Continue work on mesh mode - get all displayed after each iteration, make mesh rectangular, enable video, move to UI and enable display when capture is on.
Warp map to GUI
Gallery of images for page 2: generate for Friday meeting.
Fetch up-to-date package.
Back up 3 main window images.
'No Samples' to become squared button with edges as in normal boxes; same for logos.
Test getenv under Windows
Finish moving options to menu
Test save file types (format object, creation main home dir)
Add Wavelets, N/A in CS? (see repository and peer code) - shade 4 other options objects and fit in entries to UI. Pass level and compression type from GUI.
Fix/test splash conflicts. Improve appearance.
Get overlapping optimisation score plots for all schemes - make option for looping over all objective function with separate (will disable other options) - still need for plot overlap?
MI, TFC help
pass in draw-warp-curve from UI
Saves x 2 and movie in status bar, see if movie status is printed already.
Change object names
Load data from given file
Save all figures automatically under temp - aborted.
make local and Web help index - ALREADY MERGED.
Fix MI objective. fun. performance/make ad-hoc optimiser: Chris Taylor objects
Make bins UI arguments
Make web site with logo and Gimp generated heading
Incorporate before-and-after into UI
Test do-plot and the above for offset off and on
See Progress Report 20 or shift all notes about experiments to Palm
Implement mixed objective function with model NMI weighed
Add model/MSD mixtures
...Then Add MI and NMI to objective function
ISBE figure OK?
Make separate buttons for joint and single MI
Add MI and NMI buttons
Try imshow in axes - add ISBE logo
Slider bar for window size
3 radio bars: gauss, average, none
Fix Gaussian Sigma
Resolve placement method radio bars
different colours in sampler
initialise MUST reset all hidden objects
Implement 'specify attributes'
Code largely extended and made more sophisticated
ADD 50 iterations examples for 2 and 15 figures
Suggest MDL instead of determinant (MI left out for now)
View 3 model types after each iteration - run code for 2,5,10 images and see if models improve or change at later stages