Progress Report

December 12th, 2005

Rough Overview: Progress in a Nutshell

TMI Special Issue on Validation in Medical Image Processing

TMI Special Issue - Ctd.

TMI Special Issue - Ctd.

Full quote: "I think an expanded and updated version of the work you describe below (ISBI 2006) is very relevant to the topics of the special issue. I encourage you to submit it for review for consideration in the special issue. In order to do that, follow the regular IEEE TMI submission procedure, but also make a note for the editor in chief that it is to be considered for the special issue."

Overlap of Clouds in Hyperscape

"...techniques are broadly based on: (i) overlap based pattern synthesis which can generate a larger number of artificial patterns than the number of input patterns and thus can reduce the curse of dimensionality effect, (ii) a compact representation of the given set of training patterns called over lappattern graph (OLP-graph) which can be incrementally built by scanning the training set only once and (iii) an efficient NN classifier called OLP-NNC which directly works with OLP-graph and does implicit overlap based pattern synthesis..."

Incompatibilities with the Approach of Viswanath

Entropy and its Relationship to Graphs

C++/MATLAB Transition

Early Experiments

Planned Nightly Experiments

Planned Nightly Experiments - Ctd.

Warp Examples - #1

Real unwarped brain image No brain deformation
On the left: arbitrary unwarped image; right: synthesis from model whose training data was not deformed

Warp Examples - #2

Real unwarped brain image Very slight deformation
On the left: arbitrary unwarped image; right: synthesis from model whose training data was very slightly deformed

Warp Examples - #3

Real unwarped brain image Slight deformation
On the left: arbitrary unwarped image; right: synthesis from model whose training data was slightly deformed

Warp Examples - #4

Real unwarped brain image Average deformation
On the left: arbitrary unwarped image; right: synthesis from model whose training data was deformed

Warp Examples - #5

Real unwarped brain image Large deformation
On the left: arbitrary unwarped image; right: synthesis from model whose training data was deformed

Warp Examples - #6

Real unwarped brain image Very large brain deformation
On the left: arbitrary unwarped image; right: synthesis from model whose training data was greatly deformed

Warp Examples - #7

Real unwarped brain image Huge deformation
On the left: arbitrary unwarped image; right: synthesis from model whose training data was hugely deformed

Student Talks Abstract

Next Steps