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Re: [wp-hackers] Comment spam dropoff?

Quoting Brian Dupuis <wordpress@coldforged.org>:

Hey guys,

    This is kind of an OT query, but I figured the hackers list would be
most attuned to any changes. I haven't received a single comment spam in
7 days. It's not that my comments are broken -- I've received 92 valid
comments in that same period -- and with my plugin I can choose to view
comment spam whenever so they're not simply hiding in the database. I
just haven't gotten any. This is down from an average of around 10 to 15
a day. Anyone else notice a significant decrease or other change in
modus operandi?

    It's not that I miss it, I'm just very curious whether this is a
widespread phenomenon.


Consider yourself lucky. I am still getting hit every bloody hour.

Judging by the feeds (about 20 of which are blogs) that update every 30 minutes,
other people suffer from these too. I imagined that comment spam was on the
rise, maybe aggravated by:



Roy Schestowitz

wp-hackers mailing list

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