- Carole Twining, Tim Cootes, Stephen Marsland, Vladimir Petrovic, Roy
Schestowitz, and Chris Taylor. A Unified Information-Theoretic Approach
to Groupwise Non-Rigid Registration and Model Building. Presented
in Information Processing in Medical Images (IPMI), Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3565, pp. 1-14, 2005.
- Tim Cootes, Carole Twining, Vladimir Petrovic, Roy Schestowitz, and
Chris Taylor. Groupwise Construction of Appearance Models using Piece-wise
Affine Deformations. Presented in British Machine Vision Conference
(BMVC), vol. 2, pp. 879-888, 2005.
- Roy schestowitz, Carole Twining, Tim Cootes, Vladimir Petrovic, Chris
Taylor, and Bill Crum. Assessing the Accuracy of Non-Rigid Registration
With and Without Ground Truth. In IEEE International Symposium
on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2006.
- Carole Twining, Tim Cootes, Stephen Marsland, Vladimir Petrovic, Roy
schestowitz, and Chris Taylor. Information-Theoretic Unification of
Groupwise Non-Rigid Registration and Model Building. In Medical
Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA), vol. 2, pp. 226-230, 2006.
- Roy Schestowitz, Carole Twining, Tim Cootes, Vladimir Petrovic, Bill
Crum, and Chris Taylor. Non-Rigid Registration Assessment Without
Ground Truth. Presented in Medical Image Understanding and Analysis
(MIUA), vol. 2, pp. 151-155, 2006.
Roy Schestowitz