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Re: [wp-hackers] WP as CMS examples

Thanks guys. I wanted to point out that the FeedLounge web site runs nearly exclusively on WP (with PunBB for the forums and a custom script for feature voting), and isn't nearly as "hacked" as my King Design site is. I think the only thing I've really customized (besides the theme and a couple of plugins) is not allowing WP to update the mod_rewrite rules and handling those by hand.

It would be hard to convince me *not* to build a site on WP these days. :)

--Alex King

Personal             Business               FeedLounge
http://alexking.org  http://kingdesign.net  http://feedlounge.com

On Feb 8, 2006, at 12:49 AM, Matt Mullenweg wrote:

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
Apart from heavily-hacked WordPress like < http:// www.kingdesign.net/ >,

Alex's site is great, thanks for pointing that out.
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