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Re: [wp-hackers] On Flooding Trac

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Captain's log. We received a signal from Lloyd Budd on StarDate
28/03/07 00:49. Translated to English it stated:
> On 3/27/07, Robert Deaton <false.hopes@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Can we get some warning or something before another trac flood like
>> we've been under? Keeping the trac mails in my inbox has had me
>> suffering trying to find anything else in my mail today, so it'd be
>> nice to at least have some warning or something to temporarily have
>> them automatically moved to a folder or something.
> Sorry about that. I will try to keep that in mind next time and
> provide at least a day's notice.
> My eyes are bursting out of my head from skimming all of these
> tickets. Almost done, and then I will leave it to you knowledgeable
> developers to tune it up.
> Thanks,
The Trac mailer did just what it was intended to do, which is to
inform about changes. As others have said, separating boxes is the key
here, then 'polling' to see the changes.

- --
        ~~ Best wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz, Ph.D. Candidate in Medical Biophysics
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