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Re: [wp-hackers] Patch to allow nested comments

On Aug 28, 2006, at 1:16 AM, Sean Hickey wrote:

If the comments table already has a parent ID, then maybe the devs have
something up their sleeves, or they put it in there "just in case".

It's there so there is a standard way of marking comment relationships. That way, if one "threaded comments" plugin falls into disrepair, you can just use another one, and your comment relationships will need no conversion. I seriously doubt there are any plans on putting it into core.

Much in the same way, there is also a post_comment_filtered column in the posts table. WP has never used it, but it can (and has) been used by plugin authors to store rendered versions of post content (after the curly quotes and paragraphing and whatever filters you have running on the_content... same way TextPattern stores both raw and textile2-processed text).

Mark Jaquith

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