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Re: [wp-testers] Uploading Location and Trailing slash

I'm very anti-"www." too (in spite of my previous www. linkage in this
thread, all of the sites I manage are set to remove www.  from their
addresses. Once again, just would have been nice to be able to turn it
off, certainly not going to prevent me from using WordPress.

What does strike me with a great deal more anger at WP is the
difficulty in customising the upload path. Could someone please tell
me how I can do this now? (Hate to drag up old arguments, but I would
point out that people like consistency, and they hardly want to go
back and change all of their old image URIs. I'm pro-YYYY/MM, though.
Still think it was dorky to remove option from admin ui [especially
when we have a colour customiser]).

Happy to argue the point, but, again, much more urgently, I want to
know how to customise it (I've been having to make thumbnails in
Photoshop then FTP). Oh, speaking of which, can the size of default
thumbnail be changed?

On 12/18/05, Roy Schestowitz <wp-lowtraffic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> _____/ On Mon 19 Dec 2005 02:54:17 GMT, [Sean Hayford O'Leary] wrote : \_____
> >> Rick Beckman wrote:
> >> > Aren't proper URLs meant to have a trailing slash? I'm not saying
> >> > you're wrong in your request, but this is what I remember reading
> >> > somewhere on the W3C website, though "to each his own." :-)
> >> >
> >> > --
> >> > Rick
> >> >
> >> > On 12/18/05, *Sean Hayford O'Leary* <hayfordoleary@xxxxxxxxx
> >> > <mailto:hayfordoleary@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >     Two completely unrelated things:
> >> >     First - In an older e-mail from the list, there was a method in
> >> >     wp-settings.php to easily change the upload path. Maybe I'm crazy,
> >> but
> >> >     has this code changed since the upload path option was taken out of
> >> >     the admin? Also, how do you specify what types of files can be
> >> >     uploaded?
> >> >
> >> >     Second - Is there an efficient way to eliminate trailing slashes in
> >> >     2.0? Naturally, you can get rid of them for the posts themselves in
> >> >     the permalink options, but for categories and archives, they still
> >> >     show up by default (I'm not sure if this should be counted as a
> >> >     "feature" or a "bug," but it seems that if you don't have a trailing
> >> >     slash specified in the permalink options, it should be disabled
> >> >     site-wide).
> >> >
> >> >     --
> >> >     Sean Hayford O'Leary
> >> >
> > On 12/18/05, Gregory Wild-Smith <greg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>
> >> From the point of view of being good practice they should at least.
> >> The server has to do less work to find the requested resource with a
> >> trailing slash (usually anyhow).
> >>
> >> Not sure if its a rule as such, but the W3C probably recommends it.
> >>
> >> -- Greg
> >
> > The trailing slash isn't a big deal -- but anyone know about the uploading?
> >
> > (My argument against trailing slash is that it techincally indicates a
> > directory, not a single web-page. (Even the W3C themselves do not always use
> > trailing slash: http://www.w3.org/QA/Tips/good-titles)
> http://www.w3.org/Addressing/URL/uri-spec.txt
> Have a look at Section 8:
> <snippet>
> Note: Trailing slashes
>    If a path of the context locator ends in slash, partial URIs are
>    treated differently to the URI with the same path but without a
>    trailing slash. The trailing slash indicates a void segment of the
>    path.
> </snippet>
> The point made by Berners-Lee is that syntax pertaining to structure need be
> avoided. For example, ".." might have a special meaning. What about spaces
> ("%20") for example? They lead to a command-line ambiguity (spaces have a
> special meaning, also in the context of namespace). They were embraced by
> Windows in particular. I'm in favour of no trailing slash, but either
> way, they
> don't lead to PageRank leakage, unlike, for instance, the www umbilical cord.
> It's not crucial and permanent link will not be broken either way.
> Roy
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Sean Hayford O'Leary

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