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Re: Turabian Style?

  • To: lyx-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: Turabian Style?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2005 02:26:09 +0100
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_____/ On Fri 09 Sep 2005 01:38:31 BST, [Mhac Janapin] wrote : \_____

Hi Guys!
I am new in this list, so please bear with my total ignorance. I am writing
my Dissertation right now and *was* using a wordprocessor to do it. However,
that word proc is quite lacking in doing what I intend to do. Then I
stumbled on LaTeX which logically led me to Lyx. I was quite happy. I don't
have problems with <tagging> my writing as well as writing in a structured
manner. I read the Lyx docs and is now versed with its workings. I also
tinkered with some of the styles in there.

However, our Department requires us to follow the Turabian Specifications in
writing our paper. So in wanting to use Lyx, I tried to search for a style
that follows the Turabian Specifications... and I don't think I found one.

1) Is there an existing style available (from users here or even a
downloadable one) that would follow Turabian?
2) If there's none, would it be easy to modify an existing style (without
resorting much to LaTex)?
3) Do I really have to resort to LaTeX?


I haven't come across Turabian, so my answer might not be most helpful.

Experience has taught me that a slight bits of tinkering allow you to do merely
anything in LyX. You just need to 're-adjust' a few properties of existing
styles. Below are a few pointers:

-Choose the style that is closest (loosely-defined) to your desired style in
order to have a reasonable starting point.

-Set the paper margins manually (Layout -> Document)

-Set page headings style manually

-See other options under Layout -> Document

-If text size in the document does not suit you, change it (Layout -> Character)

-Use Insert -> TeX when you need some extra freedom. You needn't compose in
LaTeX, but you can always shove some in when more flexibility is needed.

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI"
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