec=log&URL=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.auntminnieeurope.com%2Findex.aspx%3Fsec%3Dsup%26sub%3Daic%26pag%3Ddis%26ItemID%3D621432    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:48:15

  • It's not so much the Wi-Fi that's the risk but your devices (back doors) and things you access with it https://www.pcworld.com/article/693643/4-things-you-should-do-to-stay-safe-on-public-wi-fi.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:52:56

  • IDG assumes you use Windows (back doors) and Chrome (malware), then tries to sell you VPN. What a bunch of crock. The media is run by scammers and salespeople pushing snakeoil.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:53:59

  • MiamiCoin???? "participants the opportunity acquire knowledge and skills in Web3"... OK, when you see "Web3" you DO know it IS a scheme/scam https://news.mdc.edu/press_release/mdcs-bit-center-partners-with-citycoins-venture-miami-and-stacks-foundation-to-offer-free-miamicoin-developer-course-starting-may-9/ http://techrights.org/2022/01/29/web3-is-bullshit/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:55:27

  • Now they can jack up the prices some more to rip off your pet like you're already ripped off because "COVID" something and "Ukraine" something https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/04/27/2430596/0/en/Marel-to-acquire-Wenger-a-global-leader-in-processing-solutions-for-pet-food-plant-based-proteins-and-aqua-feed.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:56:27

  • Business Insider publishes corporate webspam! https://africa.businessinsider.com/careers/meat-giant-tyson-foods-will-spend-dollar60-million-to-give-its-employees-free/rlky6r7    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:56:58

  • The Web is FULL of scams. They want what's LEFT of your REAL (borrowed?) money. Come on, give us REAL dollars for NFTs!! Linux Foundation: NFTs are OK, just need to be more GREEEEEEEEN! Business Insider publishes corporate webspam! https://africa.businessinsider.com/careers/meat-giant-tyson-foods-will-spend-dollar60-million-to-give-its-employees-free/rlky6r7    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 18:59:13

  • A silent, slow killer https://www.forbesindia.com/article/take-one-big-story-of-the-day/noise-pollution-when-will-the-government-wake-up/75735/1    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:00:13

  • Travel (flight etc.) industry is dying. It already struggled a lot BEFORE COVID-19 and Nasdaq helps them find a more malicious business model akin to DRM/streaming. https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/subscriptions-are-coming-to-travel-should-you-get-on-board    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:01:22

  • Elon Musk: I shall buy Twitter for "free speech" and a fleet of 10,000 737s MAX for "free FALLS"    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:03:18

  • "Python is undeniably one of the most popular programming languages on the planet. Businesses may now reach their goals more easily than ever before thanks to Python." https://anithing-everything.medium.com/top-10-websites-to-learn-python-for-free-in-2022-f6a1d2224d2e    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:04:05

  • "Climate Neutrality by 2025" = PR nonsense by [some date in the distant future] (when people no longer remember the promises we made or the people who made the promises are deceased already) https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/teamviewer-presents-comprehensive-sustainability-program-c-a-r-e-with-the-goal-to-achieve-climate-neutrality-by-2025-301535333.html Greenwash in capitalism = symptom of criminal mindset    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:05:39

  • Why You Should Block Ads https://www.pcmag.com/picks/best-ad-blockers    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:06:24

  • Billionaires using their media 'pet projects' for reputation laundering. The list continues to grow. Gates, Ford, Bloomberg, Bezos... https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en/press-releases/2022/april/thomson-reuters-expands-reporting-of-key-metrics-in-2021-social-impact-and-esg-report.html Musk bought a cesspool of misinformation to prop up his scams    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:09:51

  • EFF should have said what YOU should do: quit the thing. Instead it's sucking up to a sociopath https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/04/twitter-has-new-owner-heres-what-he-should-do    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:10:32

  • "Stratton said of the 173-year-old birthplace of Frank Sinatra and site of the first organized baseball game." https://www.seattletimes.com/business/weather-prediction-startups-grow-as-more-volatile-storms-loom/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:11:50


posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:13:41

  • It says "SPONSORED"; The so-called 'Linux' Foundation is bribing loads of publishers to publish puff pieces for it, distracting from the abuses https://thenewstack.io/you-cant-hire-your-way-out-of-the-cloud-skills-shortage/ stop calling servers "clowns"    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:15:32

  • "At 23, a Greek from Kavala has already built his own robot for less than $600, produced his own 3D printer, and designed a computer tower that is an eco-friendly, do-it-yourself kit. After a decade of being a trailblazer of innovation, what’s next for Dimitris Chatzis?" https://greekreporter.com/2022/04/26/young-greek-tech-whiz-ascos-start-up-greece/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:16:15

  • If it got this much funding, then it's working FOR the system and it won't challenge "the system" (like patents that curtail genetics). Also, Forbes is Establishment propaganda. https://www.forbes.com/sites/katiejennings/2022/04/26/with-35-million-in-funding-waltz-health-aims-to-lower-drug-prices-working-with--not-against--the-system/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:17:31

  • Thick on buzzwords, light on substance Microsoft site hyping up scams https://www.fool.com/investing/stock-market/market-sectors/financials/cryptocurrency-stocks/solana/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:18:47

  • Investing based on race is known as.... never mind https://www.blackenterprise.com/top-8-black-owned-start-up-tech-companies-to-invest-in-for-2022/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:19:42

  • NTFS is ANGER, not "Open-Source Excitement" [sic]. I can't believe he's still doing clickbait and paid-for product promotions, even for Microsoft https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=April-2022-Highlights    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:23:50

  • Raspberry Slideshow 15.1 is out https://www.binaryemotions.com/digital-signage-systems/raspberry-slideshow/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:26:36

  • Purism Librem 14 review (part 1): The ethical flagship • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164367    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:33:25

  • Nathan Willis: Engaging with the OSI Elections 2022.1 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164368 OSI infested with Microsoft and friends, opponents of Open Source    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:35:04

  • Gulag Handover: "This driver handles the telephony phone mute HID usage by ignoring it. This avoids the default handling by the hid-input driver which is to map this to a KEY_MICMUTE event." https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/hid/hid.git/commit/?h=for-next&id=e9c8c7c43b51b277026f94a1175c605436c7c829    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:37:01

  • OSI cannot be redeemed. It's vendor-captured like Linux Foundation. Once they collapse, things won't be pretty (orphaned things). But the point is to cause the disruption. That's why Pentagon-funded companies attack these orgs so viciously. They can obliterate them using 'slush funds'.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:39:29

  • "As suspicious questions on IRC and Discord revealed, there are quite a few solutions to the PWC that are not made public. One question in particular indicates that there is a build-in missing in Raku." https://gfldex.wordpress.com/2022/05/01/antipairing/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:42:43

  • "Since a few years I am also managing tlcontrib – the supplementary TeX Live package repository. [..] Bit thanks to all who made this possible, and make the TeX ecosystem even more friendly!" https://www.preining.info/blog/2022/05/tlcontrib-on-ctan/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:43:23

  • "‘A “massive challenge for Europe” is when citizens are confronted with disinformation through misleading or openly false information." The EPO, aided by the EU, spreads ILLEGAL disinformation in its own Web site https://dwaves.de/2022/05/01/the-deep-fake-tom-cruise-massive-challenge-for-europe-is-technology-neutral/ see http://techrights.org/2022/04/30/upc-illegal/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:44:41

  • "Due to COVID-19, my ever-increasing workload has kept me away from posting. Also, health issues in the family and my daughter's return to to in-person school classes required my attention. All this has kept me away from here." http://mandrivachronicles.blogspot.com/2022/05/happy-12th-anniversary.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:46:11

  • "another batch of updates came and broke it. Good job, Microsoft! I had to fix it and it took me two days to have the system operational again." http://mandrivachronicles.blogspot.com/2022/05/happy-12th-anniversary.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:47:38

  • "I was hired as a Senior Web Developer on addons.mozilla.org (AMO). I am now a Staff Software Engineer in the Firefox WebExtensions team. I officially joined this team in January. Since then, I became a peer of the Add-ons Manager and WebExtensions modules." https://williamdurand.fr/2022/05/01/moziversary-4/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:49:25

  • driver core: Add sysfs support for physical location of a device https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/gregkh/driver-core.git/commit/?h=driver-core-next&id=6423d2951087231706246f81851067f7f0593d4a    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 19:50:29

  • "Back at $COMPANY we had an internal meme-site. I had some reputation in my team for creating good memes. When I watched Episode 3 of Season 2 from Yes Premier Minister yesterday, I really missed a place to post memes." https://blog.koch.ro/posts/2022-05-01-missing-memegen.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:03:10

  • OpenStreetMap https://www.maketecheasier.com/google-map-alternatives/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:04:12

  • Fake patents on software granted by EPO to companies that blackmail GNU/Linux distros https://www.unifiedpatents.com/insights/2022/4/21/epo-opposition-filed-against-dolby-patent see http://techrights.org/2020/11/19/patent-trolling-dolby/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:17:00

  • Trinity Desktop Environment (TDE) R14.0.12 release is ready! • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164369    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:17:06

  • Software Patents again https://www.unifiedpatents.com/insights/2022/4/25/lbt-ip-patent-challenged    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:17:36

  • Indirectly Microsoft-connected patent troll https://www.unifiedpatents.com/insights/2022/4/26/dominion-harbor-entity-liberty-peak-ventures-patent-likely-invalid http://techrights.org/wiki/Dominion_Harbor    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:18:34

  • Microsoft-connected patent troll https://www.unifiedpatents.com/insights/2022/4/29/2000-awarded-for-acacia-subsidiary-prior-art see http://techrights.org/wiki/Acacia    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:19:53

  • EPO says: "According to the EPO's Patent Index 2021, one in five patent applications to the EPO originating in Europe came from an individual inventor or small or medium-sized enterprise (fewer than 250 employees)." So basically EPO admits it works for megacorporations, at SMEs' expense.    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:21:16

  • Software Patents are nowadays shoehorned by the criminals who hijacked the EPO. They like to dub these "4IR"...    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:22:50

  • System of the megacorporations http://www.fosspatents.com/2022/04/fail-tesla-toyota-honda-file-wrong.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:24:06

  • The corrupt site IAM, taking bribes from the EPO in order to lie, helps calls Software Patents just "CII" https://www.iam-media.com/article/iam-weekly-review-25th-30th-april-2022    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:25:00

  • Orrin Hatch has died? We'll never forget what he did on patents http://techrights.org/2018/06/18/orrin-hatch-pharmaceutical-industry-ptab/ maybe we should patent his coffin and SUE HIM    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:33:32

  • European Parliament for megacorporations (a union of oligarchs?) https://ipkitten.blogspot.com/2022/04/breaking-article-17-of-dsm-directive-is.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:34:49

  • "patents electronics, mobility, designs and SEPs" is what it is. Stop calling everything IP (it's a lie). https://www.juve-patent.com/news-and-stories/people-and-business/volkswagen-appoints-new-head-of-ip/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:35:43

  • IAM is glorifying massive patent trolls https://www.mondaq.com/uk/patent/1187436/upcoming-interdigital-v-lenovo-sepfrand-decision-hsf-interviewed-by-iam see http://techrights.org/2018/03/04/interdigital-and-technicolor/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:42:36

  • "The text of the Patent Act suggests that obviousness is a straightforward inquiry: find how the claimed invention differs from the prior art and ask whether, based upon those differences, an objective artisan would deem the invention obvious. 35 U.S.C. § 103." Far too many US patents are obvious, but only a fraction are tested in court https://patentlyo.com/patent/2022/04/the-advance-meaningful.html    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:43:57

  • GloPoWriMo - It's a wrap! gemini://spool-five.com/gemlog/2022-05-01-glopowrimo.gmi    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:46:23

  • The Mauve Shroom Assembly gemini://thurk.org/blog/556.gmi    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:47:18

  • Thoughts on Long-form Content on Gemini gemini://josias.dev/gemlog/longform.gmi    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:48:07

  • smolZINE - Issue 25 gemini://gemini.cyberbot.space/smolzine/smolzine-issue-25.gmi "A quite impressive feat of efficient hardware utilization, this capsule is not only a gemini capsule but also a sensor station for a mushroom farm and all of this is running on an ESP8266 microcontroller off-grid!"    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:49:25

  • Finally, Signal on the PinePhone gemini://blog.schmidhuberj.de/2022/05/01/signal-on-the-pinephone/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 20:50:14

  • Google #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164370    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 21:03:04

  • Programming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164371    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 21:03:11

  • Today’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/164372    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 21:03:17

  • OSI is already sold. Like "Linux" Foundation. The oligarchs bought and paid for both of them. RIP! Those institutions are now lobbying apparatuses for the billionaires, who use the Code of Conduct to ban people who criticise them https://www.freesoftwhere.org/2022/05/01/engaging-with-the-osi-elections-2022-1/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 21:45:13

  • The EPO‘s faithful megaphone is still at it; not only does it promote European software patents as it also helps Benoît Battistelli and António Campinos promote fake news about the UPC http://techrights.org/2022/05/01/iam-the-faithful-megaphone/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 21:45:31

  • António Campinos clearly doesn’t give a "f" about his father’s work; he just used his father’s name, posthumously, to gain/secure positions of power at EUIPO and EPO http://techrights.org/2022/05/01/jorge-campinos-exploited/    

posted Sunday, May 01, 2022 at 21:45:48

Updated in real time for the given day Maintained by Roy Schestowitz