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Speeding up Convergence

The objective one should be after is the minimisation of some cost - a cost that is associated with the model and the images which are being transformed. Convergence of the algorithm is declared once that cost can no longer be reduced. It has been found to be true that very much computational effort is spent on refining existing transformations, even when the solution is yet far away. As it turns out, at early stages of the optimisation, coarse changes to the images should suffice.

Amongst the more important developments of this project, the author managed to find a way of substantially decreasing the amount of time which is required to register sets of 1-D data. This was done primarily by tweaking the optimiser which is involved in the process. It has been decided to aim for a different optimisation tolerance depending on the advancement towards the correct solution. By doing do, little time should be spent on obtaining lower costs at the early stages of registration. This rational observation motivated the re-implementation of a similar algorithm in a separate domain7.19

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