Volume: 9,   Issue: 3,   Year: July-Sept. 2003

Dynamic line integral convolution for visualizing streamline evolution

Sundquist, A.

Page(s): 273- 282

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1241 KB)]    


On marching cubes

Nielson, G.M.

Page(s): 283- 297

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1768 KB)]    


Interactive clipping techniques for texture-based volume visualization and volume shading

Weiskopf, D.; Engel, K.; Ertl, T.

Page(s): 298- 312

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1371 KB)]    


Three-dimensional flow characterization using vector pattern matching

Heiberg, E.; Ebbers, T.; Wigstrom, L.; Karlsson, M.

Page(s): 313- 319

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (759 KB)]    


Volumetric segmentation using Weibull E-SD fields

Jiuxiang Hu; Razdan, A.; Nielson, G.M.; Farin, G.E.; Baluch, D.P.; Capco, D.G.

Page(s): 320- 328

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1290 KB)]    


Adjoints and importance in rendering: an overview

Christensen, P.H.

Page(s): 329- 340

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1457 KB)]    


Interactive volume rendering of large sparse data sets using adaptive mesh refinement hierarchies

Kahler, R.; Simon, M.; Hege, H.-C.

Page(s): 341- 351

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (2033 KB)]    


Natural motion animation through constraining and deconstraining at will

Yamane, K.; Nakamura, Y.

Page(s): 352- 360

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1116 KB)]    


Global visualization and alignments of whole bacterial genomes

Pak Chung Wong; Kwong Kwok Wong; Foote, H.; Thomas, J.

Page(s): 361- 377

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (5812 KB)]    


From visual data exploration to visual data mining: a survey

Ferreira de Oliveira, M.C.; Levkowitz, H.

Page(s): 378- 394

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (2686 KB)]    


Fast multiresolution image operations in the wavelet domain

Drori, I.; Lischinski, D.

Page(s): 395- 411

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (4954 KB)]    


A survey of visibility for walkthrough applications

Cohen-Or, D.; Chrysanthou, Y.L.; Silva, C.T.; Durand, F.

Page(s): 412- 431

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1374 KB)]  

Volume: 9,   Issue: 2,   Year: April-June 2003

Guest editor's introduction: special section on IEEE visualization

Moorhead, R.J.

Page(s): 113- 114

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (183 KB)]    


Using motion to illustrate static 3D shape-kinetic visualization

Lum, E.B.; Stompel, A.; Kwan-Liu Ma

Page(s): 115- 126

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1344 KB)]    


Illustrative interactive stipple rendering

Aidong Lu; Morris, C.J.; Taylor, J.; Ebert, D.S.; Hansen, C.; Rheingans, P.; Hartner, M.

Page(s): 127- 138

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (3890 KB)]    


Shadows and soft shadows with participating media using splatting

Caixia Zhang; Crawfis, R.

Page(s): 139- 149

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1074 KB)]    


A model for volume lighting and modeling

Kniss, J.; Premoze, S.; Hansen, C.; Shirley, P.; McPherson, A.

Page(s): 150- 162

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (2375 KB)]    


Hardware-based view-independent cell projection

Weiler, M.; Kraus, M.; Merz, M.; Ertl, T.

Page(s): 163- 175

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1049 KB)]    


Multiscale visualization using data cubes

Stolte, C.; Tang, D.; Hanrahan, P.

Page(s): 176- 187

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (2940 KB)]    


Simplification and repair of polygonal models using volumetric techniques

Nooruddin, F.S.; Turk, G.

Page(s): 191- 205

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1439 KB)]    


GraphSplatting: visualizing graphs as continuous fields

van Liere, R.; de Leeuw, W.

Page(s): 206- 212

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (726 KB)]    


Distributed Virtual Reality environments based on rewriting systems

Noser, H.; Stern, C.; Stucki, P.

Page(s): 213- 225

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1474 KB)]    


Comparing simplification and image-based techniques for 3D client-server rendering systems

Pasman, W.; Jansen, F.W.

Page(s): 226- 240

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1290 KB)]    


Communicating centrality in policy network drawings

Brandes, U.; Kenis, P.; Wagner, D.

Page(s): 241- 253

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (936 KB)]    


Image-based techniques in a hybrid collision detector

Baciu, G.; Wong, W.S.K.

Page(s): 254- 271

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1674 KB)] 

Volume: 9,   Issue: 1,   Year: Jan.-March 2003

Computing and rendering point set surfaces

Alexa, M.; Behr, J.; Cohen-Or, D.; Fleishman, S.; Levin, D.; Silva, C.T.

Page(s): 3- 15

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (2610 KB)]    


Improving the robustness and accuracy of the marching cubes algorithm for isosurfacing

Lopes, A.; Brodlie, K.

Page(s): 16- 29

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (4582 KB)]    


Modeling and rendering of points with local geometry

Kalaiah, A.; Varshney, A.

Page(s): 30- 42

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (3229 KB)]    


Realistic rendering and animation of knitwear

Yanyun Chen; Lin, S.; Hua Zhong; Ying-Qing Xu; Baining Guo; Heung-Yeung Shum

Page(s): 43- 55

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (2689 KB)]    


Approximating digital 3D shapes by rational Gaussian surfaces

Jackowski, M.; Satter, M.; Goshtasby, A.

Page(s): 56- 69

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (2173 KB)]    


Frame-to-frame coherent animation with two-pass radiosity

Martin, I.; Pueyo, X.; Tost, D.

Page(s): 70- 84

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (1882 KB)]    


Fast and intuitive metamorphosis of 3D polyhedral models using SMCC mesh merging scheme

Tong-Yee Lee; Po-Hua Huang

Page(s): 85- 98

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (3784 KB)]    


Polynomial surfaces interpolating arbitrary triangulations

Hahmann, S.; Bonneau, G.-P.

Page(s): 99- 109

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (2047 KB)]    


2002 reviewers list

Page(s): 111- 112

[Abstract]   [PDF Full-Text (179 KB)]