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Re: [wp-hackers] Categories (or Widget) Resizing

On Sep 23, 2007, at 1:00 AM, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

I was wondering... one wonderful thing about WordPress is the ability
to adjust the size of the editing box in the "Write" page (via
ordinary settings). One thing that seems to be missing (short of
hacking at code level) is an option that facilitates change to the
size of various bits such as the Categories widget. When scrolling
through 100+ items to tick about 10, where only about 10 fit the
widget's boundaries at any one time, flexibility is lacking and
productivity is low.

The prevalence of 100+ category installs should drop once tags are bundled. Very few people actually have a well-maintained 100+ category hierarchy. People with that many categories have been use categories as a tagging system.

I am aware of Matt's resistance to making too many knobs available for
tweaking (let alone hidden configs, as Alex King proposed 2 years
ago), but can any such changes be considered for the trunk?

The size of that is set in CSS ... would be a one-line plugin to change it.

Plugin Name: Category Box Extender
Description: Increases the height of the category box to 400px on the posting screen
Version: 1.0
Author: Mark Jaquith
Author URI: http://markjaquith.com/

add_action('admin_head', create_function('', 'echo "<style type= \"text/css\">#categorychecklist{height:400px}</style>";'));


Mark Jaquith

Covered Web Services

WordPress Ninja @ b5media Inc

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