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Re: Prouncing "LyX" - help with sound file

On 7/16/06, Roy Schestowitz <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

___/ On Sun 16 Jul 2006 01:16:12 BST, [ Rich Shepard ] wrote : \___

> On Sun, 16 Jul 2006, christian.ridderstrom@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> The pronounciation bit is pretty interesting though...
>> It is also interesting how you Americans usually can't hear the
>> between the vowel sound Swedes/Norwegians make when pronouncing "LyX"
>> compared to eg "licks".
>   More like "leeks," eh?

I have always thought it was pronounced leek, as in "latek". Other people whom I speak to pronounced it "leeks". Perhaps my inclination is a borrowed habit from the friend who introduced me to LyX back in 2001. Either way, this reminds me of {(Open)SuSE}OR{SUSE} and {Linux}OR{GNU/Linux} controversies, let alone the pronunciation of Linux and SuSE.

I pronounce it "latech" [l?:teχ] ending like Bach... but then again people in certain parts of the world will pronounce that weird too.

Anders Dahnielson

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