Thanks. I eventually decided to just use unix('nice matlab'). I can squeeze
some extra parameters in the input string, yet my worry is that the MATLAB
in its entirety is then slow, not only the long-running functions.
"Herbert Ramoser" <> wrote in message
> Roy S Schestowitz wrote:
> > Does anyone know if MATLAB has mechanisms that reduce the load on the
> > am sharing processors with others and I need to invoke functions so that
> > they operate in a more restricted mode.
> >
> > TIA
> >
> > Roy
> Within Matlab this requires writing a MEX file as Steve Amphlett has
> pointed out. An easier approach is to start Matlab with lower priortity
> using nice (Unix) or start (Windows). Alternatively you can use the task
> manager to reduce the priority of Matlab.
> -Herbert