Progress Report

June 28th, 2005


The Perturbation Framework: Progress

Random Warps

Random Warps: Example

A random placement of knot-points in perturbation

Warping a Brain Image

The image being warped in some visual examples that follow

Computing Warp Intensity

The intensity (magnitude of displacement) of the warp in 2-D

Computing Warp Direction

Computing Warp Direction - Example

81 knot-points, movement direction for the pixels being shifted

Analysing Warps Direction

For this given image and mean pixel displacements, the direction of the displacement at each point will now be shown

Analysing Warps Direction

An improved weighting on the colours to make the directions more prominent

A figure to show the mapping between directions and colours

Analysing Warps Direction

Explanation - Analysing Warps Direction

Yet another combined visualisation:
    displacements direction as colours (middle)
    next to the intensity (displacement magnitude) matrix on the left
    and the warped image on the right

Computing Warp Intensity along One Dimension

The intensity of warps along the X axis

Computing Warp Intensity along One Dimension

The intensity of warps along the Y axis

Computing the Second Derivative

2nd derivative of the intensity of the warps along the X axis

Computing the Second Derivative

2nd derivative of the intensity of the warps along the Y axis

Analysing Warps - Bending Energy

A more comprehensive overview where ending energy 'picks up' the nasty bends at the top-right and top-left corners

The Resampling Issue

Brain before (left) and after (right) a small warp where resampling has a relatively significant effect

Experiments - Revising the Plan

Experiments - Ctd.

VXL compilation

Initial Registration


Overlap Measures in Registration

Overlap Measures in Registration - Ctd.

28/6/2005 Afternoon Update


Present and Future