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Re: [wp-hackers] A rise in comment spam falling through to moderation

I've been using Spam Karma, and it catched everything without error until now.

On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 13:07:26 +0000, r@schestowitz.com <r@schestowitz.com> wrote:
> Quoting Dave Cohen <cohen.dave@gmail.com>:
> > Was just curious if others are seeing the same problems as I.  More and
> > more comment spam is falling through to the moderation queue than ever
> > before.  I have 3 implementations of arsenal in my fight, renamed
> > wp-comments-post.php, Kitten's SpamWords, and Kitten's Spaminator.  All
> > of these were working great until this week.  Was it just a matter of
> > time before they figured out how to get around our walls, or are they
> > using new techniques we don't have an answer for?
> Spaminator seems to do a darn good job for me (over 100 interceptions in the
> past 20 hours), but my friend Harvey Tobkes, for whom I set up his blog, gets
> quite a few pieces of junk flooding through. Renaming the 'URI' field to 'Web
> site' seemed to have made the spam harmless though.
> --
> Roy Schestowitz
> http://schestowitz.com
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Thiago Rafael Becker
Computer Science Undergraduate
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