Not so long ago, links that are embedded in themes were discussed.
Particularly, links that went beyond crediting the author got flagged
as a possible 'grey area'. I just wanted to draw your attention to the
following item which has just reached NewsForge.
Linkware licenses can go awry
,----[ Snippet ]
| The other day I was browsing WordPress Planet and noticed a link to 31
| free WordPress themes from WordPress Diva. Of course, the "free" is as
| in beer, and the license requires that you display two links embedded in
| the theme "as long as the theme is in use." I don't mean to pick on Diva
| in particular, but I would like to illustrate why these sorts of
| "linkware" licenses, or licenses requiring reciprocal links, can be a
| bad idea.
| On the surface, it's not particularly onerous to ask a user to provide a
| link back to the person(s) who developed a theme or Web application.
| WordPress Diva, for example, is providing some nice-looking themes,
| and is only asking for a link back to theme's Web page and to another
| site promoting furniture. They're tiny, unobtrusive links at the bottom
| of the page, well out of the way. Why would this be a bad thing?