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Novell Will be /Linux/

  • To: r@schestowitz.com
  • Subject: Novell Will be /Linux/
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <roy@schestowitz.com>
  • Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2005 04:22:07 +0100
  • Delivery-date: Sat, 02 Apr 2005 04:23:49 +0100
  • Envelope-to: r@schestowitz.com
  • Organization: Manchester University
  • User-agent: KMail/1.5.1
by schestowitz (843559) on Friday April 01, @04:58AM (#12107575)
Since their awful work of the past, Novell have made a considerable step 
towards knocking some Microsoft users off. I am an avid SuSE user having 
tried many other distros.

Re:Novell Will be /Linux/ (Score:1)
by WhataFreak (827406) Alter Relationship on Friday April 01, @05:17AM 
I agree with you there. I really like Suse, too. The software 
install/uninstall/update in YAST has a lot going for it.

Although...they do take a long time to get patches deployed via YAST. I did 
look at a list onetime of the average time-to-patch-release of different 
Linux distro's. Suse was pretty low (meaning, actually, that they were "high" 
on the list, in terms of the # of days to wait) on the list.

Re:Novell Will be /Linux/ (Score:5)
by IANAAC (692242) Alter Relationship on Friday April 01, @06:28AM (#12108074)
Sorry, I just have to comment:

What about Novell was "awful" in the past? Remember, they never did desktops 
before the SUSE deal. They were strictly server, albeit with a pretty fat 
client. And their server stuff (NDS) rocked. Since SUSE, they've started to 
go towards the desktop. Not a bad, thing, if you ask me.

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