Progress Report

March 13th, 2006

Recently-Listed Aims

Recently Listed Aims - Ctd.

Accounting and Correcting for Set Sizes

The Effect of Changing Set Size - Slide #1

The entropy as the function of the synthetic image set size

The Effect of Changing Set Size - Slide #2

Entropy as function of the size of the training image set

Further Investigation

Repeated Experiments - Set Size Variation

graph-length-entropy-number-of-training-images-varies-repeated-10-randomised.pngRepeated experiment, same as in previous slides. Results shown as the mean over several set choices

Resolving the Imbalance

Resolving the Imbalance - Ctd.

Resolving the Imbalance - Ctd.

Similar Experiments Involving Sample Size

Different yet related experiments

Subsequent Steps

3-D NRR Assessment - Optimisations

3-D NRR Assessment - Optimisations - Ctd.

3-D NRR Assessment - Optimisations - Ctd.

Image Distances: A Greedy Approach

I was following the general approach that was named IMage Euclidean Distance (IMED). I relied on a gross implementation though. It took into account angles and locations of pixels to infer image distances. Instead of assuming a hyperspace with orthogonal axes, where each axis corresponds to one image position (x,y), we took into consideration their spatial relationships. Think of Euclidean distance in the image (between pixels) rather than the space images get embedded in.

Image Distances Greedy Approach - Ctd.

(*) not fuzzy at the moment, but in principle, this would be easy to extend.

Image Distances Greedy Approach - Ctd.

It will be very intersting to see how this compares with the shuffle distance. There are some free parameters to tweak, such as how to treat infinite distances. I haven't got around to thinking about it yet.

The Nearest Pixel Match Approach

Brain image unwarped
A brain in its original (unwarped) state

Nearest Pixel Map - 20/255

Brain image unwarped Intensity 20 location
Left: arbitrary brain image; Right: predicted location of intensity with value 20

Nearest Pixel Map - 57/255

Brain image unwarped Intensity 57 location
Left: arbitrary brain image; Right: predicted location of intensity with value 57

Nearest Pixel Map - 70/255

Brain image unwarped Intensity 70 location
Left: arbitrary brain image; Right: predicted location of intensity with value 70

Nearest Pixel Map - 100/255

Brain image unwarped Intensity 100 location
Left: arbitrary brain image; Right: predicted location of intensity with value 100

Nearest Pixel Map - 150/255

Brain image unwarped Intensity 150 location
Left: arbitrary brain image; Right: predicted location of intensity with value 150

Distance Map to Nearest Intensity Match - 20/255

Brain image unwarped Intensity 20 map
Left: first brain image from the set; Right: distance for each pixel from a pixel of value 20

Distance Map to Nearest Intensity Match - 60/255

Brain image unwarped Intensity 60 map
Left: first brain image from the set; Right: distance for each pixel from a pixel of value 60

Distance Map to Nearest Intensity Match - 100/255

Brain image unwarped Intensity 100 map
Left: first brain image from the set; Right: distance for each pixel from a pixel of value 100