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Re: [wp-hackers] A New Codex?

  • To: wp-hackers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: Re: [wp-hackers] A New Codex?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 23:47:58 +0000
  • Delivery-date: Sat, 11 Nov 2006 23:47:59 +0000
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___/ On Sat 11 Nov 2006 16:43:26 GMT, [ Mark Riley ] wrote : \___

Craig wrote:
On 11/10/06, Dave W <dabbaking@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

<snip>Maybe there could be a policy instituted like Wikipedia has that some articles are locked down for new users or someone would have to request a change to an important page. <snip>

This was attempted at the start of the Codex project. It was determined by
some that such policies are counter to the open source ideology. Chaos
ensued and we have today, a set of documentation that is a quagmire.


And if I recall correctly those that freaked out about this are no longer around. In - yell - out. That's how I remember it.

Scott (skippy)? Or is it David (smallmouse)? Either way, I find the Codex rather useful, though I only ever view it at the shallow levels. Wikis could use a patchmaster equivalent---someone who is familiar with the Codex and prevents duplication. That middleman can then become an authority with editorial control though, which is dangerous.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz, Ph.D. Candidate in Medical Biophysics
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