Home > Source > Registration > build_1d_bump_model.m





function [status] = build_1d_bump_model(spline_type, placement_type, objective_function, apply_intensity_offset, save_movie, do_plot, movie_type, progress_bar, user_menu, produce_statistics, see_model_before_each_iteration, show_pixels, show_score_vs_iteration, show_model_after_optimisation, show_specificity_statistics, verbose_score, movie_name, window, average_smooth_enabled, gaussian_smooth_enabled, bump_width, bump_width_variation, bump_height, bump_height_variation, bump_position_freedom, initial_diminish_factor, smoothness_factor, plot_before_and_after, number_of_bins, model_evaluation_method, show_score_using_model, handle, n_modes, shape_weight, weighting_normalisation_method, variation_kept, run_all_objective_functions, kernel, save_data, load_data, save_bumps, draw_warp_curve, overlap_scores, show_target, format, filter, filter_level, model_score_type, gen_iters, spec_iters, draw_curve_by_images, show_mesh, mesh_type, exit_at_end, show_all_score_figure_types, close_at_end, frames_per_second, show_score_bar, n_points, show_warp_targets, show_registration_target, produce_record, initialise_warps_close_to_target, save_in_log, perturbation_method, offset_extent, force_reference, cycle, verbose, save_stats, n_modes_display, n_standard_deviations_display, show_warps_while_optimising, description, find_perfect_warp, force_first_reference, display_shape_model, display_intensity_model, plot_alignment, error_verbosity, precision_required, background_red, background_green, background_blue, dynamic_precision, precision_automation_type, rotate_surface, draw_final_warps, distance_type, retain_original_peak, peak_type, add_points, add_points_cycle)


 BUILD_1D_BUMP_MODEL: Builds a 1-D model for some bump data
                      and returns some related statistics.

 Code originally written by Katherine Smith, 2003


      Omitted. Much of the explanation is included in the section where
      default arguments are being assigned.


      -- No arguments will lead to defaults

           The type of spline to be used. 'single_point' or
           'multi_point' at present.

           Placement type for 'multi_point':
                    'grid' or 'edges' or 'random'
           placement type for 'single_point':
                    'overlap_grid' or 'edges_and_scale'
                    or 'random_and_scale'.

           'msd_opt_together' or 'model_opt_separare' or
           'msd_opt_separate' or 'model_opt_together'.


           The status of the operation of this routine (to be returned at
           the end

      -Figures produced and results displayed are main
       data to be utilised.






      -Different video outputs are generated but controlling which
       one is chosen is not trivial. It currently just does the
       job of experimentation and showing results as pixels
       or bumps.


      See other functions in same directory, filenames
      beginning with "build" in particular. There seem to be much
      overlap due to cut-and-paste.


      -Created:     December 29rd, 2003
      -Last update: March 30th, 2004
      -Revision:    0.9.2
      -Author:      R. S. Schestowitz, University of Manchester


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [status] = build_1d_bump_model( ...
0002     spline_type ...
0003     , placement_type ...
0004     , objective_function ...
0005     , apply_intensity_offset ...
0006     , save_movie ...
0007     , do_plot ...
0008     , movie_type ...
0009     , progress_bar ...
0010     , user_menu ...
0011     , produce_statistics ...
0012     , see_model_before_each_iteration ...
0013     , show_pixels ...
0014     , show_score_vs_iteration ...
0015     , show_model_after_optimisation ...
0016     , show_specificity_statistics ...
0017     , verbose_score ...
0018     , movie_name ...
0019     , window ...
0020     , average_smooth_enabled ...
0021     , gaussian_smooth_enabled ...
0022     , bump_width ...
0023     , bump_width_variation ...
0024     , bump_height ...
0025     , bump_height_variation ...
0026     , bump_position_freedom ...
0027     , initial_diminish_factor ...
0028     , smoothness_factor ...
0029     , plot_before_and_after ...
0030     , number_of_bins ...
0031     , model_evaluation_method ...
0032     , show_score_using_model ...
0033     , handle ...
0034     , n_modes ...
0035     , shape_weight ...
0036     , weighting_normalisation_method ...
0037     , variation_kept ...
0038     , run_all_objective_functions ...
0039     , kernel ...
0040     , save_data ...
0041     , load_data ...
0042     , save_bumps ...
0043     , draw_warp_curve ...
0044     , overlap_scores ...
0045     , show_target ...
0046     , format ...
0047     , filter ...
0048     , filter_level ...
0049     , model_score_type ...
0050     , gen_iters ...
0051     , spec_iters ...
0052     , draw_curve_by_images ...
0053     , show_mesh ...
0054     , mesh_type ...
0055     , exit_at_end ...
0056     , show_all_score_figure_types ...
0057     , close_at_end ...
0058     , frames_per_second ...
0059     , show_score_bar ...
0060     , n_points ...
0061     , show_warp_targets ...
0062     , show_registration_target ...
0063     , produce_record ...
0064     , initialise_warps_close_to_target ...
0065     , save_in_log ...
0066     , perturbation_method ...
0067     , offset_extent ...
0068     , force_reference ...
0069     , cycle ...
0070     , verbose ...
0071     , save_stats ...
0072     , n_modes_display ...
0073     , n_standard_deviations_display ...
0074     , show_warps_while_optimising ...
0075     , description ...
0076     , find_perfect_warp ...
0077     , force_first_reference ...
0078     , display_shape_model ...
0079     , display_intensity_model ...
0080     , plot_alignment ...
0081     , error_verbosity ...
0082     , precision_required ...
0083     , background_red ...
0084     , background_green ...
0085     , background_blue ...
0086     , dynamic_precision ...
0087     , precision_automation_type ...
0088     , rotate_surface ...
0089     , draw_final_warps ...
0090     , distance_type ...
0091     , retain_original_peak ...
0092     , peak_type ...
0093     , add_points ...
0094     , add_points_cycle ...    
0095    )
0097 % ==============================================================
0098 % BUILD_1D_BUMP_MODEL: Builds a 1-D model for some bump data
0099 %                      and returns some related statistics.
0100 %
0101 % Code originally written by Katherine Smith, 2003
0102 %
0103 %    GENERAL
0104 %
0105 %      Omitted. Much of the explanation is included in the section where
0106 %      default arguments are being assigned.
0107 %
0108 %    INPUT/S
0109 %
0110 %      -- No arguments will lead to defaults
0111 %
0112 %      -spline_type:
0113 %           The type of spline to be used. 'single_point' or
0114 %           'multi_point' at present.
0115 %
0116 %      -placement_type:
0117 %           Placement type for 'multi_point':
0118 %                    'grid' or 'edges' or 'random'
0119 %           placement type for 'single_point':
0120 %                    'overlap_grid' or 'edges_and_scale'
0121 %                    or 'random_and_scale'.
0122 %
0123 %      -objective_function:
0124 %           'msd_opt_together' or 'model_opt_separare' or
0125 %           'msd_opt_separate' or 'model_opt_together'.
0126 %
0127 %      .....
0128 %
0129 %    OUTPUT/S
0130 %
0131 %      -status:
0132 %           The status of the operation of this routine (to be returned at
0133 %           the end
0134 %
0135 %      -Figures produced and results displayed are main
0136 %       data to be utilised.
0137 %
0138 %    PENDING WORK
0139 %
0140 %      -
0141 %
0142 %    KNOWN BUG/S
0143 %
0144 %      -
0145 %
0146 %    COMMENT/S
0147 %
0148 %      -Different video outputs are generated but controlling which
0149 %       one is chosen is not trivial. It currently just does the
0150 %       job of experimentation and showing results as pixels
0151 %       or bumps.
0152 %
0154 %
0155 %      See other functions in same directory, filenames
0156 %      beginning with "build" in particular. There seem to be much
0157 %      overlap due to cut-and-paste.
0158 %
0159 %    ABOUT
0160 %
0161 %      -Created:     December 29rd, 2003
0162 %      -Last update: March 30th, 2004
0163 %      -Revision:    0.9.2
0164 %      -Author:      R. S. Schestowitz, University of Manchester
0165 % ==============================================================
0167 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0168 %% variables (parameters) initialisation           %%
0170 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0171 %% Input Defaults              %%
0173 % When the function is not called from the GUI, various arguments must be
0174 % initialised so that the function performs a registration task.
0176 % A possible extension would allow for _partial_ arguments to be given so
0177 % that a script can run different experiments and then logs are necessary
0178 % too.
0180 if (nargin == 0),
0181     disp(' ');
0182     disp('Argument(s) omitted. Using defaults instead.');
0183     disp(' ');
0184          % notify user about default values being used.
0185     spline_type = 'single_point';
0186          % SMITH: spline type 'single_point' or 'multi_point'
0187          % SMITH: placement type for multipoint: 'grid' or 'edges' or 'random'
0188          % SMITH: placement type for singlepoint: 'overlap_grid' or 'edges_and_scal or 'random_and_scale'
0189     placement_type = 'random_and_scale';
0190          % controls knot-point selection on the grid
0191     objective_function = 'model_opt_together';
0192          % choice of objective function
0193     apply_intensity_offset = 1;
0194          % 0: Offset should not be applied to data
0195          % 1: Offset enabled
0196     exit_at_end = 0;
0197          % indicates whether AART quits at the end of registration
0198     description = '';
0199          % a name provided for describing registration
0200     cycle = 0;
0201           % cycle size for user display of objective function evaluation
0202     produce_record = 0;
0203           % indicates if results should be displayed to the user in the
0204           % console
0205     save_in_log = 0;
0206           % indicates if an HTML file or network of files will be used to
0207           % record the results
0208     close_at_end = 0;
0209           % indicates if the GUI should be closed when registration is done
0210     save_movie = 0;
0211           % a flag for movie output
0212     force_reference = 0;
0213          % should movie be saved (boolean)
0214          % 0: No
0215          % 1: Yes
0216     frames_per_second = 15;
0217          % number of frames per second for the video generated.
0218     n_standard_deviations_display = 2;
0219          % the number of standard deviation to be displayed when a model is
0220          % presented to the user
0221     n_modes_display = 2;
0222          % as above, for number of modes
0223     perturbation_method = 'CPS warp';
0224          % the type of perturbation applied to the data
0225     offset_extent = 0;
0226          % the extent of perturbation or the level of distortion which
0227          % accompanies the parameter 'perturbation_method'
0228     precision_automation_type = 'default';
0229        % the way to set precision for the optimiser
0230     do_plot = 0;
0231          % should bumps be plotted as it changes? (Boolean)
0232          % (Old comment: this also enables frames being captured which slows down the
0233          % process. Capturing of frames and plotting can potentially be separated to make
0234          % this routine more useful).
0235     movie_type = 1;
0236          % type of movie to save
0237          % 0: bumps as pixels. do_plot may be 0 for a pixel clip to be recorded.
0238          % 1: bump plots. Remember to set do_plot to 1.
0239     show_warps_while_optimising = 0; 
0240          % indicates if the warps applied to the data should be dynamically
0241          % displayed to the user
0242     movie_name = 'undefined';
0243           % the name of the AVI movie to be saved. It will be folloed by
0244           % '.avi' eventually and contain the movie.
0245     format = 'png';
0246          % if data is saved as an image, this paramater defines the format
0247          % as which it shall be saved.
0248     show_warp_targets = 0;
0249          % defines whether or not the target of the warps, i.e. that at
0250          % alignment, should be displayed to the user.
0251     dynamic_precision = 0;
0252        % defines whether or not precision is chosen wisely at each stage
0253     gen_iters = 25;
0254        % generalisability iterations = 25;
0255        % specificity iterations
0256     spec_iters = 25;
0257        % specificity iterations
0258     progress_bar = 1;
0259          % display progress bar or text instead
0260          % 0: Hierarchical Text
0261          % 1: Progress bar
0262          % 2: Quiet
0263          % 3: Console progress bar
0264     model_score_type = 'Default';
0265          % Defined the way in which a model is scored.
0266     force_first_reference = 0;
0267          % depending on its numeric value, this parameter defines the
0268          % reference selection method
0269     user_menu = 0;
0270          % indicates the way in which registration parameters are entered.
0271          % If not via pop-up menu, then probably via top menu in the
0272          % application.
0273     number_of_bins = 50;
0274          % 0: parameters need to be set in file
0275          % 1: menu input
0276     background_red = 1;
0277     background_green = 1;
0278     background_blue = 1;
0279          % the background colourn for the plots
0280     distance_type = 'sum_of_squared_distances';
0281          % The way to meausre distance from mean
0282     show_registration_target = 0;
0283          % indicates if the estimated target of registration should be
0284          % super-imposed in score plots.
0285     produce_statistics = 0;
0286          % should statistics be displayed at the end (boolean)
0287     see_model_before_each_iteration = 0;
0288          % should a combined model be produced and displayed before each
0289          % iteration, this should be set to 1
0290     show_pixels = 0;
0291          % show pixels representation (boolean). Mandatory for pixel movie
0292          % capture
0293     show_score_vs_iteration = 0;
0294          % when enabled, evaluation of the objective function will be
0295          % displayed against the iteration at which it was evaluated.
0296     find_perfect_warp = 1;
0297          % This argument should not be tempered with. It defined the need
0298          % to check for the value and state at conceived registration
0299          % target
0300     show_model_after_optimisation = 0;
0301          % if enabled, then a model produces from the data is displayed
0302          % after registration.
0303     show_specificity_statistics = 0;
0304          % more booleans which are self-explanatory
0305     verbose_score = 0;
0306          % boolean: display score or not after optimisation
0307     show_score_bar = 0;
0308          % The score bar gives a visual indication of the 'goodness' of a
0309          % model construced from the data
0310     average_smooth_enabled = 0;
0311     gaussian_smooth_enabled = 0;
0312          % flags indicating the smoothness to be applied, if any at all
0313     n_points = 5;
0314          % an argument that is passed to the model optimisation function.
0315          % it refers to the number of knotpoint, e.g. for random and scale.
0316     window = 1;
0317          % the size of the window for average smoothing or sigma for
0318          % gaussian smoothing
0319     show_all_score_figure_types = 0;
0320          % defines the need for an abundant number of plots depicting
0321          % quality of model versus iteration
0322     plot_before_and_after = 0;
0323          % will only ever be used if the two above are set
0324     bump_width = 0.2;
0325     bump_width_variation = 0.5;
0326     bump_height = 0.2;
0327     bump_height_variation = 0.3;
0328     bump_position_freedom = 0.9;
0329     initial_diminish_factor = 2;
0330     smoothness_factor = 17;
0331          % set the bump parameters
0332     precision_required = 1e-7;
0333         % the precision required from the optimiser
0334     model_evaluation_method = 1;
0335                       % 1: Determinant
0336                       % 0: MDL
0337                       % 2: Sum of log of Eigenvalues
0338     show_score_using_model = 0;
0339     handle = 'Default';
0340       % give figures a fefault name
0341     n_modes = 20;
0342       % maximal number of modes to be accounted for when evaluating a model
0343     variation_kept = 0.99;
0344       % keep 99%
0345       % number of modes in the model to be accounted for
0346     retain_original_peak = 0;
0347       % determines whether or not to keep the same maximal data height
0348     error_verbosity = 'normal';
0349       % the level of verbosity for errors
0350     initialise_warps_close_to_target = 0;
0351       % determines the requirement to start registration with warps near
0352       % their target (at completion of registration)
0353     shape_weight = 0.06;
0354       % the constant weight Ws for the model constructed. 1 is 100%, 0 is
0355       % 0% and legal range is 0..1
0356     weighting_normalisation_method = 'edge';
0357      % the scheme for Ws weighting selection
0358     run_all_objective_functions = 0;
0359        % do not try running all the objective functions
0360     called_from_gui = 0;
0361        % indicate that GUI was not used in this case
0362     kernel = 'Exponential';
0363        % the kernel type for PDF objective function
0364     save_data = 0;
0365        % Indicated if the data needs to be saved to files after opening or
0366        % generation
0367     peak_type = 'average_position';
0368          % The type of peak to be retained
0369     load_data = 0;
0370        % indicates if data needs to be loaded from file rather than being
0371        % generated.
0372     save_bumps = 0;
0373        % indicated if bumps need to be saved as images (not data)
0374     draw_warp_curve = 0;
0375        % An option for overlapping warps display
0376     draw_curve_by_images = 0;
0377        % The option for warp target maps (images x iterations)
0378     overlap_scores = 0;
0379       % defines the need for scores to be drawn on the same space if
0380       % different objective functions are compared by being run
0381       % sequentially
0382     show_mesh = 0;
0383      % simply indicates if a mesh of the data needs to be displayed
0384     show_target = 0;
0385         % do not show perfectly aligned images estimate
0386     verbose = 'off';
0387          % be verbose or not during general-purpose optimisation
0388     save_stats = 0;
0389        % indicated if statistics need to be saved as HTML
0390     display_shape_model = 0;
0391       % If enabled, shape model is shown
0392     display_intensity_model = 0;
0393       % likewise for intensity model
0394     n_images = 2;
0395              % how many images to try to register in each set
0396     n_iterations = 2;
0397              % how many iterations of the optimisation to run, default was 50.
0398     n_sets = 1;
0399              % how many sets of images to register (in order to get better statistics)
0400     image_width = 50;
0401              % the number of pixels or the lenght of the data vector
0402     figure_handle_number = 1;
0403              % increments applied when figures are saved
0404     plot_alignment = 0; 
0405              % Indicates if a plot for alignment and perturbation should be
0406              % displayed
0407     rotate_surface = 0;
0408              % Indicated if the surface should be rotated horizontally at
0409              % each frame
0410     draw_final_warps = 0;
0411              % indicates if final warps need to be displayed
0412     add_points = 0;
0413              % point stuffing where difference in warp curve is greatest
0414     add_points_cycle = 1;
0415              % the frequency (measured in terms of iteration) for stuffing;
0416 else
0417     called_from_gui = 1;
0418         % indicate that default values were not set and that the function
0419         % was called from REGISTER
0420 end
0423 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0424 %% Input / Output              %%
0426 rand('state',sum(100*clock))
0427           % seeding for random numbers.
0429 figure_handle_number = 1;
0430           % A number to be incremented every time a figure is saved. It
0431           % manages the number of figures that are generated.
0432 warning off;
0433          % keeps st_pca.m quiet
0434 error_found = 0;
0435          % status flag
0436 current_viewpoint = 45;
0437          % the starting horizontal viewpoint for surfaces
0438          % Optimisation note: initiliase this variables only when surfaces
0439          % are displayed.
0440 status = ['                      '];
0441          % set intitial status message. Messages are aggregated before
0442          % being returned to the GUI and displayed to the user.
0443 if (run_all_objective_functions == 1),
0444          % If all objective functions will run sequentially, then some
0445          % output parameters need to be updated.
0446     colour = 'r';
0447         % set initial colour for overlaid plots
0448     style = ':';
0449         % similarly to style of line in the overlaid plots
0450     progress_bar = 2;
0451 end
0452      % the progress indicators will not work for this routine so disable
0453      % them
0455 if strcmp(movie_name, 'undefined'),
0456     movie_name = ['movie_', spline_type, '_', placement_type, '_', objective_function,'_width', num2str(image_width), '_images', num2str(n_images), '_iterations', num2str(n_iterations), '.avi'];
0457          % name for the AVI to be saved
0458          % The name will attempt to encompass all construction details
0459          % It will replace the default name given when the function is not
0460          % called from the GUI. If called from the GUI, it usually have a
0461          % user defined name or 'Default.avi'
0462 end
0465 frame_counter = 0;
0466          % counter for video frames. Do not fiddle with this variable. It
0467          % keeps track of the current frame number to be captured.
0469 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0470 %% Others (most are obsolete and are remains of old code.)  %%
0472 % white_ctr = 0;
0473          % white counter? Was used for simple bumps in code that is now
0474          % commented out
0475 % ref_shift = 0.2;
0476        % shift in reference image??
0477 % max_shift = 0.2;
0478        % maximum allowed shift?
0479 % step = 0.1;
0480        % used in two lines below only
0481 % los = zeros(n_images,floor((max_shift-ref_shift)/step));
0482 % his = zeros(n_images,floor((max_shift-ref_shift)/step));
0483        % not understood yet
0484 % blurred = 0;
0485        % image blurring has been applied to images (boolean)
0486 % min_error = 0;
0487 % max_error = 1;
0488        % define error range??
0489 % error_step = 0.1;
0490 % n_error_steps = (max_error-min_error) / error_step;
0494 switch model_evaluation_method,
0495     case 0
0496         model_evaluation_method = 'minimum_description_length';
0497     case 1
0498         model_evaluation_method = 'determinant';     
0499     case 2
0500         model_evaluation_method = 'sum_of_log_eigenvalues';
0501     case 3
0502         model_evaluation_method = 'specificity';
0503     case 4
0504         model_evaluation_method = 'generalisability';    
0505     otherwise
0506         error('Unknown model evaluation method. Wrong numeric identifier passed.');
0507 end
0508          % The conversion above can one day be embedded in the GUI to make
0509          % everything more readable. Values are overwritten here too.
0511 switch progress_bar,
0512     case 0
0513      progress_indicator_type = 'Hierarchical Text';
0514     case 1
0515      progress_indicator_type = 'Progress Bar';
0516     case 2
0517      progress_indicator_type = 'Quiet'; 
0518     case 3
0519      progress_indicator_type = 'Console Progress Bar';
0520     otherwise
0521      error('Callback value for progress indicator is not recognised');
0522 end
0524          % do type conversions for input to make code below readable
0526 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0527 %% Begin Set initialisation    %%
0529 switch user_menu,
0530   case 0
0532     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0533     %% Optimisation Controllers: Default   %%
0535     % Original settings from 2003: The values below will be defaults if user menu does not appear
0537     n_images = 2;
0538              % how many images to try to register in each set
0539     n_iterations = 2;
0540              % how many iterations of the optimisation to run, default was 50.
0541     n_sets = 1;
0542              % how many sets of images to register (in order to get better statistics)
0543     image_width = 50;
0544              % the number of pixels or the length of the data vector
0546     % A few extra popular choices, added March 2004 to speed up experiments
0547     % construction and customisation
0549   case 1
0550     [n_sets, n_iterations, n_images, image_width] = get_parameters_from_user('Default');
0551        % Prompts the user for the main registartion parameters using menus
0553   case 2    
0554     n_images = 10;
0555     n_iterations = 50;
0556     n_sets = 1;
0557     image_width = 50;
0559   case 3   
0560     n_images = 5;
0561     n_iterations = 5;
0562     n_sets = 1;
0563     image_width = 50; 
0565   case 4    
0566     n_images = 10;
0567     n_iterations = 10;
0568     n_sets = 1;
0569     image_width = 50;
0571   case 5   
0572     n_images = 20;
0573     n_iterations = 10;
0574     n_sets = 1;
0575     image_width = 50; 
0577   case 6
0578     n_images = 20;
0579     n_iterations = 1000;
0580     n_sets = 1;
0581     image_width = 50;
0583   case 7 
0584     n_images = 10;
0585     n_iterations = 1000;
0586     n_sets = 1;
0587     image_width = 50;
0589   case 8
0590     n_images = 10;
0591     n_iterations = 10000;
0592     n_sets = 1;
0593     image_width = 50;
0595   otherwise
0596     error('Unknown parameters option. Internal failure.');
0598 end 
0600 % in all the above cases, meaningful names rather than numbers are a
0601 % possible extension which requires time.
0606 tic;
0607        % start counting time
0608 for this_set = 1:n_sets
0609        % for all sets
0610        % Old: user gets status about set number. Multiple sets generate reliable
0611        %      statistics
0612   tic;
0613        % This is called again (stack of time counters????? Doesn't seem so)
0614        % This will need to be changed (one tic omitted) for the statistics
0615        % to work properly. Only one stopwatch can work at a time.
0616        % Smith: for each set of n_sets images, build a model
0617        % calculate obj fn values from these models, plot the mean with error
0618        % bars given by 1 stddev away
0619   if (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Hierarchical Text')),      
0620     disp(['calculating set ', num2str(this_set), ' out of ', num2str(n_sets), ' sets...']);
0621       % display command-line status indicators
0622   elseif (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Progress Bar')),
0623       gui_active(1);
0624           % will add an abort button
0625       if (strcmp(getenv('OS'), 'Linux')),
0626          h = progressbar([], 0, 'Preparing for registration', [['Registration Progress on '], [get_host]]);
0627       else
0628          h = progressbar([], 0, 'Preparing for registration', 'Registration Progress');
0629       end
0630         % initiate progress bar if necessary
0631       h = progressbar( h, 0, 'Fetching Data');
0632   end    
0634   % initiate score bar if necessary
0637   if (show_score_bar == 1),
0638      score_bar = waitbar(0, 'Score');
0639   end
0642   switch load_data,
0644    case 0
0645       [imagelist, images, points] = make_1d_bump(n_images, image_width...
0646           , bump_width, bump_width_variation, bump_height, bump_height_variation...
0647           , bump_position_freedom, initial_diminish_factor, smoothness_factor...
0648           , save_bumps, format);
0649        % create a set of images given several parameters
0651       points = -1 + 2 * (points - 1) / (image_width - 1);
0652         % Smith: normalise points from -1 to 1
0654       if (called_from_gui == 1 & save_bumps == 1),
0655         status = [[status];['(**) Images saved     '];['                      ']];
0656       end
0657         % notify user using the status bar that data has been saved.
0659        %% keep = 0.999999; NOTE (RSS Feb. 2004): became obsolete and
0660        %% replaced by <variation kept> which relates to PCA
0662        % Nov. 2003: Is this precision required? Perhaps in optimisation.
0664    case 1
0665       output = open([[handle],['.mat']]);
0666       points = output.points;
0667       images = output.images;
0668                   % copy the data structures from the file
0670    case 2
0671       output = open('Default.mat');
0672       points = output.points;
0673       images = output.images; 
0675    case 3
0676       output = open('flat.mat');
0677       points = output.points;
0678       images = output.images; 
0680    case 4
0681       output = open('plain.mat');
0682       points = output.points;
0683       images = output.images;  
0685    case 5
0686       output = open('plainran.mat');
0687       points = output.points;
0688       images = output.images;  
0690    case 6
0691       [imagelist, images, points] = make_elliptic_bumps(n_images, image_width, save_bumps, format, bump_height, bump_position_freedom, bump_height_variation, bump_width_variation);
0692        % create a set of images given several parameters
0693       points = -1 + 2 * (points - 1) / (image_width - 1);
0695       if (called_from_gui == 1 & save_bumps == 1),
0696         status = [[status];['(**) Images saved     '];['                      ']];
0697       end
0699    case 7
0700       [imagelist, images, points, dummy1, dummy2] = make_1d_images(n_images, image_width, 0.2);
0701        % 0.2. is the value used by Kate for <white width>
0702       if (save_bumps == 1),
0703           msgbox('Data save is not supported with simple bumps.');
0704       end
0705        % create a set of images given several parameters
0706       points = -1 + 2 * (points - 1) / (image_width - 1);
0708       if (called_from_gui == 1 & save_bumps == 1),
0709         status = [[status];['(**) Images not saved '];['                      ']];
0710       end    
0712    otherwise
0713       error('Invalid value passed from open submenu. Internal error.');
0715   end     
0718   if (average_smooth_enabled),
0719       images = average_smooth(images, window);
0720   end  
0722   if (gaussian_smooth_enabled),
0723       images = gaussian_smooth(images, window); 
0724   end
0725        % smooth all images - used to be disabled and set <blurred> to 1
0728   ref_points_vec = points(:,1);
0729   ref_image_vec = images(:,1);
0730        % set first image generated to be reference when calculating a
0731        % perfect warp and also as reference in pair-wise objective
0732        % functions. This has been made more generalised later on.
0733   % ref_hi = his(1);
0734   % ref_lo = los(1);
0735        % and get its upper and lower boundaries. his and lois were
0736        % generated and returned as output for simple bumps. They were
0737        % used to find the perfect warps and defined points of importance in
0738        % the input data.
0740   % Now choose the image which will not be changed. Note a possible
0741 % optimisation: only if a reference is forced, then the code below should
0742 % be run to choose the reference. The section below that is to do with
0743 % alignment means however that for target to be shown an immutable image
0744 % must always be chosen
0746       switch force_first_reference,
0747        case 0        
0748            immutable_image = 2;
0749                 % see comments later about the choice of first or second
0750                 % image as an immutable reference. These options will only
0751                 % have an effect if a reference is forced (not as in the
0752                 % default reference in MSD-based algorithms)
0754                 % OPTIMISATION NOTE: score can also be set to 0 in all
0755                 % cases without breaking registration. It would then need
0756                 % not be repeated in all the cases below.
0758        case 1
0759            immutable_image = 1;
0760            score = 0;
0761                 % the score needs to be initilialised because no previous
0762                 % scoring will be avaliable
0764        case 2
0765           % closest data to average (mean)
0766            immutable_image = find_image_closest_to_mean(images, image_width, n_images, 'closest', distance_type);
0767            score = 0;
0769        case 3
0770               % random reference
0771            immutable_image = ceil(rand * n_images);
0772            score = 0;
0774        case 4
0775           % closest data to average (mean)
0776            immutable_image = find_image_closest_to_mean(images, image_width, n_images, 'farthest', distance_type);
0777            score = 0;
0779        case 5
0780            % highest peak
0781            immutable_image = find_image_by_height(images, image_width, n_images, 'highest');
0782            score = 0;
0784        case 6
0785            % lowest peak
0786            immutable_image = find_image_by_height(images, image_width, n_images, 'lowest');
0787            score = 0;
0789        otherwise
0790           error('Reference error. Wrong values passed from callback.');
0792       end  
0794       % NOTE PROBLEM: If teh refrence chosen is the first then evaluation at
0795       % the start is 0 and the optimisation plot is not suitable
0800   %%%%% Do warp analysis here
0802   % The check for perfect warps does not work for corrective offsets,
0803   % non-bump data, and data that is significantly smoothed. In all of these
0804   % cases, the flag below must be set to 0, or else piece wise linear will
0805   % not work.
0806   check_perfect_warps = find_perfect_warp;
0807           % currently always enabled, but computationally expensive and in
0808           % some cases not necessary. A test for the value of this part to
0809           % be implemented in the future.
0810       if (check_perfect_warps == 1),   
0811           if (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Progress Bar')),
0812              h = progressbar( h, 0, 'Calculating Correct Warps');
0813           end
0814         % (Old - November 2003 - Smith)
0815           % correctly_warped_points = points;
0816           % correctly_warped_images = images;
0817           for i = 1:n_images,
0818               % Smith: now bung in the right deformations to get them back
0819               % NOTE: THE VARIABLE ref_image_vec BELOW ASSUMED A FIRST
0820               % IMAGE REFERENCE although this is not the case for the <force
0821               % reference> option which makes it the second (implicitly).
0822               % Somthing richer than a second image might be used in
0823               % future.
0825               %possible optimisation: do not interpolate for the first
0826               %image which is usually a reference and is not affected
0827               %anyhow
0828               %images(:,i)
0829             correctly_warped_points(i,:) = find_target_warp(images(:,immutable_image), images(:,i), image_width);
0830               % correctly_warped_points(i,:)
0831               % get the warp that appears most desirable
0832             correctly_warped_points(i,:) = -1 + 2 * (correctly_warped_points(i,:) - 1) / (image_width - 1);
0833               % normalise points so that they lie in the range x where -1 < x < 1
0834             correctly_warped_points_vec = correctly_warped_points(i,:);              
0835             image_vec = images(:,i);
0836               % RSS: copy original image and copy piece-wise linear warp
0837               % Smith: resample at the warped points - point on reg. grid has value of point at same index in warpy grid
0838               % need to interpolate
0839               % size(ref_points_vec)
0840               % size(image_vec)
0841               % size(correctly_warped_points_vec')
0842             correctly_warped_images(i,:) = interp1(ref_points_vec, image_vec, correctly_warped_points_vec);
0843             % correct_model = build_model(correctly_warped_images,correctly_warped_points,1,'','edge',0);
0844             % converging_score(i) =
0845             % measure_model(correct_model.variances,50);
0846             % correctly_warped_images(i,:)
0847           end
0848           % figure;
0849           % plot(log(converging_score));
0850           % title('Log of score as model converges');
0851       end
0852       % figure;
0853       % (test curve) plot(correctly_warped_points(2,:))
0857       if (show_warp_targets == 1),
0858          warp_handle = figure('Name','On the left: piece-wise linear optimal registration warps; On the right: results of warp');
0859          % title('On the left: piece-wise linear optimal registration warps; On the right: results of warp');
0860          save_handle = figure(warp_handle);
0861          hold on;
0862          subplot(n_images, 2, 1);
0863          for i=1:n_images,
0864              subplot(n_images, 2, i * 2 - 1);
0865              hold on;
0866              axis off;
0867              plot(correctly_warped_points(i,:));
0868              axis([-1 image_width -1 1]);
0869              hold off;
0870          end
0871          for i=1:n_images,
0872              subplot(n_images, 2, i * 2);
0873              hold on;
0874              axis off;
0875              plot(correctly_warped_images(i,:));
0876              axis([0 image_width 0 1]);
0877              hold off;
0878          end
0879          hold off;
0880          if (save_in_log == 1),
0881            saveas(save_handle,[[handle],'-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
0882            figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
0883          end
0884       end
0888   if (initialise_warps_close_to_target == 1),
0889       % offset_extent = 5;
0890       % perturbation_method = 'CPS warp';
0892     if (plot_alignment == 1),
0893         % if a plot is required to show this step of perturbation after
0894         % alignment the right-hand side solumn will be occupied by the
0895         % plots
0896       subplot_alignment_fig = figure('Name',[[handle],[': Left: Aligned images ; Right (if existent): Aligned images after perturbation']]);
0897       alignment_handle=figure(subplot_alignment_fig);
0898       for i=1:n_images,
0899        subplot(n_images, 2, 2 * i - 1);
0900        hold on;
0901        plot(correctly_warped_images(i,:));
0902        % title(['Unwarped image #',num2str(i)]);
0903        axis([0 image_width 0 1]);
0904        grid on;
0905        hold off;
0906       end
0907     end
0909       if (offset_extent == 0),
0910           % if no perturbation is required then the values can be simply
0911           % copied.
0912          for i = 1:n_images,
0913            % copy registration target
0914           points(:,i) = correctly_warped_points(i,:)';
0915            % images(:,i) = correctly_warped_images(i,:)';
0916          end
0917       else
0918           % if some noise is required, then add it in the form of Gaussian
0919           % noise or CPS warps to points and interpolate original images
0920           % accordingly. To be controlled from GUI.
0921            for i = 1:n_images,
0922                 tweaked_points(i,:) = apply_perturbation_to_points(correctly_warped_points(i,:), offset_extent, perturbation_method);
0923         %         figure
0924         %         hold on
0925         %         plot(tweaked_points(i,:));
0926         %         plot(correctly_warped_points(i,:));
0927         %         hold off
0928                    % apply noise to the correct points
0929                 % images(:,i) = interp1(ref_points_vec, images(:,i), tweaked_points(i,:))';
0930                    % interpolation to get current images
0931                 points = tweaked_points';
0932                    % copy the points found to become current
0933                    % inconsistent column and row form is due to initial
0934                    % implementation. Optimally (when our task becomes optimising performance),
0935                    % all transposes should be ridden of.
0936            end
0937            if (plot_alignment == 1),
0938               for i = 1:n_images,
0939                 perturbed_aligned_images(:,i) = interp1(ref_points_vec, images(:,i), points(:,i));
0940               end    
0941                 % inerpolate to show some plots at this earlier stage
0942               alignment_handle = figure(subplot_alignment_fig);
0943               for i = 1:n_images,
0944                    subplot(n_images, 2, 2 * i);
0945                    hold on;
0946                    plot(perturbed_aligned_images(:,i));
0947                    % title(['Unwarped image #',num2str(i)]);
0948                    axis([0 image_width 0 1]);
0949                    grid on;
0950                    hold off;
0951                end
0952              if (save_in_log == 1)
0953                saveas(alignment_handle,[[handle],'-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
0954                figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
0955              end
0956            end
0957       end
0959   end
0962   if (save_data == 1),
0963       % note that data will be saved with modified warp curves if option is
0964       % set. This is intentional. Data in this cotext is vectors, not
0965       % images.
0966       save([[handle],['.mat']], 'images','points');
0967       if (called_from_gui == 1),
0968         status = [[status];['(**) Data saved       '];['                      ']];
0969       end
0970   elseif (save_data == 2),
0971       % if data needs to be saved as default
0972       save([[handle],['.mat']], 'images','points');
0973       save(['Default.mat'], 'images','points');
0974       if (called_from_gui == 1),
0975         status = [[status];['(**) Data saved (Def) '];['                      ']];
0976       end
0977   end
0981   if (retain_original_peak),  
0982        for current_image = 1:n_images,
0983            maximum_height(current_image) = max(images(:, current_image));
0984               % find out the maximum height of each data instance
0986            for j=1:image_width,
0987                switch peak_type,
0988                    case 'initial_position'
0989                          if (images(j,current_image) == maximum_height(current_image)),
0990                            maximum_position(current_image) = j;
0991                             % find the position where height is maximal. Currently
0992                             % this search is very inefficient.
0993                          end
0995                    case 'average_position'
0996                          if (images(j,current_image) == maximum_height(current_image)),
0997                            maximum_position(current_image) = j;
0998                          end
0999                          % same as above
1000                end
1001            end
1002        end
1005        switch peak_type,
1006          case 'average_position'
1007            average_position = floor(mean(maximum_position));
1008            for current_image = 1:n_images,
1009              maximum_position(current_image) = average_position;
1010            end 
1011        end
1012    end
1017 % plot3(1:2,1:2,images(1,:))
1018 %
1019 %
1020 %       s = surface(L, ...
1021 %         'EdgeColor','none', ...
1022 %         'FaceColor',[0.8 0.2 0.2], ...
1023 %         'FaceLighting','phong', ...
1024 %         'AmbientStrength',0.3, ...
1025 %         'DiffuseStrength',0.6, ...
1026 %         'Clipping','off',...
1027 %         'BackFaceLighting','lit', ...
1028 %         'SpecularStrength',1.1, ...
1029 %         'SpecularColorReflectance',1, ...
1030 %         'SpecularExponent',7);
1031 %     l1 = light('Position',[40 100 20], ...
1032 %         'Style','local', ...
1033 %         'Color',[0 0.7 0.7]);
1034 %     l2 = light('Position',[.5 -1 .4], ...
1035 %         'Color',[1 1 0]);
1037 % modify the progress bar if required
1039   if (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Progress Bar')),
1040            h = progressbar( h, 0, 'Pre-processing Data');
1041   end
1043 % depending on whether intensity offset was applied, record the number of
1044 % columns required for the plots
1046   if (apply_intensity_offset),
1047       vertical_pane_location = 3;
1048                        % Need is for only 3 columns in plot
1049   else
1050       vertical_pane_location = 2;
1051                        % Need is for only 2 columns in plot
1052   end
1053   % Note: intensity offsets are considered a possible way of solving the
1054   % problem, but not natural form for our input data. Hence, saving of data
1055   % precedes this offset.
1058 % prepare a figure if a plot of all warp curves needs to be rendered
1060   if (draw_warp_curve == 1),
1061        overlap_curve_fig = figure('Name','Overlapping Warp Curves');
1062   end
1064   % if pixel representation is required, prepare the figure
1066   if (show_pixels == 1),
1067     pixels_figure = figure('Name','Pixel Representation');
1068   end
1070   % and likewise for meshes/surfaces
1072   if (show_mesh == 1),
1073     mesh_subfigure = figure('Name','1-D Data Mesh');
1074   end 
1076   % if a matrix of warps is required, preapre the figure and draw the
1077   % initial warps in its left side
1079   if (draw_curve_by_images == 1),
1080     curve_subplot_fig = figure('Name',[['Warp Curves for all data - objective function: '],[objective_function]]);
1081     curves = figure(curve_subplot_fig);
1082     % title('Warp Curves for all data');
1083     for i=1:n_images,
1084        subplot(n_images, n_iterations + 1, i * (n_iterations + 1) - n_iterations);
1085        hold on;
1086        axis off;
1087        plot(points(:,i));
1088        plot(correctly_warped_points(i,:),'r-')
1089        if (i == 1 ),
1090          legend('Initial warp', 'Target warp'); 
1091             % only display the legend once at the top
1092        end
1093        axis([-1 image_width -1 1]);
1094        hold off;
1095     end
1096   end
1099 %%             END OF INITIALISATION               %%
1100 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1104 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1105 %% Warping images, then modelling warped images    %%
1106 %% attempt to register images by warping.          %%
1110   if (plot_before_and_after),
1111     for i=1:n_images,
1112        images_before_offset(:,i) = images(:,i);
1113        % copy these original values in case 3 columns are necessary for plot representation of the data.
1114     end
1115   end
1117   % draw the original data at the leftmost column
1119   if (do_plot),
1120     subplot_fig = figure('Name',[[handle],[': Left: Original images ; Right: Images subjected to warping']]);
1121     H=figure(subplot_fig);
1122     for i=1:n_images,
1123        subplot(n_images, vertical_pane_location, (vertical_pane_location * i) - vertical_pane_location + 1);
1124        hold on;
1125        plot(images(:,i));
1126        whitebg(H, [background_red, background_green, background_blue]); 
1127        % title(['Unwarped image #',num2str(i)]);
1128        axis([0 image_width 0 1]);
1129        grid on;
1130        hold off;
1131     end
1132   else
1133     subplot_fig = 0;
1134       % pass a void figure to the optimisation functions
1135   end
1137   % draw the data after intensity offset has been applied (when applicable)
1139   if (apply_intensity_offset),
1140       for index = 1:n_images,
1141          peak (index) = max(images(:,index));
1142       end
1143       peak_reference = max (peak);  
1144       for index = 1:n_images,
1145         peak_difference = peak_reference - max(images(:,index));
1146         images(:,index) = images(:,index) + peak_difference;
1147         if (do_plot),
1148             subplot(n_images, vertical_pane_location, (vertical_pane_location * index) - vertical_pane_location + 2);
1149             hold on;
1150             plot(images(:,index));
1151             % title(['Unwarped image #',num2str(i)]);
1152             axis([0 image_width 0 1]);
1153             grid on;
1154             hold off;
1155         end
1156       end        
1157   end 
1158 %% NOTE: Change here in traversal above (RSS, December 2003)
1160     still_to_go = 1;
1161           % condition for while loop. This will enable the program to
1162           % continually try all objective functions.
1165     while (still_to_go == 1),
1167     if (run_all_objective_functions == 0)
1168         still_to_go = 0;
1169            % break out of while loop after just one iteration
1170     else
1171            % If new objective functions are added, an entry must be added
1172            % here to include it in the more comprehensive cycle.
1174            % try all objective functions sequentially
1175        switch objective_function,    
1176            case 'all'
1177            % meaning that it is in its first iteration
1178              objective_function = 'model_opt_together';
1179            case 'model_opt_together'
1180              objective_function = 'model_opt_separate';    
1181            case 'model_opt_separate'
1182              objective_function = 'msd_opt_together';
1183            case 'msd_opt_together'
1184              objective_function = 'msd_opt_separate';
1185            case 'msd_opt_separate'
1186              objective_function = 'mi_opt_together';
1187            case 'mi_opt_together'
1188              objective_function = 'mi_opt_separate';
1189            case 'mi_opt_separate'
1190              objective_function = 'nmi_opt_together';
1191            case 'nmi_opt_together'
1192              objective_function = 'nmi_opt_separate';
1193            case 'nmi_opt_separate'          
1194              objective_function = 'mixed_msd_model';
1195            case 'mixed_msd_model'
1196              objective_function = 'model_post_msd';
1197            case 'model_post_msd'        
1198              objective_function = 'tfc_eccv';
1199            case 'tfc_eccv'
1200              objective_function = 'wavelet_complexity';
1201            case 'wavelet_complexity'
1202              objective_function = 'model_pairs_together';
1203            case 'model_pairs_together'
1204              objective_function = 'model_pairs_separate';
1205            case 'model_pairs_separate'
1206              objective_function = 'void'; 
1207              still_to_go = 0;
1208               % signal to break out of the while loop because the test of
1209               % all objective functions is finished.
1210            otherwise
1211              error('Problem with <Run All Objective Functions> option');
1212        end
1213     end   
1214       % warped_images = images
1215       % size(images)
1216       for i=1:n_images,
1217         warped_images(:,i) = interp1(ref_points_vec, images(:,i), points(:,i)')';
1218       end
1219       % size(warped_images)
1220       warped_points = points;
1221           % set this initial state to plot the examples before change
1228       if ((strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Console Progress Bar')) | (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Progress Bar')))
1229          progress_bar_position = 0;
1230          time_for_this_iteration = 10;
1231          total_images = n_images * n_iterations;
1232          step_size = 50 / total_images;
1233             % these variables are used for some progress statistics
1234       end   
1235         % initialise progress bar
1240       for n = 1:n_iterations,
1242         if (dynamic_precision == 1),
1243            iterations_ratio = n_iterations / n;
1244              % get iterations ratio. In future, looking at the optimisation
1245              % state and behaviour, for example whether it is stuck,
1246              % should give better results.
1247            precision_required = set_precision(iterations_ratio, precision_automation_type);
1248         end
1250         if (show_score_bar == 1),
1251             % subplot('position',[0,0,1,0.1]);
1252             Epsilon = 0.0001;
1253             c_model = build_model(warped_images, warped_points, variation_kept, '', weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight);
1254             % waitbar((measure_model(c_model.variances, n_modes, 2, c_model) - log(Epsilon.^n_modes)) / log(Epsilon.^n_modes), score_bar);
1255             waitbar((measure_model(c_model.variances, n_modes, 'sum_of_log_eigenvalues', c_model) ...
1256                / log(Epsilon.^n_modes) - 0.8) * 5, score_bar);
1257             % (measure_model(c_model.variances, n_modes, 2, c_model) - log(Epsilon.^n_modes)) / log(Epsilon.^n_modes) * 100
1258             % axis off;
1259             % subplot(1,1,1);
1260         end            
1264         if (show_mesh == 1),
1265           meshview = figure(mesh_subfigure);
1266           whitebg(meshview, [background_red, background_green, background_blue]);
1267                % set viewpoint
1268           [X,Y] = meshgrid(1:n_images * 5 + 2, -image_width / 2 - 1:1:image_width / 2);
1269                % two zero buffers and 5 rows of each bump
1270           for i = 1:n_images,
1271             Z(2:image_width + 1,1 + i * 5) = warped_images(1:image_width,i);
1272             Z(2:image_width + 1,1 + i * 5 - 1) = warped_images(1:image_width,i);
1273             Z(2:image_width + 1,1 + i * 5 - 2) = warped_images(1:image_width,i);
1274             Z(2:image_width + 1,1 + i * 5 - 3) = warped_images(1:image_width,i);
1275             Z(2:image_width + 1,1 + i * 5 - 4) = warped_images(1:image_width,i);
1276             % copy the data values
1277           end
1278           Z(:,1) = zeros(1:image_width, 1);
1279                 % set bottom buffer
1280           Z(:, n_images * 5 + 2) = zeros(1:image_width, 1);
1281                 % and upper buffer to close mesh
1282           Z(1,:) = zeros(1, 1:n_images * 5);
1283                 % set left buffer
1284           Z(image_width+2,:) = zeros(1, 1:n_images * 5);
1285                 % and right buffer to close mesh
1286           switch mesh_type,  
1287            case 'Surface Red'  
1288             surf(X,Y,Z,'FaceColor', 'red', 'EdgeColor', 'none');
1289             camlight left;
1290             lighting phong;
1291             axis([0 n_images*5 -image_width/2 image_width/2 0 1]);     
1292            case 'Surface Blue'     
1293             surf(X,Y,Z,'FaceColor', 'blue', 'EdgeColor', 'none');
1294             camlight left;
1295             lighting phong;
1296             axis([0 n_images*5 -image_width/2 image_width/2 0 1]);     
1297            case 'Polygons'   
1298             mesh(X,Y,Z);
1299             axis([0 n_images*5 -image_width/2 image_width/2 0 1]);     
1300            case 'Illuminated Surface'
1301             if (rotate_surface),
1302               current_viewpoint = current_viewpoint + 1;
1303                % shift viewpoint slightly
1304             end
1305             view(current_viewpoint, 37.5); 
1306             surface(X,Y,Z, ...
1307               'EdgeColor','none', ...
1308               'FaceColor',[0.5 0.5 0.5], ...
1309               'FaceLighting','phong', ...
1310               'AmbientStrength',0.3, ...
1311               'DiffuseStrength',0.6, ... 
1312               'Clipping','off',...
1313               'BackFaceLighting','lit', ...
1314               'SpecularStrength',1.1, ...
1315               'SpecularColorReflectance',1, ...
1316               'SpecularExponent',7);
1317             if (n == 1), % set lights only at the start
1318                 l1 = light('Position',[40 100 20], ...
1319                   'Style','local', ...
1320                   'Color',[0 0.5 0.7]);
1321                 l2 = light('Position',[.5 -1 .4], ...
1322                   'Color',[1 1 0]);
1323             end
1324            otherwise
1325             error ('Mesh type not recognised. Internal error.');
1326           end
1328           axis off; 
1329           if (movie_type == 2 & save_movie == 1),
1330                   frame_counter = frame_counter + 1;
1331                   M(frame_counter) = getframe(meshview);
1332           end
1333           if (save_in_log == 1 & n == n_iterations), 
1334              saveas(meshview,[[handle],'-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
1335              figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
1336           end
1338         end  
1340         if (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Hierarchical Text'))  
1341            % iterations aim to get good statistical results by averaging
1342           disp(['    +-Running iteration number ',num2str(n), ' out of ',num2str(n_iterations), ' iterations...']);
1343         end
1345            % Smith: correct registration
1346            % attempt to register
1348         if (see_model_before_each_iteration),  
1349           w_c_model = build_model(warped_images, warped_points, variation_kept,'Optimised warp', weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight);
1350                   % create an appearance model...
1351           model_view = show_combined_model(w_c_model,ref_points_vec, n_standard_deviations_display, n_modes_display, [[handle],[': Combined model before iteration number ', num2str(n)]]);
1352                   % and show the model before each iteration while saving
1353                   % the figure handle
1354           if (movie_type == 3 & save_movie == 1),
1355                 % if moview needs to be saved and it is a model
1356                   frame_counter = frame_counter + 1;
1357                   M(frame_counter) = getframe(model_view);
1358           end        
1359         end          
1360         for i = 1:n_images,
1361            % start iteration time counter
1362          if (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Hierarchical Text')),
1363            disp(['        +-Warping image ',num2str(i),' out of ',num2str(n_images), ' images in total...']);
1364          end
1366          this_step = ((n-1) * n_images) + i;
1368          if (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Progress Bar')),
1369            tic;
1370            progress_bar_position = progress_bar_position + step_size;
1371            steps_remaining = (n_images * n_iterations) - this_step;
1372            percentage_progress = ceil(this_step / (n_images * n_iterations) * 100);
1373            minutes = floor(time_for_this_iteration * steps_remaining / 60);
1374            seconds = rem(floor(time_for_this_iteration *  steps_remaining), 60);
1375            max_count   = 50;
1376                % The console-based GUI is 50 units wide
1377            if (seconds > 9),
1378                h = progressbar( h, step_size/50,[num2str(percentage_progress),'% Completed ---- Estimated remaining time: ', num2str(minutes), ':', num2str(seconds)]);
1379            else
1380                h = progressbar( h, step_size/50,[num2str(percentage_progress),'% Completed ---- Estimated remaining time: ', num2str(minutes), ':0', num2str(seconds)]);
1381            end    
1382            if ~gui_active,
1383                     error_found = 1;
1384                     break; 
1385                % If aborted was pressed
1386            end
1387               % use the third-party GUI-like progress bar (added February
1388               % 2004)
1389          end
1390          if (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Console Progress Bar')),
1391                                % if console progress bar
1392            tic;
1393            progress_bar_position = progress_bar_position + step_size;
1394            clc;
1395            disp(['|=================================================|']);
1396            progress_string='|';       
1397            for counter = 1:floor(progress_bar_position),
1398                progress_string = [progress_string, '#'];
1399            end
1400            disp(progress_string);
1401            disp(['|================= ',num2str(floor(progress_bar_position * 2)),'% completed =================|']);
1402                           % display progress per cent
1403            steps_remaining = (n_images * n_iterations) - this_step;
1404            minutes = floor(time_for_this_iteration * steps_remaining / 60);
1405            seconds = rem(floor(time_for_this_iteration *  steps_remaining), 60);
1406            disp(' ');
1407            if (seconds > 9),
1408              disp(['            Estimated remaining time: ', num2str(minutes), ':', num2str(seconds)]);
1409                           % show time indicators
1410            else
1411              disp(['            Estimated remaining time: ', num2str(minutes), ':0', num2str(seconds)]);
1412            end
1413          end
1415          image_vec = warped_images(:,i);
1416          points_vec = warped_points(:,i);     
1418          if (show_pixels == 1),   
1419              appended_vector=[];
1420              for current_image=1:n_images,
1421                appended_vector=[[appended_vector],[warped_images(:,current_image),[warped_images(:,current_image)]],[warped_images(:,current_image)]];
1422                    % append bump data 3 times for width which is visible
1423              end
1425                  %% appended_vector=appended_vector * 256
1426                  %% use if scale of 0..255 used
1428              G = figure(pixels_figure);
1429              hold on;
1430               % title('Bumps as pixels');
1431              imshow(appended_vector',[0,1]);
1432                        % show as an image
1433              if (movie_type == 0 & save_movie == 1),
1434                                    % Note: already nested in a show_pixels
1435                                    % 'if' statement
1436                   frame_counter = frame_counter + 1;
1437                   M(frame_counter) = getframe(G);
1438              end
1439              hold off;
1440          end
1442          if (movie_type == 1 & save_movie == 1 & do_plot == 1),
1443                    frame_counter = frame_counter + 1;
1444                    M(frame_counter) = getframe(H);
1445          end
1446                    % capture pixels frame
1449          if (i ~= immutable_image | force_reference == 0), % make sure one image (second because score evaluation from a predecessor must exist) remains unchanged if reference is forced
1450                        % Somthing richer than a second image might be used
1451                        % in future e.g. mean image
1452              switch objective_function,     
1453                  case 'model_opt_together'
1455 %                      if (i==1 & n==1),
1456 %                          score=0;
1457 %                      end
1458 %
1459 %                      last_score = score;
1460 %
1461 %                      % disp(score);
1462 %                   if (i==3)
1463 %                       figure(101);
1464 %                       plot(image_vec);
1465 %                   end
1466                      [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_all_warps_model([warped_images(:,1:i-1), warped_images(:,i+1:n_images)], [warped_points(:,1:i-1), warped_points(:,i+1:n_images)], image_vec, points_vec, spline_type, placement_type, n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, model_evaluation_method, n_modes, weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight, variation_kept, show_warps_while_optimising, precision_required);
1468                      %if (n==1),
1469                      %  [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_all_warps_model([warped_images(:,1:i-1),warped_images(:,i+1:n_images)], [warped_points(:,1:i-1),warped_points(:,i+1:n_images)], image_vec, points_vec,spline_type,placement_type,n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, model_evaluation_method, n_modes, weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight, variation_kept, 0);
1470                      %else
1471                      %   [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_all_warps_model([warped_images(:,1:i-1),warped_images(:,i+1:n_images)], [warped_points(:,1:i-1),warped_points(:,i+1:n_images)], image_vec, points_vec,spline_type,placement_type,n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, model_evaluation_method, n_modes, weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight, variation_kept, 1, param_list);
1472                      % end
1475 %                      if (last_score < score),
1476 %                          disp(num2str((n - 1) * i + i))
1477 %                      end
1479                  case 'model_pairs_together'    
1480                      [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_all_warps_model(warped_images(:,1), warped_points(:,1), image_vec, points_vec, spline_type, placement_type, n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, model_evaluation_method, n_modes, weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight, variation_kept, show_warps_while_optimising, precision_required);    
1481                  case 'model_pairs_separate'  
1482                      [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_warps_model(warped_images(:,1), warped_points(:,1), image_vec, points_vec, spline_type,placement_type,n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, model_evaluation_method, n_modes, weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight, variation_kept, show_warps_while_optimising, precision_required);
1483                  case 'model_opt_separate'
1484                      [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_warps_model([warped_images(:,1:i-1), warped_images(:,i+1:n_images)], [warped_points(:,1:i-1),warped_points(:,i+1:n_images)], image_vec, points_vec,spline_type, placement_type,n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, model_evaluation_method, n_modes, weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight, variation_kept, show_warps_while_optimising, precision_required);
1485                  case 'msd_opt_together'         
1486                      [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_all_warps_msd(ref_image_vec, ref_points_vec, image_vec, points_vec, spline_type, placement_type, n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, precision_required);
1487                  case 'msd_opt_separate'
1488                      [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_warps_msd(ref_image_vec, ref_points_vec, image_vec, points_vec, spline_type, placement_type, n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, precision_required);
1489                  case 'mi_opt_together'       
1490                      [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_all_warps_mi(ref_image_vec, ref_points_vec, image_vec, points_vec, spline_type, placement_type, n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, number_of_bins, precision_required);
1491                  case 'mi_opt_separate'
1492                      [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_warps_mi(ref_image_vec, ref_points_vec, image_vec, points_vec, spline_type, placement_type, n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, number_of_bins, precision_required);
1493                  case 'nmi_opt_together'        
1494                      [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_all_warps_nmi(ref_image_vec, ref_points_vec, image_vec, points_vec, spline_type, placement_type, n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, number_of_bins, precision_required);
1495                  case 'nmi_opt_separate'
1496                      [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_warps_nmi(ref_image_vec, ref_points_vec, image_vec, points_vec, spline_type, placement_type, n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, number_of_bins, precision_required);
1497                  case 'mixed_msd_model'
1498                         if (((n / n_iterations < 2 / 10) & (n / n_iterations >= 1 / 10)) |...
1499                             ((n / n_iterations < 4 / 10) & (n / n_iterations >= 3 / 10)) |...
1500                             ((n / n_iterations < 6 / 10) & (n / n_iterations >= 5 / 10)) |...
1501                             ((n / n_iterations < 8 / 10) & (n / n_iterations >= 7 / 10)) |...
1502                             ((n / n_iterations < 10 / 10) & (n / n_iterations >= 9 / 10))),
1503                           [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_all_warps_msd(ref_image_vec, ref_points_vec, image_vec, points_vec, spline_type, placement_type, n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, precision_required);
1504                         else
1505                           [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_all_warps_model([warped_images(:,1:i-1),warped_images(:,i+1:n_images)], [warped_points(:,1:i-1),warped_points(:,i+1:n_images)], image_vec, points_vec,spline_type,placement_type,n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, model_evaluation_method, n_modes, weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight, variation_kept, show_warps_while_optimising, precision_required);
1506                         end                    
1507                  case 'model_post_msd'
1508                         if (n / n_iterations < 1 / 2),
1509                             % for the first half
1510                           [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_all_warps_msd(ref_image_vec, ref_points_vec, image_vec, points_vec, spline_type, placement_type, n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, precision_required);
1511                         else
1512                             % and for the second half
1513                           [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_all_warps_model([warped_images(:,1:i-1),warped_images(:,i+1:n_images)], [warped_points(:,1:i-1),warped_points(:,i+1:n_images)], image_vec, points_vec,spline_type,placement_type,n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, model_evaluation_method, n_modes, weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight, variation_kept, show_warps_while_optimising, precision_required);
1514                         end
1515                  case 'tfc_eccv'
1516                      % msgbox('TFC ECCV 2004: Under Construction.');
1517                      pdf_evalution_method = 'Default';
1518                      [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_groupwise([warped_images(:,1:i-1),warped_images(:,i+1:n_images)], [warped_points(:,1:i-1),warped_points(:,i+1:n_images)], image_vec, points_vec,spline_type,placement_type,n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, model_evaluation_method, n_modes, weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight, variation_kept, pdf_evalution_method, kernel, precision_required);         
1519                  case 'wavelet_complexity'
1520                      % msgbox('Wavelets: Under Construction.');
1521                      wavelet_evalution_method = 'Default';
1522                      [param_list, warped_point, warped_image, score] = optimise_wavelet([warped_images(:,1:i-1),warped_images(:,i+1:n_images)], [warped_points(:,1:i-1),warped_points(:,i+1:n_images)], image_vec, points_vec,spline_type,placement_type,n_points, verbose, do_plot, subplot_fig, i * vertical_pane_location, vertical_pane_location, image_width, n_images, verbose_score, model_evaluation_method, n_modes, weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight, variation_kept, wavelet_evalution_method, filter, filter_level, precision_required);                      
1523                  case 'void'
1524                     % This is used for repeated experiments with overlaid
1525                     % plots. It is not well tested and score may need to be
1526                     % assigned to a value here
1527                      break;
1528                      % It is not obsolutely clear id the above is necessary
1529                      % or works
1530                  otherwise
1531                      error(['Unknown objective function: ', objective_function]);
1532              end
1533          else
1534             % score = 0;
1535             warped_image = warped_images(:,i);
1536             warped_point = warped_points(:,i); 
1537                   % copy some values to make up for the skip
1538             if (do_plot == 1),
1539               figure(subplot_fig);
1540               subplot(n_images, vertical_pane_location , vertical_pane_location * i, 'replace');
1541               plot(warped_image);
1542               axis([0 image_width 0 1]);
1543               drawnow;
1544             end
1545                   % draw the plot
1546          end
1549          warped_images(:,i) = warped_image;
1552          if (retain_original_peak), 
1553            warped_images(maximum_position(i), i) = maximum_height(i);
1554               % always retain the maximum height
1555          end     
1560          warped_points(:,i) = warped_point;
1562          if (draw_warp_curve == 1),
1563            figure(overlap_curve_fig);
1564            hold on;
1565            plot(warped_points(:,i));
1566            hold off;
1567            if (save_in_log == 1 & n == n_iterations & i == n_images), 
1568                saveas(overlap_curve_fig,[[handle],'-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
1569                figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
1570            end
1571          end     
1573          if (draw_curve_by_images == 1),
1574              figure(curves);
1575              subplot(n_images, n_iterations + 1, i * (n_iterations + 1) - (n_iterations - n));
1576              hold on;
1577              axis off;
1578              plot(warped_points(:,i));
1579              axis([-1 image_width -1 1]);
1580              hold off;
1581              if (save_in_log == 1 & n == n_iterations & i == n_images), 
1582                saveas(curves,[[handle],'-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
1583                figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
1584              end
1585          end
1586          if (show_pixels == 1 & save_in_log == 1 & n == n_iterations & i == n_images), 
1587                saveas(G,[[handle],'-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
1588                figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
1589          end
1590          if (do_plot == 1 & save_in_log == 1 & n == n_iterations & i == n_images), 
1591                saveas(H,[[handle],'-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
1592                figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
1593          end
1595          % figure(subplot_fig),title(['Warped images, after image ',num2str(i),' iteration ',num2str(n)]);
1596          % dummy = waitforbuttonpress;
1597          if (show_score_using_model == 1),           
1598              % if evaluation is through model then always overwrite score
1599             c_model = build_model(warped_images, warped_points, variation_kept, '', weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight);
1600                 % first build a model
1601             if (strcmp(model_score_type, 'Default')),
1602                 score = measure_model(c_model.variances, n_modes, model_evaluation_method, c_model);
1603             elseif (strcmp(model_score_type, 'Specificity')),
1604                 if (mod(n_images * (n - 1) + i, cycle) == 0),
1605                     % disp('ok')
1606                   [score, std_spec] = find_specificity(c_model, images, spec_iters, ref_points_vec);
1607                   standard_deviation(n_images * (n - 1) + i) = std_spec;
1608                 else
1609                     % set to -1 (or copy from predecessor - the original
1610                     % intension
1611                   score = -1; 
1612                 end
1613             elseif (strcmp(model_score_type, 'Generalisability')), 
1614                if (mod(n_images * (n - 1) + i, cycle) == 0),
1615                   [score, std_gen] = find_generalisability(c_model, gen_iters);
1616                   standard_deviation(n_images * (n - 1) + i) = std_gen;
1617                else   
1618                   score = -1;
1619                end  
1620             elseif (strcmp(model_score_type, 'Mean MSD')),
1621                 if (mod(n_images * (n - 1) + i, cycle) == 0),
1622                     score = measure_model_msd(warped_images);
1623                 else
1624                     score = -1; 
1625                 end
1626             elseif (strcmp(model_score_type, 'All')),
1627               % score = measure_model(c_model.variances, n_modes, model_evaluation_method, c_model);
1628                             % use deafult as score that is primary
1629                 all_scores = [[find_specificity(c_model, images, spec_iters, ref_points_vec)], [find_generalisability(c_model, gen_iters)], [measure_model_msd(warped_images)]];    
1630                            % get all scores above and store them in a
1631                            % matrix
1632             else
1633                error(['Wrong scoring method (', [model_score_type], ') passed. Internal error.']);
1634             end
1636          end    
1639          if(n == n_iterations),
1640             final_score(i, this_set) = score;
1641                 % give the final score for the set if end is reached
1642          end
1644          score_for_iteration(i,n) = score;
1645                % record the score for this iteration and this image to be later
1646                % plotted for analysis
1647          if (strcmp(model_score_type, 'All')),
1648              all_scores_for_iteration(i,n,1) = all_scores(1);
1649              all_scores_for_iteration(i,n,2) = all_scores(2);
1650              all_scores_for_iteration(i,n,3) = all_scores(3);
1651          end    
1652          if ((strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Progress Bar')) | (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Console Progress Bar'))),
1653            times(this_step) = toc;
1654            time_for_this_iteration = mean (times);
1655          end
1656         end  % end:images
1658         % The next section deals with point stuffing
1660         %% Note: cycle scale option here... perform this stage every
1661         %% <add_points_cycle> iterations
1662         if (mod(n, add_points_cycle) == 0)
1663           if (add_points),
1664             for i = 1:n_images,  
1665               for j = 1:image_width - 1, 
1666                 % -Find region in <points> where height difference is high
1667                   difference(j, i) = warped_points(j + 1, i) - warped_points(j, i);
1668               end
1670               maximum_difference(i) = max(difference(:, i));
1671               for current_position_number = 1:size(difference(:, i), 1),
1672                 if (difference(current_position_number, i) == maximum_difference(i)),
1673                      maximum_difference_location(i) = current_position_number;
1674                         % maximal diffference in position n means that the
1675                         % internal between points(n) and points(n + 1) is
1676                         % maximal
1677                 end
1678               end
1679             end
1683             % -Add points in between that range
1684             % -Set them to some values
1685             % in between.
1686             % -Update <image_width> and all data including
1687             % references
1688             for i = 1:n_images,
1689                 temp_image = warped_images(:, i);
1690                 temp_points = warped_points(:, i);
1691                 for j = maximum_difference_location(i) + 1:image_width,
1692                   warped_points(j + 1,i) = temp_points(j);
1693                   warped_images(j + 1,i) = temp_image(j);
1694               end
1696                  % shift points one position onwards where stuffing occurs
1697                 warped_points(maximum_difference_location(i) + 1, i) = warped_points(maximum_difference_location(i), i) + maximum_difference(i) / 2;
1699                  % It was calculated specifically for each data instance.
1700                  % set new point to lie at the average of its two neighbouring points
1701                 warped_images(maximum_difference_location(i) + 1, i) = mean(warped_images(maximum_difference_location(i) + 1, :)); 
1702                  % -Set new <image> points with similar structures and set their
1703                  % value to one which is projected from the mean.
1705             end
1706               image_width = image_width + 1;
1708                 % modify the size of images
1709 %               size(warped_points)
1710 %               size(warped_images)
1711 %               warped_points
1712 %               warped_images
1714           end % end: point stuffing if
1715         end % end: clcle if
1717       end  % end:iterations
1718       if (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Progress Bar')),
1719                 h = progressbar( h, 0, 'Finalising');
1720       end
1721       if (show_score_vs_iteration),
1722           if (show_all_score_figure_types == 1)            
1723               score_figure = figure('Name', [[handle],[': Score versus iterations for every image warping step - objective function: '],[objective_function]]);
1724                      % create a new figure to show graph of optimisation for
1725                      % all steps and all images individually
1726               hold on;
1727               title('Score versus iterations for every image warping step');
1728               xlabel('Iteration number');
1729               ylabel('Score');
1730               for i=1:n_images,
1731                     plot(score_for_iteration(i,:));
1732               end
1733               hold off;
1735               figure('Name', [[handle],[': Score versus iterations - objective function: '],[objective_function]]);
1736                      % create a new figure to show graph of optimisation
1737               hold on;
1738               title('Score versus iterations');
1739               xlabel('Iteration number');
1740               ylabel('Mean score');
1741               for i=1:n_iterations,
1742                  mean_score(i) = mean(score_for_iteration(:,i));
1743               end   
1744               plot(mean_score);
1745               hold off;
1746           end   
1748           if (overlap_scores == 0),
1749              score_figure = figure('Name', [[handle],[': Score versus image warping step - objective function: '],[objective_function]]);
1750                  % create a new figure to show graph of optimisation
1751           else
1753              score_figure = figure(101);
1754           end
1756           hold on;
1758           if (strcmp(model_score_type, 'All')),
1759             title('Proportional score versus image warping step');
1760             xlabel('Warping Step');
1761             ylabel('% Change');  
1762             position_counter = 0;  
1763             for i=1:n_iterations,
1764               for j=1:n_images,
1765                 position_counter = position_counter + 1;
1766                 all_warp_step_score_vector(position_counter,1) = all_scores_for_iteration(j,i,1);
1767                 all_warp_step_score_vector(position_counter,2) = all_scores_for_iteration(j,i,2);
1768                 all_warp_step_score_vector(position_counter,3) = all_scores_for_iteration(j,i,3);
1769               end
1770             end
1771             all_warp_step_percent_vector(1,1) = 0;
1772                                % no change
1773             all_warp_step_percent_vector(2,1) = 0;
1774             all_warp_step_percent_vector(3,1) = 0;
1776             for i = 2:n_iterations * n_images,
1777                     all_warp_step_percent_vector(1,i) = (all_warp_step_score_vector(i,1) - all_warp_step_score_vector(i-1,1)) / (all_warp_step_score_vector(i-1,1) + 0.001) * 100;
1778                     all_warp_step_percent_vector(2,i) = (all_warp_step_score_vector(i,2) - all_warp_step_score_vector(i-1,2)) / (all_warp_step_score_vector(i-1,2) + 0.001) * 100;
1779                     all_warp_step_percent_vector(3,i) = (all_warp_step_score_vector(i,3) - all_warp_step_score_vector(i-1,3)) / (all_warp_step_score_vector(i-1,3) + 0.001) * 100;              
1780             end          
1781           else
1782               title('Score versus image warping step');
1783               xlabel('Warping Step');
1784               ylabel('Score');
1785               position_counter = 0;
1786               for i=1:n_iterations,
1787                   for j=1:n_images,
1788                     position_counter = position_counter + 1;
1789                     warp_step_score_vector(position_counter) = score_for_iteration(j,i);
1790                   end
1791               end
1792           end
1793           if (run_all_objective_functions == 1),
1794               if strcmp(colour,'r'),
1795                 colour = 'g';
1796               elseif strcmp(colour,'g')
1797                 colour = 'b';
1798               else
1799                 colour = 'r';
1800               end 
1802               if strcmp(style,':'),
1803                 style = '-';
1804               elseif strcmp(style,'-')
1805                 style = '--';
1806               elseif strcmp(style,'--')
1807                 style = '-.'; 
1808               else
1809                 style = ':';
1810               end 
1811               plot(warp_step_score_vector,[[colour],[style]]);
1812               % The next line needs to be updated when new objective
1813               % functions are added
1814               legend('Joint MSD','Sequential MSD','Joint Model-based','Sequential Model-based','Joint MI',...
1815                      'Sequential MI', 'Joint NMI', 'Sequential NMI', 'PDF', 'Wavelets', 'Joint Model-based Pair-wise', 'Sequential Model-based Pair-wise', 'Void');
1816           else
1817                 % if a normal single plot will suffice
1818                 if (strcmp(model_score_type, 'All')),
1819                          plot (all_warp_step_percent_vector(1,:), 'r');
1820                          plot (all_warp_step_percent_vector(2,:), 'g');
1821                          plot (all_warp_step_percent_vector(3,:), 'b');
1822                          legend('Specificity', 'Generalisability', 'Mean MSD');
1823                 else 
1824                           if (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Progress Bar')),
1825                               h = progressbar( h, 0, 'Generating Scores Plot');
1826                           end    
1827                          % find any -1 entries and "destroy" them to get
1828                          % correct cycle evaluation
1829                          % optimisation tip: use cycle to pick out the
1830                          % right entries rather than the naive -1 flag
1831                          counter = 1;
1832                          for index=1:n_images*n_iterations,
1833                              if (warp_step_score_vector(index) ~= -1),
1834                                  if (strcmp(model_score_type, 'Generalisability') | strcmp(model_score_type, 'Specificity')),
1835                                    standard_deviation_truncated(counter) = standard_deviation (index);
1836                                  end   
1837                                  warp_step_score_vector_truncated(counter) =  warp_step_score_vector(index);
1838                                  counter = counter + 1;
1839                              end
1840                          end    
1841                          if (strcmp(model_score_type, 'Generalisability') | strcmp(model_score_type, 'Specificity')),
1842                              errorbar(warp_step_score_vector_truncated, standard_deviation_truncated);
1843                              title([model_score_type, ' every ', num2str(cycle), ' steps']);
1844                          elseif (strcmp(model_score_type, 'Mean MSD'))
1845                               % for mean MSD
1846                              plot (warp_step_score_vector_truncated); 
1847                              title(['Mean MSD every ', num2str(cycle), ' steps']);
1848                          else % model defaults
1849                              plot (warp_step_score_vector); 
1850                              title(['Registration score versus iterations']);
1851                          end
1853                 end
1854                 if (show_target == 1),
1855                     Epsilon = 0.0001;
1856                     plot (repmat([log(Epsilon.^n_modes)], 1,n_iterations * n_images),'--');
1857                     legend('Current Evaluation','Log eigenvalues of perfectly registered images');
1858                 end
1859                 if (show_registration_target == 1),
1860                     w_c_model = build_model(correctly_warped_images', correctly_warped_points', variation_kept, 'Optimised warp', weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight);      
1861                     model_score =  measure_model(w_c_model.variances, n_modes, model_evaluation_method, w_c_model);
1862                     plot(repmat(model_score, 1,n_iterations * n_images),'r-.');
1863                     if (show_target == 1),
1864                       legend('Current Evaluation','Log eigenvalues of perfectly registered images','Log eigenvalues of registration target');
1865                     else 
1866                       legend('Current Evaluation','Log eigenvalues of registration target');
1867                     end  
1868                 end    
1869           end   
1871           hold off;
1872           if (save_in_log == 1),
1873                score_handle = figure(score_figure);
1874                saveas(score_handle,[[handle],'-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
1875                figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
1876           end
1877       end
1879       w_c_model = build_model(warped_images, warped_points, variation_kept, 'Optimised warp', weighting_normalisation_method, shape_weight);      
1880          % Smith: build model from warped images
1881       w_intensity_total_vars = w_c_model.intensity_model.total_var;
1882       w_shape_total_vars = w_c_model.shape_model.total_var;
1883          % get these two values to be used later
1884       model_score(this_set) = measure_model(w_c_model.variances, n_modes, model_evaluation_method, w_c_model);
1885       msd_score(this_set) = measure_model_msd(warped_images);
1886       shape_modes(this_set) = w_c_model.n_shape_modes;
1887       intensity_modes(this_set) = size(w_c_model.intensity_model.pcs,2);
1888       shape_variance(this_set) = sum(w_c_model.shape_model.variances);
1889       intensity_variance(this_set) = sum(w_c_model.intensity_model.variances);
1890          % copy some values to be displayed for statistics
1892       if (show_model_after_optimisation == 1),
1893           model_handle = show_combined_model(w_c_model, ref_points_vec, n_standard_deviations_display, n_modes_display, [[handle],[': Final combined model built from optimised warps - objective function: '],[objective_function]], image_width);
1894           if (save_in_log == 1),
1895                saveas(model_handle,[[handle],'-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
1896                figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
1897           end
1898       end
1901       if (display_intensity_model == 1),
1902         [intensity_model.pcs,intensity_model.variances,intensity_model.params, intensity_model.mean, intensity_model.var_r, intensity_model.total_var, intensity_model.impdata] = st_pca(warped_images', variation_kept);
1903           % perform PCA
1904         intensity_model.sd = std(intensity_model.params);
1905               % get standard deviation from the models (of shape and intensity)
1906         intensity_total_vars = intensity_model.total_var;
1907         total_intensity_variance = sum(intensity_model.variances);
1908         fig_title = 'After registration: ';
1909         intensity_model_handle = show_intensity_model(intensity_model, 2, 2, fig_title, image_width);
1910         if (save_in_log == 1),
1911                saveas(intensity_model_handle, [[handle], '-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
1912                figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
1913         end
1914       end  
1916       if (display_shape_model == 1),  
1917         [shape_model.pcs,shape_model.variances,shape_model.params, shape_model.mean, shape_model.var_r, shape_model.total_var, shape_model.impdata] = st_pca(warped_points', variation_kept);
1918         shape_model.sd = std(shape_model.params);
1919         shape_total_vars = shape_model.total_var;
1920         total_shape_variance = sum(shape_model.variances);
1921         shape_model_handle = show_shape_model(shape_model, ref_points_vec, ref_image_vec, 2, image_width);
1922         if (save_in_log == 1),
1923                saveas(shape_model_handle, [[handle], '-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
1924                figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
1925         end        
1926       end  
1928       if (show_specificity_statistics),
1929         [w_c_model.mean_specificity, w_c_model.std_specificity] = find_specificity(w_c_model, images, spec_iters, ref_points_vec);
1930         disp(' ');
1931         disp([['Objective function: '], [objective_function]]);
1932         disp(['Mean of specificity:               ', num2str(w_c_model.mean_specificity)]);
1933         disp(['Standard deviation of specificity: ', num2str(w_c_model.std_specificity)]);
1934       end
1936       if (draw_final_warps),
1937           final_warps = figure('Name',[['Warp Curves - objective function: '], [objective_function]]);
1938           final_warps_handle = figure(final_warps);
1939           % title('Warp Curves at end);
1940           for i=1:n_images,
1941             subplot(n_images, 1, i);
1942             hold on;
1943             axis off;
1944             plot(warped_points(:,i));
1945             plot(correctly_warped_points(i,:),'r-')
1946             if (i == 1 ),
1947               legend('Final warp', 'Piece-wise linear target warp'); 
1948               % only display the legend once at the top
1949             end
1950             axis([-1 image_width -1 1]);
1951           end
1952           hold off;       
1953           if (save_in_log == 1),
1954                saveas(final_warps_handle, [[handle], '-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
1955                figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
1956           end  
1957        end
1960     % fig_title = 'Automatically aligned: ';
1961     % show_shape_model(w_shape_model, ref_points_vec, ref_image_vec, 2, white_width)
1962     % show_intensity_model(w_intensity_model, 2, white_width, fig_title)
1963     % show_combined_model(w_c_model, ref_points_vec, 2, white_width, fig_title)
1968     %%             END OF MODEL-BUILDING                    %%
1969     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1973     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
1974     %% Now provide some statistics on the                   %%
1975     %% simulation/experiment                                %%
1978       %% Warping images, then modelling warped images    %%
1979     %% attempt to register images by warping.          %%
1981       if (plot_before_and_after == 1),
1982         subplot_fig = figure('Name', [[handle],[': Left: Before registration; Right: After registration - Objective function: '], [objective_function]]);
1983         H=figure(subplot_fig);
1984         for i=1:n_images,
1985            subplot(n_images, vertical_pane_location, (vertical_pane_location * i) - vertical_pane_location + 1);
1986            hold on;
1987            plot(images_before_offset(:,i));
1988            % title(['Unwarped image #',num2str(i)]);
1989            axis([0 image_width 0 1]);
1990            grid on;
1991            hold off;
1992         end
1993         if (apply_intensity_offset),
1994           for index = 1:n_images,
1995              peak (index) = max(images(:,index));
1996           end
1997           peak_reference = max (peak);  
1998           for index = 1:n_images,
1999             peak_difference = peak_reference - max(images(:,index));
2000             images(:,index) = images(:,index) + peak_difference;
2001             subplot(n_images, vertical_pane_location, (vertical_pane_location * index) - vertical_pane_location + 2);
2002             hold on;
2003             plot(images(:,index));
2004             % title(['Unwarped image #',num2str(i)]);
2005             axis([0 image_width 0 1]);
2006             grid on;
2007             hold off;
2008           end        
2009         end    
2011           % pass a void figure to the optimisation functions
2012         for i=1:n_images,
2013            subplot(n_images, vertical_pane_location, i * vertical_pane_location);
2014            hold on;
2015            plot(warped_images(:,i));
2016            % title(['Unwarped image #',num2str(i)]);
2017            axis([0 image_width 0 1]);
2018            grid on;
2019            hold off;
2020         end  
2021         if (save_in_log == 1), 
2022                saveas(subplot_fig,[[handle],'-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
2023                figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
2024         end
2025       else
2026         subplot_fig = 0; 
2027       end
2030  end % while
2032  t = toc;
2034  if (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Hierarchical Text')),
2035          disp(['Time for set ',num2str(this_set),': ',num2str(t)]);
2036  end
2037  time(this_set) = t;
2039 end % end set
2043 if (produce_statistics == 1),
2044     disp(' ');
2045     disp(['======================================================']); 
2046     disp(['================= SET STATISTICS =====================']);
2047     disp(['| Objective function:                       ', objective_function]);
2048     disp(['| Mean of match score:                      ', num2str(mean(final_score(:)))]);    
2049     disp(['| Standard deviation of match score:        ', num2str(std(final_score(:)))]);
2050     disp(['| Mean of model score:                      ', num2str(mean(model_score(:)))]);
2051     disp(['| Log of mean of model score:               ', num2str(log(mean(model_score(:))))]);
2052     disp(['| Standard deviation of model score:        ', num2str(std(model_score(:)))]);
2053     disp(['| Mean of MSD score:                        ', num2str(mean(msd_score(:)))]);
2054     disp(['| Standard deviation of MSD score:          ', num2str(std(msd_score(:)))]);
2055     disp(['| Mean of shape modes:                      ', num2str(mean(shape_modes(:)))]);
2056     disp(['| Standard deviation of shape modes:        ', num2str(std(shape_modes(:)))]);
2057     disp(['| Mean of intensity modes:                  ', num2str(mean(intensity_modes(:)))]);
2058     disp(['| Standard deviation of intensity modes:    ', num2str(std(intensity_modes(:)))]);
2059     disp(['| Mean of shape variance:                   ', num2str(mean(shape_variance(:)))]);
2060     disp(['| Standard deviation of shape variance:     ', num2str(std(shape_variance(:)))]);        
2061     disp(['| Mean of intensity variance:               ', num2str(mean(intensity_variance(:)))]);    
2062     disp(['| Standard deviation of intensity variance: ', num2str(std(intensity_variance(:)))]);    
2063     disp(['| Mean time:                                ', num2str(mean(time(:)))]);    
2064     disp(['| Standard deviation of time:               ', num2str(std(time(:)))]);    
2065     t = toc;
2066          % get time from the counter, initiated by <tic>
2067     disp(['| Total time:                               ', num2str(t)]);
2068          % display total time
2069     disp(['======================================================']); 
2070 end
2072 if (save_stats == 1),
2073     fid = fopen([[handle], ['.htm']],'w');
2074     add_html_headers(fid);
2075     fprintf(fid, ['\n<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=BOX CELLPADDING=10 CELLSPACING=3 BACKGROUND="../../scbg.gif"><TR>']);
2076     fprintf(fid, ['\n<TD><H2>Ststistics for ', [handle], '</H2>']);
2077     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Objective function:</U> ', objective_function]);
2078     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Mean of match score:</U> ', num2str(mean(final_score(:)))]);
2079     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Standard deviation of match score:</U> ', num2str(std(final_score(:)))]);
2080     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Mean of model score:</U> ', num2str(mean(model_score(:)))]);
2081     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Log of mean of model score:</U> ', num2str(log(mean(model_score(:))))]);
2082     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Standard deviation of model score:</U> ', num2str(std(model_score(:)))]);
2083     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Mean of MSD score:</U> ', num2str(mean(msd_score(:)))]);
2084     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Standard deviation of MSD score:</U> ', num2str(std(msd_score(:)))]);
2085     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Mean of shape modes:</U> ', num2str(mean(shape_modes(:)))]);
2086     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Standard deviation of shape modes:</U> ', num2str(std(shape_modes(:)))]);
2087     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Mean of intensity modes:</U> ', num2str(mean(intensity_modes(:)))]);
2088     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Standard deviation of intensity modes:</U> ', num2str(std(intensity_modes(:)))]);
2089     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Mean of shape variance:</U> ', num2str(mean(shape_variance(:)))]);
2090     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Standard deviation of shape variance:</U> ', num2str(std(shape_variance(:)))]);
2091     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Mean of intensity variance:</U> ', num2str(mean(intensity_variance(:)))]);   
2092     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Standard deviation of intensity variance:</U> ', num2str(std(intensity_variance(:)))]);
2093     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Mean time:</U> ', num2str(mean(time(:)))]);
2094     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Standard deviation of time:</U> ', num2str(std(time(:)))]);    
2095     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Total time:</U> ', num2str(t)]);
2096     fprintf(fid, ['\n</TD></TR>']);     
2097     fprintf(fid, '\n</TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>');
2098     fclose(fid);
2099 end
2103 if (produce_record == 1),
2104      % In the GUI it has been renamed to "Display Record"
2105     clc;
2106     disp(' ');
2107     disp(' ');
2108     disp('===============================================');
2109     disp(['| Simulation Handle: ', [handle]]);
2110     disp(['| Description: ', [description]]);
2111     disp('|==============================================');
2112     disp(['| AART - ', [get_month], ' ', [get_year], ' - Version ', [get_version], ' - ', [getenv('OS')]]);
2113     disp(['| Run on machine: ', [get_host], '| Domain: ', [get_domain], '| Image width: ', num2str(image_width)]);
2114     disp('|==============================================');
2115     disp(' ');
2116     disp('|== GENERAL ===================================');
2117     disp(['| Objective Function: ', objective_function]);
2118     disp(['| Data type identifier: ', num2str(load_data)]); 
2119     disp(['| Iterations: ', num2str(n_iterations)]);
2120     disp(['| Images: ', num2str(n_images)]);
2121     disp(['| Sets: ', num2str(n_sets)]);
2122     disp(['| Corrective Offset (boolean): ', num2str(apply_intensity_offset)]);
2123     disp('|==============================================');
2124     disp(' ');
2125     disp('|== SMOOTHING =================================');
2126     disp(['| Smoothing window: ', num2str(window)]);
2127     disp(['| Gaussian smoothing (boolean): ', num2str(gaussian_smooth_enabled)]);  
2128     disp(['| Average smoothing (boolean): ', num2str(average_smooth_enabled)]);
2129     disp('|==============================================');
2130     disp(' ');
2131     disp('|== OBJECTIVE FUNCTION-SPECIFIC ===============');
2132      disp(['| Precision Required (All): ', num2str(precision_required)]);
2133     disp(['| Number of bins (MI, NMI): ', num2str(number_of_bins)]);
2134     disp(['| Number of model modes: ', num2str(n_modes)]);
2135     disp(['| Variation Kept (PCA): ', num2str(variation_kept)]);
2136     disp(['| Weighting normalisation method: ', weighting_normalisation_method]);
2137     disp(['| Contant weighting value: ', num2str(shape_weight)]);
2138     disp(['| PDF type: ', kernel]);
2139     disp(['| Wavelet filter: ', filter]);
2140     disp(['| Compression level: ', num2str(filter_level) ]); 
2141     disp(['| Model evaluation method: ',  num2str(model_evaluation_method)]);
2142     disp(['| Specificity iterations: ', num2str(spec_iters)  ]);
2143     disp(['| Generalisability iterations: ', num2str(gen_iters)  ]);
2144     disp(['| Evaluation cycle: ', num2str(cycle)  ]);    
2145     disp('|==============================================');
2146     disp(' ');
2147     disp('|== TRANSFORMATION ============================');
2148     disp(['| CPS Spline type: ', spline_type  ]);
2149     disp(['| Knot-point placement method: ', placement_type]);  
2150     disp(['| Number of knot-points: ', num2str(n_points)]);
2151     disp(['| Automatic precision (boolean): ', num2str(dynamic_precision)]);
2152     disp(['| Initialise near target (boolean): ', num2str(initialise_warps_close_to_target)]);
2153     disp(['| Offset extent: ', num2str(offset_extent)]);
2154     disp(['| Perturbation method: ', [perturbation_method]]);
2155     disp(['| Force reference (boolean): ', num2str(force_reference)]);
2156     disp(['| Reference type: ', num2str(force_first_reference)]);
2157     disp(['| Distance type: ', num2str(distance_type)]);    
2158     disp(['| Retain peak (boolean): ', num2str(retain_original_peak)]);    
2159     disp(['| Peak type: ', [peak_type]]);    
2160     disp(['| Stuff points (boolean): ', num2str(add_points)]);    
2161     disp(['| Point stuffing cycle: ', num2str(add_points_cycle)]);    
2162     disp('|==============================================');
2163     disp(' ');
2164     disp('|== DATA ======================================');
2165     disp(['| Base height variation: ', num2str(bump_height)  ]);
2166     disp(['| Height variation: ', num2str(bump_height_variation) ]);
2167     disp(['| Base width variation: ', num2str(bump_width)  ]);
2168     disp(['| Width variation: ', num2str(bump_width_variation) ]);
2169     disp(['| Position Freedom: ', num2str(bump_position_freedom)  ]);
2170     disp(['| Smoothness: ', num2str(smoothness_factor)]);
2171     disp('|==============================================');
2172     disp(' ');
2173     disp('|==============================================');
2174     disp('| Results and outputs to be located by handle |');
2175     disp('===============================================');    
2177 end  
2179 if (save_in_log == 1),
2180      % if the parameters need to be included in the log file
2182 %     fid_test = fopen('aartlo.htm','r');
2183 %     f = fread(fid_test,1);
2184 %     c = char (f')
2185 %     a=2
2186 %     fclose(fid_test);
2187     if (save_movie == 1),
2188       movie_name = [[handle], '-1'];
2189     end 
2190     % modify the name of the movie to fit the HTML link
2191     % if multiple movies are added in the future, then the HTML structure
2192     % needs to fit the extra links (slots)
2194     if (strcmp(which('aartlog.htm'), '')),
2195         add_headers = 1;
2196     else
2197         add_headers = 0;
2198     end
2202     fid = fopen('aartlog.htm','a');
2203     if (add_headers == 1),
2204       add_html_headers(fid);
2205     end
2207     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><CENTER><A HREF="index.htm"><IMG src="../../back.jpg" border="0" ALT="Back to sub-index"></A></CENTER><BR><BR><A NAME="', [handle],'"><HR SIZE=5></A><H1>Simulation Handle: ', [handle], '</H1>']);
2208     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR>', '<CENTER><TABLE BORDER=BOX CELLPADDING=10 CELLSPACING=3 BACKGROUND="../../scbg.gif"><TR><TD>']);
2209     fprintf(fid, ['\n<H2>Main</H2>']);
2211     if (strcmp(getenv('OS'), 'Linux')), 
2212       fprintf(fid, ['<BR>AART - ', [get_month], ' ', [get_year], ' - Version ', [get_version], ' - ', [getenv('OS')]]);
2213       fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Time</U>: ', [get_date]]); 
2214       fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Run on machine:</U> ', [get_host], '<BR><U>Domain:</U> ', [get_domain], '<BR><U>Image width:</U> ', num2str(image_width)]);
2215     end
2217     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Description:</U> ', [description]], '</TD>');
2218     fprintf(fid, ['\n<TD><H2>General</H2>']);
2219     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Objective Function:</U> ', objective_function]);
2220     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Data type identifier:</U> ', num2str(load_data)]);    
2221     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Iterations:</U> ', num2str(n_iterations)]);
2222     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Images:</U> ', num2str(n_images)]);
2223     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Sets:</U> ', num2str(n_sets)]);
2224     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Corrective Offset (boolean):</U> ', num2str(apply_intensity_offset), '</TD></TR><TR><TD>']);
2226     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><BR><H2>Smoothing</H2>']);
2227     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Smoothing window:</U> ', num2str(window)]);
2228     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Gaussian smoothing (boolean):</U> ', num2str(gaussian_smooth_enabled)]);
2229     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Average smoothing (boolean):</U> ', num2str(average_smooth_enabled)]);
2231     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><BR><H2>Objective Function-Specific</H2>']);
2232     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Precision Required (All):</U> ', num2str(precision_required)]);
2233     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Number of bins (MI, NMI):</U> ', num2str(number_of_bins)]);
2234     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Number of model modes:</U> ', num2str(n_modes)]);
2235     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Variation Kept (PCA):</U> ', num2str(variation_kept)]);
2236     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Weighting normalisation method:</U> ', weighting_normalisation_method]);
2237     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Contant weighting value:</U> ', num2str(shape_weight)]);
2238     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>PDF type:</U> ', kernel]);
2239     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Wavelet filter:</U> ', filter]);
2240     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Compression level:</U> ', num2str(filter_level)]);
2241     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Model evaluation method:</U> ',  num2str(model_evaluation_method)]);
2242     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Specificity iterations:</U> ', num2str(spec_iters)]);
2243     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Generalisability iterations:</U> ', num2str(gen_iters), '</TD><TD>']);
2245     fprintf(fid, ['\n<H2>Transformation</H2>']);
2246     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Evaluation cycle:</U> ', num2str(cycle)]);  
2247     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>CPS Spline type:</U> ', spline_type]);
2248     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Knot-point placement method:</U> ', placement_type]);
2249     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Number of knot-points:</U> ', num2str(n_points)]);
2250     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Automatic precision (boolean):</U> ', num2str(dynamic_precision)]);
2251     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Initialise near target (boolean):</U> ', num2str(initialise_warps_close_to_target)]);
2252     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Offset extent:</U> ', num2str(offset_extent)]);
2253     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Perturbation method:</U> ', [perturbation_method]]);
2254     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Force reference (boolean):</U> ', num2str(force_reference)]);
2255     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Reference type:</U> ', num2str(force_first_reference)]);
2256     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Distance type:</U> ', num2str(distance_type)]);    
2257     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Retain peak (boolean):</U> ', num2str(retain_original_peak)]);    
2258     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Peak type:</U> ', [peak_type]]);
2259     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Stuff points (boolean):</U> ', num2str(add_points)]);    
2260     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Point stuffing cycle:</U> ', num2str(add_points_cycle)]);  
2262     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><BR><H2>Data</H2>']);    
2263     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Base height variation:</U> ', num2str(bump_height)]);
2264     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Height variation:</U> ', num2str(bump_height_variation)]);
2265     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Base width variation:</U> ', num2str(bump_width)]);
2266     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Width variation:</U> ', num2str(bump_width_variation)]);    
2267     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Position Freedom:</U> ', num2str(bump_position_freedom)]);
2268     fprintf(fid, ['\n<BR><U>Smoothness:</U> ', num2str(smoothness_factor)]);
2269     fprintf(fid, ['\n</TD></TR>']);
2271     fprintf(fid, '\n<TR><TD><H2>Image Preview 1</H2><BR><A HREF="');
2272     fprintf(fid, [[handle],'-1.jpg"><IMG HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=300 BORDER=0 SRC="']);
2273     fprintf(fid, [[handle],'-1.jpg"></A></TD><TD><H2>Image Preview 2</H2><BR><A HREF="']);
2274     fprintf(fid, [[handle],'-2.jpg"><IMG HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=300 BORDER=0 SRC="']);
2275     fprintf(fid, [[handle], '-2.jpg"></A></TD></TR>']);
2276     fprintf(fid, '\n<TR><TD><H2>Image Preview 3</H2><BR><A HREF="');
2277     fprintf(fid, [[handle],'-3.jpg"><IMG HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=300 BORDER=0 SRC="']);
2278     fprintf(fid, [[handle],'-3.jpg"></A></TD><TD><H2>Image Preview 4</H2><BR><A HREF="']);
2279     fprintf(fid, [[handle],'-4.jpg"><IMG HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=300 BORDER=0 SRC="']);
2280     fprintf(fid, [[handle], '-4.jpg"></A></TD></TR>']);    
2281     fprintf(fid, '\n<TR><TD><A HREF="');
2282     fprintf(fid, [[handle],'-1.avi">Video #1</A></TD><TD><A HREF="']);
2283     fprintf(fid, [[handle],'-2.avi">Video #2</A></TD></TR>']); 
2284     fprintf(fid, '\n<TR><TD><A HREF="');
2285     fprintf(fid, [[handle],'.mat">Input Data</A></TD><TD><A HREF="']);
2286     fprintf(fid, [[handle],'.htm">Statistics</A></TD></TR>']);     
2287     fprintf(fid, '\n</TABLE></CENTER><BR><BR>');
2288     fclose(fid);
2290       % save in index file
2292     fid = fopen('index.htm','a');
2293     if (add_headers == 1),
2294       add_html_headers(fid);
2295       add_table_index(fid);
2296     end
2297     if (strcmp(getenv('OS'), 'Linux')),
2298       fprintf(fid, ['\n<P><CENTER><TABLE WIDTH=100%% BORDER=BOX CELLPADDING=10 CELLSPACING=3 BACKGROUND="../../scbg.gif"><TD ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=33%%><A HREF="aartlog.htm#', [handle], '">', [handle], '</A></TD><TD ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=33%%>', [get_date], '</TD><TD ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=33%%>']);
2299       fprintf(fid, ['\n', [description], '</P></TD></TABLE></CENTER>']);
2300     else
2301       fprintf(fid, ['\n<P><CENTER><TABLE WIDTH=100%% BORDER=BOX CELLPADDING=10 CELLSPACING=3 BACKGROUND="../../scbg.gif"><TD ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=33%%><A HREF="aartlog.htm#', [handle], '">', [handle], '</A> ', '</TD><TD ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=33%%>']);
2302       fprintf(fid, ['\n', [description], '</P></TD></TABLE></CENTER>']);
2303     end
2304     fclose(fid);
2305 end
2307 % a=figure('Name','test');
2308 % b=figure(a);
2309 % hold on;
2310 % plot([-1,2,3]);
2311 % hold off;
2312 % saveas(b,[[handle],'-', num2str(figure_handle_number)], 'jpg');
2313 % figure_handle_number = figure_handle_number + 1;
2316 %% END OF STATISTICS                                  %%
2317 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2320 if (save_movie == 1),
2321   if (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Progress Bar')),
2322            h = progressbar( h, 0, 'Saving Video');
2323   end  
2324   movie(M);
2325   movie2avi(M, movie_name, 'FPS', frames_per_second);
2326   if (called_from_gui == 1),
2327       % send this to the GUI status bar
2328       status = [[status];['(**) Video saved      '];['                      ']];
2329   else
2330       % indicate to user that a video has been save
2331         disp(' ');
2332         disp([movie_name, ' saved']);
2333           % process the movie and save it
2334   end
2335 end
2337 if (strcmp(progress_indicator_type,'Progress Bar')),
2338    progressbar( h,-1 );
2339       % destroy progress bar
2340 end
2342 if (error_found == 0),
2343               % if the error flag is not set
2344     if (called_from_gui == 1),
2345       status = [[status];['Registration Completed'];
2346              ['                      '];       
2347              ['Status: OK            ']];
2348          % send message
2349     else
2350       status = 'Status: OK'; 
2351          % indicate that everything was okay
2352     end
2353 elseif (error_found == 1),
2354     if (called_from_gui == 1),
2355       status = [[status];['Registration Completed'];
2356              ['                      '];       
2357              ['Status: Error         '];
2358              ['                      '];
2359              ['Operation Aborted     ']];
2360          % send message about error
2361     else
2362       status = 'Status: Operation Aborted'; 
2363          % indicate that something had gone wrong
2364     end    
2365 else
2366     if (called_from_gui == 1),
2367       status = [[status];['Registration Completed'];
2368              ['                      '];       
2369              ['Status: Error         '];
2370              ['                      '];
2371              ['Exit code unknown     ']];
2372          % send message about error
2373     else
2374       status = 'Status: Error'; 
2375          % indicate that something had gone wrong
2376     end
2377 end    
2379 if (exit_at_end == 1),
2380     exit;
2381 end  
2383 if (close_at_end == 1),
2384     close;
2385 end

Generated on Thu 13-May-2004 18:00:46 by m2html © 2003