_____/ On Mon 06 Feb 2006 20:09:59 GMT, [Matt Mullenweg] wrote : \_____
The last thread about the next version of WP had some interesting
ideas in it, but I think the question may have been framed the wrong
way. What I'm far more interested in working on for the next version
is this:
How can we make WordPress simpler in the next release?
How can we reduce support requests on the forums?
In my opinion, bugs should take precedence, then compatibility (browser,
platform, and host testing) amd then comes the issue of extensibility
(simplicity -> user independence).
How can we make it faster?
Faster to /use/? Or is it a matter of load handling? Or responsiveness? It's
a rope that you can always pull in different directions.
(To riff on an idea, consider starting a new thread.)