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Re: [wp-hackers] WP-Hackers Stats for April 2007

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Jamie Talbot wrote:
> About this, I've started to get quite a lot of spam coming to the email registered on this list.
> It's not used or advertised anywhere else on the web, but a quick google search results in 4
> results, all from these stats emails.  I've even had people contact me directly using my list email,
> looking for support instead of using the forums.  Not that it will make much difference to me at
> this point, can you please improve the obfuscation a bit more, or else remove me from the stats.  I
> think we're well past the point where 'username#domain.com' fooled any bots trawling Nabble.
> Cheers,
> Jamie.

Re: Improving Obfuscation

Security via obfuscation is useless and if we rely on it, the bots will
prevail (just like spam :)

I propose we overhaul Mailman and make it accept plaintext and encrypt
the messages on its server side to each of us via GPG :D

For instance:

Roy sends his monthly stats compilation in plain-text to

Mailman has each of our public keys and encrypts the entire convo with
each subscriber as a recipient.

We receive the message and decrypt it. Nabble butts its ugly head in,
and gets nothing but ciphertext. Same for all those nasty, evil,
necrophillic spam bots too :P

Case closed :D

- --
Computer Guru
NeoSmart Technologies
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)

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