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Re: [Rssowl-users] ui colors

Actually when looking more closely to the screenshot, this is more
a "problem" with RSSOwl. Some parts of the UI are not using system
colors, but preset Gray values. This is for the Toolbar and Newstext

In the future, I should only rely on OS colors, as I can now see
what problems come up. In this case, the Font-Color is correctly taken
from the OS theme, which is White. This is not working with the light-
gray background in most parts of RSSOwl though.


Roy Schestowitz wrote:

_____/ On Wed 19 Oct 2005 14:51:45 BST, [Jan Suchy] wrote : \_____

Hi all,

First thank all of you in the dev team for this great application.
Now, I experience colors not following my color theme in linux.
This not only a cosmetic glitch since some text becomes nearly
illegible. See a screenshot here:


I prefer white text on dark background, which makes the problem
more pronounced. My question is how to set the white-background
areas in the rssowl window to some custom background color.
It seems that either some colors in RSSOwl are hardcoded or my
color theme does not define some needed elements.

Is it possible fix that in a config file (.gtkrc-2.0) ?
Or is that a RSSOwl bug ?
Any ideas appreciated.


I'd have to second that as I experience a very similar problem. My colour
scheme is quite similar to that of Jan, so text becomes rather illegible
at times.

More oddly, on some occasions when I start RSSOwl it opts for the default
SWING (or whatever is used) colours, but quite rarely it appears to con-
form with my GTK scheme. I haven't managed to figure out that pattern of
light and dark schemes alternating and it seems rather arbitrary. I would
be ecstatic to see this resolved, but don't know how much input I can pro-
vide. Ideally, it should always be light upon dark, in line with my
KDE-GTK settings.


PS - Love the owl!

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