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Re: Export to html?

Roy Schestowitz wrote:

Latex2html is an excellent tool, which you must run from the /command line/. For
example, once you export your document as LaTeX (File -> Export -> LaTeX),
navigate your way (in DOS, Bash or whatever) to the location (path) of the
output file and run the script, calling the file as the only (first) argument,

c:/>latex2html my_doc.tex


$ latex2html my_doc.tex

I don't use latex2html, so what I'm about to type is hypothetical, but you should be able to run it directly from LyX in the same way that you run pdflatex. LyX already has HTML defined as a file format, so I *think* all you need to do is go into Edit->Preferences->Converters and add a new converter, as follows:

From: LaTeX
Converter: latex2html $$i
Extra flag: <leave blank>

You might also have to add the path to the latex2html executable to Edit->Preferences->Paths->PATH prefix. (By the way, does this exist in all versions, or is it unique to the Windows version?)

This should add HTML to the File->Export list. To add it to the File->View list, you need to add your web browser of choice to the Viewer: field in the HTML entry in Edit->Preferences->File formats, then modify and save.

I think.


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