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Re: [wp-hackers] WordPress Architecture

___/ On Sun 18 Feb 2007 07:08:22 GMT, [ sai krishna ] wrote : \___


I was looking for wordpress design or architecture documentation on the net, but mostly it leads to the http://codex.wordpress.org/Blog_Design_and_Layout.

  Kindly, need your help in understanding Wordpress Architecture or Design.

  Thank You
  Sai Krishna


If you wish to see a dependencies chart (or function call chart), then you'll probably need to generate one yourself, using a PHP flow analysis tool. It could, however, be rather complex. I suggest that you learn the functions and files, as documented in the Codex, starting with the core files and going 'outwards'. This way you will get a feel for what's going on 'under the hood' (WordPress anatomy). You will know which file/function does what. Beyond this, I am not entirely sure what to suggest, but I advise that you do intra-file search using tools like GNUrep to identify code of interest. You could alternatively search the Codex for particular bits of the code. There is some description there about the structure/hierarchy, which is probably the most you can get.

As code evolves over time, there's nothing that beats experience and once you stop hacking, you'll forget variable names, function names, and find them removed, renamed, or relocated.

I hope this helps a little...

Roy S. Schestowitz
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