Locally-hosted copy of all posts, sans responses and media enclosures

Roy Schestowitz

Social Control Media Posts

Updated in real time for the given day

  • No wonder so many Red Hat employees quit ICBM. They saw the writings on the wall. https://www.theregister.com/2022/05/30/ibm_retirement_clubs/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 00:35:24

  • A lot of this is the criminals from Microsoft lobbying the government https://www.theregister.com/2022/06/01/amazon_antitrust_bill/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 00:36:10

  • Magazine for cranks https://bitcoinmagazine.com/technical/why-use-a-computer-meant-for-bitcoin    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 00:36:54

  • "Making sure your bitcoin transactions remain private is made significantly easier with a computer dedicated to this function alone." https://bitcoinmagazine.com/technical/why-use-a-computer-meant-for-bitcoin    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 00:37:47

  • mesa 22.1.1 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165527    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 00:38:19

  • Get ready for another “deja vu”; The EU has known for over a decade that the UPC isn’t tenable, but there were attempts to bury legal facts http://techrights.org/2022/06/01/upc-hole-in-one/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 00:38:41

  • EGHISNM Wordo: JOLTY gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2022-06-01.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 00:47:13

  • "Larry McEnerney of the University of Chicago gives an excellent lecture on writing effectively. Though his audience is academic, his concept is portable to non-academic audiences. These are my notes on the lecture." gemini://nnix.com/gemlog/29.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 00:47:57

  • Covid again... gemini://gemini.ctrl-c.club/~stack/gemlog/2022-06-01.covid_again.gmi "I had received my fourth dose just on May 19th and was feeling somewhat bulletproof.... That, to me, is the symptom unique to covid. I don't know if I am physiologically weird as I haven't heard anyone mention that."    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 00:49:57

  • "There are 2500 capsules. We successfully connected recently to 1961 of them." Soon 1965 -- the port number of Gemini. gemini://gemini.bortzmeyer.org/software/lupa/stats.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 00:54:02

  • The Discarnates: Thomas Carlyle in the Spirit-World (1920) – The Public Domain Review ⚓ https://publicdomainreview.org/collection/what-spiritualism-really-is/ ䷉ Source: publicdomainreview    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 01:21:02

  • Best Free and Open Source Software – May 2022 Updates https://www.linuxlinks.com/best-free-open-source-software-may-2022-updates/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 01:21:49

  • Lilbits: The $219 Pinebook Pro Linux laptop returns, GNOME is becoming more mobile-friendly, and Google Pixel 7 prototypes in the wild • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165528    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 01:21:56

  • Improved error reporting for CPython 3.10—and beyond https://lwn.net/Articles/895587/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 01:26:46

  • Statistics from the 5.18 development cycle http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165145#comment-33854   

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 01:28:03

  • Federico Mena-Quintero: Accessibility repositories are now merged • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165529    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 01:31:22

  • The EPO‘s guidelines for examiners have long been perturbed by Benoît Battistelli and António Campinos on behalf of the same interest groups which lobby for the illegal, unconstitutional kangaroo court, UPC; all they want is more and more patents — even software patents — because they profit from applications, litigation and so on, not innovation http://techrights.org/2022/06/01/illegal-epo-guidelines-epc/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 02:03:56

  • Linux Mint Takes Over Development of Timeshift, the Nifty Backup http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165515#comment-33855Tool    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 02:05:23

  • It'd easy when Windows has so many back doors https://www.theregister.com/2022/06/02/nakasone_us_hacking_russia/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 02:06:34

  • LWM Coverage From LSFMM 2022 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165530    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 02:07:03

  • Arch Linux now has greater market share in Steam than Ubuntu https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 02:08:45

  • #Techrights Bulletin for Wednesday, June 01, 2022 http://techrights.org/txt full archive: http://techrights.org/txt-archives #gnu #linux #freesw #plaintext    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:22:44

  • #Techrights full #IPFS index updated just now http://techrights.org/ipfs available as plain text @ http://techrights.org/ipfs/txt #dweb #sharing    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:23:15

  • New BS term for VR https://www.theregister.com/2022/06/02/metaverse_privacy_immature/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:32:49

  • Guide for analysing forest canopy photos gemini://republic.circumlunar.space/users/johngodlee/posts/2022-06-01-canopy_photography.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:33:57

  • "I used to be hung up on post counts, for some reason. On my ten year sludge through Twitter (2009-2019 (years lost forever)), I used to get worked up and enthusiastic about that I had 75K Tweets. It was a testament to how much time I wasted there, but it was 75K of SOMETHING I had "done". Ridiculous thing to care about." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/992    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:37:22

  • memory lane gemini://midnight.pub/posts/991 "I first tinkered with assembly language (vaguely remembering the book describing the instruction set seeming to cost a fortune at the time)."    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:38:23

  • Cheetah a Day — Day 603: watery gemini://nytpu.com/cheetahs/D603.jpg    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:39:02


posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:39:42

  • [Cat] gemini://nytpu.com/sneps/D249.jpg    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:40:03

  • Debian-Based Nitrux 2.2 Switches to Linux Kernel 5.17, Adds Full-Disk Encryption • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165531    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:44:55

  • "Linux has long been able to do fair share CPU scheduling, where CPU time was evenly divided between, for example, the various different users." ☛ https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/linux/CgroupV2FairShareScheduling | Source: uni Toronto    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:47:20

  • [Old] "This post is about dealing with the various tasks involved in handling SSL certificates. For the moment, it only covers the tasks related to already existing certificates" ☛ https://poisel.info/posts/2021-01-25-working-with-ssl-certificates/ |    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:47:58

  • "All those points were important to me to some extent. Here’s how I make use of custom domains in general: [...]" ☛ https://batsov.com/articles/2022/05/30/having-fun-with-custom-domains-for-email/ | Source: Bozhidar Batsov    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:48:08

  • "Before deciding to read further, you may want to look at what is achieved." ☛ https://www.tumfatig.net/2022/give-windowmaker-a-macos-mojave-look/ | Source: TuMFatig    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:48:36

  • "For those new to DIY projects that involve the use of power tools, knowing when a tool is being used in an unsafe manner is of utmost importance." ☛ https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/05/31/safedrill-uses-tinyml-to-encourage-proper-drilling-technique/ | Source: Arduino    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:50:34

  • "Here's one way that Deere can extend the life of its repair monopoly: they can refuse service to farmers who complain about Deere's behavior." ☛ https://pluralistic.net/2022/05/31/dealers-choice/#be-a-shame-if-something-were-to-happen-to-it | Source: CoryDoctorow    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:50:40

  • "Wilson is a fierce and vocal advocate for a farmer’s right to repair their tractors." ☛ https://www.vice.com/en/article/y3vaqm/farmer-says-dealer-wouldnt-repair-his-tractor-until-he-filed-ftc-complaint | Source: Vice    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:50:49

  • "Generally, the security certificates are very expensive and complicate to install" ☛ https://www.lmspulse.com/2022/encrypt-protect-moodle-site-free-using-lets-encrypt-moorejon/ |    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:54:57

  • "When a programmer says that they are ‘self-taught’ or that they “taught themselves to code”, what do they mean by it?" ☛ https://www.sicpers.info/2022/06/on-self-taught-coders/ | Source: SICP    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 07:55:33

  • "Production and consumption of open source software is maturing for the better and along the way we shouldn't forget that the leaves in our dependency trees are living and feeling people" ☛ https://sethmlarson.dev/blog/people-in-your-software-supply-chain |    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:03:44

  • "A building material for you to create the best editor for yourselves." ☛ https://batsov.com/articles/2022/06/01/who-needs-modern-emacs/ | Source: Bozhidar Batsov    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:03:49

  • "Interfaces are the building blocks of software. Interfaces explain what software can do but not how." ☛ https://matt-rickard.com/changing-interfaces/ | Source: Matt Rickard    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:04:26

  • "So that’s a lot of words to say it’s a new, nice format that advertises a bunch of benefits." ☛ https://macwright.com/2022/05/30/new-formats.html | Source: Tom MacWright    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:09:43

  • "There have been essentially two cases here - one decided by a jury and another by the public." ☛ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-61649522 | Source: BillBC    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:10:39

  • "Perhaps that has something to do with why the Jimmy Carter-era machine is sending back signals that can best be described as strange." ☛ https://www.salon.com/2022/05/23/voyager-1-data/ | Source: Salon    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:11:14

  • Linux.com has become LF 'spam' "Linux.com is brought to you by The Linux Foundation, the organization of choice..."    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:19:43

  • What a rude question to ask KDB. Thankfully he does not answer the question, doesn't decline to either. He just changes the subject. https://www.mancity.com/citytv/mens/kevin-de-bruyne-etihad-player-of-the-season-parade-video-63789679    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:20:56

  • SPAMNil and LF engaging in spammy, bot activity in Gulag YouTube. I don't suppose they imagine they can get banned....    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:22:30

  • SPAMnil = spammer. LF pays a spammer.    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:23:31

  • I've advocated Linux for over 20 years. Linux Foundation is a fraud, scam, and spam. I don't want to be associated with them!    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:24:20

  • "The Africa Internet Summit 2022 is being held on 30th May – 3rd June at Le Méridien Hotel, Pte aux Piments in Mauritius." ☛ https://sysadmin-journal.com/afrinic-restricts-attendance-to-the-annual-general-members-meeting-even-online/ | Source: Ish Sookun    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:25:23

  • "Two years into the pandemic, US students are having some initial success in suing their institutions for abruptly moving courses online, aided by the pre-Covid custom of colleges charging less for virtual formats." ☛ https://www.timeshighereducation.com/news/us-students-make-gains-lawsuits-over-online-teaching | Source: Times Higher Education    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:25:45

  • "Many AFRINIC Resource Members look forward to this meeting and they travel every year to attend the meeting in person. Others who cannot make it can still participate and ask questions via the online conference system." https://sysadmin-journal.com/afrinic-restricts-attendance-to-the-annual-general-members-meeting-even-online/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:26:10

  • If rules were properly enforced against the 'Linux' Foundation, it would be banned from a LOT of social control media. I didn't check Wikipedia, but I imagine there too they're AstroTurfing in violation of the rules. Linux is fine, but 'Linux' Foundation is a FRAUD. Run by frauds.    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:27:51

  • "And yet for every person who died in a U.S. mass shooting in 2020, about another 86 died from other forms of gun violence." ☛ https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-health-watch/university-michigan-gun-violence-researchers-hope-curb-shooting-deaths | Source: Bridge Michigan    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:28:22

  • "She will be joining others who will read off the names of Michiganders being inducted into the national In Memory program — part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund." ☛ https://eu.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2022/06/01/michigan-vietnam-veterans-agent-orange-vvmf/9940002002/ | Source: Gannett    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:28:27

  • The one who should be in prison with Epstein said, "well, he's dead". I think both should be dead. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/12/business/jeffrey-epstein-bill-gates.html    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:38:09

  • Microsoft Windows TCO ☛ https://www.huntress.com/blog/microsoft-office-remote-code-execution-follina-msdt-bug |    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:49:15

  • Microsoft Windows TCO ☛ https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/1/23150318/microsoft-office-china-hackers-exploiting-follina-vulnerability-tibet | Source: The Verge    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:50:02

  • Gulag Surveillance ☛ https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/1/23149832/google-meet-duo-combination-voice-video | Source: The Verge    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:50:31

  • "Nakasone previously said his agency deployed a “hunt forward” team in December to help Ukraine shore up its cyber defenses and networks against active threats." ☛ https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/3508639-cyber-command-chief-confirms-us-took-part-in-offensive-cyber-operations/ | Source: The Hill    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:52:12

  • "In 2015, Smith traveled to Tunisia and was voluntarily taken to Syria by members of the Islamic State." ☛ https://www.jurist.org/news/2022/05/ireland-court-finds-former-soldier-guilty-of-isis-membership/ | Source: JURIST    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:52:25

  • "Musk’s company has been awarded billions of dollars in contracts to launch spy satellites for espionage, drone warfare and other military uses." ☛ https://scheerpost.com/2022/06/01/elon-musk-is-not-a-renegade-outside-hes-a-massive-pentagon-contractor/ | Source: Scheerpost    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:52:46

  • "Some 250,000 Kashmiri Pandits left the Kashmir valley because of a sharp rise in killings of Hindus and attacks on their homes at the start of a rebellion by Muslim militants in 1989." ☛ https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2022-06-01/hindu-families-flee-kashmir-after-targeted-killings | Source: US News And World Report    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:52:53

  • "Yet framing what needs to be done in terms of a ‘climate emergency’ is perhaps not as helpful as might seem. As Hema Vaishnavi Ale (2021) reasons, emergencies are finite and time-bound" ☛ https://criticaledtech.com/2022/05/31/reframing-ed-tech-as-a-matter-of-eco-justice/ | Source: Neil Selwyn    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:55:02

  • "Though it can be easy to think of them as little more than city furniture, urban trees are very much alive – and their struggle to survive is only becoming more extreme." ☛ https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220601-are-city-forests-disappearing | Source: BBC    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:55:20

  • "According to figures reported to tax authorities, residents of Finland sold more than 2.14 billion euros worth of cryptocurrencies." ☛ https://yle.fi/news/3-12470530 | Source: YLE    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:55:53

  • "With the world's population rising and climate change bringing more erratic rainfall and severe droughts, experts say the number of water-related violent incidents is growing." ☛ https://www.voanews.com/a/us-elevates-water-security-as-foreign-policy-priority/6599870.html | Source: VOA News    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:56:27

  • "Households are now forbidden from watering their lawns more than once a week in many jurisdictions" ☛ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/sweeping-water-restrictions-begin-southern-california-ongoing-drought-rcna31558 | Source: NBC    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:56:32

  • ZDNet and its sister sites sell your data while massively spying on everyone. One must opt OUT, though it's hard to find: https://privacyportal.onetrust.com/webform/79ba7c84-ebc2-4740-8d11-bf1cc4501e59/ae88e03f-2b16-4276-9980-27124ba4b2c1 alternative: BOYCOTT ZDNet    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 08:59:17

  • ZDNet is NOT a news site. If you think it is a news site, then you're not been paying attention. http://techrights.org/wiki/ZDNet#2022    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:00:30

  • "In simple terms, this excess depreciation means that the company's real cost for creating income is much higher than they report, and thus their real profit as a continuing business is much less than they report" ☛ https://blog.dshr.org/2022/05/generally-accepted-accounting-principles.html | Source: David Rosenthal    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:00:55

  • Sandbag is leaving espionage company, will probably go back to another like Gulag ☛ https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/social-media/sheryl-sandberg-leave-facebook-rcna31520 likely friend of Jim Zemlin's wife (they are connected) http://techrights.org/2022/05/14/microsoft-breadwinner/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:02:25

  • Sandbag should be put on trial. A lot of Facebook's abuses against society are the responsibility of Sandbag. ☛ https://cio.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/corporate-news/key-facebook-force-sheryl-sandberg-steps-down/91953382 | Source: India Times    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:03:31

  • "Next up: Sandbag will be replaced as COO by Javier Olivan, the company’s chief growth officer, but his role will differ from the work Sandbag did for the company," ☛ https://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/overnights/3508837-hillicon-valley-sandberg-stepping-down/ | Source: The Hill    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:03:59

  • "Here’s my full conversation with Sandbag about her stepping down as COO of Meta" ☛ https://www.theverge.com/2022/6/1/23150749/sheryl-sandberg-interview-stepping-down-meta-facebook-coo | Source: The Verge    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:04:20

  • "In response, tech industry groups NetChoice and the Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) asked the Supreme Court to intervene and vacate the 5th Circuit's stay." ☛ https://reason.com/2022/06/01/texas-cant-start-enforcing-social-media-law-says-scotus/ | Source: Reason    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:04:56

  • "addresses the power of dominant social control media corporations" ☛ https://www.jurist.org/news/2022/05/us-supreme-court-temporarily-blocks-texas-social-media-law/ | Source: JURIST    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:05:34

  • sourcehut https://odysee.com/@BrodieRobertson:5/google-was-ddosing-sourcehut-for-over-a:a    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:06:52

  • Woman Teacher Rajni Bala Shot Dead By Terrorists In Jammu and Kashmir's Kulgam ⚓ https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/teacher-a-hindu-dies-after-terrorists-fire-at-her-in-jammu-and-kashmirs-kulgam-police-3024592 ䷉ Source: ndtv    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:07:08

  • Honor Killing in Nacka | Gates of Vienna ⚓ https://gatesofvienna.net/2022/05/honor-killing-in-nacka/ ䷉ Source: gatesofvienna    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:07:23

  • EU against privacy (ignore the shallow platitudes) https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&u=https://femtejuli.se/2022/05/31/gar-chat-control-att-stoppa/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:08:26

  • "The three family members are said to have tried to hide the girl's death as a suicide." https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&u=https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/krim/tre-begars-haktade-for-misstankt-hedersmord/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:08:56

  • "Were these sites normal publications, whether online or traditional print, they’d be within their rights to publish what they like" ☛ https://www.jns.org/opinion/can-free-speech-be-protected-without-helping-the-haters/ | Source: JNS    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:09:30

  • "Afghanistan" ☛ https://www.voanews.com/a/reporter-world-must-not-be-silent-on-afghan-media-restrictions/6599484.html | Source: VOA News    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:09:50

  • "He allegedly removed church inventory at the end of October last year, tore the valuable Christ figure from the wall and damaged it" ☛ https://medforth.biz/an-afghan-who-vandalised-a-german-church-did-not-act-with-intent-but-only-had-problems-with-a-christ-figure-because-of-his-faith/ | Source: Medforth    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:16:49

  • "The police said the miscreants, who came to the premises of the temple on Monday, swam in the Kalyani (sacred water body of the temple)." ☛ https://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-hindu-idols-vandalized-in-karnataka-s-hassan-tension-grips-district-2956983 | Source: DNA India    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:16:54

  • "The IWW was founded in Chicago in 1905 by the legendary firebrand William D. “Big Bill” Haywood" ☛ https://quillette.com/2022/06/01/the-return-of-the-wobblies/ | Source: Quillette    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:16:59

  • "Now, a company called Looking Glass is trying to make holograms effortlessly portable, too." ☛ https://www.theverge.com/23132875/looking-glass-blocks-3d-vr-sharable-image | Source: The Verge    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:17:17

  • "Rise Above" ☛ https://shadowproof.com/2022/06/01/protest-song-week-rise-above-ibeyi-featuring-berwyn/ | Source: Shadowproof    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:17:51

  • "Mega is one of the leading file storage platforms on the Internet with more than 117 billion files stored on its servers." ☛ https://torrentfreak.com/mega-reports-surge-in-copyright-takedown-requests-220601/ | Source: Torrent Freak    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:18:44

  • "opyright trolls" ☛ https://torrentfreak.com/piracy-its-a-crime-uk-govt-ignored-warnings-now-families-pay-the-price-220601/ | Source: Torrent Freak    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:18:49

  • Ukraine ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/biden-plans-sell-armed-attack-drones-ukraine-report | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:19:16

  • "In the days since the Uvalde shooting, media outlets have shared heartbreaking images of the small victims as they were cherished in life." ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/06/01/does-america-need-emmett-till-moment-mass-school-shootings | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:19:48

  • "shot dead 19 children and two teachers" ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/06/01/investors-dismissing-chances-gun-control-legislation-firearm-stocks-spike-after | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:20:07

  • "I am tired of rightwing politicians distorting our language to suit their bigoted ideology" ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/06/01/say-yes-being-woke | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:20:34

  • Hawaii ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/hawaii-youth-launch-landmark-climate-case-targeting-transportation-pollution | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:20:50

  • Best Free and Open Source Software – May 2022 Updates • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165532    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:21:11

  • FastRhino R68s router offers 4GB RAM, dual 2.5GbE, dual Gigabit Ethernet for $80 (in China) • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165533    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:21:22

  • Google #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165534    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:21:32

  • "It's so disappointing to see people who don't realize they're being used to deliberately divide people. Smart, caring, thoughtful people whose hearts are umdoubtedly in the right place so frequently get caught up in culture-war bullshit that is just so obviously designed to divide people or to create new subcultures and identities for capitalists to market to." gemini://tskaalgard.midnight.pub/diary.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:22:09

  • "The perfect wedge issues are those that deal not with morality, but with the nature of reality itself. People aren't going to agree about those, not easily, especially when you keep moving the goalposts and pulling the rug out from people who were previously on board. And, of course, you have to realize what the end goal is of cannibalistic movements" gemini://tskaalgard.midnight.pub/diary.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:22:41

  • "You're being used to facilitate the rise of fascism. It's happened before and it'll happen again. The last time culture-war bullshit like this was so prevalent, it was used to radicalize people into right-wing extremism and galvanize the fascists. Of course by the time you realize this it will be too late." gemini://tskaalgard.midnight.pub/diary.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:23:19

  • "About three weeks ago I was afflicted with awful allergies to the high spring pollen count. My nose ran like a creek, I sneezed in paroxysms lasting several minutes, my red eyes watered and itched. A cold sore began to present on my left eyelid." gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/agk/2022-06-01-lone.txt    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:25:26

  • "If you're unit restricted in the psych hospital where I work, you can't go to the cafeteria or Rec. Nursing staff can put you on UR or take you off it. It doesn't need a doctor's order." gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/agk/2022-05-30-order.txt    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:26:43

  • "An online acquaintence had money but couldn't pay rent for his server because all means of payment are sanctioned. Finally he found Mir (Russian) can transfer money to UnionPay (Chinese), accepted in the Netherlands." gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/agk/2022-05-21-nomo.txt    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:29:19

  • "The last time I had less than 30 tabs opened in my browser was in January 2021 The last time I had less than 20 tabs opened in my browser was August 2020 The last time I had fewer than 10 tabs opened in my browser was March 2020" gemini://rawtext.club/~deerbard/glog/2022-06-01-closed-all-tabs.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:30:49

  • Linux Mint to Maintain Timeshift Backup Tool as an XApp http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165515#comment-33856   

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:42:26

  • Programming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165535    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:46:14

  • Security Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165536    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:46:22

  • Today’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165537    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:46:35

  • "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL 9), code-named Plow, is now generally available (GA). Red Hat made the announcement on the 18th of May 2022." ☛ https://www.tecmint.com/download-install-rhel-9-free/ | Source: TecMint    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:55:48

  • "The System Management WG has been progressing with the branding of Cockpit" ☛ https://news.opensuse.org/2022/06/01/wg-for-alp-give-updates/ |    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:56:09

  • "If you are from a programming or scripting background then you should be familiar with the concept called "conditional statements"." ☛ https://ostechnix.com/ansible-when-conditional-statements/ |    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:56:33

  • EUR-Lex - 52022PC0209 - EN - EUR-Lex ⚓ https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2022%3A209%3AFIN&qid=1652451192472 ䷉ Source: eur-lex    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:56:53

  • Abolish the monarchy! - Charlie's Diary ⚓ http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2022/05/abolish-the-monarchy.html ䷉ Source: antipope    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:57:11

  • Gemini in May - The occasional scrivener - Gustaf Erikson's blog https://gerikson.com/blog/comm/Gemini-2022-05.html    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:57:35

  • "It’s been fun interacting with a small enthusiastic community. Members like Sandra (Idiomdrottning)[3] and Björn (ew0k)[4] have their hearts in the right place and are all-around menschs. The IRC channel on tilde.chat is welcoming too. And Lagrange[5] is an amazing client." gemini://gerikson.com/gemlog/gemini-sux/Winding-down.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 09:59:37

  • "active" ? not "passive" ? https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/tulsa-shooting-st-francis-health-system-1361764/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:00:27

  • 'Linux' Foundation is now "protecting" 'Open Source' from security threats; it participates in a Microsoft-led FUD campaign that serves to distract from the proprietary threat to security, inc. GitHub and NPM    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:02:13

  • Patents Assigned to Looking Glass Factory, Inc. - Justia Patents Search ⚓ https://patents.justia.com/assignee/looking-glass-factory-inc ䷉ Source: patents    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:03:08

  • Sweden, Finland, and NATO https://www.voanews.com/a/erdogan-continues-to-block-nato-bids-of-sweden-finland/6599469.html    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:03:23

  • Netflix, Google and Facebook are ripping off Australia! - Michael West ⚓ https://michaelwest.com.au/netflix-google-and-facebook-are-ripping-off-australia/ ䷉ Source: michaelwest    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:03:46

  • Wheelchair right to repair getting passed in Colorado; medicare shares blame for repair woes ⚓ https://odysee.com/@rossmanngroup:a/wheelchair-right-to-repair-getting:c ䷉ Source: rossmanngroup    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:03:51

  • "When we don’t have subscription and want to install packages for doing the POCs then setting up local yum or dnf repository will be handy." ☛ https://www.linuxtechi.com/create-local-yum-dnf-repository-rhel/ | Source: LinuxTechi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:04:25

  • "In a move that's not exactly unexpected, Valve has now delayed the launch of the official Steam Deck Docking Station" ☛ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/06/valve-delay-the-steam-deck-docking-station/ | Source: GamingOnLinux    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:05:45

  • "Valve has released a small update to the stable version of the Steam Client, with it mostly being about fixing up Remote Play" ☛ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/06/steam-client-update-released-with-remote-play-improvements/ | Source: GamingOnLinux    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:05:55

  • "In this tutorial, we are going to explain in step-by-step detail how to setup Apache, PHP, and MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.04" ☛ https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/how-to-setup-apache-php-mongodb-on-ubuntu-20-04/ |    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:06:01

  • "Paradox and Double Eleven have announced the Prison Architect: Gangs expansion, along with the free Kite update. Here's what to expect from it" ☛ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/06/prison-architect-gangs-dlc-and-free-kite-update-announced/ | Source: GamingOnLinux    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:06:24

  • "We've seen a few attempts to spice-up Golf like Golf with Your Friends which is great but how about blending it together with a deck-building card game?" ☛ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/06/golfie-mixes-together-minigolf-with-a-deck-builder/ | Source: GamingOnLinux    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:06:29

  • Kubernetes: "This summary reflects the work that has been done in 2021 and the initiatives on deck for the rest of 2022." https://kubernetes.io/blog/2022/06/01/annual-report-summary-2021/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:07:27

  • "Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom from Game Atelier and DG Entertainment recently gained a small but sweet update to improve gameplay on the Steam Deck." ☛ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/06/monster-boy-and-the-cursed-kingdom-gets-a-steam-deck-update/ | Source: GamingOnLinux    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:07:48

  • "With a demo arriving as part of the DreamHack Beyond event, Ragtag Crew seems like a promising upcoming turn-based tactical rogue-lite to sink your teeth into." ☛ https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/06/try-out-the-demo-for-ragtag-crew-a-turn-based-tactical-rogue-lite/ | Source: GamingOnLinux    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:07:53

  • "Last year, LinuxGizmos made an article about the MI989 Mini-ITX from IBASE which can be found here for additional details." ☛ https://linuxgizmos.com/ibase-cmi211-989-houses-ryzen-v2000-based-mini-itx-w-quad-dp-displays/ | Source: Linux Gizmos    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:08:42

  • Does this look like a company that valued software freedom? ☛ https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/red-hat-learning-subscription-premium-enables-learning-around-globe https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/improved-analysis-ibm-power-environments-red-hat-insights | Source: Red Hat Official    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:09:30

  • GOP ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/06/01/note-judges-if-you-dont-want-be-called-partisan-hack-stop-being-one | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:11:04

  • "With this move, General Mills is joining many other American and European companies that have divested from Israel's illegal occupation." They should pull out of US too for war crimes and imperialism. ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/facing-activist-pressure-pillsbury-pulling-out-israeli-occupied-west-bank | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:16:58

  • "Peace advocates warned Tuesday that the Biden administration's newly unveiled decision to arm Ukraine with advanced missile systems" ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/slippery-slope-just-got-lot-steeper-us-send-ukraine-advanced-missiles-russia-holds | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:17:23

  • "students should refuse to go back to school" ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/call-embraced-prolonged-student-walkout-over-nations-refusal-act-guns | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:17:41

  • "The "huge story" by Heidi Przybyla at Politico is based on multiple recordings from meetings lead by GOP operatives over the past year." ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/tapes-expose-gop-plot-install-poll-workers-massive-election-subversion-program | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:18:07

  • Yemen ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/48-lawmakers-unveil-measure-end-unauthorized-us-involvement-war-yemen | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:18:22

  • "The weapons companies sponsoring and exhibiting in CANSEC are raking in record billions in profits." ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/shut-down-war-machine-peace-activists-block-entrances-major-weapons-fair-canada | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:18:39

  • Uvalde ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/06/01/america-needs-jubilee | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:18:54

  • HHS ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/gift-mcconnell-biden-hhs-wont-reverse-medicare-premium-hike-year | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:19:12

  • "The third season of HBO’s My Brilliant Friend opens where the second left off, in a bookshop in Milan." ☛ https://www.thenation.com/article/culture/my-briliant-friend-hbo-s3/ | Source: The Nation    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:19:54

  • "Hubert Harrison represents one of the clearest examples of the difficulties of being a Black intellectual and activist in the 20th century." ☛ https://www.thenation.com/article/society/hubert-harrison-jeffrey-perry/ | Source: The Nation    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:20:04

  • "We have bemoaned how easily doctors who are quacks..." ☛ https://respectfulinsolence.com/2022/06/01/abim-vs-medical-disinformation-a-day-late-and-a-dollar-short-or-better-late-than-never/ | Source: Orac    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:20:28

  • Guns ☛ https://scheerpost.com/2022/06/01/does-america-stand-for-guns-or-for-sanity/ | Source: Scheerpost    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:21:02

  • "The Streets Belong to the People" ☛ https://www.thenation.com/article/world/carnaval-brazil-2022/ | Source: The Nation    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:25:03

  • "Honoring troops on national holidays like the Memorial Day just past helps obscure a grim reality of our time — that wars are won (or in the case of this country" ☛ https://scheerpost.com/2022/06/01/war-as-terrorism-conflicts-we-cant-win-suffering-we-dont-see/ | Source: Scheerpost    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 10:25:37

  • Microsoft Windows dwindling in Taiwan and GNU/Linux climbed to 3.2%, with even higher figures if you also count ChromeOS (never mind Android) https://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/desktop/taiwan/#monthly-200901-202206    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 11:36:18

  • Today in #Techrights • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165538    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 12:57:53

  • NanoPi R5S router review - Part 1: Unboxing, OpenWrt, and iperf3 benchmarking • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165539    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 12:58:42

  • Firefox CPU management gemini://lof.flounder.online/gemlog/2022-06-02%20firefox%20CPU%20management.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 13:21:33

  • ICBM https://www.theregister.com/2022/06/02/ibm_mayflower_ship/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 13:24:26

  • Norway’s adoption of GNU/Linux was noted here last year; it has since then increased a lot; if one counts mobile devices as well, not to mention ChromeOS, it’s looking far worse for Microsoft and good for “Linux” as even in rich countries we see that it’s not about price but about control/freedom http://techrights.org/2022/06/02/gnu-linux-norway/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 13:25:41

  • Anyone can check StatCounter for the start of a month (June); for particular countries (e.g. for Turkey and for Poland) and globally/in general (no ‘stable’ data yet) the data indicates another epic collapse for Windows http://techrights.org/2022/06/02/turkey-in-pictures/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 13:26:05

  • IRC network for #techrights (being controlled by us directly) was a great improvement; its birth was one year ago (after 13.5 years with Freenode) http://techrights.org/2022/06/02/happy-birthday-techrights-irc/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 13:26:37

  • Debt is not just a crisis to students ☛ https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/biden-cancel-student-debt/ | Source: The Nation    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 13:28:24

  • Chesa Boudin ☛ https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/chesa-boudin-recall-backlash/ | Source: The Nation    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:01:21

  • Joy Is Resistance ☛ https://www.thenation.com/article/society/joy-is-resistance/ | Source: The Nation    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:01:49

  • Organizing ☛ https://www.thenation.com/article/society/organizing-america-social-justice/ | Source: The Nation    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:02:28

  • Taiwan ☛ https://scheerpost.com/2022/06/01/patrick-lawrence-bidens-taiwan-talk/ | Source: Scheerpost    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:02:47

  • Donbas ☛ https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/06/01/people-are-surviving-however-they-can | Source: Meduza    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:03:01

  • Andrey Konchalovsky ☛ https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/06/01/gnarled-and-stunted-and-wrong | Source: Meduza    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:03:48

  • "occupied now by Russia" ☛ https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/06/01/this-is-not-just-a-piece-of-land | Source: Meduza    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:04:51

  • Native Americans ☛ https://www.thenation.com/article/society/the-injustices-endured-by-native-american-youths-continue-to-this-day/ | Source: The Nation    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:05:22

  • University of Cambridge Department of Computer Science ☛ https://www.raspberrypi.org/blog/raspberry-pi-computing-education-research-centre-launch-event-invitation/ | Source: Raspberry Pi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:05:47

  • Gun Deaths ☛ https://fair.org/home/more-guns-more-gun-deaths-thats-really-it/ | Source: FAIR    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:06:15

  • "Asm. Fahy and the Repair Coalition have worked hard to stand up for users’ rights and stand strong for a bill that would be a landmark piece of legislation." ☛ https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/06/new-york-tell-your-assemblymembers-pass-landmark-repair-bill | Source: EFF    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:06:37

  • SFPD ☛ https://www.eff.org/press/releases/hearing-wednesday-eff-testifies-against-sfpd-violating-transparency-laws | Source: EFF    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:07:01

  • "When it comes to internet connections, here in 2022 so many of us have it easy." ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/06/01/dissecting-a-t1-line/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:07:44

  • "For more complex, large, or regular backups, however, the go-to tool is rsync." ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/06/01/building-faster-rsync-from-scratch-in-go/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:08:16

  • Firefox 102 Enters Beta Testing with Geoclue Support on Linux, Improved PDF Reading • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165540    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:08:31

  • TikTok ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/06/01/its-tiktok-on-your-wrist/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:09:23

  • So-called "sheriff" ☛ https://www.eff.org/press/releases/community-activists-reach-settlement-marin-county-sheriff-unlawfully-sharing-drivers | Source: EFF    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:09:44

  • Inflation ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/views/2022/06/01/how-corporations-are-using-inflation-take-your-money | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:10:09

  • Fossil Fuel ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/fossil-fuel-addiction-sabotaging-every-sustainable-development-goal-report | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:10:23

  • "[Blair Nearl] has been working on an information database for artists and hackers – a collection of non-conventional display technologies available to us." ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/06/01/alternative-display-technologies-and-where-to-find-them/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:10:51

  • "Taking two decades as its time framework, Canuel’s book grapples with the fortunes of France’s La Marine Nationale." ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/the-chimeras-of-french-naval-power/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:11:26

  • Conservation ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/public-lands-more-use-doesnt-mean-more-conservation/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:11:53

  • Indo-Pacific Economic Framework ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/the-what-where-how-and-why-of-the-indo-pacific-economic-framework/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:12:16

  • Ukraine ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/putins-conquest-of-southeast-ukraine-vexed-questions-of-negotiations-gotcha-moments-and-real-imperial-interests/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:12:54

  • Reproduction ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/right-wing-dark-money-is-coming-for-reproductive-rights-in-your-state/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:13:20

  • Uvalde ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/uvalde-students-fought-for-desegregation-in-1970s-now-lets-rise-up-for-them/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:13:43

  • Uvalde ☛ https://www.democracynow.org/2022/6/1/frank_smyth_nra_gun_lobby | Source: Democracy Now    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:13:49

  • "she is now focusing on research and production of cultural and artistic projects, exhibitions and documentary films." ☛ https://creativecommons.org/2022/06/01/episode-34-open-culture-voices-kristina-petrasova/ | Source: Creative Commons    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:14:27

  • Manchin ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/progressives-blast-manchins-hypocrisy-in-calling-for-lower-drug-prices/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:14:49

  • Uvalde ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/uvalde-school-district-police-chief-is-refusing-to-cooperate-with-investigation/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:15:01

  • Gun Lobby ☛ https://truthout.org/video/will-the-gun-lobby-block-new-safety-laws-again/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:15:23

  • Abortion ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/gop-is-already-dropping-abortion-exceptions-for-rape-incest-and-saving-lives/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:15:38

  • "Media articles often dwell on the conditions that could spark a meltdown, but attention should also be paid to the possible human health consequences" ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/after-the-meltdown-the-health-risks-of-nuclear-reactors-in-war-zones/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:16:13

  • Ukraine ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/old-men-talking-sense-on-ukraine/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:17:16

  • Delaware ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/marijuana-john-carney-and-delawares-law-enforcement-lobby-versus-the-children/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:17:42

  • "The normally robust Great Barrier Reef is halfway gone in only 25 years ever since a series of mass coral bleaching started in 1998" ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/a-letter-from-india/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:18:09

  • "As misleading as this presentation was, it framed a seminal issue: we are in fact regressing in terms of post World War II values and obedience to international laws." ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/going-backwards/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:18:45

  • "Colombia’s first ever people-centered government." ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/a-new-colombia-petro-wins-first-round-victory-in-presidential-vote/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:19:02

  • "Poor People’s Campaign" ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/turn-out-for-the-poor-peoples-campaign-regardless-of-its-shortcomings/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:19:18

  • artificial intelligence: a lament for the future of art gemini://rawtext.club/~deerbard/art/2022-06-02-lament-for-the-future.gmi "The images show human figures, landscape elements, distinct interesting colors, textures, contrasts. Everything strangely shuffled, twisted. People without faces, with parts of their faces placed in random places."    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:21:54

  • Re: I'm moving to the country gemini://gem.pwarren.id.au/gemlog/2022-06-02.gmi "Next week our old house in Canberra goes to auction"    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:24:05

  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy gemini://ew.srht.site/en/2022/20220601-books-hitchhikers-guide.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:25:49

  • "matto has a new and shiny capsule running on a beaglebone black, using vger and ed. Yay, that is indeed smol computing." gemini://ew.srht.site/en/2022/20220601-blacknwhite-ribbon.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:28:26

  • Irène Némirovsky ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/the-ukrainian-childhood-of-writer-irene-nemirovsky/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:28:51

  • "The media provide information that shapes such attitudes toward Muslims." ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/how-muslim-are-portrayed-negatively-in-the-media/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:29:11

  • "Dutton, Australia’s new opposition leader, is a reactionary, though he must couch his ascent to the leadership in more accommodating terms." ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/reactionary-succession-peter-dutton-australias-new-opposition-leader/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:29:31

  • Sly and the Family Stone ☛ https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/06/01/the-story-of-sly-and-the-family-stone/ | Source: Counter Punch    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:29:51

  • AR-15 ☛ https://truthout.org/articles/the-ar-15-has-no-business-being-in-the-hands-of-civilians/ | Source: TruthOut    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:32:33

  • "Calls are growing for the Pentagon to acknowledge that a U.S. drone strike on March 29, 2018, in Yemen mistakenly struck civilians." ☛ https://www.democracynow.org/2022/6/1/adel_al_manthari_yemen_drone_victim | Source: Democracy Now    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:32:56

  • Puerto Rico ☛ https://www.democracynow.org/2022/6/1/puerto_rico_insular_cases | Source: Democracy Now    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:33:16

  • Baltimore ☛ https://www.propublica.org/article/shooting-baltimore-court-wire-trial-diary | Source: Pro Publica    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:33:34

  • Netflix will rot away with DRM ☛ https://www.techdirt.com/2022/06/01/netflixs-effort-to-thwart-password-sharing-is-already-a-bit-of-a-mess/ | Source: Techdirt    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:34:00

  • "For anyone looking to buy a 3D printer at home, the first major decision that needs to be made is whether to get a resin printer or a filament printer." ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/06/01/new-resin-printing-method-creates-objects-in-seconds/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:34:35

  • "I hope last week’s introduction to bulk material handling got you all thinking up amazing hacks, and we’ll soon be reporting on DIY Cap’n Crunch Robots galore." ☛ https://hackaday.com/2022/06/01/bulk-material-what-is-this-stuff-anyway/ | Source: Hackaday    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:34:48

  • Orbán ☛ https://telex.hu/english/2022/06/02/we-went-to-the-mass-held-for-viktor-orban | Source: Hungary    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:35:04

  • Croatia ☛ https://telex.hu/english/2022/06/01/croatian-prime-minister-hungary-will-lose-the-case-if-the-dual-fuel-price-case-goes-to-court | Source: Hungary    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:35:27

  • "fast movies" ☛ https://www.techdirt.com/2022/06/01/are-fast-movies-really-a-substitute-for-the-real-thing-or-just-good-marketing/ | Source: Techdirt    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:35:48

  • Clearview ☛ https://www.techdirt.com/2022/06/01/clearview-is-now-selling-its-ai-to-app-developers-school-security-contractors/ | Source: Techdirt    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:36:23

  • "Republican Party has opened at least 21 community centers in places including Robeson County, North Carolina" ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/progressives-call-greater-outreach-dnc-gop-invests-community-centers | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:37:05

  • "Back in 2017, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals decided there was nothing wrong with the indefinite gag orders the government slapped on its (extremely plentiful) National Security Letters (NSL)." ☛ https://www.techdirt.com/2022/06/01/ninth-circuit-takes-another-look-at-nsls-says-indefinite-gag-orders-still-arent-a-constitutional-problem/ | Source: Techdirt    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:37:39

  • "It feels somewhat strange to write this post today, short though it may be. We now live in the wake of yet another mass shooting" ☛ https://www.techdirt.com/2022/06/01/texas-rep-bemoans-discussion-about-guns-after-school-shooting-when-rap-music-and-video-games-are-the-real-culprit/ | Source: Techdirt    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:37:55

  • "fossil fuel industry" ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/big-oil-accused-trying-hijack-democracy-spending-local-ordinance-fight | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:38:17

  • Tulsa ☛ https://www.commondreams.org/news/2022/06/01/least-5-killed-tulsa-mass-shooting | Source: Common Dreams    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:38:31

  • John Deere ☛ https://www.techdirt.com/2022/06/01/john-deere-still-sucks-on-right-to-repair-despite-years-of-promises/ | Source: Techdirt    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:38:51

  • "It’s no secret that copyright and libraries are often in conflict with one another" ☛ https://www.techdirt.com/2022/06/01/not-fit-for-purpose-libraries-explain-how-copyright-failed-libraries-during-the-pandemic/ | Source: Techdirt    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:39:09

  • Android Leftover • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165541    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 15:52:02

  • Free Software timeline (older) http://techrights.org/wiki/Free_Software_timeline    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 16:03:36

  • Mew (work in progress): High-Priority Opponents http://techrights.org/wiki/High-Priority_Opponents    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:09:55

  • The founder of the GNU/Linux operating system (many people call it just “Linux”) will speak in French in two days and the talk will be streamed in video.chalec.org http://techrights.org/2022/06/02/francophone-rms/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:14:47

  • "Given today’s tight labor market, companies are now welcoming back former employees – known as boomerangs – with open arms." Not IBM! IBM lays them off, then insults them, then robs them some more. https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2022/6/welcome-back-boomerangs    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:16:00

  • "Although [enabling of child sex trafficking] Bill Gates has lauded Aadhaar" https://www.theregister.com/2022/05/30/indian_authorities_conflicting_aadhaar_advice/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:17:02

  • Microsoft = security problems inside Linux https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NTFS-3G-2022.5.17    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:17:45

  • Sounds like a troll: "Do you regret switching to Linux from Windows?" https://www.makeuseof.com/google-drive-free-phone-apps-switch-linux-to-windows-google-rewards-tricks/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:18:38

  • Today’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165542    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:18:56

  • Quoting Jeffrey Epstein's enabler and generally Famous Criminal Bill Gates like an Aadhaar "expert" is much like the media painting him COVID-19 expert when he's in fact COVID profiteer    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:21:22

  • Alaa Abd El Fattah RightsCon Keynote Address – 2011 https://www.accessnow.org/alaa-rightscon-keynote-address/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:22:34

  • 'V Rising' is now playable on Linux and Steam Deck platforms, while developer Stunlock Studios has shared the game has sold 1million copies.   

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:26:30

  • "V Rising is now playable on Linux and Steam Deck consoles, while developer Stunlock Studios has announced the vampire survival game has sold 1million copies." https://www.nme.com/news/gaming-news/v-rising-comes-to-linux-and-steam-deck-as-it-sells-a-million-copies-3233231    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:26:46

  • Godot Engine - Dev snapshot: Godot 4.0 alpha 9 ⚓ https://godotengine.org/article/dev-snapshot-godot-4-0-alpha-9 ䷉ Source: godotengine    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:27:45

  • Commits · nouveau/push · Karol Herbst / mesa · GitLab ⚓ https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/karolherbst/mesa/-/commits/nouveau/push/src/nouveau/vulkan ䷉ Source: gitlab    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:29:49

  • Coreboot 4.17 released https://review.coreboot.org/plugins/gitiles/coreboot/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:31:17

  • Madeline Peck: Fedora 37 Wallpaper https://www.madelinepeck.com/blog/2022/5/19/fedora-37-wallpaper    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:32:27

  • "The Fedora Council wants to hear what you have to say!" It's just an ICBM front group https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/we-want-to-hear-from-you-take-the-fedora-annual-contributor-survey-for-2022/ see http://techrights.org/2021/04/03/fedora-f-for-fascism-and-not-freedom/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:33:23

  • Microsoft PR operative Liam Tung making excuses for unacceptable disservice from his handlers https://www.zdnet.com/article/microsofts-azure-ad-id-service-snagged-by-logging-delays/ see http://techrights.org/2021/09/30/azure-brute-force/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:41:11

  • People who run Microsoft should be fired. People who deploy Microsoft should be arrested. http://techrights.org/2021/07/19/microsoft-national-security/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:41:59

  • Jim Zemlin: there's more money in enabling organised crime around the "Linux" brand than in actually creating Linux http://techrights.org/2022/05/18/funded-by-puppies/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:43:24

  • Fedora, Red Hat, and IBM • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165543    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:55:53

  • Games: Monster Boy, Ragtag Crew, V Rising, Godot Engine and More • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165544    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 17:56:06

  • Digital Transparency: A Right to Information Report for May 2022 https://internetfreedom.in/transparency-report-may-2022/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 18:07:32

  • GNOME 42.2 Release Improves Support for Flatpak and Snap Apps, Fixes Many Bugs • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165545    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 18:21:28

  • "As a user of the web I spend a lot of my time either disappointed or frustrated with sites I visit. After watching a movie I might hop over to the relevant Fandom page to learn about a character but instead get an irrelevant video taking up the entire screen." gemini://space.matthewphillips.info/posts/reader-friendly-browser/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 18:31:10

  • 2022-06-02 🔤SpellBinding: EGLYOTM Wordo: HAZED gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2022-06-02.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 18:31:27

  • "Waiting for some paperwork and burocracy to get resolved, until then I can't really travel anywhere so this is a bummer because I need to make plans to go to HOPE in NY end of July and visit friends and hackers in the US." gemini://rek2.hispagatos.org/posts/2022-06-02-June-weather.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 18:33:20

  • Devices/Embedded Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165546    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 18:59:49

  • Today’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165547    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:00:13

  • It's 7PM already. It's Thursday. The British government failed to release its weekly mortality report. :/ https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/weekly-all-cause-mortality-surveillance-2021-to-2022    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:05:51

  • "Latest data provided on 27 May 2022" SERIOUSLY? WTF???? That's SIX days ago. Months ago updates were daily, even during weekends! https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:07:27

  • "In line with weekday only reporting, the dashboard will not be updated over the bank holiday weekend. Following the update on Wednesday 1 June, the next update will be on Monday 6 June." WHAT? DA? FORK?? https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/deaths?areaType=nation&areaName=England    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:08:51

  • UK COVID-19 policy in summer 2022 in two words: HIDE STUFF.    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:09:26

  • UK now at around 197,000 deaths with "COVID-19" named in the death certificate.    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:11:04

  • Is COVID-19 at new lows in UK? No! The TESTING (i.e. visibility of the virus) had reached new lows https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/testing    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:17:51

  • "In this episode, Jay and Joao unpack some recent news around the BVP47 vulnerability, and some very interesting details around it and how it came to be. This is one of those "spy thriller" type episodes, so don't miss it!" https://yewtu.be/watch?v=8p9zBb_cCWY    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:34:16

  • "In this video, I am going to show an overview of Linux Lite 6.0 and some of the applications pre-installed." https://yewtu.be/watch?v=DDJ2-4Jgevc    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:34:41

  • "In this video, I am going to show an overview of Linux Lite 6.0 and some of the applications pre-installed." https://yewtu.be/watch?v=DDJ2-4Jgevc    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:34:48

  • Mobile GNOME, Deepin 20.6, elementary OS 7, Mint takes over Timeshift - Linux and open source news - Invidious ⚓ https://yewtu.be/watch?v=MdNNkJ_0x_I ䷉ Source: Video | Invidious | Multimedia    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:35:16

  • 'Linux' Foundation has just done it again. http://techrights.org/2022/05/31/the-linux-foundation-politics/ see http://techrights.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/lf-politics.png and http://techrights.org/wiki/index.php/Linux_Foundation    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:39:58

  • Linux Foundation: only racists and bigots and sexists and blah blah blah would oppose our toxic, imperialistic agenda that favours bombing people and engaging in large-scale espionage. And issuing PR for Microsoft amid serious crimes...    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:41:20

  • Linux Foundation: military-grade propaganda, brought to you by PEOPLE WHO DO NOT EVEN USE LINUX http://techrights.org/2021/11/09/linux-foundation-greenwash/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:42:04

  • BSDNow: "Journey to ZFS RAIDZ1 on NetBSD, FreeBSD networking basics: WiFi and Bluetooth, smuggling code into the playstation via NetBSD driver hole, KDE FreeBSD CI, remembering buildtool, and more" https://www.bsdnow.tv/457    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:43:00

  • Based on latest available figures, about 100 people per day die in the UK with COVID-19 in their death certificate. That's a pace of 36,500 per year.    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:48:23

  • Google #Android Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165548    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:49:15

  • Serious delays with critical Tails release this week    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:50:51

  • "Our thoughts on NixOS' new GUI installer, winning hearts and minds one firmware update at a time, the performance bug that hit Linux 5.18, and preparation begins for the open-source NVIDIA driver." https://www.jupiterbroadcasting.com/148792/linux-action-news-243/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 19:55:11

  • This title should mention systemd explicitly https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/store-linux-system-journals    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:02:15

  • "At the time of writing (2022), many potent threats to digital sovereignty, both online and offline, come from from American companies. This may change in the future." http://techrights.org/wiki/High-Priority_Opponents    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:10:55

  • Shows and Videos: Linux Action News, TLLTS, BSD Now, and More • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165549    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:11:23

  • Today’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165550    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:12:16

  • You Can Now Pre-Order the HP Dev One Linux Laptop Powered by Pop!_OS Linux • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165551    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:42:53

  • #HowTo Install FFmpeg in Ubuntu and Other Linux • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165552    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:43:06

  • FFS, xda!! Stop shilling WSL for every single laptop in your list. WSL is an ATTACK on GNU/Linux. https://www.xda-developers.com/does-dell-latitude-5430-linux/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:48:49

  • Seems like now that Qt is proprietary nobody want to talk for them https://www.qt.io/blog/call-for-presentations-qt-world-summit-2022-deadline-extension    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:50:08

  • SmartOS 20220602 is out http://smartos.org/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:51:20

  • Whoa! "CVSS v3 10.0" (10 out of 10) https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ics/advisories/icsa-22-153-02    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:53:50

  • CVSS v3 10.0 also... but the media is obsessing over "Linux"... because some fools ACTIVELY install malware on it and run it https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ics/advisories/icsa-22-153-01    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:56:43

  • While VMware, infiltrated by Microsoft, runs many anti-Linux FUD campaigns it turns out VMware itself is a back door of sorts https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2022/06/02/cisa-updates-advisory-threat-actors-chaining-unpatched-vmware http://techrights.org/wiki/VMware    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:58:10

  • "The state of the UK COVID-19 portal is disturbing. It’s hardly being updated and each day I’m checking “WHAT’S LEFT” of remaining data." https://schestowitz.com/Weblog/archives/2022/06/02/bodies-are-already-piling-up-high/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 20:59:54

  • This isn't about Linux but about flaws in some software or some plugins that aren't being patched https://thehackernews.com/2022/05/enemybot-linux-botnet-now-exploits-web.html    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:03:35

  • ExpressVPN moves servers out of India to evade data law - El Reg ⚓ https://www.theregister.com/2022/06/02/expressvpnservers_out_of_india/ ䷉ Source: theregister    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:06:34

  • $1099 USD = overpriced https://hpdevone.com/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:12:10

  • Linux Fu: Easy Widgets • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165553    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:13:02

  • Top 20 Best Project Management Software for Linux in 2022 • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165554    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:13:17

  • HP: buy a "development" laptop for the price of 37 Raspberry Pi 4 devices with 148 processor cores :-)    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:14:24

  • System76 2021: buy an overpriced GNU/Linux machine to support a "Linux shop" and defend it from large OEMs. System76 2022: buy from HP, help a Microsoft booster that lobbies for software patents and helped Microsoft CRUSH GNU/Linux in Munich...    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:17:42

  • [GIT PULL] PCI changes for v5.19 - Bjorn Helgaas ⚓ https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/20220526223320.GA419755@bhelgaas/ ䷉ Source: bhelgaas    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:17:53

  • [GIT PULL] perf events changes for v5.19 - Ingo Molnar ⚓ https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/You6yGPUttvBcg8s@gmail.com/ ䷉ Source: gmail    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:17:57

  • Zero-day vuln in Microsoft Office: 'Follina' will work even when macros are disabled https://www.theregister.com/2022/05/30/follina_microsoft_office_vulnerability/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:20:46

  • ICBM gives NFT fake currency to slaves who help test for ICBM (unpaid volunteers in search of panda NFTs) https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/f36-i18n-test-day-participant    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:23:37

  • Get started with Cadence, an open source workflow engine | ⚓ https://opensource.com/article/22/6/cadence-open-source-workflow-engine ䷉ Source: FreeSW | RedHat | IBM | GNU | Linux    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:24:33

  • Optics gemini://gemini.conman.org/boston/2022/06/02.1    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:25:38

  • How to make a local NixOS cache server gemini://perso.pw/blog/articles/nixos-local-cache.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:26:11

  • Re: A Reader Friendly Browser gemini://gerikson.com/gemlog/rark/Re-A-reader-friendly-browser.gmi "But the dream died, either from an overdose of RDF, or it was murdered by Facebook and Google."    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:27:30

  • "So you want to change your certificate, but don't want users who've visited you before to get scary warnings? Here is what I advise." gemini://gemini.thegonz.net/certRecs.gmi    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:28:16

  • India’s new VPN rules spark fresh fears over online privacy https://www.reuters.com/article/india-dataprotection-lawmaking-idUSL8N2V40IS    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:35:52

  • Indian IT Ministry’s amendments to the 2021 IT Rules: not enough to protect rights and freedoms - Access Now ⚓ https://www.accessnow.org/indian-it-ministry-2021-it-rules/ ䷉ Source: accessnow    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:36:22

  • "In this post, we will explore how Unix pipes are implemented in Linux by iteratively optimizing a test program that writes and reads data through a pipe." https://mazzo.li/posts/fast-pipes.html    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:38:39

  • Replay Cron Events With Cron::Sequencer ⚓ https://leejo.github.io/2022/06/02/cron_sequencer/ ䷉ Source: leejo    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:42:24

  • Armbian 22.05 Released with Support for Orange Pi R1+ LTS, Radxa Rock 3A and Zero • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165555    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:43:16

  • Doing bad things with arduino https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/06/02/get-fit-while-you-scroll-tiktok-with-the-pelotok/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:47:57

  • OpenEmbedded Dunfell revision-9 compile https://bkhome.org/news/202206/openembedded-dunfell-revision-9-compile.html    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:48:32

  • Mozilla's Firefox blog became exceptionally uninspiring https://blog.mozilla.org/en/internet-culture/interviews/karen-ho-twitter-doomscrolling-reminder-lady/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:49:39

  • THIS is GOOD: "Mozilla to develop a website translation add-on that operates locally, i.e. the engines, language models and in-page translation algorithms would need to reside and be executed entirely in the user’s computer" https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/local-translation-add-on-project-bergamot/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:50:31

  • Security Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165556    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:52:08

  • Today’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165557    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 21:52:32

  • "The pgAdmin Development Team is pleased to announce pgAdmin 4 version 6.10. This release of pgAdmin 4 includes 23 bug fixes and new features. For more details please see the release notes." https://www.postgresql.org/about/news/pgadmin-4-v610-released-2462/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:15:06

  • What Is Steam Proton and How Does It Run Windows Games on Steam Deck? • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165558    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:26:01

  • PostgreSQL: pgAdmin 4 v6.10 Released • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165559    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:33:26

  • Content Management Systems (CMS): Kiwi TCMS and Month in WordPress • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165560    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:33:43

  • Programming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165561 Programming Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165561    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:42:44

  • Today’s 𝘛𝘶𝘹 𝘔𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165562    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:42:55

  • Arch Linux Topped the List as the Most Used Linux Platform for Steam • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165563    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:46:15

  • "In GitLab, you use "Groups" to help manage one or more related projects at the same time. This allows you to grant access to all projects that are a part of a Group. It also just helps keeping your projects better organized." https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sqygmSQDrqM    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:47:46

  • "Wayland doesn't have working global keybindings and this is a serious problem but it's a problem with a solution in the works in the form of xdg desktop portals" https://yewtu.be/watch?v=Z5t2c7rdL9Y    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:47:52

  • Proprietary software https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2022/06/02/cisa-releases-security-advisory-illumina-local-run-manager    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:48:52

  • Smaaaart... Attackers Can Use Electromagnetic Signals to Control Touchscreens Remotely ⚓ https://thehackernews.com/2022/05/attackers-can-use-electromagnetic.html ䷉ Source: thehackernews    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:49:13

  • GhostTouch: Targeted Attacks on Touchscreens without Physical Touch https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity22/presentation/wang-kai    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:49:38

  • "In this video, we are looking at Linux Lite 6.0." https://yewtu.be/watch?v=3WbSJeuNIkw    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:50:33

  • "Hello and welcome to the 469th episode of Linux in the Ham Shack." https://lhspodcast.info/2022/06/lhs-episode-469-i-can-has-cheezburger-2/    

posted Thursday, June 02, 2022 at 22:51:01

  • "When people find out I work at the Linux Foundation they invariably ask what we do?" Well, not USING Linux! :-) https://linuxfoundation.org/blog/why-do-enterprises-use-and-contribute-to-open-source-software/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:13:33

  • Kernel 5.18: Milestones for the road ahead http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165145#comment-33860   

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:14:49

  • Have an old iPad lying around? You might be able to make it run Linux soon • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165564    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:17:00

  • Hackable $219 Pinebook Pro Linux Laptop Back on Sale After Frustrating Yearlong Delay http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165528#comment-33861    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:19:13

  • We used to call that server :-) https://ubuntu.com//blog/private_cloud_avoiding_operational_costs    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:21:36

  • A load of proprietary nonsense to do what can already be done OK without it... https://jumpcloud.com/blog/simplify-cross-platform-os-patch-management-with-deployment-rings    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:24:52

  • Videos/Audiocasts/Shows: Linux in the Ham Shack, Linux Lite 6.0 , and More • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165565    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:25:30

  • Using an old printer to create organic pottery | Arduino Blog ⚓ https://blog.arduino.cc/2022/06/02/using-an-old-printer-to-create-organic-pottery/ ䷉ Source: Arduino | Hardware | OpenHardware | Hacking    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:25:34

  • Overhyped autographs (and a chance to catch COVID-19) https://www.davidrevoy.com/article911/signing-session-agenda-2022    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:26:21

  • "2020, in the midst of the corona pandemic, the city of Bühl launched a video conferencing platform called "Palim! Palim!", which is based on the Free Software "Jitsi Meet". Based on the need of the municipal music school to be able to continue to offer group lessons in times of pandemic, the city offered the platform." https://fsfe.org/news/2022/news-20220602-01.en.html    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:27:29

  • "I am a big fan of openQA and of course I listened to Oliver Kurz’ talk about the newest highlights of that open source testing framework, the heart and soul of the automated QA behind the openSUSE, SUSE Linux Enterprise and Fedora distributions." https://www.suse.com/c/impressions-from-the-opensuse-conf-2022-day-one-openqa-and-bci/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:29:23

  • "We are excited to share the launch of OpenCost, an open source project that provides real-time cost monitoring for teams running Kubernetes workloads." https://www.suse.com/c/opencost-kubernetes-cost-monitoring/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:30:04

  • Microconferences at Linux Plumbers Conference: Zoned Storage Devices (SMR HDDs & ZNS SSDs) https://lpc.events/blog/2022/index.php/2022/06/02/microconferences-at-linux-plumbers-conference-zoned-storage-devices-smr-hdds-zns-ssds/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:31:23

  • ICBM: let's break what works, introduce some proprietary garbage, then claim "technology skills gap" https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/introducing-red-hat-academy-talent-network    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:32:43

  • Lennartism https://blogs.gnome.org/alexl/2022/06/02/using-composefs-in-ostree/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:33:52

  • Canada’s Online News Act threatens information-sharing, the online ecosystem, and international trade - Disruptive Competition Project ⚓ https://www.project-disco.org/competition/060222-canadas-online-news-act-threatens-information-sharing-the-online-ecosystem-and-international-trade/ ䷉ Source: project-disco    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:35:04

  • Clownwashing https://www.forbes.com/sites/adrianbridgwater/2022/06/01/observing-life-inside-the-open-source-cloud-native-stack/?sh=6dfdeb971e46    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:38:45

  • HPC also rebranded CLOOOOOWWWWN https://www.redhat.com/en/about/press-releases/red-hat-joins-forces-us-department-energy-laboratories-bridge-gap-between-high-performance-computing-and-cloud-environments    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:39:30

  • Free software, not "open source" https://www.devprojournal.com/technology-trends/open-source/3-advantages-of-participating-in-open-source-projects/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:42:19

  • Security Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165566    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:44:52

  • 🔤SpellBinding — EGLYOTM Wordo: HAZED gemini://tilde.cafe/~spellbinding/gemlog/2022-06-02.gmi    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:45:39

  • "Playlists for this show are available on Gemini protocol at n n i x dot com, that’s november november india x-ray dot com." gemini://nnix.com/radio/156.25.gmi    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:46:23

  • " Corporations sucked all the fun out of the net without me really noticing. I vaguely remember posts on Digg, then old Reddit warning the web would be taken over, filled with banner ads, controlled by massive corporations. Then it happened, we are living it." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/994    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:47:15

  • Red Hat / IBM • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165567    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:48:00

  • " Corporations sucked all the fun out of the net without me really noticing. I vaguely remember posts on Digg, then old Reddit warning the web would be taken over, filled with banner ads, controlled by massive corporations. Then it happened, we are living it." gemini://midnight.pub/posts/994    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:48:36

  • "Mozilla has announced the release of a translation plugin for Firefox as part of the Project Bergamot initiative." https://lwn.net/Articles/896934/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:50:06

  • Enable VA-API by default in nightly https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1752494    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:50:42

  • "Firefox 101 releases today! Here are the release notes." https://blog.nightly.mozilla.org/2022/06/02/these-weeks-in-firefox-issue-117/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:51:06

  • "In bug 1734997, we prototyped the Prioritized Task Scheduling API. Having the API prototyped empowers us to experiment with the benefits of this API. It is enabled by default in Nightly at the moment." https://blog.mozilla.org/performance/2022/06/02/prioritized-task-scheduling-api-is-prototyped-in-nightly/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:51:32

  • GeoServer GeoServer is an Open-source Geospatial Server https://medevel.com/geoserver/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:52:35

  • "Doctor is an open-source, free documentation server for all your project docs. It is built to aid developers creating a complex documentation website just by using Markdown text." https://medevel.com/doctor-dms/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:53:01

  • Will Smith in Enemy of the State would not appreciate this https://www.cnx-software.com/2022/06/02/zerokey-quantum-rtls-enables-indoor-location-with-millimeter-level-accuracy/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:54:19

  • "I participated in the Season of KDE earlier this year, in which I added a new activity, “Left Right Click”. This was my first experience as an open-source contributor, and I cannot list the number of things I got to learn with the help of my mentors during this short period because the list is enormous." https://samarthrajwrites.wordpress.com/2022/06/02/a-gsoc-2022-participant/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:55:15

  • What's so "SMART" about it?? The spying???? https://www.maketecheasier.com/deal/garmin-forerunner-music-running-smartwatch/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 00:58:18

  • HP Dev One laptop running System76's Ubuntu Linux-based Pop!_OS now available http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165551#comment-33863   

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:00:53

  • "There is a new linux only gpu app (anonymous type) for gamma-ray pulsar binary search (FGRPB1G) project. It runs anywhere from 50%-80% faster than the current app (version 1.28 in linux) and only for nvidia cards" https://hardforum.com/threads/einstein-home-faster-gpu-linux-app-available-for-gamma-ray-pulsar-binary-search-project.2019974/#post-1045369420    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:03:33

  • Murena 1.0 https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/releases#v1.0-r    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:05:09

  • Internet shutdown types and taxonomy: tech behind network interference ⚓ https://www.accessnow.org/internet-shutdown-types/ ䷉ Source: accessnow    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:05:35

  • DEEPIN 20.6 RELEASE! http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165466#comment-33867   

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:07:13

  • Older iPads May Soon Be Able To Run Linux http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165564#comment-33868   

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:12:34

  • When Brittany Day does not promote Microsoft's very own anti-Linux FUD she promotes Microsoft's proprietary software that's an ATTACK on Git https://linuxsecurity.com/news/vendors-products/github-enterprise-server-3-5-released-with-dependabot-and-more-but-cloud-version-gets-features-first    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:14:06

  • A lot of the time linuxsecurity feels like a pro-Microsoft and anti-Linux site. Just sayin'...    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:15:00

  • Lubuntu 21.10 End of Life and Current Support Statuses http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165507#comment-33869    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:16:56

  • About half of the latest actively-exploited critical issues are Microsoft; CISA doesn't call out Microsoft on it https://us-cert.cisa.gov/ncas/current-activity/2022/06/02/cisa-adds-one-known-exploited-vulnerability-cve-2022-26134-catalog    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:19:40

  • This is malware. You don't want to ever install this on a system with this level of access to the system. https://idroot.us/install-microsoft-teams-almalinux-9/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:22:18

  • KDE e.V. is looking for a developer to help further KDE's presence on app stores https://ev.kde.org/2022/06/01/job-project-kde-appstores/    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:23:33

  • Today’s #HowTos | #UNIX • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165568    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:28:23

  • Mozilla and Firefox Leftovers • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165569    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:28:30

  • KDE News: KDE e.V. Hiring and Samarth Raj Works on GCompris • Tux Machines ⇨ http://www.tuxmachines.org/node/165570    

posted Friday, June 03, 2022 at 01:28:37

Updated in real time for the given day Maintained by Roy Schestowitz