Disclaimer: This list was imported from a different site in 1999 or 2000 and it is used for personal reference. On the left: British (English) terms On the right: American terms English American Accelerator (car) Throttle (car) Addictive Addicting Advert Ad Aerial (radio/TV) Antenna (radio/TV) Aeroplane Airplane Aggressive Mean Alsation (dog) German shepherd Aluminium Aluminum American Football Football Anglepoise lamp Architect's lamp/swing-arm lamp Annoyed Ticked off Anorak Parka Anticlockwise Counterclockwise Apartment Flat Armchair Easy chair Arse (vulgar) Ass Artic (lorry) Semi (truck) Arsehole (vulgar) Asshole (vulgar) Athlete, keen Jock Aubergine Eggplant Autumn Fall Baby buggy/pushchair Stroller Bacon Streaky bacon Badge (pins on) Button (pins on) Baguette French bread Banister Stair rail Bank Holiday Federal holiday Bank note Bill Barf, puke, or throw (slang) Puke Bargain (noun) Steal (noun) Bat (table tennis) Paddle (table tennis) Bath Bath tub Beat up Beat on Bespoke/made to measure Custom made Bhindi (hindi)/okra/ladies fingers Ladyfingers Big dipper Rollercoaster Bill (restaurant) Check (restaurant) Bill/account Account Billion (American usage is now more common) Trillion Biro (tm) Ballpoint Biscuits Cookies Black and white (metaphorical) Clear Black or white? (milk in coffee) With or without? (cream in coffee) Black treacle/molasses Molasses Blackberry/bramble Black raspberry (wild) Blackleg Scab Blind (window) Shade (window) Block of flats Apartment house Bloke Dude Bog (vulgar) Toilet Bogie Booga Bollocks (vulgar) Balls (testicles) Bomb (as in went like a bomb) A great success Bonnet Hood Boot Trunk Borough/town Council City corporation Bottom Fanny Bottom drawer Hope chest Bowler (hat) Derby Box room Lumber room Brace (of pheasants etc.) Two Braces Suspenders Bramble/blackberry Black raspberry (wild) Break (school) Recess (school) Breve (music) Double whole note (music) Brown goods Consumer electronics Bumbag Fanny pack Bumper Fender Bung Throw Butter bean White lima bean Cake (singular) English muffin Cakes Pastries Calabrese/broccoli Broccoli Camp bed Cot Camper van Recreational vehicle (RV) Candy Floss Cotton candy Car Park Parking lot Caravan Trailer Caravan park Trailer park Caretaker Janitor Carriage (train) Car (train) Cashier (supermarket)/teller (bank) Teller (supermarket, bank) Casualty (medical) Emergency room Catapult (noun) Slingshot Cattle grid Texas gate Central reservation Median strip Chaps (plural) Guys Charged (for goods or services bought) Put down/entered Chat up (slang) Try to pick up (slang) Chemist Druggist Chemist's shop Drugstore/pharmacy Cheque (money) Check (money) Chest of drawers Bureau Chicory Endive Chinese Whispers (game) Telephone game Chip pan Deep fryer Chips (potato) French Fries Chuck Throw Chuck out Force to leave Chuck steak Stewing steak Chuffed/dead chuffed (slang) Really pleased Cinema Movie house/theater Class/form (school) Grade (school) Clingfilm Saran Wrap (tm) Cloakroom Check room Cloakroom attendant Hat check girl Clothes peg Clothes pin Coach, bus Bus Coach (long distance or private hire transport) Bus, long distance Collar stiffener Collar stay Collar stud Collar button Condom Rubber Conscription Draft (military) Contact lenses Contacts Cooker Stove Corn Cereal crop Cornflour Corn starch Cost plus contract Time and materials contract Cot Baby bed/crib Cotton bud Q-tip (tm) Cotton candy Candy floss Cotton wool Cotton batting/absorbing cotton Cotton/thread Thread Courage Spunk Courgettes Zucchini Court shoes Pumps Cow gum Rubber cement Cream cracker Soda cracker Creepy crawlies Bugs (insects) Crisps (potato) Chips (potato) Crotchet (music) Quarter note (music) Cul-de-sac Dead end Cupboard Closet Curling iron Curling tongs/hotbrush Current Account Checking Account Curtains Drapes Cutlery Flatware CV/Curriculum Vitae Resume Daddy, Dad Pop, Dad Deep fried cornmeal cake Hush puppie Dessicated coconut Shredded coconut Diamante Rhinestones Digger Backhoe Dinky (means small and cute) Dinky (means small and tacky) Dinner Jacket Tuxedo/Tux Directory enquiries (telephone service) Directory assistance (telephone service) Disaster Bomb (as in "it bombed") Dish cloth Dish rag Diversion Detour Dodgy (slang) Questionable Dog's bollocks (vulgar) A very good thing Dogsbody Gofer Dole Welfare (specifically for unemployment) Done both sides (fried eggs) Easy over (eggs, fried) Done on one side only (fried eggs) Sunny side up (eggs, fried) Drafting tape Masking tape Draper's shop Drygoods store Draught (unwanted ventilation) Draft (unwanted ventilation) Draught excluder Weather stripping Draughts Checkers Drawing pin Thumb tack Dress circle (theatre) Mezzanine/loge (theater) Dressing gown Robe Dual Carriageway Divided highway Dummy Pacifier Dungarees Overalls Dustbin Garbage can/trash can/ash can Duvet Comforter Dynamo Generator Earth (electrical) Ground (electrical) Economy (airfare) Coach (airfare) Eiderdown Comforter Elastoplast (tm)/plaster/sticking plaster Band-Aid (tm) Endive Chicory Estate agent Realtor Estate car Station Wagon Ex-directory (phone book) Unlisted (phone directory) Exhaust (includes silencer) Muffler (includes exhaust gas system) Face flannel Wash cloth Fag Cigarette Fag (public school qv) Gofer (private school qv) Faggot Pork and liver meatball Fairy lights Xmas lights Fanny (vulgar) Beaver (vulgar), twat Filling station/petrol station/garage Gas station Film Movie Fire engine Fire truck First floor, etc Second floor, etc First year undergraduate/Fresher Freshman Fish slice Pancake turner Fitted (carpet) Wall to wall Fizzy drink Soda Flat Apartment/condo Flex Electric cord/wire/cable Flies (trousers) Fly (pants) Flip side B side (of record/cassette) Flyover Overpass Football Soccer Football boots Cleats For a short time Momentarily Form/Class (school) Grade (school) Fortnight Two weeks Fourth year undergraduate Senior Foyer Lobby/foyer Freephone Toll-free call French stick French bread Fresher/1st year undergraduate Freshman Fried or saut‚ed potatoes Home fries Fringe (hair) Bangs (hair) From first to last Soup to nuts (metaphorical) Fruit machine (near equivalent) Slot machine (near equivalent) Full stop Period Funfair Carnival Funny bone Crazy bone Gallery (theatre) Balcony (theater) Gangway Aisle Gaol Jail Garage/filling station/petrol station Gas station Garden Yard Gateau Cake (large, for cutting in portions, lots of cream) Gear lever Gear shift Get off with (slang) Hook up with (slang) Geyser (gas water heater on wall) Water heater (gas) Git (slang) Jerk Gob-smacked Astonished Golden syrup (near equivalent) Corn syrup (near equivalent) Goolies (vulgar) Testicles Gormless Brainless Got Gotten Grass/grass up (slang) Squeal Great! Neat! Green (or red) pepper Bell pepper Greenhouse Glasshouse Gregarious person Joiner Grill (verb and noun) Broil (verb) broiler (noun) Grit sheet Sandpaper Grotty Dirty, horrible Ground floor First floor Guard (train) Conductor (train) Guillotine Paper cutter Gyratory system Rotary Haberdashery Notions Hacked off Pissed Hair grip Bobby pin Hair slide Barrette Ham Bacon Handbag Purse Hard (type of person) Tough (type of person) Hardware Housewares Have it later Take a raincheck Headmaster/mistress Principal Hire purchase Time payment/installment plan Holiday Vacation Homely Pleasant Hoover (tm) (noun, verb) Vacuum (verb)/vacuum cleaner (noun) Horny (vulgar) Turned on (slang) Housecoat Dressing gown Housing estate Project Hundreds and Thousands Jimmy's/sprinkles Hurricane lamp Storm lantern Hush Puppy (tm) Comfortable, often dowdy shoes Ice lolly/Iced lolly Popsicle Icing suger Powder sugar Identification parade Line-up Immersion heater (electric water heater in tank) Water heater (electric) Impregnate Knock up (slang) In advance Up front Intelligent Smart Interval Intermission Invigilate (verb) invigilator (noun) Proctor (verb/noun) Invitation Invite/invitation Ironmonger's shop Hardware store Jab (medical) Shot (medical) Jacket potato/baked potato Baked potato Jam Jelly Jammy (slang) Lucky JCB (tm) Backhoe Jelly Jell-O (tm) Jock Scotsman Jogging trousers Sweatpants Joiner Carpenter Journal Diary Jug Pitcher Juggernaut Large truck Jumper Sweater Kebab Kebob Kiosk (telephone, small shop) Booth (telephone) Kip (slang) Sleep Kipper Smoked herring Kitchen roll Paper towels Knackered (slang)/shagged out (vulgar) Exhausted Knickers Panties Knock up Awaken someone Knuckle duster Brass knuckles Label (noun) Tag (noun) Ladder (hosiery) Run (hosiery) Ladies fingers Ladyfingers Larder Pantry Later Presently Lay-by Pull-off Leader (newspaper article) Editorial Leader of the orchestra Concert master Leather over-trousers Chaps Lemonade Sprite (tm)/7-Up (tm) Let (verb) Lease/rent Letterbox (slot in door of house) Mailbox (outside house) Level crossing (railway) Grade crossing (railroad) Lifesavers (candy) Polos (sweets) Lift Elevator Limited (company), Ltd. Incorporated, Inc. Liver sausage Liverwurst Locomotive Train Engine Lodger Roomer Loo (toilet) John (bathroom) Look at Eyeball (verb) Lorry/Van Truck Lost property Lost and found Love bite Hickie M&Ms (candy) Smarties (sweets) (we also have M&Ms) Mac/Macintosh/raincoat Raincoat Made to measure/bespoke (clothes) Custom made (clothes) Mange tout peas Snow peas Manual (car) Stick shift (car) Marks (examination) Grades (examination) Marrow (near equivalent) Squash/large zucchini (near equivalent) Match Game Mate Buddy Mean Miserly Meccano set (tm) Erector set Medium wave AM radio Methylated spirits Denatured alcohol Mileometer Odometer Milky Way (astronomy) Big Dipper (astronomy) Milky way (candy) Mars bar (chocolate) Milliard Billion Mince (meat) Hamburger (meat) Mincer Meat grinder Minim (music) Half note (music) Mobile home Trailer home Momentarily Soon Motorway Freeway Movie theatre Cinema Muesli Granola Mum/Mummy Mom/Mommy Naff Tacky Nappy Diaper Near/far sighted Short/long sighted Near/far sighted Short/long sighted Net curtains Sheers/under drapes Newsagent News dealer/news stand Newsreader Anchor Nice Neat Nick (verb) Steal Nick (noun) Jail Nip (as in nip to the shops) Go right away (...to the store) No. (abbreviation for number) # (abbreviation for number) Note (as in œ5 note) Bill (as in $10 bill) Nought Zero Noughts and crosses Tic-tac-toe Number plate License plate Nursery school Kindergarten OAP/Old Age Pensioner Senior Citizen/Senior Off licence Liquor store Okra Ladyfingers Operating theatre Surgery Optician Optometrist Oven Stove/cooker Oven gloves Potholders Overhead/overhead slide Foil (for projection) Overtake (in a car on the road) Pass (in a car on the road) Pack (cards) Deck (cards) Packed lunch Sack lunch Paddle Wade in the sea Pantechnicon/removal van Moving van Pants, briefs Underpants, briefs Paper knife Letter opener Paraffin Kerosene Parcel Package Pavement Sidewalk Pelican crossing Cross-walk Pelmet (window) Valance (window) Pen knife Pocket knife Perspex (tm) Plexiglass (tm) Petrol Gas Petrol station/garage/filling station Gas station Pillar box Mail drop/mail box Pillock (slang) Jerk Pinafore dress Jumper Pinch (steal) Snag Pint (=20 fl. ozs/568 ml.) Pint (=16 fl.ozs/473ml.) Piss take Parody Pissed (drunk) Soused (drunk) Pissed off (angry) Pissed (angry) Plain Vanilla Plait (hair) Braid (hair) Plaster/sticking plaster/Elastoplast (tm) Band-Aid (tm) Plastic cheese (slang) Kraft Singles (tm) Playbill (theatre) Programme (theatre) Plimsolls Sneakers (canvas) Plonk Cheap red wine Plonker (slang) Idiot Plus Fours (Old-fashioned golf trousers) Knickers PMT (Pre-menstrual tension) PMS (Pre-menstrual syndrome) Pneumatic Drill Jackhammer Poppers/snaps Press studs Post Mail Postcode Zip code Postman Mailman Postponement Raincheck Potato crisps/crisps Potato chips/chips Poufter (slang) Fag/faggot (slang) Pram Baby carriage Prat Jerk Presently Soon Press-ups Push-ups Primary school Elementary school Prison Penitentiary Privy Outhouse Prostitute Hooker Pub Bar Pub crawl (noun) Bar hopping (verb) Public school/private school Private School Pudding/afters/sweet/dessert Dessert Pull (slang) Pick up (slang) Pullman car (in train) Sleeper (in train) Purse Wallet/changepurse Pushchair/baby buggy Stroller Put on the agenda Slated Put through (telephone) Connect (telephone) Quaver Eighth note Quay Wharf/pier Queue (noun and verb) Line (noun), wait in line (verb) Railway Railroad Randy (vulgar) horny (vulgar) Rasher of bacon Slice of streaky bacon Rawlplug (tm) Mollybolt (tm) Really get going Cooking Reception (hotel) Front desk (hotel) Receptionist Desk clerk Reel Spool Remote control/remote Zapper Removal van/pantechnicon Moving van Return ticket Round trip ticket Reverse the charges Call collect Reversing lights Back-up lights Road surface Pavement Robin Oriole Room mate Flatmate Roundabout (children) Carousel Roundabout (traffic) Circle (traffic) Rounders (near equivalent) Baseball (near equivalent) Rubber Eraser Rubbish Garbage/trash RV Camper van Saloon car Sedan Sandpit Sandbox Sanitory Towels (menstruation) Pads (menstruation) Sausage roll Pig in a blanket Scone (near equivalent; is usually sweet) Biscuit (near equivalent; is usually savory) Secateurs Gardening shears Second year undergraduate Sophomore Secondary school High school Sellotape (tm) Scotch tape (tm) Semi-breve (music) Whole note (music) Semi-detached (house) Duplex Semi-quaver Sixteenth note Semolina pudding Cream of wheat Serviced flats Apartment hotel Shag (vulgar) Have sex with Shattered Exhausted Shoelace Shoestring (but both nations use the term "shoestring budget") Shop Store Shop assistant Sales clerk Shopping mall, shopping centre Mall Shopping trolley Cart Sideboard Buffet Silencer (car, not gun) Muffler Single ticket One-way ticket Skip Dumpster Skip (verb), skipping rope Jump rope (noun and verb) Skirting board Baseboard/mopboard Skive Goof off Slag Whore Slated Reviled Sledge/toboggan Sled Sleeping policeman Speed bump Slimy Icky Slip road On/off ramp Smarmy Ingratiating Smart Well-dressed Smarties (candy) Swizzlers (sweets) Snaps/poppers Press studs Snigger Snicker Snog (slang) Make out with (slang) Socks Stockings Sofa Davenport/sofa Solicitor Attorney/lawyer Sorbet Sherbet Spank Paddle Spanner Monkey wrench Speed hump Speed bump Spirits (drink) Liquor Spliff/joint Joint (marijuana) Split fire (auto) Spark plug (auto) Spring onion (near equivalent) Scallion (near equivalent) Spunk (vulgar) Jism (vulgar) Stalls (theatre) Orchestra (theater) Stand (for public office) Run (for public office) Standard lamp Floor lamp State school Public school Sticking plaster/plaster/Elastoplast (tm) Band-Aid (tm) Still lemonade Lemonade Stockings Thigh-highs Stone (in fruit) Pit (in fruit) Stone (weight) Fourteen pounds weight Straight (drink) Neat (drink) Subway Pedestrian underpass Sultana Golden raisin Sump Oil pan Sunglasses Shades Surgery (doctor,dentist) Office Surgical spirit Rubbing alcohol Suspender belt Garter belt Suspenders Garters Sweatshirt/tracksuit top Sweatshirt Swede Rutabaga Sweet Cute Sweetcorn Corn Sweets Candy Swiss roll Jelly roll Tadpole Pollywog/tadpole Take away (noun - food) Take out (noun, verb - food) Take out (meal) Take away (meal) Tap Faucet Tarmac Blacktop Tart (slang - may be used affectionately) Tramp (slang) Tea towel Dish towel Tea trolley Tea cart Teat (baby's bottle) Nipple (baby's bottle) Telegram Wire Telly TV Term (school/college - three in a year) Semester (school/college - two in a year) The Pictures The Movies Third year undergraduate Junior Tick (mark on paper) Check (mark on paper) Ticked off Scolded Tights Pantyhose Timber, wood Lumber, timber, wood Timetable Schedule (noun) Tin Can Tin opener Can opener Tip (noun/verb) Dump (noun/verb) Tipper truck Dumper truck Toboggan/sledge Sled Toilet Bathroom Torch Flashlight Town centre Downtown Town/borough Council City corporation Tracksuit bottoms Sweatpants Traffic light Stop light Train driver Engineer Trainers Sneakers Tram Streetcar Tramp Hobo/Bum Transport cafe Truck stop Treacle Molasses Trousers Pants Trunk call/long distance call Long distance call Trunk road NB: what the English think of as an ordinary road can be called a "two-lane blacktop" in the U.S.A. Interstate Turn-ups (trousers) Cuffs (pants) Twat (slang) Jerk Twit Jerk Tyre Tire Ugly Homely Underground/tube Subway Unhealthy Unhealthful Unit trust (near equivalent) Mutual fund (near equivalent) Upper Circle (theatre) Balcony (theater) Van/Lorry Truck Verge (road) Shoulder (road) Vest Undershirt Vet Veterinary surgeon Veteran Vet Video (noun) VCR Waistcoat Vest Wait in line Queue Wallet Billfold/changepurse Wardrobe Closet (for hanging clothes) Wash (hands) Wash up Wash cloth Flannel Wash up Do the dishes Washing powder Laundry detergent Wellingtons/Wellies Gumboots/Rubber Boots White (coffee, tea) With Milk White goods Major appliances Wholemeal Wholewheat Willy (slang) Penis Windcheater (clothes) Windbreaker (clothes) Windscreen Windshield Wing mirror (mounted outside car) Rear view mirror Witter Ramble (talk) Y-Fronts (tm) Jockeys Zebra crossing Pedestrian crossing Zed Zee Zip Zipper American English # (abbreviation for number) No. (abbreviation for number) A great success Bomb (as in went like a bomb) Absorbing cotton/cotton batting Cotton wool Account Bill/account Ad Advert Addicting Addictive Airplane Aeroplane Aisle Gangway Aluminum Aluminium AM radio Medium wave Anchor Newsreader Antenna (radio/TV) Aerial (radio/TV) Apartment Flat Apartment hotel Serviced flats Apartment house Block of flats Apartment/condo Flat Architect's lamp/swing-arm lamp Anglepoise lamp Ash can/garbage can/trash can Dustbin Ass Arse (vulgar) Asshole (vulgar) Arsehole (vulgar) Astonished Gob-smacked Attorney/lawyer Solicitor Awaken someone Knock up Baby bed Cot Baby carriage Pram Back-up lights Reversing lights Backhoe JCB/Digger Bacon Ham Baked potato Jacket potato/baked potato Balcony (theater) Gallery/Upper Circle (theatre) Ballpoint Biro Balls (testicles) (slang) Bollocks (vulgar)/balls (slang) Band-Aid (tm) Elastoplast (tm)/plaster/sticking plaster Bangs (hair) Fringe (hair) Bar Pub Bar hopping (verb) Pub crawl (noun) Barrette Hair slide Baseball (near equivalent) Rounders (near equivalent) Baseboard/mopboard Skirting board Bath tub Bath Bathroom Toilet Beat on Beat up Beaver (vulgar) Fanny (vulgar) Bell pepper Green (or red) pepper Big Dipper (astronomy) Milky Way (astronomy) Bill(as in $10 bill) Bank note/note (as in £5 note) Billfold/changepurse Wallet Billion Milliard (American usage is more common now) Biscuit (near equivalent; is usually savory) Scone (near equivalent; is usually sweet) Black raspberry (wild) Blackberry/bramble Blacktop Tarmac Bobby pin Hair grip Bomb (as in "it bombed") Disaster Booga Bogie Booth (telephone) Kiosk (telephone, small shop) Braid (hair) Plait (hair) Brainless Gormless Brass knuckles Knuckle duster Broccoli Calabrese/broccoli Broil (verb) broiler (noun) Grill Buddy Mate Buffet Sideboard Bugs (insects) Creepy crawlies Bum Tramp Bureau Chest of drawers Bus Coach, bus Bus, long distance Coach (long distance or private hire transport) Button (pins on) Badge (pins on) Cable Flex Cake (large, for cutting in portions, lots of cream) Gateau Call collect Reverse the charges Can Tin Can opener Tin opener Candy Sweets Car (train) Carriage (train) Carnival Funfair Carousel Roundabout (children) Carpenter Joiner Cart Shopping Trolley Cereal crop Corn Changepurse/Wallet Purse Chaps Leather over-trousers Cheap red wine Plonk Check (money) Cheque (money) Check (mark on paper) Tick (mark on paper) Check (restaurant) Bill (restaurant) Check room Cloakroom Checkers Draughts Checking Account Current Account Chicory Endive Chips Crisps Chips (potato) Crisps (potato) Cigarette Fag (slang) Circle Roundabout City corporation Borough/town Council Clear Black and white Cleats Football boots Closet Cupboard Closet (for hanging clothes) Wardrobe Clothes pin Clothes peg Coach (airfare) Economy (airfare) Collar button Collar stud Collar stay Collar stiffener Comfortable, often dowdy shoes Hush Puppy (tm) Comforter Duvet/Eiderdown Concert master Leader of the orchestra Conductor (train) Guard (train) Connect (telephone) Put through (telephone) Consulting room (doctor, dentist) Surgery Consumer electronics Brown goods Contacts Contact lenses Cookies Biscuits Cooking (slang) Really get going Corn Sweet corn Corn starch Cornflour Corn syrup (near equivalent) Golden syrup (near equivalent) Cornstarch Cornflour Cot Camp bed Cotton batting/absorbing cotton Cotton wool Cotton candy Candy floss Counterclockwise Anticlockwise Crazy bone Funny bone Cream of wheat Semolina pudding Crib Cot Cross-walk Pelican crossing Cuffs (pants) Turn-ups (trousers) Curling iron Curling tongs/hotbrush Custom made (clothes) Made to measure/bespoke (clothes) Cute Sweet Davenport/sofa Sofa Dead end Cul-de-sac Deck (cards) Pack (cards) Deep fryer Chip pan Denatured alcohol Methylated spirits Derby (hat) Bowler (hat) Desk clerk Receptionist Dessert Pudding/afters/sweet/dessert Detour Diversion Diaper Nappy Dinky (meaning small and tacky) Dinky (meaning small and cute) Directory assistance (telephone service) Directory enquiries (telephone service) Dirty, horrible Grotty Dish rag Dish cloth Dish towel Tea towel Divided highway Dual Carriageway Do the dishes Wash up Double whole note (music) Breve (music) Downtown Town centre Draft (military) Conscription Draft (unwanted ventilation) Draught (unwanted ventilation) Drafting tape Masking tape Drapes Curtains Druggist Chemist Drugstore/pharmacy Chemist's shop Drygoods store Draper's shop Dude Bloke Dump (noun/verb) Tip (noun/verb) Dumper truck Tipper truck Dumpster Skip Duplex Semi-detached (house) Easy chair Armchair Easy over (eggs, fried) Done both sides (fried eggs) Editorial Leader (newspaper article) Eggplant Aubergine Eighth note Quaver Electric cord/wire/cable Flex Elementary school Primary school Elevator Lift Emergency room Casualty (medical) Endive Chicory Engineer Train driver English Muffin Cake (singular) Eraser Rubber Erector set Meccano set (tm) Exhausted Knackered (slang)/shagged out (vulgar)/shattered Eyeball (verb) Look at Fag/faggot (slang) Poufter (slang) Fall Autumn Fanny Bottom Fanny pack Bumbag Faucet Tap Federal holiday Bank Holiday Fender Bumper Fire truck Fire engine First floor Ground floor Flashlight Torch Flatware Cutlery Flip side B side (of record/cassette) Floor lamp Standard lamp Fly (pants) Flies (trousers) Foil (for projection) Overhead/overhead slide Football American Football Force to leave Chuck out Fourteen pounds (weight) Stone (weight) Freeway Motorway French bread French stick/baguette French Fries Chips (potato) Freshman First year undergraduate Front desk (hotel) Reception (hotel) Game (sport) Match (sport) Garbage can/trash can/ash can Dustbin Garbage/trash Rubbish Gardening shears Secateurs Garter belt Suspender belt Garters Suspenders Gas Petrol Gas station Filling station/petrol station/garage Gear shift Gear lever Generator Dynamo German shepherd (dog) Alsation (dog) Glasshouse Greenhouse Go right away (...to the store) Nip (as in nip to the shops) Gofer Dogsbody Gofer (private school, qv) Fag (public school, qv) Golden raisin Sultana Goof off Skive Gotten Got Grade (school) Class/form (school) Grade crossing (railroad) Level crossing (railway) Grades (examination) Marks (examination) Granola Muesli Grit sheet Sandpaper Ground (electrical) Earth (electrical) Ground wire Earth wire Gumboots Wellingtons/Wellies Guys Chaps (plural) Half note (music) Minim (music) Hamburger (meat) Mince (meat) Hardware store Ironmonger Hat check girl Cloakroom attendant Have sex with shag (vulgar) Hickie Love bite High school Secondary school Hobo Tramp Home fries Fried or saut‚ed potatoes Homely Ugly Hood Bonnet Hook up with (slang) Get off with (slang) Hooker Prostitute Hope chest Bottom drawer Horny (vulgar) Randy (vulgar) Housecoat Dressing gown Housewares Hardware Hush puppie Deep fried cornmeal cake Icky Slimy Idiot Plonker (slang) Incorporated, Inc. Limited (company), Ltd. Ingratiating Smarmy Installment plan Hire purchase Intermission Interval Interstate Trunk road NB: what the English think of as an ordinary road can be called a "two-lane blacktop" in the U.S.A. Invite (noun)/invitation Invitation Jackhammer Pneumatic Drill Jail Gaol/nick (slang) Janitor Caretaker Jell-O (tm) Jelly Jelly Jam Jelly roll Swiss roll Jerk Git (slang)/Pillock (slang)/Prat/Twat/Twit Jimmy's/sprinkles Hundreds and Thousands Jism (vulgar) Spunk (vulgar) Jock Keen athlete Jockeys Y-fronts (tm) John (bathroom) Loo (toilet) Joiner Gregarious person Joint (marijuana) Spliff/joint Journal Diary Jump rope (noun and verb) Skip (verb), skipping rope Jumper Pinafore dress Junior Third year undergraduate Kebob Kebab Kerosene Paraffin Kindergarten Nursery school Knickers Plus Fours (old-fashioned golf trousers) Knock up (slang) Impregnate Kraft Singles (tm) Plastic cheese (slang) Ladyfingers Okra/Ladies fingers/Bhindi (hindi) Large truck Juggernaut Laundry detergent Washing powder Lawyer/attorney Solicitor Lease/rent Let (verb) Lemonade Still lemonade Letter opener Paper knife License plate Number plate Lifesavers (candy) Polos (sweets) Line (noun), wait in line (verb) Queue (noun and verb) Line-up Identification parade Liquor Spirits (drink) Liquor store Off licence Liverwurst Liver sausage Lobby/foyer Foyer Loge/mezzanine (theater) Dress circle (theatre) Long Distance call Trunk call/long distance call Lost and found Lost property Lucky Jammy (slang) Lumber, timber, wood Timber, wood Lumber room Box room M&Ms (candy) Smarties (sweets) (we also have M&Ms) Mail Post Mail box/mail drop Pillar box Mailbox (outside house) Letterbox (slot in door of house) Mailman Postman Major appliances White goods Make out with (slang) Snog (slang) Mall Shopping mall, shopping centre Mean Aggressive Meat grinder Mincer Median strip Central reservation Mezzanine/loge (theater) Dress circle (theatre) Milky way (candy) Mars bar (chocolate) Miserly Mean Molasses Black treacle/molasses Mollybolt (tm) Rawlplug (tm) Mom/Mommy Mum/Mummy Momentarily For a short time Monkey wrench Spanner Mopboard/baseboard Skirting board Movie Film Movie house/theater Cinema Movie theatre Cinema Moving van Pantechnicon/removal van Muffler (includes exhaust gas system) Exhaust (includes silencer) Mutual fund Unit trust Near/far sighted Short/long sighted Neat (drink) Straight (drink) Neat! Great! News dealer/news stand Newsagent Nipple (baby's bottle) Teat (baby's bottle) Notions Haberdashery Odometer Mileometer Off/on ramp Slip road Office Surgery (doctor,dentist) Oil pan Sump On/off ramp Slip road One-way ticket Single ticket Optometrist Optician Orchestra (theater) Stalls (theatre) Oriole Robin Outhouse Privy Overalls Dungarees Overpass Flyover Pacifier Dummy Package Parcel Paddle Spank Paddle (table tennis) Bat (table tennis) Pads (menstruation) Sanitory Towels (menstruation) Pancake turner Fish slice Panties Knickers Pantry Larder Pants Trousers Pantyhose Tights Paper cutter Guillotine Paper towels Kitchen roll Parka Anorak Parking lot Car park Parody Piss take Pass (in a car on the road) Overtake (in a car on the road) Pastries Cakes Pavement Road surface Pedestrian crossing Zebra crossing Pedestrian underpass Subway Penis Willy (slang) Penitentiary Prison Period Full stop Pharmacy/drug store Chemists Pick up (slang) Pull (slang) Pier/wharf Quay Pig in a blanket Sausage roll Pint (=16 fl.ozs/473ml.) Pint (=20 fl. ozs/568 ml.) Pissed (angry) Pissed off (angry)/hacked off Pit (in fruit) Stone (in fruit) Pitcher Jug Playbill (theatre) Programme (theatre) Pleasant Homely Plexiglass (tm) Perspex (tm) PMS (Pre-menstrual syndrome) PMT (Pre-menstrual tension) Pocket knife Pen knife Pollywog/tadpole Tadpole Pop/Dad Dad/Daddy Popsicle Ice lolly/Iced lolly Pork and liver meatball Faggot Potato chips/chips Potato crisps/crisps Potholders Oven gloves Powder sugar Icing suger Presently Later Press studs Poppers/snaps Principal Headmaster/mistress Private School Public school/private school Proctor (verb/noun) Invigilate (verb) invigilator (noun) Project Housing estate Public school State school Puke Barf, puke, or throw (slang) Pull-off Lay-by Pumps Court shoes Purse Handbag Push-ups Press-ups Put down/entered Charged (for goods or services bought) Q-tip (tm) Cotton bud Quarter note (music) Crotchet (music) Questionable Dodgy (slang) Railroad Railway Raincheck Postponement Raincoat Mac/Macintosh/raincoat Raisin (small) Sultana Ramble (talk) Witter Really pleased Chuffed/dead chuffed (slang) Realtor Estate agent Rear view mirror Wing mirror (mounted outside car) Recess (school) Break (school) Recreational vehicle (RV) Camper van Rent/lease Let (verb) Resume (noun) CV/Curriculum Vitae Reviled Slated Rhinestones Diamante Robe Dressing gown Rollercoaster Big dipper/rollercoaster Room mate Flatmate Roomer Lodger Rotary Gyratory system Round trip ticket Return ticket Rubber Condom Rubber Boots Wellingtons/Wellies Rubber cement Cow gum Rubbing alcohol Surgical spirit Run (for public office) Stand (for public office) Run (hosiery) Ladder (hosiery) Rutabaga Swede RV Camper van Sack lunch Packed lunch Sales clerk Shop assistant Sandbox Sandpit Saran Wrap (tm) Clingfilm Scab Blackleg Scallion (near equivalent) Spring onion (near equivalent) Schedule (noun) Timetable Scolded Ticked off Scotch tape (tm) Sellotape (tm) Scotsman Jock Second floor, etc First floor, etc Sedan Saloon car Semester (school/college - two in a year) Term (school/college - three in a year) Semi (truck) Artic (lorry) Senior Fourth year undergraduate Senior Citizen/Senior OAP/Old Age Pensioner Shade (window) Blind (window) Shades Sunglasses Sheers/under drapes Net curtains Sherbet Sorbet Shoestring Shoelace (but both nations use the term "shoestring budget") Shot (medical) Jab (medical) Shoulder (road) Verge (road) Shredded coconut Dessicated coconut Sidewalk Pavement Sixteenth note Semi-quaver Slated Put on the agenda Sled Sledge/toboggan Sleep Kip (slang) Sleeper (in train) Pullman car (in train) Slice of streaky bacon Rasher of bacon Slingshot Catapult (noun) Slot machine (near equivalent) Fruit machine (near equivalent) Smart Intelligent Smarties (candy) Swizzlers (sweets) Smoked herring Kipper Snag Pinch (steal) Sneakers (canvas) Plimsolls Snicker Snigger Snow peas Mange tout peas Soccer Football Soda Fizzy drink Soda cracker Cream cracker Soon Presently/momentarily Sophomore 2nd year undergraduate Soup to nuts (metaphorical) From first to last Soused (drunk) Pissed (drunk) Speed bump Sleeping policeman/speed hump Split fire (auto) Spark plug (auto) Spool Reel Sprite (tm)/7-Up (tm) Lemonade Spunk Courage Squash (near equivalent) Marrow (near equivalent) Squeal Grass/grass up (slang) Stair rail Banister Station Wagon Estate car Steal (verb) Nick (verb) Steal (noun) Bargain (noun) Stewing steak Chuck steak Stick shift (car) Manual (car) Stockings Socks Stop light Traffic light Store Shop Storm lantern Hurricane lamp Stove Cooker/oven Streaky bacon Bacon Streetcar Tram Stroller Baby buggy/pushchair Subway Underground/tube Sunny side up (eggs, fried) Done on one side only (fried eggs) Surgery Operating theatre Suspenders Braces Sweater Jumper Sweatpants Jogging trousers/tracksuit bottoms Sweatshirt Sweatshirt/tracksuit top Swing-arm lamp/architect's lamp Anglepoise lamp Tacky Naff Tag (noun) Label (noun) Take a raincheck Have it later Take out (meal) Take away (meal) Take out (noun, verb - food) Take away (noun - food) Take-out (food) Take-away (food) Tea cart Tea trolley Telephone game Chinese Whispers (game) Teller (supermarket, bank) Cashier (supermarket)/teller (bank) Testicles Goolies (vulgar) Texas gate Cattle grid The Movies The Pictures Thigh-highs Stockings Thread Cotton/thread Throttle (car) Accelerator (car) Throw Bung/chuck Thumb tack Drawing pin Tic-tac-toe Noughts and Crosses Ticked off Annoyed Tighty-whities (slang) Y-Fronts (tm) Time and materials contract Cost plus contract Time payment Hire purchase Tire Tyre Toilet Bog (vulgar) Toll-free call Freephone Tough (type of person) Hard (type of person) Trailer Caravan Trailer home Mobile home Trailer park Caravan park Train Engine Locomotive Tramp (slang) Tart (slang - may be used affectionately) Trash can/garbage can/ash can Dustbin Trillion Billion (American usage is now more common) Truck Lorry/Van Truck stop Transport cafe Trunk Boot Try to pick up (slang) Chat up (slang) Turned on (slang) Horny (vulgar) Tuxedo/Tux Dinner Jacket TV Telly Twat Fanny Two Brace (of pheasants etc.) Two weeks Fortnight Under drapes/sheers Net curtains Underpants, briefs Pants, briefs Undershirt Vest Unhealthful Unhealthy Unlisted (phone directory) Ex-directory (phone book) Up front In advance Vacation Holiday Vacuum (verb)/vacuum cleaner (noun) Hoover (tm) (noun, verb) Valance (window) Pelmet (window) Vanilla Plain VCR Video (noun) Very good thing The dog's bollocks (vulgar) Vest Waistcoat Vet Veteran Veterinary surgeon Vet Wade in the sea Paddle Wait in line Queue Wall to wall (carpet) Fitted (carpet) Wallet/changepurse Purse Wash cloth Face flannel Wash cloth Flannel Wash up Wash (hands) Water heater (electric) Immersion heater (electric water heater in tank) Water heater (gas) Geyser (gas water heater on wall) Weather stripping Draught excluder Welfare (specifically for unemployment) Dole Well-dressed Smart Wharf/pier Quay White lima bean Butter bean Whole note (music) Semi-breve (music) Wholewheat Wholemeal Whore Slag Windbreaker Windcheater Windbreaker (clothes) Windcheater (clothes) Windshield Windscreen Wire Telegram With Milk White (coffee, tea) With or without? (cream in coffee) Black or white? (milk in coffee) Wrench Spanner Xmas lights Fairy lights Yard Garden Zapper Remote control/remote Zee Zed Zero Nought Zip code Postcode Zipper Zip Zucchini Courgettes Zuchini (large) Marrow