Title | Date |
Oxford Presentation on Appearance Model and Non-rigid Registration Evaluation | 2006-10-04 01:42:00 |
Presentations, Thesis and Halting of Technical Progress | 2006-07-04 04:52:50 |
An Update on Publications | 2006-05-27 08:13:38 |
NRR Assessment: 3-D Extension and Other News | 2006-05-07 06:51:58 |
Entropic Measures for Model and NRR Evaluation | 2006-02-18 14:04:49 |
Conference Paper on Non-Rigid Registration (NRR) Validation | 2006-01-11 03:53:04 |
kNN and Entropy in Registration and Model Assessment | 2005-12-15 08:16:31 |
Registration Assessment Abstract | 2005-11-24 08:46:17 |
Registration Benchmark | 2005-11-04 10:56:29 |
Evaluating Appearance Models of the Face | 2005-10-27 07:47:02 |