Progress Report

September 22nd, 2005


Mean Pixel Displacement and Sample Points

Evaluation - Progress Overview

Visual Results - Plots of Interest

Model-based Evaluation: Specificity Results

Specificity as function of mis-registration, based on 10 instantiations

Model-based Evaluation: Generalisation Results

Generalisation as function of mis-registration, based on 10 instantiations

Tanimoto Plot

The Tanimoto overlap measure versus the mean of pixel displacement, i.e. degree of mis-registration

Dice Plot

The Dice overlap measure versus the mean of pixel displacement, i.e. degree of mis-registration

Previous Comparison - Model-Based Evaluation

Tanimoto complexity (w=3) versus shuffle distance with radius 3.7 pixels

Taking a More Comprehensive Overview

Label-based Evaluation Overview

A variety of related overlap calculations. These are compared by applying them to brain sets with increasing mis-registration

Label-based Evaluation - Observations

Label-based Evaluation - Next Steps

Combining Errors in Evaluation

Generalisation Sensitivity

Generalisation sensitivityShown to the right: sensitivity of the Generalisability with or without accounting for the variability inherent in the instantiation process

Specificity Sensitivity

Specificity sensitivityShown to the right: sensitivity of the Specificity with or without accounting for the variability inherent in the instantiation process

Thesis Structure and Planning

ISBI Submission Plan

Next Steps

Conferences - Links, Locations, and Deadlines