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Re: GNU hardware :) [Re: [linux-users] Non-Windows PCs]

  • To: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, Richard Smedley <smedley358@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: GNU hardware :) [Re: [linux-users] Non-Windows PCs]
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <r@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2006 16:32:46 +0000
  • Cc: ManLUG <linux-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Delivery-date: Sun, 03 Dec 2006 16:33:24 +0000
  • Envelope-to: r@schestowitz.com
  • In-reply-to: <200612031413.42816.smedley358@btinternet.com>
  • List-id: Linux and UNIX-PC Discussion List <linux-users.lists.manchester.ac.uk>
  • References: <1165145737.5366.122.camel@ceres> <200612031413.42816.smedley358@btinternet.com>
  • User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.1.3)
___/ On Sun 03 Dec 2006 14:13:41 GMT, [ Richard Smedley ] wrote : \___

On Sunday 03 December 2006 11:35, David Sumbler wrote:
Does anyone know of a source of PCs, and, especially, laptops, which
come either with no OS installed, or with Linux (preferably Ubuntu)
already installed?

Okay, some detail this time ;-)

On the workstation side there's DNUK of course.

In Stockport there's uklinux.net with workstations, including
low power-consumption boxes.

Then down the M6 there's linuxemporium.co.uk, who carry most of the
ThinkPad range :)

Then there's Matthew in Tamworth:
They also supply thin-client solutions.

HP do plenty of Workstations and servers with GNU/Linux (usually
Red Hat) pre-installed, but the only laptop option has FreeDOS on it!

Several of the smaller  box-shifters who advertise in e.g. MicroMart
will supply a box with no OS. MD, opposite the hospital, has already
been mentioned. Also take a tour around Bowlers next Saturday :-)

Lastly, if it's for a VCO, we'll be giving hardware away with support


I got mine off eSys last year (they have several UK distributers). However, have a look at the famous list that Lxer and cyber_rigger have been accumulating for the past few months (listed as forum thread or as a database).


Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz, Ph.D. Candidate in Medical Biophysics
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