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Re: [wp-hackers] Is WordPress Development Slowing Down?

___/ On Mon 15 May 2006 15:45:04 BST, [ Matt Mullenweg ] wrote : \___

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
To  clarify in advance, this is a benign case of curiosity; not a rant.  I
have  been  meaning to ask this for a couple of month, but was too shy  to
say anything. Figures seem to indicate that, based on the (admittedly poor
indicator  which is) number of commits, WordPress changes less and less as
time  goes on. A decline from half a dozen commits per day to just 1 or  2
is noticeable.

Allow  me to apologise for generating so much 'noise'. It wasn't at all my
intent nor expectation.

I think the raw numbers may be misleading. We used to commit thing willy-nilly, often with typos that would be caught minutes later or with obvious bug-fixes that went in a few hours later.

Now with our much more mature use of Trac, that sort of thing is much less common.

I  am  pleased to hear this. I was looking at the scale of changes  before
making any hasty assumptions. I understand that I am right in pointing out
that the extent of changes /may/ have been reduced, yet I was gauging this
at  the wrong 'season', as well as by the wrong criteria. It makes perfect
sense now.

Two things to note:

Feature-wise, I think 2.1 is shaping up to be really kick-ass. We've got some absolutely killer things like spell check and XML import/export that have been on the TODO forever. To top it off, it's going to be faster and more secure than any previous WordPress, and it includes the work of more people.

Second, I think if you talk about the speed of development, you have to look at things outside of core commits that have happened in 2006:

* New logo and redesign of WordPress.org (and server move)
* Long-awaited forum improvements (bbPress)
* Tons of plugins, including some that might be core candidates
* New theme/plugin download infrastructure and stats
* Codex stability
* Making MU not such an ugly cousin

And yes, personally I have spent a fair amount of time on Akismet and WP.com development.

That's  perfectly acceptable. By no means did I criticise. I wish you  the
best of luck and I take pleasure in seeing it develop.

There are a lot of things that could be done on the code side to benefit the folks that help out on the forums and Codex every day, but there isn't a lot of overlap between those folks and the hackers.

When I look at things that need the most work, it's not the core code, it's in the support services around it.

* The forums need more luv
* Theme directory, download, discovery, update notification
* The same for plugins
* Dev blog posts
* Actually using our newsletter with 50k+ subscribers
* Internationalization of WP.org, forums, codex, etc
* Making documentation less verbose
* Support, support, support

I think what we do need is more people with commit to WordPress.org, as that'd benefit the community in a very direct way.

I presume  that going  down  the  'Mozilla route' is out   of the question
entirely.  I  would not mind to be proven wrong *smile*. In the long  run,
everyone benefits.

Best wishes,


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