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Extension to 2-D

Since some of the gathered statistics indicate that the program achieved what it had been set to achieve, there are intentions of applying the same concepts to 2-D and data in the foreseeable future. The principles remain unchanged and the only required extension is that of CPS to a higher-dimensional space - something which has been developed already.

This extension step is expected to be trivial as CPS warps in 2-D have already been dealt with by Marsland and necessary 2-D data is available in the Division. Synthetic 2-D data can be generated as well if necessary and code exists for doing so (see Figure cap:2-D-Synthetic-data). Once generation of data becomes possible and shapes for which the estimated solution is known can be created, e.g. triangles in 2-D space, then well-controlled 2-D tests can be performed under AART.

The only envisioned hindrances will then be the speed of execution and the diligent selection of knot-points for transformation. Since there is yet some lacking understand of the problem in 1-D, time is needed to improve the algorithm. Its requirements need to have a more responsive time-span.

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