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WP-Hackers Stats for February 2006

  • To: WP-Hackers <wp-hackers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: WP-Hackers Stats for February 2006
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 10:31:00 +0000
  • Delivery-date: Wed, 01 Mar 2006 10:31:01 +0000
  • Envelope-to: s@schestowitz.com
  • User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0.3)
  ¤  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  ¤  Statistics span a period of one month

  ¤  Subject line formatted consistently "WP-Hackers Stats for <MONTH>

  ¤  Killfile <subject contains "WP-Hackers Stats for  "> if uninterested

***** People who have written most messages:
|  1 | mark.wordpress AT txfx.net                      |   44 |  5.80 % |
|  2 | dmhouse AT gmail.com                            |   40 |  5.28 % |
|  3 | skeltoac AT gmail.com                           |   35 |  4.62 % |
|  4 | ringmaster AT midnightcircus.com                |   33 |  4.35 % |
|  5 | ryan AT boren.nu                                |   33 |  4.35 % |
|  6 | nuclearmoose AT gmail.com                       |   32 |  4.22 % |
|  7 | davebytes AT comcast.net                        |   31 |  4.09 % |
|  8 | false.hopes AT gmail.com                        |   30 |  3.96 % |
|  9 | podz AT tamba2.org.uk                           |   24 |  3.17 % |
| 10 | wphackers AT jamietalbot.com                    |   23 |  3.03 % |
| 11 | sam AT rephrase.net                             |   18 |  2.37 % |
| 12 | rbowen AT rcbowen.com                           |   17 |  2.24 % |
| 13 | m AT mullenweg.com                              |   17 |  2.24 % |
| 14 | fuzzygroup AT gmail.com                         |   17 |  2.24 % |
| 15 | lists AT abhaykumar.net                         |   16 |  2.11 % |
| 16 | grijalva AT gmail.com                           |   16 |  2.11 % |
| 17 | wp AT ebroder.net                               |   16 |  2.11 % |
| 18 | dstewart AT atl.lmco.com                        |   16 |  2.11 % |
| 19 | skippy AT skippy.net                            |   16 |  2.11 % |
| 20 | peter.westwood AT ftwr.co.uk                    |   16 |  2.11 % |
| 21 | steagl AT people.it                             |   16 |  2.11 % |
| 22 | jeff AT jrm.cc                                  |   13 |  1.72 % |
| 23 | carthik AT gmail.com                            |   13 |  1.72 % |
| 24 | aaron AT technosailor.com                       |   12 |  1.58 % |
| 25 | r AT schestowitz.com                            |   11 |  1.45 % |
|    | other                                           |  203 | 26.78 % |

***** Best authors, by total size of their messages (w/o quoting):
|  1 | false.hopes AT gmail.com                                |   55.2 |
|  2 | davebytes AT comcast.net                                |   45.9 |
|  3 | ringmaster AT midnightcircus.com                        |   34.2 |
|  4 | carthik AT gmail.com                                    |   32.9 |
|  5 | mark.wordpress AT txfx.net                              |   28.3 |
|  6 | dmhouse AT gmail.com                                    |   28.3 |
|  7 | ryan AT boren.nu                                        |   23.9 |
|  8 | peter.westwood AT ftwr.co.uk                            |   21.7 |
|  9 | wphackers AT jamietalbot.com                            |   21.5 |
| 10 | nuclearmoose AT gmail.com                               |   20.8 |
| 11 | skeltoac AT gmail.com                                   |   19.8 |
| 12 | fuzzygroup AT gmail.com                                 |   17.9 |
| 13 | r AT schestowitz.com                                    |   17.6 |
| 14 | steagl AT people.it                                     |   15.5 |
| 15 | sam AT rephrase.net                                     |   14.3 |
| 16 | skippy AT skippy.net                                    |   14.1 |
| 17 | khanh AT netspace.net.au                                |   13.3 |
| 18 | m AT mullenweg.com                                      |   12.8 |
| 19 | podz AT tamba2.org.uk                                   |   12.4 |
| 20 | chrome AT stupendous.net                                |   10.5 |
| 21 | d.ben.antieau AT gmail.com                              |    9.9 |
| 22 | aaron AT technosailor.com                               |    9.5 |
| 23 | rbowen AT rcbowen.com                                   |    9.4 |
| 24 | wp AT ebroder.net                                       |    9.2 |
| 25 | dstewart AT atl.lmco.com                                |    9.0 |

***** Best authors, by average size of their message (w/o quoting):
|  1 | d.ben.antieau AT gmail.com                               | 10123 |
|  2 | carthik AT gmail.com                                     |  2589 |
|  3 | blogger AT steffensenfamily.com                          |  2359 |
|  4 | mani.monajjemi AT gmail.com                              |  2151 |
|  5 | wpdevelop AT ozgreg.com                                  |  1978 |
|  6 | khanh AT netspace.net.au                                 |  1947 |
|  7 | false.hopes AT gmail.com                                 |  1885 |
|  8 | chrome AT stupendous.net                                 |  1788 |
|  9 | r AT schestowitz.com                                     |  1641 |
| 10 | lists AT mattread.com                                    |  1633 |
| 11 | choan.galvez AT gmail.com                                |  1589 |
| 12 | chetan AT ckunte.com                                     |  1516 |
| 13 | davebytes AT comcast.net                                 |  1515 |
| 14 | leftjustified AT gmail.com                               |  1463 |
| 15 | ckunte AT gmail.com                                      |  1455 |
| 16 | peter.westwood AT ftwr.co.uk                             |  1389 |
| 17 | david AT coppit.org                                      |  1356 |
| 18 | rich AT cregy.co.uk                                      |  1330 |
| 19 | stefan AT hartweg.net                                    |  1232 |
| 20 | codehooligans AT codehooligans.com                       |  1228 |
| 21 | himself AT arnebrachhold.de                              |  1212 |
| 22 | wp AT igeek.info                                         |  1205 |
| 23 | gerhard AT gbrauckmann.de                                |  1186 |
| 24 | wantmoore AT gmail.com                                   |  1173 |
| 25 | stephen.yeargin AT gmail.com                             |  1167 |

***** Table showing the most successful subjects:
|  1 | [wp-hackers] Simplicity in 2.next            |   88 | 11.61 % |
|  2 | [wp-hackers] Inline documentation            |   82 | 10.82 % |
|  3 | [wp-hackers] Development for 2.next          |   36 |  4.75 % |
|  4 | [wp-hackers] Data recovery (post_status?)    |   34 |  4.49 % |
|  5 | [wp-hackers] Filter Hooks for Enclosures     |   24 |  3.17 % |
|  6 | [wp-hackers] post_status and post_type       |   20 |  2.64 % |
|  7 | [wp-hackers] Make WP_Rewrite eaiser to use   |   19 |  2.51 % |
|  8 | [wp-hackers] Simplified Upgrade Process      |   18 |  2.37 % |
|  9 | [wp-hackers] PHP Coding Practices            |   17 |  2.24 % |
| 10 | [wp-hackers] WP as CMS examples              |   17 |  2.24 % |
| 11 | [wp-hackers] 2.next - faster                 |   17 |  2.24 % |
| 12 | [wp-hackers] Bizarre /cache/ experience with |   15 |  1.98 % |
| 13 | [wp-hackers] Documentation on the caching fu |   14 |  1.85 % |
| 14 | [wp-hackers] Simplicity in 2.next [s]        |   14 |  1.85 % |
| 15 | [wp-hackers] Form injection and gzipping     |   13 |  1.72 % |
| 16 | [wp-hackers] Category Operation (Adjacency v |   13 |  1.72 % |
| 17 | [wp-hackers] post_status = future and pseudo |   13 |  1.72 % |
| 18 | [wp-hackers] WP_Rewrite query                |   12 |  1.58 % |
| 19 | [wp-hackers] trac tags                       |   11 |  1.45 % |
| 20 | [wp-hackers] [PATCH] Documentation           |   11 |  1.45 % |
| 21 | [wp-hackers] Data recovery                   |   10 |  1.32 % |
| 22 | [wp-hackers] Keeping database connection inf |    9 |  1.19 % |
| 23 | [wp-hackers] Poposal to improve Admin menu   |    8 |  1.06 % |
| 24 | [wp-hackers] HTTP Auth/URL Rewriting         |    8 |  1.06 % |
| 25 | [wp-hackers] pingomatic problem?             |    8 |  1.06 % |
|    | other                                        |  227 | 29.95 % |

***** Most used email clients:
|  1 | (unknown)                                    |  284 | 37.47 % |
|  2 | Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)           |  137 | 18.07 % |
|  3 | Apple Mail (2.746.2)                         |   63 |  8.31 % |
|  4 | Microsoft Outlook Express 6.x                |   56 |  7.39 % |
|  5 | Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (X11/20051013)     |   32 |  4.22 % |
|  6 | Thunderbird 1.5 (Macintosh/20051201)         |   26 |  3.43 % |
|  7 | Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923) |   24 |  3.17 % |
|  8 | Thunderbird 1.4 (Windows/20050908)           |   22 |  2.90 % |
|  9 | Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7-1.4.1 (X11/2005092 |   16 |  2.11 % |
| 10 | Hamster-Pg/1.25                              |   16 |  2.11 % |
| 11 | Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.0.3)  |   13 |  1.72 % |
| 12 | Thunderbird 1.5 (X11/20051201)               |   10 |  1.32 % |
| 13 | Evolution 2.4.1                              |    8 |  1.06 % |
| 14 | Microsoft Outlook                            |    8 |  1.06 % |
| 15 | Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)   |    7 |  0.92 % |
| 16 | Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 11.0.5510    |    7 |  0.92 % |
| 17 | Microsoft Office Outlook 11                  |    6 |  0.79 % |
| 18 | RoundCube Webmail/0.1b                       |    6 |  0.79 % |
| 19 | Microsoft-Entourage/          |    4 |  0.53 % |
| 20 | SquirrelMail/1.4.5                           |    3 |  0.40 % |
| 21 | KMail                                        |    2 |  0.26 % |
| 22 | Mailsmith 2.1.5 (Blindsider)                 |    2 |  0.26 % |
| 23 | Thunderbird 1.6a1 (Windows/20060209)         |    1 |  0.13 % |
| 24 | Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317) |    1 |  0.13 % |
| 25 | Thunderbird 1.6a1 (Windows/20060205)         |    1 |  0.13 % |
|    | other                                        |    3 |  0.40 % |

***** Table of maximal quoting:
|  1 | silkjaer AT theundersigned.net                         | 83.43 % |
|  2 | VOGELAP AT UCMAIL.UC.EDU                               | 80.62 % |
|  3 | jarret AT netspace.net.au                              | 80.27 % |
|  4 | mailinglists AT yournextbroker.com                     | 74.88 % |
|  5 | r AT robm.me.uk                                        | 73.07 % |
|  6 | grijalva AT gmail.com                                  | 68.66 % |
|  7 | ryan AT ryanduff.net                                   | 63.96 % |
|  8 | apakuni AT gmail.com                                   | 63.91 % |
|  9 | lists AT viper007bond.com                              | 62.58 % |
| 10 | m AT tiasatwinthernet.se                               | 58.30 % |
| 11 | munnday AT gmail.com                                   | 57.07 % |
| 12 | gopal AT gopalarathnam.com                             | 55.65 % |
| 13 | fuzzygroup AT gmail.com                                | 55.50 % |
| 14 | heilemann AT gmail.com                                 | 53.67 % |
| 15 | jonabad AT gmail.com                                   | 53.31 % |
| 16 | tunicwriter AT gmail.com                               | 52.15 % |
| 17 | dto AT dev.java.net                                    | 49.71 % |
| 18 | ckelly5 AT gmail.com                                   | 49.10 % |
| 19 | pete.prodoehl AT cygnusinteractive.com                 | 48.07 % |
| 20 | lists AT abhaykumar.net                                | 45.91 % |
| 21 | jason AT zenenet.com                                   | 45.45 % |
| 22 | rbowen AT rcbowen.com                                  | 45.39 % |
| 23 | glenn AT slaven.net.au                                 | 43.93 % |
| 24 | dstewart AT atl.lmco.com                               | 43.87 % |
| 25 | powzor AT gmail.com                                    | 43.72 % |
|    | average                                                | 29.77 % |

***** Graph showing number of messages written during hours of day:

100% ---------------------#--------------------------- - 59
 90% ---------------------#--------------------------- msgs
 80% ---------------------#-#-------#-----------------
 70% -------------------#-#-#---#---#-#-#-------------
 60% -----------------#-#-#-#---#-#-#-#-#-#-----#-----
 50% -----------------#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---#-#---#-
 40% -#-#-------------#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
 30% -#-#-----------#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
 20% -#-#-#-------#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
 10% -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-
      * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
hour  0         5           11          17          23

***** Graph showing number of messages written during days of week:

100% ---------#------------------- - 157
 90% ---------#------------------- msgs
 80% ---------#-------#-----------
 70% ---------#---#---#-----------
 60% -#---#---#---#---#-----------
 50% -#---#---#---#---#-----------
 40% -#---#---#---#---#-------#---
 30% -#---#---#---#---#---#---#---
 20% -#---#---#---#---#---#---#---
 10% -#---#---#---#---#---#---#---
      *   *   *   *   *   *   *
     Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri SAT Sun

***** Longest message:
      Author     : d.ben.antieau AT gmail.com
      Subject    : [wp-hackers] Ideas for new features. (3.x?)
      Date       : Tue, 7 Feb 2006 07:43:07 -0600
      Size       : 10123 bytes

***** Most successful subject:
      Subject    : [wp-hackers] Simplicity in 2.next
      No. of msgs: 88
      Total size : 116701 bytes

***** Final summary:
      Total number of messages:             758
      Total number of different authors:    98
      Total number of different subjects:   91
      Total size of messages (w/o headers): 984298 bytes
      Average size of a message:            1298 bytes

DISCLAIMER: Stats automatically produced. Remember that stats are often
meaningless and deceiving.

I mended the issues with improper message headers, so stats should be
correct this time.

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