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Environment for Experimental Studies

From the very start, a tool was needed to conduct experiments in a systematic manner. The problem we needed to solve was that of simple data registration so 1 dimensional data needed to be generated and then analysed in sensible ways, before, throughout and after registration.

We used MATLAB to construct a package that can be rapidly built and tested. On top of this package, a graphical user interface was laid and results were displayed in the form of hyper-text. As development of this package progressed, it was decided to name it Autonomous Appearance-based Registration Test-bed (AART). As the name implies, this is primarily a flexible environment in which registration tasks can be performed. Of particular interest is registration which is based on appearance of images. This appearance is described by the means of a model and the process of registration is intended to be free of user intervention, hence it is autonomous.

As it presently stands, AART is a stable tool that has a great number of run-time options. By setting these options, new experiments can be quickly conducted and results returned in visual form, as well as in textual form.

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