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Appearance Model Construction

The first step is concerned with the establishment of a model that not only describes a mean form of some object in an image, but also the legal variation that can be applied to the mean in order to create new legal object instances. A model formulates the form that vectors can take and that vector can easily be translated to a visual description. More desirable models will not be excessively lenient and should allow recognition and acceptance of only reasonable variations of the object under investigation. There is a convenient mathematical way of expressing this variation and that is to assign some parameters to each mode of variation6. When change in these parameters occurs and the mean shape is deformed accordingly, there will be a direct effect on the appearance of the result, where that result is really just a simple vector. Rather usefully, each legal instance can always be uniquely and fully described by the parameters which were used to generate it from the model. The shape and vector representations are equivalent and interchange. Visualising results is often convenient visually while logical operations are better thought of in terms of vectors.

To begin encoding the form of an object, landmarks need to be identified and statistical analysis applied to express these spatial shape properties, namely the landmark coordinates. From this analysis, a mean shape is obtained and it can be denoted by $ \mathbf{x}_{mean}$or $ \mathbf{\overline{x}}$. To obtain this mean, the procedure that is commonly used is Procrustes analysis. The generalized Procrustes procedure (or GPA for Generalised Procrustes Analysis) was developed by Gower in 1975 and has been adapted for shape analysis by Goodall in 1991. It processes each component of the vectors derived from the images and returns for each component a value that is said to be the mean. From here onwards, this vector which represents the mean of the data will be referred to as $ \mathbf{\overline{x}}$. Each shape $ \mathbf{x}$ is then well-formulated by the following:

$\displaystyle \mathbf{x}=\mathbf{\overline{x}}+\mathbf{P}_{s}\mathbf{b}_{s}.$ (2.1)

The matrix $ \mathbf{P}$ represents the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix (set of orthogonal modes of variation) and the parameters $ \mathbf{b}_{s}$ control the variation of the shape by altering these modes of variation7. Eigen-analysis is used quite extensively in the derivation of the expression above, but it will not be discussed in detail in the remainder of this report. Instead, a short explanation will be given on Principal Component Analysis [13,14] which from here onwards be referred to as PCA. What is worth emphasising is that the only variant in the model described above is $ \mathbf{b}_{s}$and as the values of $ \mathbf{b}_{1<i<s}$ are infinite ( $ \mathbf{b}_{1<i<s}$ $ \in\mathbb{N}$), the same must hold for $ \mathbf{x}$. There is an infinite number of shapes, each of which can be generated from one choice of value for each model parameter.

At this stage, each of the images should be aligned to fit a common space. In practice, that space is implicitly defined by the mean shape. Rigid (or Euclidean similarity) transformations, namely translation, scale and rotation, are not always sufficient to warp all images into that common space. Nonetheless, it is crucial that good fitting is obtained before the sampling of grey-level begins. Following these basic transformation which align all images, the displaced control points of each image contain shape-normalised patches. These patches are available for construction of texture vectors and Barycentric arithmetics, which often gets applied to computer graphics and stereo vision, is used to describe the location of all corresponding points. This location is affected by the warps applied to shift a given shape into the space of the mean shape. Triangle meshes are created by stretching lines between neighbouring control points and intensity values are captured one by one (along a chosen grid of points to be samples) and stored in a vector of texture. Each component in such a vector captures the intensity (or colour) of one single pixel as was learned from the examples. Statistical analysis as the one above results in the following formulation for texture:

$\displaystyle \mathbf{g}=\overline{\mathbf{g}}+\mathbf{P}_{g}\mathbf{b}_{g}.$ (2.2)

The use of the algorithm above implies that for short vectors and a low number of pixels sampled, noncontinuous appearances will be too easy to spot. In fact, objects will often appear to be nothing more than a collection of polygons that do not quite resemble realistic appearances8. To compensate for this, algorithms from the related field of computer vision can be used, e.g. Phong and Gouraud shading. In practical use, geodesic interpolation is used and the results can be quite astounding considering the low dimensionality of the data.

The models above (2.1, 2.2) are expressed both linearly and compactly - a highly desirable and manageable form. This is due to PCA which reduces the length of the vectors describing shape and texture. Although Eigen-analysis is involved in the process, it is not essential for the understanding of PCA which works as follows.

It is possible to visualise the data as points in a high dimensional space as was earlier argued. By placing all images in that space, it is expected that some cloud of points will be present at a specific somewhat confined region. The breadth of this region or the size of that cloud will depend on the variation amongst the images (or more generally data) that is being visualised. PCA obtains the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of that cloud of points. The highest eigenvalue will correspond to the most significant eigenvector (see the single-headed arrow in Figure 3). It indicates the direction that best distinguishes the image data and is expected to be the longest one too - that is - the one whose magnitude is the greatest. This is in fact what is considered to be the principal component which describes that data. In a recursive manner, at each stage in the process, the principal component is saved and put aside until only negligible components are present. The recursion will therefore deal with simpler, more uniform data as more and more principal components are set aside and leave a data of lower dimensionality. A smaller number of components can then be used to express the variation up to a relatively high level of fidelity. The process is lossy, but so are some other stages in model construction including the choice of a finite number of landmarks. That loss is controlled in the sense that one can choose the minimal amount of variation that must be accounted for9. PCA is used to gain speed while retaining the best descriptors of variation and difference in shape and intensity. What this all comes down to is the acquisition of a model that is smaller in size and is easier to deal with.


Figure 3: Principal component in 2-D

The two components $ \mathbf{x}$ and $ \mathbf{g}$ above need to be merged to establish a model that accounts for both types of variability (shape and intensity) and holds within it the correlation between the two.

The parameters $ \mathbf{b}_{s}$and $ \mathbf{b}_{g}$are aggregated to form a single column vector

$\displaystyle \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} \mathbf{b}_{s}\\ \mathbf{b}_{g}\end{array}\right\} .$ (2.3)

It is in some sense a simple concatenation of the two. However, since the values of intensity and shape can be quite different in nature and granularity, some weighing is strongly recommended. If no weighing is applied, then the spread of the points in space is quite undesirable and the components to be identified by PCA are not as beneficial as they would be otherwise. If some values are far greater than others, vicinity takes a turn for the worse and the cloud might be elongated instead of nearly spherical (a 3-D analogy). For rather spherical spreads (or those of almost homogeneous variation), a greater number of large components will be available for selection. Consequently, the variation expressed by a fixed and constant number of principal components will be higher.

A weighing matrix that resolves the problem introduced above is by convention named $ \mathbf{W}_{s}$ ($ s$ corresponds to shape as by default this matrix scales the shape parameters only). The form in which coordinates are stored in $ \mathbf{x}$ depends on the accuracy required (e.g. integer and floats), the image size and the number of dimensions whereas for grey values this form is dependent on the number of bits used per pixel10. With weighing in place, the aggregation would take a form such as

$\displaystyle \left\{ \begin{array}{cc} \mathbf{\mathbf{W}_{s}}\mathbf{b}_{s}\\ \mathbf{b}_{g}\end{array}\right\}$ (2.4)

where $ \mathbf{W}_{s}$ is chosen to minimise inconsistencies due to scale. Lastly, by applying a further PCA to the aggregated data, the following combined model is obtained:

\begin{displaymath}\begin{array}{cc} \mathbf{x}_{i}=\bar{\mathbf{x}}+\mathbf{Q}_...
...}_{i}=\mathbf{\bar{g}}+\mathbf{Q}_{g}\mathbf{c}_{i}\end{array}.\end{displaymath} (2.5)

The appearance is now purely controlled by the parameters $ \mathbf{c}_{1},\mathbf{c}_{2},...,\mathbf{c}_{n}$ and there is no need to choose values for two families of distinct parameters as before. This combined model has the benefits of the dimensionality reduction performed which is based on shape as well appearance. This means that it now encompasses all the variation learned and the correlation between these two distinct components. Since PCA was applied, the number $ n$ of parameters $ \mathbf{c}_{i}$ is expected to be smaller than the number of $ \mathbf{b}_{s}$ and $ \mathbf{b}_{g}$ put together.

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