... research1
The main research issue to be addressed in this project shall be the strength of game playing algorithms, derived from the results of games being played.
... GLUT2
Provides scene description and user interaction facilities.
... plays3
Sequence of valid moves in the game. This can be more abstractly defined as a path in the game tree.
... pruning4
Basic theoretical principle that allows anticipating moves in a game.
... game5
As the traversal depth is incremented, the time complexity shows exponential characteristics.
... broader6
Breadth typically refers to LOC (Lines Of Code) value, however, larger amounts of code do not imply better performance. Broad algorithms can be defined as those that perform deeper and wider search of the game tree.
... tests7
For N levels of difficulty in our game, N! testing series shall take place.
... another8
For instance, most of the code can be reused for the construction of a Checkers application. To name but very few similarities, the presentation layer is analogous and storage of any game state is identical.