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Re: [wp-hackers] Hi!

  • To: wp-hackers@lists.automattic.com
  • Subject: Re: [wp-hackers] Hi!
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <r@schestowitz.com>
  • Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 15:38:48 +0100
  • Delivery-date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 15:38:49 +0100
  • Envelope-to: r@schestowitz.com
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Quoting Max Winde <max.winde@projekt-brot.de>:

I'm not completly sure. But tha last days I've got sick of updating
pulgins on five seperate installations. After updating I've got to
check the updates five times. That rises the chance of making
mistakes by five times. :)

If you initialise all blogs consistently, here is what I suggest:

-Install a base blog in directory ~/blog1

-Customise ~/blog1 by adding plug-ins and testing thoroughly

-Once done, clone ~/blog1, e.g.:

cp -r ~/blog1 ~/blog2
cp -r ~/blog1 ~/blog3

-Dump a copy of blog1's database, e.g.

mysqldump --user [DB_username] --password=[DB_password] [DB_name]>

-Create 4 new databases (say username_blog2..5) and initialise them

-'Restore' username_blog2..5 by using the sql dump from blog1

-Change the database connection settings for blog2..5

-You now have 5 installations that are identical.

Good luck,


Okay, my first problem, not a quite simple one: in WP 1.5.x I have
the option to show at most 3 days in the blog. Thats cool for the
index Page but it is also valid for the archive and for the search
results - even worse I don't have a "show older results"-link. I
could try to fix it that way that the show older results links are
also visible on the search and archive page - but I'm not sure if
this would be good at all - wouldn't a "show maximum number of posts"-
option be more usefull here? The problem about this is that in my
first step here I would not just fix a little bug but would change
the way WordPress works. I want to make my changes to be part of the
next WordPress realease to avoid having to patch five blogs the next
time a WordPress release is going to roll out - I'm sure it will
simply a mess after some relasing. Change it or simply switch to
"show 10 posts"?


-- Roy S. Schestowitz http://Schestowitz.com

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