OME of the previously-mentioned acronyms are sorted alphabetically below. They should be used as a reference.
AAM: Active appearance model
AART: Autonomous appearance-based registration test-bed
ALU: Arithmetic and logic unit
ASM: Active shape model
COG: Centre of gravity
CPS: Clamped-plate spline
CT: Computed tomography
CVS: Concurrent versions system
EPSRC: Engineering and physical sciences research council
GC: Grand challenge
GPA: Generalised procrustes procedure
GSSEM: Graduate school of science, engineering and medicine
GUI: Graphical user interface
FFD: Free-form deformation
I/O: Input/output
IRC: Interdisciplinary research collaboration
ISBE: Imaging science and biomedical engineering
LOC: Lines of code
MDL: Minimum description length
MI: Mutual information
MIAS: Medical image and signal
MICCAI: Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention
MIUA: Medical image understanding and analysis
MSD: Mean of squared differences
MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging
NMI: Normalised mutual information
NRR: Non-rigid registration
PCA: Principal component analysis
PDF: Probability density function; Portable document format
PDM: Point distribution model
PET: Positron emission tomography
RAM: Random access memory
S&F: Structure and function
SDM: Statistical deformation model
SNR: Signal-to-noise ratio
SPM: Statistical parametric mapping
SSD: Sum of squared differences
TS: Taboo search
UCL: University college london
WWW: World wide web