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RE: [wp-hackers] WordPress Forums on UseNet?

Robert Deaton wrote:

> I wasn't trying to point out anyone in particular, as many 
> people do it, especially on some higher traffic mailing 
> lists. I apologize if you think I was ragging on anyone in 
> particular, as I don't mind on such a low traffic list, its 
> easy to figure out where posts belong

I wasn't aware it throws off Gmail's topic threading. The list manager
handles it fine.
http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/hackers/2005-January/thread.html. I've
turned off All tagging of my message headers, I think.

Ryan Duff
AIM: ryancduff
irc.freenode.net #wordpress, #wp-docs

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>From: ryan@ryanduff.net signed email body (511 characters)
Date: on 24 January 2005 at 04:42:47 GMT
To:   hackers@wordpress.org
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