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Re: [wp-hackers] Happy New Year and Predictions

___/ On Sun 31 Dec 2006 23:58:09 GMT, [ Jeff Minard ] wrote : \___

Matt Mullenweg wrote:
* Daily spam will be 10x what it is today

Well now, aren't you just a bit conservative ;D

Probably so, IMHO.

The year 2007: A review through the crystal ball

,----[ Quote ]
| 2007 was the year of the super bots: Never before has malicious software
| been equipped with so many functions that help it to hide from antivirus
| software and to resist removal...
| While in 2006, DDoS attacks with botnets were mainly targeted at
| unwanted competitors, online betting offices and consumer protection
| sites, 2007 also saw large attacks launched on critical
| infrastructures. In April, the stock exchange nearly crashed,
| when a DDoS attack on the electronic trading system disconnected
| it from the Internet for several days, resulting in automated
| control programs loosing control and attempting to divest shares
| in a panic reaction.


Happy new year!

Roy S. Schestowitz
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