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From a command-line-driven operation of MATLAB code, many of us migrate to perform tasks while hiding the unnecessary clutter and technicality that lies underneath. Interfacing is concerned with simplification of entry points to the code and encapsulation of its functional behaviour. And what better way to do so than by employing a graphical front-end? This is what this document will focus on - the ability to embed functions within a graphical user interface (GUI).

The document is intended to provide a step-by-step description while concentrating on useful tips and tricks that make GUI construction more trivial. With the aid of GUIDE (the GUI development environment), even GUI construction itself is controlled by a GUI. However, no prior knowledge of GUIDE will be assumed and principles will form the majority of arguments and suggestions.

On the issue of technicality and formality, this document intentionally avoids the use of jargon and should be readable by people who have no background of computer science or mathematics. The instruction are meant to remain clear and concise so that GUI's can be constructed most rapidly.

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