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Re: [wp-hackers] SolarisPress?

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| Counter that five-day-old techspot piece with the one from today:

| Basically... says they're not sure WHAT will happen with the "add ons".
| But the prior MySQL CEO notes that they already had plans for
| closed-source enterprise level stuff PRIOR to the Sun acquisition.

Yes, some months beforehand they offered a benchmarking addon, which was
proprietary. I am actually supportive of Sun -- don't get me wrong --
but they are likely to close bits of code that compel people to pay up
and justify Sun's investments. But not money is the issue here, but also
readjustment of the stack.

| so please let's not turn this into a bust-on-Sun thing, or a
| now-can-we-drop-mysql thing. ;)

Oh, no. I would never want to drop MySQL. Almost nobody would. However,
I can recall long discussions that took place here a couple of years ago
about facilitating more options (databases). Alex King maybe had a go at
it, but I can't recall for sure. In any event, there is more
justification for this now, especially if MySQL is no longer the
ultimate darling that can never do wrong. I could share here some recent
stories about Sun harming OSS projects.

- --
		~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz
http://Schestowitz.com  |  GNU/Linux  |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
Freelance journalist @ http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/
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