: Events and Activities
: Second Year Progress Report
: Summary and Conclusions
Below lies a narrow thesis 'skeleton', which may or may not form a valid starting point
for the composition of the thesis body. Moreover, it aims to proliferate
ideas and encourage discussion.
- Introduction
- Models
- Statistical Models
- Model Construction
- Shape Models
- Intensity Models
- Combined Models
- Non-rigid Registration
- Warps
- Similarity
- Group-wise versus Pair-wise
- MDL Shape Models
- Model-based Registration
- MDL objective function
- Results
- 3-D Registration Framework
- Automatically Building Appearance Models
- Evaluating Models and Non-rigid Registration
- Specificity and Generalisation
- Results
- Perturbation Framework
- Comparison with Overlap-based Evaluation
- Future Exploration
- Summary, Discussion and Conclusions
Roy Schestowitz