HistoryThis site was initially created in October 2002 under a different domain. It currently comprises about 10,000 files, many of which are personal (and hence not accessible via the public pages). The large majority of experiment-related hyper-text files (of the Research Section) have been moved off-line as they approach a gigabyte in size.
Nearly 100% of the images were created using Paintshop (trial version from the previous century) or the much-recommended GIMP (see my Script-Fu Index Gallery). The graphics and content are largely original. Photos are usually taken from freely-distributed libraries. I do not mind if you wish to borrow graphics, but please let me know first. I would like to keep track of where my graphics end up.
About the banner above: You can observe the Smith Building, located in Seattle. I chose that particular building for no special reason. I stumbled across it on the same date when this banner was reworked; the design was inspired by the Johns Hopkins University.
Content Management
Site content was managed by a variety of text editors. Creation of some specific pages was aided by one of the following:
The structure of this site is not conventional; in particular it is uncommon for personal home pages. It was built to accommodate a ranging spectrum of activities so that it covers software, interests and the like while hiding certain more sensitive pages. If you are after my CV or some research pages, please contact me directly and I will send you the URL.
One main user of this Web site is myself (among ~20,000 unique visitors a month), hidden pages being my entry points. All in all, the site delivers about 50,000 pages per month (statistics apply only at the time of writing).
Excessive Information Sharing
Some people wonder why I make all of this information available. My reply to this is that I wish more people did the same. Society can become more open and approachable.
The Migration
The content of this site was shifted to a separate new domain in 2004 when the volume of pages became unusually large (exceeding a gigabyte including off-line experiments pages). I must thank Harvey Tobkes for helping me acquire the new domain from APlus.
NO Revenue
Advertisements were added to some pages in September 2004. However, two main sections, namely Projects and Research, will always be left 'clean'. Despite the .com suffix, this site is not commercial. Everything on this site is freely distributed. The advertisement only help in covering the domain/hosting costs and excess money is donated to charity in its entirety.
More information
To find out more about my family and I, run a search engine query.
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