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Re: [wp-testers] WordPress 2.0.1 Remote DoS Exploit?

  • To: wp-testers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [wp-testers] WordPress 2.0.1 Remote DoS Exploit?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <wp-lowtraffic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 13:08:18 +0000
  • Delivery-date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 13:08:19 +0000
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___/ On Fri 10 Mar 2006 06:34:55 GMT, [ Robert Deaton ] wrote : \___

On 3/10/06, Craig <nuclearmoose@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So, you're saying this isn't a vulnerability?

No more of a vulnerability than the fact that I can visit your front page a kajillion times in rapid succession from more than one computer all at the same time.

As I said in wp-hackers, if brute-force attacks finally count as
vulnerabilities, expect more of the same after the release of 2.0.2. To

,----[ Snippet ]
| 2) "Compromise by an extended Brute Force attack is not a CVE
| vulnerability."  (Brute Force Exception)
| [...]
| 3) "A denial of service in a client that is easy to recover from, is
| not a CVE vulnerability." (Client-Side Denial of Service Exception)

Source: http://www.cve.mitre.org/board/archives/1999-07/msg00146.html

___/ On Fri 10 Mar 2006 06:36:31 GMT, [ Craig ] wrote : \___

So if you did that, and I had AdSense, I'd be rich, right? :^)

That is yet another growing concern:


which, among other malice, leads to:


Don't expect attackers to make *you* richer. However, some of them can drain
the competition out of money, which benefits Webmasters in the process.

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