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Priesthood and Religion

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Regarding priesthood, I must say it shows where religion fails. See my message 
below on atheism. It was sent to a national newsgroup thread.


Re: Promoting atheism
Roy S Schestowitz 
Saturday 17 July 2004 03:42:25
References: 1 2 3

Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:

> Roy S Schestowitz wrote:
>> Can somebody explain to me why people want to promote atheism?
> Because, on the whole, religion is dangerous.  Religion opposes
> scientific and rational thought.  Religion is the primary hook on which
> people hang ancient vendettas.  Selling religion is tax-exempt.
> Think of it is promoting rationality.
> Now given our cultural taboos, attacking religion is just impossible.
> Douglas Adams made a speech in which he said something like,
>    If you say taxes are too high and should be lowered, I can argue with
>    you if I disagree.  If you say taxes should be raised, I can argue
>    with you if I disagree.  But if you say that you can't turn on a light
>    switch on Saturday, all I'm allowed to say is "I respect that."
> Most ideas that people hold are subject to scrutiny.  We can argue about
> them if we wish.  We can criticise them and even ridicule them.  But
> there is one class of ideas that we are forbidden to publicly attack.
> I can argue politics with the parents of my daughter's best friend; I
> can argue economics with them.  But God forbid that I do anything other
> than respect their religious beliefs.
> I admire the people who have the courage to break this taboo.  Richard
> Dawkins is a prime example.  I do not share his courage, and so I
> acquiesce to our norms, and remain respectful except in the case where
> debate is specifically invited.

Excellent answer.
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